How did you introduce your dog to swimming? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-07-25 16:14:11 by yrs-bluebox

Mine is a nine month old lab, and a sissy when it comes to water. Don't want to scare him, but he will not go in past his belly.

Hotdogzew-Fiel 4 points on 2017-07-25 17:20:16

Play with him first, then run into the wayer. He will want to chase you. Eventually he will come around. Show him how much fun you're having in the water, bring his favorite toy. Or I you live where it's hot as fuck like I do, your dog will eventually take a dip if he has any common sense haha

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-07-26 01:09:59

My girl was like that too, but after a trip to the beach I waded out a bit deeper and coaxed her, tossed her beloved frisbee in and after a few tries she started swimming. Once she did so for the first time, it was a done deal and she would thereafter swim in water of any depth without concern. Enough so that on at least a few occasions she would not see the frisbee floating and swim past it, continuing the search too far out for my comfort.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-27 00:44:09

Mine fell in canals and rivers as a pup.
Not like I was going to swim, but she's not really smart, you see...