Is there anyone here who isn't caucasian? I just want to break the stereotype. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-07-23 08:24:27 by UntamedAnomaly

Considering I, myself am not white, I find it hilarious when other people of color (and even white people) say that being a zoo or fucking animals is a "white people thing". I like sending those people a picture of my zeta tattoo on my not white skin just to fuck with them. I wish reddit had a poll maker or something along those lines, because this would be better asked in that format, I just want to know I'm not the only one.

OnzaZ 4 points on 2017-07-23 08:30:55

Well I'm white colored, but not western I'm from the south; which according to the "white standard" makes me non-white, because I have native american blood; you can see that in my hair. I'm also transgender sooo... more "privilege points" for me XD

Zeta tattoo o.O

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-07-23 09:05:25

Lol, I too am also trans.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-23 10:07:31

WAT.... no way... MtF or FtM, are you zoo too?

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-07-23 19:36:40

I'm agender/non-binary actually and yes I'm zoo, although not zoo exclusive.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-23 19:38:06

I'm actually MtF... I do take hormones too. c: kinda zoo-exclusive, more zoo than anthrosexual. XD

Lateoss Wuz gud 4 points on 2017-07-23 09:27:41

My skin is only barely darker than white, although im not caucasian. My heritage is mostly South American, but honestly my family kinda comes from all over the place o_O. Of the very limited number of zoos who have (for whatever reason) told me their skin tone, I know at least one who is black, hooray for diversity...

On a more productive note, u/Battlecrops survey actually asked people about what their ethnicities were. The survey reads that 76.1% of survey participants self-identified as "white", 6.3% self-identified as "mixed race", and no other ethnicities amounted to more than 3% individually.

Although this would be reasonable suspicion for fucking animals being a "white people thing", I would like to remind you that the survey was only available in english, and passed on by Battlecrops personally only to a limited number of english-speaking sites. This means that ethnic groups that do not primarily speak english probably wouldnt find out about the survey, making the data slightly invalid. The only real discontinuity to this concept is that the number of self-identified "black" individuals is much less than the comparable percentage of the US population that is black (1.7% to 14%). Although might have to do with the fact that there is a much lower percentage of black individuals in Europe, which would be the other primary receiver of the survey.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2017-07-23 09:33:43

I am white, but just giving my 2 cents. From my own experience and from the results of surveys like the one /u/battlecrops did the online vocal self-identified zoo community is overwhelmingly white and male. This doesn't mean that it's a 'white people thing', I'd be willing to bet that the proportion of people attracted to animals is going to be similar across races, but for whatever reason white dudes are a lot more likely to be vocal about it.

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2017-07-23 15:23:21

I can't speak for anyone else, but in my case, the reason is partly political: I am, to all outward appearances, a member of the dominant culture of my country, and as such am more likely to pass unnoticed even if I behave somewhat oddly. I speak out because, to be frank, I think someone has to and I am in a good position to do so. People of color have enough problems with worries about the police and other institutions without dealing with zoo stuff on top of it.

SCP_2547 -5 points on 2017-07-23 19:36:30

People of color have enough problems with worries about the police and other institutions without dealing with zoo stuff on top of it.

And I thought I wore a tinfoil hat.
All aboard on the bullshit train everybody.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-23 21:44:03

Racial profiling is a common occurrence in many places.

SCP_2547 -1 points on 2017-07-24 02:11:09

And so is playing a victim.
My country is so lovely. Say one thing a foreigner doesn't like: RACIST!!! RACIST!!! RACIST!!!
Got into a fight with a fool once because my dog was ''dangerous'' and when my mom, who is funny enough a racist herself, said something non-racist and immediately the muslim blew herself up claiming it was racist. Her kids even tried to bait my girl into going on the road so she'd die. Only proves how they're all just trying to play the victim because she was claiming the kids were scared. My fucking ass, trying to kill an animal. Almost as if it's part of their religion. Oh wait...
She deserved that spit in the face, I'm glad male muslims usually allow to beat their wives (just wish it was the other way around too), because she dimmed down after that.
And it's funny, that's not even the definition of racist. Many really don't understand it, sadly. For me it's mostly now for symbol of jokes or trying to pull the victim card. I can barely even take it seriously any more because it's either used as a joke or being abused to play as a victim.
Hahaha yeah, sure. I think humans like them are the real problem here.
Maybe if they'd shut up for once and not throw the racist card around for everything...
I bet OP hasn't even been in such a situation, unless OP has many fictional stories to tell.
You know what's funny? Again, this community allows this whining but not mine.
OP's just looking to be a saddo right now. It's quite irrelevant to bring up, even. Again, another thread similar like the other...
If you want to be treated as a king, get into a boat, go to europe, claim you're a refugee and then you're done. You get to complain about everything: The free food, the free iPads, the free homes.
I'm just sick of such humans. Even though it sounds stupid: But apparently they're allowed to complain about everything, but I can't. That is discrimination. When something is sex-related, all rules and thoughts are scrambled.
Hey have a look, one of the thousands of reasons why I hate this species!

