How to strip the denial away?... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-07-17 12:54:36 by [deleted]


30-30 amator equae 8 points on 2017-07-17 14:10:10

My sexual orientation I see somewhat neutral; yes, zoophilia is harder to cope with and integrate into one´s everyday life than many other orientations, but well, that´s the cards that have been dealt to me and I have to play with ´em , whether I like it or not.

And guess only takes some dedication to lead a good life, even as a zoo. Get a decent payed job, rent a flat or buy a house if you can afford it, buy an animal that you can connect to, draw the curtains and lock the voila, there you have it. Not exactly complicated, isn´t it? But you surely gotta get rid of that passivity, sitting behind your computer screen all day won´t get you have to plan your future diligently, but then, it´s really no witchcraft that´s needed to create an environment in which you can freely live and love with your quadruped companion.

I´ve heard so many complaints about "It´s probably never gonna happen, I cannot...", I get a little tired from this drama...look, man, there´s a saying: "People WITH dedication will find ways....people without will find excuses!"

If you really want this, start planning your future now. Try to imagine a situation that makes you feel comfortable and then, try to make it a reality. If you´re an adult and living alone, no one will keep you from buying an animal. Especially you dog people should be grateful; you don´t need to buy lots of land or stables, you don´t need to change your lives much with a dog at your side...try imagining being a horse zoo, just for a second...

If things are truly like you described and you are "destined to fall in love with animals", I really wonder how someone can not pursue what he obviously sees as his destiny. In retrospective, I´d say that you could have placed a whole army between me and horses...doesn´t matter, I belong to them anyway and would have forced my way through any obstacle, I had no choice, horses are my destiny. I gladly accept all the public disgust and hate towards zoophilia, I gladly accept the secrecy that is obligatory with zoophilia, I gladly accept anything...but without horses, I won´t live long.After the death of my longtime mare partner, I went through 6 months without a horse by my side and I have to say it was absolutely horrible, almost torture for me. The idea of voluntarily giving up on loving a mare without any exact reason but lack of dedication and pure passivity just seems so outlandish and weird to me...

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-17 15:32:47

The practicalities can be solved indeed, however it's more myself, and my worry not to be reciprocated; actually I could get a dog tomorrow if I wanted, it's just, me being unsure not to fuck things up, not to be loved back, things not going as expected, etc..., and I care a lot of animals, to just go on randomly.

try imagining being a horse zoo, just for a second

I'm more of a horse zoo than a dog zoo, and more of a big cat zoo than a horse zoo; however I've grown some flexibility, due to practical and realism reasons. Well I was a child then and loved cats, so it happened. But since I'm not species exclusive, it's fine I guess. Also my oldest friend that I found since I was a kid is a horse zoo, I suppose it's thanks to him that I'm partly a horse zoo, and we used to talk a lot then, so I guess I understand what it's like, and well, it took me some time to imagine myself with a dog, but I suppose they can match better since their behavior is what matters more.

Also don't just downplay yourself like that, you had a huge advantage and that is being German; I had my difficulties too, let's just say today I'm glad I have clean water and food; what I have achieved now, moving to europe for a person with only a passport, and living in several countries including your own, has been quite an achievement for me, finding a high skilled job, a network of entrepeneurs, and having a place to live where I don't have to worry about gunshots or assaults anymore, and I don't have to worry about the army (which is funny when you talk about a whole army, well I had issues with them... well most people did anyway...), and I don't have to see animals nor people starving anymore. I'm used to deal with trouble, very hard situations, imagine being a runaway teenager that has to run from your own country but you have no money nor support from anyone.

Simply put, active working for something only works when you have a clear objective in mind, I don't have any clarity in my mind, the barriers are in my mind and my own fears, which is why the question talks about denial and not practicalities, I hate being a zoo and I don't know if or why it's my thing, but I have been so since I have memory, it should be clear, but I just hate it. In fact I'm not whining, I'm probably more angry at myself, for being unsure, I have no fucking clue if I should pursue this; if the animal doesn't love me like I would, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, because I'll give everything to him. Nothing would hurt me more than not being reciprocated.

I went through 6 months without a horse by my side and I have to say it was absolutely horrible

I feel you, I read your post.

And that's something else I fear, attachment, I have never been attached to anything, not even to my own life, I would always fight back, that's what has allowed me to go through shit; but if you suddenly give me a reason to live and someone to love, I'm screwed, I have a weak point.

This is why in my other question I was wondering because the only thing I know how to do well is to be a coldblooded powertaker; I love none, I don't give a shit about anyone, I trust none, I just keep moving; that allows me to be strong, but give me a partner, and that shatters, I'll become soft, less ambitious, more likely to get hurt by other people, and I'll just want to hang out with him every day and forget everything else. This scares me, imagine when losing him, imagine something happens to him or imagine someone damages him.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-17 16:59:10

If you really want this, start planning your future now. Try to imagine a situation that makes you feel comfortable and then, try to make it a reality.

30-30 is so right on this.
And guess what happens if this reality isn't reality after all?
Suddenly, you'll realize something won't happen. You know how awesome you feel after you basically spent years preparing and learning about something, but then realize it'll never happen?
Depression really is awesome. Trust me, I have experience.
Oh excuse me, that didn't sound so serious, did it? You know what? Don't get your hopes up.
Don't fall for blind optimism, and if you do, dissapointment will ever hit you ten times as hard.
Look at it in a realistic way and you'll get trough life, unless you like risking depression.
Luck will fuck your life over. You cannot prevent bad luck, and taking precautions will barely do anything.
You either realize that when you experience it or when you learn it from someone else. Trust me, you don't want to experience it yourself.

