I'm sick and tired of people judging me for who I am and the fact that I don't want to get a girlfriend. Need advice. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-07-26 01:48:34 by zzzzsleepyzzzz

This has been going on for a long time, but I feel the need to vent my frustration.

I have a terrible relationship with my mother. She is judging me for not wanting to get a girlfriend. I also have a rabbit named Mindy and she is the most loving thing I've had. I am attracted to her, she cuddles with me all the time and gets excited and follows me almost everywhere. Even when I masturbate, she will cuddle beside me or even on my belly. She is a Flemish giant bunny.

I want my mother to understand that I DO NOT want to get married, but she keeps giving the excuse, oh you will get over it and I say bullshit.

I have seen what happens to most people who get married. Over half of them get divorced and most of them who are still married are miserable. Many divorced couples have told me, if you value your freedom and happiness, then don't get married. Also, woman are not attractive in my eyes, they either have deformed faces, or put makeup on to hide their super mutant face. Not trying to make an insult here, Its just how I see it.

I didn't tell my mother that I am a zoophile and that I'm highly sexual attracted to my rabbit. I think she will go bonkers if I tell her this.

I could go on more, but I need advice, there is also many other people judging me for not getting a girlfriend.

Does anyone else have this problem? needing to hide your sexuality, just because people will hate you for being honest with yourself?

Also if you got any questions, then just ask!

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 4 points on 2017-07-26 02:07:43

Unfortunately there's not really anything you can do about it other than saying "Sorry not interested" whenever the topic comes up. It's something that society pushes as 'the norm' and 'what everyone should want', most people buy into it, so people are not going to stop asking about it.

zzzzsleepyzzzz 1 point on 2017-07-26 02:20:47

All right then. I will ignore peoples judgements and tell my mother that anytime you bring up "get a girlfriend" then I will say I'm not interested.

I'm not too bothered now. My words will break my relation with her, but I feel This is the only way that she will leave me alone. Besides, the enjoyment I get from masturbation while my bunny cuddles with me feels so good beyond words and far better than she has ever treated me. My rabbit is humpy too despite being a girl, It just feels that much better. I will need to get her spayed to prevent urinate cancer though.

the_egoldstein 4 points on 2017-07-26 02:47:39

It may not seem especially helpful, but slot it right up there with folks who want you to join their cult, getting angry doesn't help, logic typically doesn't help, just smile, nod, and go on being you.

You can't stop them from thinking what they do and you're not really likely to stop them speaking their minds without making them angry, so take the high road and sail on!

If you want some helpful advice, when they bring up the topic, just silently leave their proximity. Typically, parents love their children and being deprived of your presence will likely be a punisher for invasive behavior. Any other reaction from you, including getting angry, is likely a reinforcer, so deprive them of it. Chances are she will start to pester you about it more (extinction burst) and then it will diminish in frequency.

zzzzsleepyzzzz 2 points on 2017-07-26 03:41:08

Thanks for that. It does seem that society is like a hivemind. If you don't agree with pussy worship, marriage or Don't care about social media or what the next movie coming out is, then everyone tries to brand you an enemy of humanity with stigma.

I wont care anymore what they think. They can judge and live in the misery of the hivemind cult, while we enjoy life with our beloved animals.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-07-26 04:42:25

Well, according to your posting history, you can´t be THAT repelled from women....or were your kids you are talking about in another thread conceived in vitro?

It just doesn´t fit. At all. Chances are high this is just another fantasizer doing this solely for entertainment purposes...

zzzzsleepyzzzz 1 point on 2017-07-26 06:07:52

Im sure you are referring to that vegan post I made. These people were getting me angry non-stop, so I just wanted a little revenge on them. I don't truly have any kids and am a very young person myself.

The main part of the vegan goal is to abolish all companion animals and it angered me. I felt the need to get their attention to see what most of them thought.

Its not that I'm repelled by woman, I just don't want to end up in a situation where so many married people are miserable. Its very rare to see a happy family with little quarrel, and besides, loving and caring for an animal will almost guarantee the animal will love you and care for you back and loving a woman is almost certainly not going to give the same results. I'm not trying to disrespect you, this is based around my experience along with the experience of many other people.

I am very afraid of the vegan movement, I had to say something to get their attention on what they all thought. The only path for me without my companion animal is suicide.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-26 16:19:27

The main part of the vegan goal is to abolish all companion animals and it angered me.

well geez i must have missed that part. Many vegans have pets. Are you sure you're not talking about the more extreme animal rights activists and such?

zzzzsleepyzzzz 2 points on 2017-07-26 18:34:25

Most Vegans from what I seen, especially websites such as peta, Mercy for animals, the vegan sub reddit all believe in the extinction of companion animals. There are a few exceptions, but veganism is a lifestyle and a really soulless one at that.

They believe in animal adoption which is perfectly fine, I personally promote it myself in the need of unwanted animals.