Double fucking standards.
Good job humanity. You're so animal-like, except you have the features of animals that I probably dislike the most.

IAmAZoophile 1 point on 2017-07-24 03:22:00

If you want to be treated as a king, get into a boat, go to europe, claim you're a refugee and then you're done. You get to complain about everything: The free food, the free iPads, the free homes.

I'd love for you to give this a shot and see what happens.

SCP_2547 -1 points on 2017-07-24 03:50:07

I would, but I don't want any of these things.
Sorry, but I'm white so I guess my life is basically a cakewalk and all humans of other races are treated like shit compared to me, right?
Yep, that's secretly the point of this thread. (And wanting attention.)
So yeah, they wouldn't believe it anyways if a white dude showed up on the shore because of racism and such, huh?
And I thought my dark hair, dark eyes and more yellowish skin would disguise me as an asian. I guess not, shit it's hard for me to hide my true whiteness :(.

IAmAZoophile 2 points on 2017-07-24 04:04:10

No one is making any of the points you're arguing against.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-24 07:55:31

What has been discussed is based on statistical probabilities.

Statistically, white ethnicities are generally better off.

That doesn't mean there aren't individuals that are not well off, and nobody would lay claim to the assertion that all whites, especially white males, were better off in every scenario. As with all things, many meet the mold, others don't, and there is variation depending on where you are. Either way, those variations don't mean you're suddenly a victim or someone else is a victim automatically. They're just facts of the matter.

That is the common understanding surrounding this issue. Note that I consider myself white as well.

Sometimes things are just that simple.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-07-24 06:38:55

I'm glad male muslims usually allow to beat their wives

And I'm outta here

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2017-07-24 01:16:50

I don't need a tin foil hat to notice that people of color get stopped more and searched more in the U.S.. Nor do I need one to notice that they tend to receive longer sentences for the same crime..

I'll grant that some of these problems are exaggerated or made worse by activists like Black Lives Matter because, for example, black people are more likely both to be shot by police and to shoot at police than white people, on average. But this does not automatically mean that there are no racial disparities in the criminal justice system, and thus reason to fear police action in these circumstances.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-07-24 00:45:46

Yeah, I feel this is going to play into it for a lot of people, whether they consciously think about it than not. The subtle cultural differences also probably play a part.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-07-23 10:01:26

What exactly does having a zeta tattoo prove? Wearing a zeta tattoo makes you an "approved" zoophile the same way as wearing a Latin proverb lettering makes you a Roman...anyone with a few dollars can walk into the next scratcher´s parlor and get such a design, as far as I know there is no sexuality test you have to undergo before you can get a zeta.

From what information one can gather in several "zoo" forums, including the vast archive of animal pornography, I´d say that fucking animals indeed is a "white people thing". 90 - 95 % of people into this self define as "white". Even if you subtract all those fetishists, animal porn fiends and thrillseekers, zoophilia is indeed predominantly "white".

OnzaZ 2 points on 2017-07-23 10:18:58

From my experience I know less white people into zoo, or actually bestiality to be more exact I don't know how they see it romantically; but what I've found is that they are less likely to admit it, some of them don't even have access to the internet. IRL I've found myself with more hispanic zoos than anything, but that must be because I speak spanish. And with the donkey-fucking tradition going around, hell. Even when not romantic.

