german article (, yellow press): "Swiss zoophile spills the beans" (
submitted 2017-07-25 23:00:34 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 4 points on 2017-07-25 23:00:52

Rough translation

Dieter F convicted of animal cruelty

#Swiss zoophile spills the beans

Basel - The Kosovar who sexually abused a cow in St. Gallen shocked switzerland. Only: It's not an isolated case! BLICK spoke with the zoophile Dieter F.* who was convicted in switzerland for sex with animals and who lives in germany now. There he can better live out his inclination.

Dieter F. lives together with his dog - without a human as he emphasizes. The swiss man is zoophile. He had his first sexual experience with a dog when he was 9. "The relationship to the dog is based on partnership and deep" he says. With sexual contact too?

"I don't own the animal. There are mutual nice, erotic moments" the Baselbieter (guy from Basel?) says. "In this sense passionate moments happen daily. Already petting and smelling the animal can be seen as sexual contact." But for the zoophile it's clear: "The animals can act out sexually by themselves. Without them having human sexuality coerced onto them."

#Convicted for animal cruelty

The zoophile left switzerland five years ago. The court Basel-Landschaft had convicted him for multiple acts of animal cruelty and downloading of animal pornography to eight months without parole in 2011. The next higher court confirmed the conviction 2012. The conviction was lifted in favor of therapy.

Unfortunately it's not rare that animals are sexually abused, Antoine F., former animal lawyer, confirms. Especially dogs and cats are used for the urge. "They get so to speak trained and drilled and then people say: They like to do it. But in truth they are only drilled for it. Because of this their natural sexuality is disturbed."

#In germany Dieter F. has less concerns

"After the trial I turned my back on switzerland and took therapy in germany." Dieter F. said. He does not see a fault in his inclination: "I believe nobody wants to live in a country where you get to feel the state authority because one is how one is - without doing harm to the animal. In germany I would have never been convicted."

In the neighbor country he feels in better hands. "I have less concerns to live out the love to my animal" he says. He says he has it easier in germany. "Here it is forbidden to force an animal into species inappropriate acts", but the state only interferes when the animal has to suffer considerably.

#The family knows nothing about his inclination

Why does he have this inclination? F. avoids the question: "in yellow press "Blick" newspaperDepending on who or what you ask the answer differs. Psycho traumatists will prefer a psychotrauma theory, geneticists search in the genes", the zoophile explains. "No idea who is right. I grew up just like many other swiss people too."

Neighbors too don't know about his preferences. "My family too has no idea that I'm zoophile." He says one can talk about this inclination with almost nobody. "Many see this as a gruesome topic and have prejudices. Therefore I will exchange views with only few people in the future too." He only feels safe among other zoophiles.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-25 23:02:57


Swibblestein 6 points on 2017-07-26 01:24:47

Why even report on his opinion if you're going to do it in this way?

They didn't actually challenge any of his points, and yet used charged language that clearly indicates they think he's an abuser. Do they think that it's so self-evident that he's wrong that they aren't going to bother addressing what he says?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-28 17:58:54


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-08-06 22:12:13

Unfortunately it's not rare that animals are sexually abused, Antoine F., former animal lawyer, confirms. Especially dogs and cats are used for the urge.

... cats? really? "journalism" ....

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2017-07-25 23:04:56

I'm not sure what he expected from the yellow press, but it's exactly like I thought something like this looks like.

Interesting that he is so insistent that it's better in germany. But what you really want is not getting outed and caught at all and that shouldn't be harder in switzerland than here in germany.

I'm wondering if this interview even happened. Maybe it's just clickbait. After all there is very little information about him or his dog. We don't even know if the dog is male of female, since it's only talked of as "the animal".

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-26 12:34:39


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-28 17:37:43


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-05 16:33:05