Wait a sec. Hey, watch out for 30-30, alright? He can get too overboard with this.
It's amusing how he printed his ''I belong with the horses.'' message out. That's a trap, in case you didn't know.
He's just putting springkles on it to make it all seem easier and better.
Yeah, he told me the same things once... Heh, pretty funny... Yeah, now that I think about it it really isn't.
''You'll surely get there.'' Yup, that happened. Totally did. Yes.

Oh, this caught me eye:

I'm sleep deprived

Hahaha yeah... see you in therapy some day.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-17 17:43:18

WTF???? this makes no sense.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-17 18:06:40

It does, just don't get your hopes up.
Don't be blindly optimistic if you don't want to hurt yourself.
Luck may screw you over in many ways. I'm just warning you.
But if you can't read then enjoy your future. Don't complain if you end up unhappy some day.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-17 18:09:50

Wait why, what?... how does that relate to zoo, I'm confused, this seem to be a rather generic thinking. How the hell am I supposed to enjoy the future anyway?... it's not happening. Arg... this makes so little sense.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-17 18:49:36

Okay, you're pretending that my message doesn't make sense.
You could've just ignored it if you don't agree with me.
You can easily know what I have been talking about, especially because I quoted something he said and responded to it.
Enjoy your future. And good ''luck.''

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-17 22:57:29


silverwolf-tippysmat 2 points on 2017-07-17 20:20:49

You cannot know what will happen nor make something happen between you and another. There is the exact same amount of question when beginning or trying to begin a "normal" relationship as there is in a zoo one. The thing is, you also can't know in advance what won't happen either.

You can hate yourself and force yourself to change, only to find the same uncertainties exist.

Or you can accept how you are, and take a chance. Maybe your first try will fail, maybe not. The only problem is, unlike a human/ human relationship, if it fails you are still responsible for anothers life and well-being. However, you might just grow from that, and become the kind of zoo the animal does want. Only time can tell. Even one that doesn't love you romantically will love you unconditionally though. A dog or horse doesn't know any different.

Just my opinion, silverwolf

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-17 21:18:51

Well honestly if I succeed on that, I'd just be so happy; I probably wouldn't be able to ever think again on humans. I honestly just love animals so damn much, it's hard to control, it makes me shed tears. fuck I hate this.

but you know it's all about chances, chances are just an ugly thing to deal with.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-17 23:07:38


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-17 23:36:40

but you know it's all about chances, chances are just an ugly thing to deal with.

That's what I've been saying all this time in this thread.

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-07-18 00:07:00

Chances and choices in my opinion. We choose to live miserably or maybe, just maybe, die happy...

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-18 00:45:02

I'm not sure what you're saying, but if it's that effort can really change your life then you are right. But they aren't choices, that's for sure.
All the effort I've put in everything always went to waste, so I only have a horrible life because I tried. If I didn't try in the first place, I may would have had some energy, patience and happiness left.
Everything is always a fucking game of luck. I hate luck so much that if it was a living being, I would revolve my life around torturing that piece of shit.
How great to see others have things without any effort, yet I can't have things with so much effort that I tire myself out so much that I'm sick of everything.
I work on my dreams to come true, yet they never did come true. Only three dreams ever came true in a way, and one of them isn't even complete.
If all of this was a choice, then I'm probably the worst being to ever exist if I chose this fate. You can work you ass off all you want but it won't do shit.
But I know one thing, one thing that is for sure, and I won't die happy. And I know why I will die.
You've already had it good... You've had it all already, of course you say all this... Even I'd say the same if I were you...
Don't give false hope to others unless you want them to suffer.

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-07-18 12:44:41

I'm not denying luck, just saying you can take the chance to trust luck, or not. Taking the chance is a choice. Look at the other options if you don't make that choice, and see what you are choosing. Is it better than trusting in luck?

It doesn't sound to me that the other options are working for you. No false hope, only reality. Choosing luck, good or bad, may give you a different outcome than what you suffer now.

No more than that in my words, and none more intended.


OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-18 05:57:15

Well I don't think chances are choices, there are many things that are by chance; getting a scholarship, getting a visa, finding a job. Etc... what you can do is increase the odds of success but they won't stop being chances.

However SCP is kinda angry for having bad luck himself, and I'm not even sure if to call that bad luck since most people have average luck because that's how probabilities work.

For instance pretty much everyone knows that I'm zoo, it's kinda crappy but I tend to speak this shit up when I'm sleep deprived, but somehow, not a single one, not a single person has rejected me for that; they don't care, or support it, yes, support from non-zoos, I have never gotten any discrimination or rejection, it all seems too good. So how come this happens?... I have not an exact clue, but I suppose things are a reflection of who you are.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-18 05:33:18


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-17 22:44:23


Lefthandedsock 3 points on 2017-07-18 04:08:10

I feel the same way. I would love to just have a good relationship with a human. To be attracted to humans the way I am to dogs. But I fear it won't happen.

I hope you find a way to accept it or live with it.