I think that we have just affected our results with the fact that the tests are in english, and most people that are around sex forums tend to have higher testosterone levels. Plus the fact most of the non-white world tends to be highly religious and more conservative, and many equine zoos (specially in third world countries) don't even have access to the internet, and that's the majority of the world as internet access is less common than you might think. so If our demographics are white male, of course our results will be white male, in order to do a proper test you'll need to run it in the general population, and even so it's hard for people to be honest; that's how it seems that the rates of gay and bisexual people have skyrocketed since it became legal and accepted; but go to another country and see how you would get 0% homosexuality.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-07-23 20:36:17

This so called donkey fucking "tradition" isn´t one, to be frank. Even the VICE report says it is only ONE village that engages in this... By the way, "Hispanics" often have one or more European ancestors in their family tree...maybe in Hispanic bestialists and zoos, the "white genetics" come through...;)

The "access to internet" argument also is bogus; even Africa has reached an internet penetration of about 30%...even the poorer countries of Asia are connected these days. India, to name just the most prominent example... Worldwide access to internet in total as of the 31th of may this year, slightly about 50 %.

By the way, with this "subtractive" logic you are pushing into the debate, what do you say about all of the white,caucasian folks who are NOT participating in any "zoo" forum on purpose? I know at least 35 zoos and bestialists who are avoiding any online activity, all of them are of caucasian origins...if we count in all the hypothetical non whites, why don´t we do it alike with the vast number of whites who just don´t give a fuck about some illusionary online "community" and won´t ever appear in one of "our " forums?

If we pull out the good old Occam´s razor here and try to see things less complicated, why not just accept that zoophilia and bestiality are "white things"? I´m surely not exactly proud of that as a white guy myself, but that won´t stop me from accepting the obvious. Caught fencehoppers...I´ve not seen any non white person´s mug shot yet... Animal porn? Non whites rarely appear in it, besides the usual "Hot Latina gets screwed by pooch" stuff that´s aimed at the non zoo main target audience.

The "it´s hard for people to be honest" argument: Just no. It isn´t hard to "confess" your sexuality to anonymous people, staying anonymous yourself. With possibilities to protect your identity with a simple , single click, this argument isn´t one...

Finally I just have to ask why the origins of "zoos" do matter so much for you? What difference does it make to you what heritage your fellow "zoo" has?

OnzaZ 2 points on 2017-07-23 21:07:14

I don't know much of what VICE says about it, I was just from the same area this happened and actually met a dude into it; however vice idea is quite wrong, it's not one village, it's an area the size of a country that goes from colombia to venezuela and most likely ecuador and panama, and it's huge; immense; even bigger than germany.

However I'd not be so hyped, these donkeys are not well treated nevertheless, and it's more "in lack of other alternative" bestialism, also most kids don't take part of it, it's more teens and adults, but they like to joke about it and I'm pretty sure they'd do it to the news because it's not much taboo. Romanticism is the taboo part, but it's usually joked about.

I'm pretty sure you'll be mad about it, plus feeling romantic about it can give you a lot of problems, which is how I mentioned you could end up burned alive; I honestly don't know how to think about such people either, I'm not sure what is going on other than it really happens. It's like rare bestiality events are accepted because men need release but not zoophilia.

And I mean even anonymous people won't admit it, plus without access to resources many of them don't even know what to consider themselves to be. They are denied themselves.

Thing is that you are white and are in contact with mostly white people, in my experience it seems rather balanced; at least if we include the bestialists. It could be that zoophilia with the love part is a white thing, must be because animals are more appreciated than in these cultures, donkeys are virtually abused in these areas, but the sexual attraction alone, seems rather high to me in non-white countries.

By the way internet penetration of 30% is not the same as private, which you wouldn't use for zoo stuff, I didn't have private internet until I was 18, before it used to be internet cafes only the ones that could access the internet, also most homes would barely have one family computer; it was slow as fuck. Checking for zoo is the least thing you'd think about, specially if you were worried to get caught, so you never know an poll is being carried to start with. You don't mind either, just like your 35 zoos and bestialists who avoid online activity, many of them do too.

And honestly pretty much all the bestialists I met there were quite disgusting. No big loss. Honestly I'm glad I moved. :) europe is a better place to be zoo, and you don't see abused and dead animals all the time.

PS. Oh yeah lol, it's actually a population that is mostly white, because native americans were virtually anhilated; and even native american descents are as white as paper, like me, because of the white majority. It's only african descents that are morenos, but the majority remains white. Hey but the donkeyfucker of the other day was black, so there's that.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-28 20:16:48


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-07-23 10:06:32

It's probably much more homologous between races than it would seem. The bias toward white males openly divulging these traits may speak more to a global socioeconomic dynamic that would predispose most women and non-white ethnicities against discussing or disclosing it on the internet.