The problem lies when they are against any sort of breeding. There is a lot of animal abuse here, but they lump every breeder with ones who care about their animals.

From what I seen, all they do is preach faux morals.

They also treat people in the zoophilia community like gay people are treated in the worst parts of the middle east. This whole vegan movement is a religious cult and if you disagree with them, then you are branded as a terrible person.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-07-27 01:45:41

It kinda depends on the branch of veganism. "Do less harm" and those that focus less on animal issues don't really have these implications. "End animal exploitation" types do since pet keeping and breeding is a form of exploitation. The ultimate end-point of any animal welfare/rights campaign that forbids breeding is that domestic animals will stop existing as pets (ferals will still likely exist). Even the mainstream 'adopt don't shop' movement falls into this.

Even in forms less tied to animal rights there are some implications to pet ownership, mostly of carnivores/omnivores. If we stop killing animals for meat, until we develop safe and cheap synthetic meat, what do we feed our cats and dogs? This is a theoretical perfect vegan society, so no fish, no dairy, no eggs, no raising rabbits or rodents for feeders, and no hunting. Even if we feed them animals that died naturally, we're probably going to significantly scale back breeding of meat animals meaning there will be significantly less of these animals dying. Scavenging road kill is a possibility, but it's risky and could spread disease. It would likely be prohibitively expensive to breed carnivores to the point they'd be inaccessible to the average pet owner, if they continue to exist as pets at all.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-27 10:28:25

It kinda depends on the branch of veganism. "Do less harm" and those that focus less on animal issues don't really have these implications. "End animal exploitation" types do since pet keeping and breeding is a form of exploitation. The ultimate end-point of any animal welfare/rights campaign that forbids breeding is that domestic animals will stop existing as pets (ferals will still likely exist). Even the mainstream 'adopt don't shop' movement falls into this.

I guess i never really though about this, but losing domestic animals seems like a pretty small price to pay. Im not an animal abolitionist though, and i think you're misunderstanding the end goal of many movements.

Even in forms less tied to animal rights there are some implications to pet ownership, mostly of carnivores/omnivores. If we stop killing animals for meat, until we develop safe and cheap synthetic meat, what do we feed our cats and dogs? This is a theoretical perfect vegan society, so no fish, no dairy, no eggs, no raising rabbits or rodents for feeders, and no hunting

Id say it would be worth all the lives saved.

and well before the whole world becomes vegan, faux meat could be easily used to replace most pets food. Some dogs are fed a vegan diet today and do rather well on it.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-27 20:08:01

There's just 1 thing that always gets left out of all of these discussions. We have already eliminated most of the carnivores on this planet. If we simply stop all hunting and meat eating there will suffering on a biblical scale among the "ferals" and environmental disaster.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-07-27 20:54:51

If there's no hunting at all I think it's likely that predators would return. In America the two biggest reasons we artificially prevent large carnivores from expanding back to their historic ranges is the beef industry and to prevent competition with human hunters for deer. With those influences gone and trophy hunting gone I see no reason they wouldn't reclaim their territory.

The thing that I'd be more concerned about is invasive animals. Unless there's an exemption for conservation-based killing of invasives, they're going to be left to wreak havoc in the environment and all we could do is cross our fingers and hope for the best.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-07-27 20:44:32

i think you're misunderstanding the end goal of many movements

I wouldn't say it's the end goal exactly, but realistically it's the end result of any movement that wants to stop animal breeding. Take 'adopt don't shop' for example, it doesn't matter if it's their goal or not, if everyone everywhere stopped breeding dogs, we'd have no more pet dogs within 25 years. Whether or not 'no more pets' is an acceptable outcome or side-effect is going to be down to personal opinion.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-07-26 07:14:49

Could say you're asexual, if you haven't evidenced otherwise.

OrcanTahoe 1 point on 2017-07-26 08:25:29

Yes, I don't know if it's good advice but I already thought about saying that since I'll probably be in the same situation as OP in the future.

Being asexual is not the most accepted thing ever, but it's still way more accepted than zoosexuality. His mother may leave him be if she thinks that.

Also OP, you're the first person who's attracted to rabbits I encounter. Out of curiosity, are you only attracted to rabbits or other animals as well?

zzzzsleepyzzzz 2 points on 2017-07-26 09:03:23

There is a few reasons why I find rabbits attractive.

They are just super cute. It may be just me, but I find even the biggest of rabbits are more cuter than some of the smallest dogs. I don't think many animals can compete with their super soft fur, tight hugable butt, sexy long ears and puffy tail. Even most woman prefer the bunny ears and bunny tail costume other most animal costumes.

They are also the most docile and loving animal. I feel more heroic protecting something completely defenseless. Ive had several rabbits (all females) my whole life and they were all super affectionate. Personality can vary, but they were all good.

They are also much more clean too. I personally can't tolerate the smell of cats and dogs and bunnies never have that problem.

