Kissing... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-07-26 13:07:08 by [deleted]


SCP_2547 6 points on 2017-07-26 13:48:42

It's not truly a frenchkiss in my opinion, but we do lick each other's tongues sometimes.
Also, when she's in a very affectionate mood, she aims for my mouth and tries to lick there. She even nibbles on my mouth sometimes.
It usually doesn't last long, but that goes with every kind of moment. Whether it's ''romantic'' or sexual, it's a gaurantee it doesn't last more than 30 secs.
One thing though, she never seems to want to kiss during any sexual acts. I'm not sure what you can do with that information, but I just thought it was weird.

30-30 amator equae 7 points on 2017-07-26 15:16:50

My old mare loved frenchkissing very much. She trusted me so much with this , she even allowed me to suck in her tongue into my mouth. As you might know, horses have a gap without any teeth between the incisor teeth and the molars. Usually, my tongue-to-tongue contact with her took place from the side, through that toothless gap; releasing her tongue from my mouth by retracting always left her standing ,half dozed off and with her tongue hanging out from the side of her mouth. She must´ve really enjoyed this, standing there, totally relaxed with the full weight of her head on my shoulder. And when I additionally scratched the back base of her ears while we were kissing, she pushed her weight so hard on me I often had back problems the day after.

ToffeesLover Twuu Zoo 3 points on 2017-07-29 19:40:21

It feels like a long, warm, slobbery tongue in your mouth. Generally if I kiss my boy on the lips he'll either lick them back, or push his tongue into my mouth if he's feeling very insistent. Sometimes there are teeth involved but it's just gentle mouthing.