OnzaZ 2 points on 2017-07-23 10:47:03

Agree :o

Plus don't forget that non-western communities (where western communities are the white majority, and mostly white) tend to be more conservative, I think this plays a huge factor on who would admit it, or dare to actually perform it.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-23 11:38:10

Yeah, and as a few others said, the language barrier. Pretty much every race speaks english in some capacity, but it's still a predominantly white language.

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-07-23 19:39:50

I also have to wonder about privilege and class too. It takes a lot of money to take care of animals properly, most people who aren't white men struggle more financially. Most of the struggling people not only can't take care of animals financially, they live in apartments, or places where animals are not allowed, or they don't live in a house that has enough room for a larger animal, such as a horse.

I myself can't afford a dog, or I'd have one in a heartbeat. Instead I have a cat who I'm not active with, but feel an extremely strong attachment to as if I had a dog partner. It's just a non-sexual relationship. I can barely afford to take care of him and myself.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-07-23 20:46:32

And what about all those "privileged white men" who cannot afford a pet, too? And this "living in places where animals aren´t allowed"....that´s the most lame excuse I´ve ever heard, from non white "zoos", but from a big bunch of white "zoos", too...I hope I won´t have to share the wisdom that you can MOVE to another place that allows keeping animals.

Lots of selective "truths" in here...

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-07-23 22:17:28

And what about all those "privileged white men" who cannot afford a pet, too?

Untamed never said they didn't exist. The negative correlation is still there, though.

And this "living in places where animals aren´t allowed"....that´s the most lame excuse I´ve ever heard, from non white "zoos", but from a big bunch of white "zoos", too...I hope I won´t have to share the wisdom that you can MOVE to another place that allows keeping animals.

Restructuring your life around your sexuality as you did isn't always the best path, either.

Oh, and moving isn't free. Closing costs, if you're taking out a loan there's the down payment for that(plus you get to pay interest and have potentially decades of debt now), the time investment for finding a home, paying movers or renting a moving a truck, the immense amount of time spent packing... It adds up, and if you don't have the money and your job doesn't give you the time, it's not an option.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-07-24 10:28:51

Regarding the "white privileged" ones, I was just pointing out that OP "...just wants to break the stereotype"....with other stereotypes that are obviously in OP´s head.

"Restructuring your life around your sexuality (...) isn´t always the best path..." Uhm, what? For anyone who really is a zoophile, restructuring life around sexuality is the only viable path to go... If you really feel it deep inside your heart, and not your groin, you practically have no other choice but to restructure your life, sacrificing some of your comforts on the way to your destination. What other goal has a bigger priority in life than being happy? When I was in my teens, I realised that I only could be happy when I have a mare by my side...doesn´t matter if I have to live in a trailer...or a friggin´ cave, doesn´t matter if I have thousands of friends or not a single one. But maybe that´s the difference between me and many other "zoophiles"; I am willing to WORK for my happiness, I happily sacrifice less important parts of my life for what matters the most for me, horses. Again, it all boils down to one word: dedication. The undedicated find excuses, the dedicated will find ways. Zoophilia is a personality test, a very weird way.

Moving surely isn´t free, but I don´t hope you´ll create an awareness group for people who cannot afford to move...;) Well, jokes aside, unequal distribution of wealth (and that´s what this is about) is a problem , but it´s not a problem solely for zoos who cannot afford to move to "animal fuck heaven", but for the entire global population, minus the few millions living in luxury. Time, work and money (what is a tautology, because today, time = work = money) are factors, but that is a systemic problem of our recent global finanical and political Bakunin and Kropotkin...two old and dead Russians president Annoying Orange should collude with...;)

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-07-24 11:25:37

Regarding the "white privileged" ones, I was just pointing out that OP "...just wants to break the stereotype"....with other stereotypes that are obviously in OP´s head.

We do have evidence about this(regarding socioeconomic racial conditions), though, and it does support his claims. Especially in certain parts of the US.

For anyone who really is a zoophile, restructuring life around sexuality is the only viable path to go... If you really feel it deep inside your heart, and not your groin, you practically have no other choice but to restructure your life, sacrificing some of your comforts on the way to your destination. What other goal has a bigger priority in life than being happy? When I was in my teens, I realised that I only could be happy when I have a mare by my side...doesn´t matter if I have to live in a trailer...or a friggin´ cave, doesn´t matter if I have thousands of friends or not a single one. But maybe that´s the difference between me and many other "zoophiles"; I am willing to WORK for my happiness, I happily sacrifice less important parts of my life for what matters the most for me, horses. Again, it all boils down to one word: dedication. The undedicated find excuses, the dedicated will find ways. Zoophilia is a personality test, a very weird way.