I never actually had intercourse with them, even when the rabbit consents, (females will court male humans or other rabbits when they want to mate). They are just too fragile for that, But she does cuddle with me when I masturbate and that's fine.

I find many animals attractive in general, but always had the biggest heart for rabbits.

About your question, what do most people in this community say about rabbits? I always thought they were the cutest, but I'm fairly new here. Most people here don't find them attractive?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-07-26 12:27:50

They are also much more clean too. I personally can't tolerate the smell of cats and dogs and bunnies never have that problem.

Odd. Dog smells I understand, but many cats pick up most of their smell from their surroundings, or even just have a sweet smell if they have any at all. There are muskier, more oily cats(typically tomcats), but cats avoid having any smells because their whole shtick is stealth. As a rule of thumb, a malodorous cat isn't in good health.

About your question, what do most people in this community say about rabbits? I always thought they were the cutest, but I'm fairly new here. Most people here don't find them attractive?

Not the person you replied to, but most zoos in online circles are not, as I understand. That said, lots of people may have a latent attraction to them here but instead focused on dogs, horses, etc. I think you're the second rabbit specific zoo I've heard of.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-26 16:14:16

what do most people in this community say about rabbits? I always thought they were the cutest, but I'm fairly new here. Most people here don't find them attractive?

your in one of the minority animals. most people are into dogs, cats (including big cats), and horses. Dont worry about it too much, its not like we'll ignore you becuase of it. Maybe you'll find someone whos also into rabbits here

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-27 04:15:55


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-27 00:46:16

Such a thing actually never helps.
In fact, it's not different than saying ''I'm just not interested''. They can still use the same dumbass excuse.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-27 01:08:54

They typically don't. I speak from experience as someone that is mostly asexual.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-27 01:10:50

I've heard from another asexual here that asexuals are usually treated like this.
I mean, it makes sense... Why would saying
''I'm asexual.'' be any different than ''I'm just not interested.'' because that's what asexuality really is. Or rather, not being attracted to anything, so not being interested.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-27 01:51:50

Because the former implies some level of permanence as a trait. The latter can be interpreted any number of ways.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-07-27 02:08:58

I'm officially asexual and my parents says "It will change for sure.". I asked my dad, what if not, he answered he would start worry when I will be 21 years old and still not interested. So they pretty much ignore the subject and wait. I'm really interested what would they think if they know I'm a zoo. Or what this "worrying" will look like. Other people are confused when they first hear girls don't attract me, but quickly start treating it just like a normal fact. Pretty comfortable option for a zoo-exclusive.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2017-07-27 07:57:22

They will get over it, just give it time. Its hard for them to accept that you don't follow the social norm. They think the norm is what makes you happy, it worked for them, so it must work for you. When ya get on your own, the nagging stops, and your parents become your friends. That's also the time they will accept your own choices.

Sure they might bring it up, but to try and understand you

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2017-07-26 09:35:34

With time, I convince my parents that questions about my sexuality are just forbidden. I'll never answer. It's for ever my hidden garden.

Maybe you can try.

[deleted] 3 points on 2017-07-26 12:39:12


zzzzsleepyzzzz 1 point on 2017-07-26 18:56:37

Currently 18. My father does most of the work and takes care of me.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-26 20:22:47


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-26 13:58:31

My own mother knows very well I'm a zoophile and she doesn't forget that, although sometimes she still seems to do things like this.
I keep telling her no, but she won't listen.
But... that's what moms are. They'll always worry, worry and worry. They're consistent and stubborn, especially when you are their child.
You can have a talk with her, but that's all you can do. Make it clear: Stop this shit right now.
If that doesn't work, all you got to do is suck it up.

I want my mother to understand that I DO NOT want to get married, but she keeps giving the excuse, oh you will get over it and I say bullshit.

This is typical human behavior.
They want you to do this and they cannot believe you are so different.
Depending on how young you are, they will use it against you. Even if I always get annoyed by the stupidity of other humans, I found a way to accept things like this a little: At least I know I'm right, so what they say isn't even the truth, luckily.
Humans like these are not to be convinced in any way, only time will tell for them.
It's indeed annoying, but all you can do is again: Suck it all up.

I have seen what happens to most people who get married. Over half of them get divorced and most of them who are still married are miserable. Many divorced couples have told me, if you value your freedom and happiness, then don't get married. Also, woman are not attractive in my eyes, they either have deformed faces, or put makeup on to hide their super mutant face. Not trying to make an insult here, Its just how I see it.

Yeah, even though I lost most of my attraction, I still have no interest in humans.
I still prefer animals over humans in every way, even if it's hard to find real love in animals like first.

One thing though, some day things like this will be the least of your worries.
Trust me, some time this'll all be just forgotten or a dumb memory. When you get older and realize different things, you'll grow out of it all of a sudden.
This sounds dumb, but I wish had your worries. Enjoy your time while you can, kid.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-06 11:15:49
