Describe your perfect (realistic) #relationshipgoals with your pet. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-07-15 04:20:28 by Hotdogzew-Fiel

Nothing against horse guys, but I'm specifically talking about dogs in this case.

How's your dream dog, what's he look like? Any uh... talents you'd like to find in a mate? A big dumb dog you can take on adventures, or a routey mid dog that will treat you like a God.

I'd like a sharp doggo myself. Smart Protective, but gentle and calm. Maybe a good ol collie, or a hot rottie. I'd want to go running on the beach, then settle down for a few hours just lying there. I could escape my human life, job and friends, and just enjoy a pure relationship with my doggy best bud.

Share your perfect guy or girl, and what breed! Try to keep it realistic and based on actual dogs. Trust me we'd all want a big giant wolf to share a bed with but that just ain't happening haha

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2017-07-15 04:41:10

If I'm going for perfection, here's what I'd like: black labrador male, stocky build, can kiss for as long as you could ever want and then some, has dog breath without being overpoweringly bad. Polite with strangers and family, friendly and not at all jealous, able to learn a decent number of words and tricks, particularly useful ones like getting drinks from the fridge.

Also, though it's slightly fantastical (possible, just kind of difficult), I'd love to learn to dance with him in simple ways. Specifically, I'd love to be able to do a shot for shot remake of "That Face" from The Producers, because the moves are simple enough for a dog and it's such a romantic song.

silverwolf-tippysmat 7 points on 2017-07-15 11:14:13

I've already had mine in Tippy. Intelligent, loving, faithful, feminine yet strong willed, and really good looking, among so many other qualities. I think the herding breeds make the perfect lovers...


SCP_2547 4 points on 2017-07-15 13:30:31

I know you told me to be realistic, but...
Unrealistically, I'd live with a big (Probably female, because in this case I can reproduce with her. (Otherwise I may would have wanted a male.)) wolf/fox mix (but with the memories and mind of my current girl) in a big ass mansion and infinite money. She'd also have more humanlike intelligence. Not sure about that though, because I also like animal like behavior and such.
Life would be simple. I'd have pups with her, have quite the sex, romantic stuff, go to random places like beaches or forests, relax, etc.
Maybe I'd even have other animals roaming around in the mansion, or at least that I have the place and equipment for keeping animals. I'd love to have some wolves, foxes, horses and zebras.
I'm not sure if I'm monogamous or not really, but it'd be hard to keep myself from doing anything with the other animals. But since my partner may have humanlike intelligence and since she'd be the love of my life, I probably wouldn't.

Realistically, it's the same thing, minus the mansion, wolf/fox mix, infinite money, humanlike intelligence and pups, maybe even the exotic animals too.
I'd just have any kind of breed which looks like a fox or a wolf and don't care about their gender. Huskies, most shepherds, shiba inus etc. But what I'd really prefer is my own girl, which is a shepherd so I'd have no problem.
I just wish my life was really simple actually. Love, fuck, fun, relax, eat, play.
And hopefully I stray away from humans too. The only contact I'd have with them would probably in shops, on the internet or when playing an online game.

I wouldn't complain if this is how my life went: Wake up, snuggle with her, take a walk, breakfast, play videogames / spend time on computer, spend time with her, take a walk, eat dinner, play videogames / spend time on computer, spend time with her, take a walk, go to bed, have heavenly sex, sleep. Repeat.
That's pretty much what I'd like in a nutshell. Of course it could use some variety and I'd do some different things in between.
But this would be living life to the fullest to me and I would be so happy I think I'd really cry tears of joy.

Also, why was this thread so specific towards dog zoophiles? I mean, wouldn't it be interesting to know the answer of zoophiles who are attracted to other species?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-15 13:47:50


Hotdogzew-Fiel 1 point on 2017-07-15 19:09:21

I'd expand it to canids in general, because come on, foxes are sexy. It was mostly the "realistic" part I was getting at, which Is why I limited it to dogs. You can't exactly take your horse everywhere with you, or what other animals people are in to as easily as you can a dog.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-15 19:26:43

But you can't really take your fox with you either, or wolves for that matter. They might have a lot of similarities with dogs because they're related, but they are actually still very different in many ways.
Biggest difference is that they're way more feral than dogs, even wolves or ''domesticated'' foxes.
As for horses, well you can't take them exactly everywhere like dogs but you can still do enough things with them and horse zoos still have relationship goals and such. And of course zoos who are not attracted to equids or canids, as I find it a bit sad to leave them out. But whatever, your choice, I guess.

OnzaZ 2 points on 2017-07-15 13:34:01

Let's see some big malamute, active/quiet mix (quiet at home, active outside), male, strong, clean and that let himself get cleaned, loves cuddles, loves kisses, well behaved; gentle during sex.

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2017-07-15 18:31:17

I'd have a male dog who looks like this, ideally. He'd be medium-large, love to cuddle and kiss, and be relaxed and friendly with people. I'd feed him the best food I could, so he'd be muscular and have perfect white teeth, and the sweetest breath.

Sex isn't the most important thing, but I'd want him to be unneutered of course. He'd be a passionate lover, with good stamina. Slightly assertive, too. There's nothing I love more than some gentle biting while a dog is mating with me.

I'd also like him to be trustworthy off leash, so we could go hiking together and he could run with me while I mountain bike. We would go everywhere together. :)

Maybe someday...

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-15 19:44:26

Oh my, I've seen that one before. What breed are they?
I sadly never knew what breed they were.

As for being trustworthy off leash, I wish that was also true for me.
Especially because my girl has prey drive of a wild animal. She'll drag me along the street if she sees a bunny. And sadly that's very common.
Makes sense, because she's a shepherd, really loves sheep too.

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2017-07-15 20:46:23

He's a pomeranian-husky mix, surprisingly. Not sure how big he is, but my god he's beautiful.

TheShotmeister ΞΆ 2 points on 2017-07-15 20:31:23

Well I have a thing for german girls ;) So a female german shepherd, with medium long fur, maybe white (so she could also be a swiss shepherd)

She should be able to walk with me without a leash. Then we could go camping together in the forest. She should love cuddles and just laying with me, so I would prefer if is nice and calm. Thats also a bonus when we are out and around others.

As for sex, then I dont have much to add I think. I would just be happy if she wanted to do it with me :)

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 3 points on 2017-07-15 23:35:02

Guess I'm in the minority with my preference for short fur! My next dog plans are either a Greyhound or Boston Terrier. I'd like a dog I can do sports with, I'm really interested in dock diving, lure coursing, agility, and weight pull (though a greyhound probably wouldn't do that one lol). I really love purebred American Pit Bull Terriers but I'd rather have a dog who gets along with other dogs and cats for now, and also don't want to have to stress about the problems renting with a bull breed when I move out. But someday! I like dogs who are smart but are still relatively easy to train and have lots of drive.

But yeah greyhounds and Bostons are the ones that most fit what I'm looking for as far as temperament, energy level, and drive. I'm looking for a good dog first and partner second. If we end up having that connection, great! If not, that's cool too. I want a great dog I can do fun things with and already have some breeders in mind whenever I'm ready for that in a few years.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2017-07-16 07:10:38

I'd have a couple medium-large male mutts I'd go hiking with. I'd do a bunch of trick and utility training with them, well at least as much as we'd both have the patience for. If it was allowed, I'd take them to work. We'd all share a bed, ideally. Sex is optional, the companionship is the most important part for me.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 2 points on 2017-07-16 15:14:16

i just want a big cuddly pupper who loves playing. That's perfect enough for me