Some people don't want that, and have other priorities that supercede their sexuality to a sufficient extent that they're fine with shouldering that burden. Dedication to ones' sexuality is one thing, but some people have convictions and ambitions that outweigh their loins, need for relations, or even their prospects of happiness, strange as that may sound. I know I'd be willing to suffer if it meant finishing my independent research, and I have suffered for it already despite the personal hardship that may follow. It won't bring me happiness and is more likely to cause personal harm if my research pans out. Plenty of people are of a like mind, and many of those would find abstaining from this to be a reasonable cost.

As you said, making sacrifices in the name of what is most important to you helps you nurture, advance, and develop it. That needn't be a partner, though. It could be a research project, starting a successful business, living a life of philanthropy... the list goes on. Of course, it can be a partner, as a fair number of the people here would attest to readily, but there are always other elements and motivations to honor.

Moving surely isn´t free, but I don´t hope you´ll create an awareness group for people who cannot afford to move...;) Well, jokes aside, unequal distribution of wealth (and that´s what this is about) is a problem , but it´s not a problem solely for zoos who cannot afford to move to "animal fuck heaven", but for the entire global population, minus the few millions living in luxury.

Unlike two human partners, however, the nonhuman animal in a zoo relationship isn't generating any income as a general rule, and even if it did through production of products like milk, eggs, wool, or what have you, that income would still pale in comparison to two humans. That's before getting into the added benefits of marriage in most places. That there is a problem exclusive to zoos. There's no shared income, shared responsibilities, etc. Living as the sole human in a household means shouldering a great deal of burden already, even moreso if you're having to work two jobs to handle basic expenses. Having a nonhuman animal partner, or even just a small pet, can make the difference between a house of cards falling or holding.

Time, work and money (what is a tautology, because today, time = work = money) are factors, but that is a systemic problem of our recent global finanical and political system

Yeah, one that will only get worse if there isn't restructuring in the future. Lots of jobs on the out, permanently, and optimization means less people could do the same amount of work in the same amount of time. It will be addressed in time, though I fear that time may arrive too late for many people. Quite the debacle we have ourselves in, especially given how people react to the concept of others living comfortably without jobs.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-07-24 13:37:18

Do you think my LOINS tell me to rearrange my life? It´s my HEART that does this....

"Some people don´t want that, and have other priorities..." ...yeah, talking about dedication...if this isn´t your top priority, don´t complain about not getting it. But maybe that´s just the generation conflict here, when I was raised, I was told that you can have your fair share of this world, but you have to show some dedication and have to be willing to work for it. Not the "Here we are now, entertain us" attitude that is so common these days. The infantilisation of mankind seems to advance....

I could have studied and would possibly be making 4 - 8 times of the money I make now, I could lead a life driving expensive limousines, wearing expensive suits and shoes etc....I could have had all the conveniences and comforts of modern life, but here I stand, forking horse manure, spending my days on fields and pastures, delivering hay to riding clubs, driving a Lamborghini....tractor to flatten the riding hall´s sand floor, my hands are sprinkled with thick skin from daily hard manual labour...

But it all is worth is because I wanted horses around me.The six months I was alone, I wasn´t suffering from "no sex with mare", I made love with my Hannover mare almost every day and probably had enough "sexy time" for two lives, I was suffering because the fixation point of my life was gone. In these six months, I wasn´t missing sex....I was missing a reason to live, to get up every morning. There certainly was lots of despair for losing my soulmate, but what topped that was the massive onslaught of feeling emptiness, without direction, without goals. Dead astronaut in space, as Marilyn Manson put it...

I really hope you get my point here. If you want it, you have to get up from your couch, leave your comfy zone and make things happen...even if it costs you and you can end up leading another life than what you imagined yours would be. I never thought I´d be a farmer someday, but here I am, making my hands dirty every day, but with four amazing equine ladies with gorgeous personalities just standing around the corner.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-24 15:36:10

Do you think my LOINS tell me to rearrange my life? It´s my HEART that does this....

I said it's a bit of A & B in that post, " loins, need for relations". Need for relations is love/romance, but that may only be recognized by native English speakers. It was among my more nuanced writing, so I apologize if there was some confusion caused by that.

if this isn´t your top priority, don´t complain about not getting it. But maybe that´s just the generation conflict here, when I was raised, I was told that you can have your fair share of this world, but you have to show some dedication and have to be willing to work for it. Not the "Here we are now, entertain us" attitude that is so common these days. The infantilisation of mankind seems to advance....

He didn't really complain, though. He was using a real life example to add context to the discussion... Like you are right now.

I could have studied and would possibly be making 4 - 8 times of the money I make now, I could lead a life driving expensive limousines, wearing expensive suits and shoes etc....

This is more of a nitpick, mind, but wealth is not an appearance. I live and work alongside people of considerable wealth, and... you wouldn't be able to tell(I would be wealthy myself if I decided to stop funding my own research but I'm just as likely to do that as I am to cut off my own hand). They're scientists, granted, so maybe they don't care about appearances as much because they're somehow really boring, but alot of the people I work with are frugal. They're wealthy because they don't spend their money. The women I work with don't even wear makeup for the most part. Of course, there are a few more... extravagant characters here and there, but most of them are just as likely to hone in on clearance racks as the next person, if not more so. Turns out the secret to wealth is spending it like you don't have wealth.

I could have had all the conveniences and comforts of modern life, but here I stand, forking horse manure, spending my days on fields and pastures, delivering hay to riding clubs, driving a Lamborghini....tractor to flatten the riding hall´s sand floor, my hands are sprinkled with thick skin from daily hard manual labour...

Modern conveniences come in many shades. Imagine having to use simple steel tools to flatten out that sand, for instance. Or me irradiating plants to create a new product instead of using CRISPR (I know you guys probably aren't terribly familiar with this, but crispr is basically the first truly sophisticated approach to gene editing, it's faster, more reliable, and cheaper than anything before it. Look it up if you have time).

But it all is worth is because I wanted horses around me.The six months I was alone, I wasn´t suffering from "no sex with mare", I made love with my Hannover mare almost every day and probably had enough "sexy time" for two lives, I was suffering because the fixation point of my life was gone. In these six months, I wasn´t missing sex....I was missing a reason to live, to get up every morning. There certainly was lots of despair for losing my soulmate, but what topped that was the massive onslaught of feeling emptiness, without direction, without goals. Dead astronaut in space, as Marilyn Manson put it...

I really hope you get my point here. If you want it, you have to get up from your couch, leave your comfy zone and make things happen...even if it costs you and you can end up leading another life than what you imagined yours would be. I never thought I´d be a farmer someday, but here I am, making my hands dirty every day, but with four amazing equine ladies with gorgeous personalities just standing around the corner.

And that's fine, great even. You changed your path and were satisfied with the outcome. Some people won't be satisfied with fulfilling that part of their life at the cost of other things, though... and they know it.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-07-25 11:31:41

Yeah, some people won´t be satisfied with pursuing this...maybe zoophilia just isn´t for them then. We Germans have a proverb : "Einen Tod muss man sterben" (literally: You have to die one death), meaning that you cannot have it all at once and have to make decisions opening up some paths on the expense of closing other paths in your life. Maybe zoophilia isn´t so important to these folks?

I´ve heard about Crispr as a cheap and uncomplicated new method of genetic engineering, no need to look it up...;)

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-25 13:15:36

Yeah, some people won´t be satisfied with pursuing this...maybe zoophilia just isn´t for them then. We Germans have a proverb : "Einen Tod muss man sterben" (literally: You have to die one death), meaning that you cannot have it all at once and have to make decisions opening up some paths on the expense of closing other paths in your life. Maybe zoophilia isn´t so important to these folks?

I'm sure that's true for some of them, at least. Though, the importance of ones' attractions is a fickle thing. Like a long distance relationship, sometimes the trauma of closing the gap is a step too far no matter how much they value eachother. I'm sure we could spend the better half of a day listing off other possible reasons for it too, if we were so inclined.

I´ve heard about Crispr as a cheap and uncomplicated new method of genetic engineering, no need to look it up...;)

Yeah, it's just so incredibly powerful it's not even funny is all. I still get a bit giddy about it sometimes. In a way, it made genetic engineering viable.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-07-26 06:03:46

If you call it a traumatising experience to replace illusions about your long distance relationship partner with actual first hand impressions of your partner´s character, realising he or she isn´t at all like the picture he or she built up online ,well... But I think that´s all owed to our recent zeitgeist , living in a world that pushes back reality with hundereds of TV channels and even more ways to escape "grim reality" available on the internet. The age of Aquarius, the age of the infant ruler...

I still stand by my words, either you ARE a zoophile and have no choice but to pursue what your heart demands so desperately, or this is just some escapism deluxe,roleplay and fantasizing about the things you´ll never do or those teenager fantasies about your teacher. It is safe because it is very unlikely to actually happen.

As I have stated before, zoophilia in a very weird way is also a kind of a personality test. Are you determined, are you willing to set foot on new, uncartographed grounds? Or do you cower in your personal safe space, taking no risks, but also excluding all possible gains with your cowardice? For me, this is some sort of cherrypicking: I want it soooo badly, but, hell no, I won´t sacrifice anything else for it , let alone work for it. Effortless gains, please!!! It´s like fantasising about being an excellent guitar player, but without the hours and hours of practicing scales and chords, the bleeding finger tips, the crampy hands after two hours of practice it inevitably needs to actually become an excellent guitar player.

I have problems finding any sympathy for those people we are debating about. What do they expect? Their parents to build them a "horse fuck farm" for free? God granting them a "dog fuck kennel" for three "Ave Marias" and a 10 dollar donation at the sunday mass?

If a "zoophile" tries and fails, all my sympathies are with him. But if he doesn´t even try, don´t play the victim. If a "zoo" reassures us over and over again of how important this is for him, but doesn´t even bother trying to get what he claims to want so badly, I just feel like being fooled and played with. If certain folks would invest only a quarter of the efforts they invest in yearlong participation in "zoo forums" into setting their course towards the fulfillment of their dreams....but anyway, not my business. It´s not MY misery these people obviously feel comfortable to dwell in...

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-26 08:28:22

If you call it a traumatising experience to replace illusions about your long distance relationship partner with actual first hand impressions of your partner´s character, realising he or she isn´t at all like the picture he or she built up online ,well... But I think that´s all owed to our recent zeitgeist , living in a world that pushes back reality with hundereds of TV channels and even more ways to escape "grim reality" available on the internet. The age of Aquarius, the age of the infant ruler...

Er... no, I meant culture shock. Might not be as severe between european countries, but entirely foreign locales aren't fun to acclimate to for alot of people.

I still stand by my words, either you ARE a zoophile and have no choice but to pursue what your heart demands so desperately, or this is just some escapism deluxe,roleplay and fantasizing about the things you´ll never do or those teenager fantasies about your teacher. It is safe because it is very unlikely to actually happen.

I could ad lib this to heterosexual or gay and you know it would make no sense. You can think and want anything without acting on either. Well, maybe not you specifically in the case of your attraction, but plenty of people can weather it and focus on their own personal life goals above that, as I stated earlier.

As I have stated before, zoophilia in a very weird way is also a kind of a personality test. Are you determined, are you willing to set foot on new, uncartographed grounds? Or do you cower in your personal safe space, taking no risks, but also excluding all possible gains with your cowardice? For me, this is some sort of cherrypicking: I want it soooo badly, but, hell no, I won´t sacrifice anything else for it , let alone work for it. Effortless gains, please!!! It´s like fantasising about being an excellent guitar player, but without the hours and hours of practicing scales and chords, the bleeding finger tips, the crampy hands after two hours of practice it inevitably needs to actually become an excellent guitar player.

Again it comes down to choice. The people here aren't asking for it or begging. They reasoned against it, and of course in the choice between the boat and the mystery box, you're going to long for the other option too sometimes. That's not cowardice, and even if it was, that's not something to judge someone for. It begets caution and is, in a number of ways, a virtue.

I have problems finding any sympathy for those people we are debating about. What do they expect? Their parents to build them a "horse fuck farm" for free? God granting them a "dog fuck kennel" for three "Ave Marias" and a 10 dollar donation at the sunday mass?

If a "zoophile" tries and fails, all my sympathies are with him. But if he doesn´t even try, don´t play the victim. If a "zoo" reassures us over and over again of how important this is for him, but doesn´t even bother trying to get what he claims to want so badly, I just feel like being fooled and played with. If certain folks would invest only a quarter of the efforts they invest in yearlong participation in "zoo forums" into setting their course towards the fulfillment of their dreams....but anyway, not my business. It´s not MY misery these people obviously feel comfortable to dwell in...

They never expected anything. They just spent one to two sentences referencing it in a way that added to the discussion, again, linking anecdote to their stance. Your comment here would have more weight if they brought it up every chance they got, or wrote rants about it... but they don't.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-07-27 01:17:12

Yeah, some people won´t be satisfied with pursuing this (at the cost of other things)...maybe zoophilia just isn´t for them then.

Don't forget that what some people want when they get up off their couch is to own their own horse and a private place to enjoy their company. Barn labor might get you closer to horses, but it will not get you any closer to owning your own property, at least around here. Other than winning the lottery, the only method that works reliably is getting a very good job, and living far below your means for several years, and then maybe moving somewhere cheap in the middle of nowhere, or else working even longer if you want to live near society. And longer still if you want to spend money in the meantime to have horses around you.

Maybe I'm biased, but I would say people who are saving up for their own place probably sacrifice just as much or more, and certainly suffer longer until their goal is accomplished, so I hope that it's not being suggested that only goals which result in immediate gratification count toward how important something is to someone.

TokenHorseGuy 2 points on 2017-07-24 22:27:23

I'm all for sacrifice and hard work, and I really love horses, but that's not the ONLY aspect of life worth exploring, I think. Especially since the money needs to come from somewhere, if one is to live up to certain ethical standards.

Both of these factors vary from person to person, so I think that's the difference.

UntamedAnomaly 2 points on 2017-08-24 23:17:50

Not to mention, not everyone can just go out and get a job. Some of us are too disabled to work and can only afford to rent. It will be a fucking miracle if I'm ever able to rent by myself, let alone own a home before I'm dead.

SCP_2547 0 points on 2017-07-23 21:30:49

most people who aren't white men struggle more financially.

Yes of course, it's always they who have it better! Argh, they are treated like kings, right?
It's always others discriminating! I've got nothing else to blame for my problems!
You know you can just insult humanity as a whole and don't use the ''omgg am female others are treated better'' or ''omgg am another race others are treated better'' excuses?

I myself can't afford a dog, or I'd have one in a heartbeat. Instead I have a cat who I'm not active with, but feel an extremely strong attachment to as if I had a dog partner. It's just a non-sexual relationship. I can barely afford to take care of him and myself.

No sex? Oh but that's not a big problem at all according to this community. ...Mostly coming from the zoos who fuck daily.
Don't say this too loud, or you're an animal exploiter, someone who doesn't truly love animals and ungrateful. I'm surprised you weren't bombarded with insults and downvotes yet like me.
Funny right?
Yep, it's always the white males that are treated better aren't they, huh?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-07-23 21:48:33

Yes of course, it's always they who have it better! Argh, they are treated like kings, right? It's always others discriminating! I've got nothing else to blame for my problems! You know you can just insult humanity as a whole and don't use the ''omgg am female others are treated better'' or ''omgg am another race others are treated better'' excuses?

He wasn't pointing fingers, it's just statistics.

Yep, it's always the white males that are treated better aren't they, huh?

Racial dynamics work considerably differently on the internet, given that no one here is privy to your ethnicity unless you say it. They don't generally have an effect here.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-28 20:53:06


Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2017-07-23 15:16:15

While I am myself white, I find it interesting that most of the zoos I've talked to the most online are, in fact, not. The first I talked to extensively was a mix of Hispanic and Near Eastern origins, while the first I Skyped with was a black male. The point is, while white people are probably in the majority, they are not the only zoos out there.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-28 20:33:42


SeekingThrownAway 1 point on 2017-07-23 18:15:38

Interesting, completely anecdotal but my experience with partners into this, have all been Caucasian. Though I find myself attracted to primarily Caucasian women though so I'm not sure this actually means anything.

SCP_2547 -1 points on 2017-07-23 19:35:40

Didn't you ask this before? I don't see why it matters, even.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-24 16:47:24

I remember what you're talking about, but they were asking about something different then.

SCP_2547 0 points on 2017-07-24 17:38:35

But it was about race, too.
Oh, and other pointless things just like that.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-28 19:30:24


Hotdogzew-Fiel 1 point on 2017-07-29 10:28:05

Way ahead of you I am black as fuck. So is my dog, and we have looots o ffun