The dolphin who loved me: the Nasa-funded project that went wrong | Environment (
submitted 2017-08-03 22:12:00 by Susitar Canidae
Guanthwei 3 points on 2017-08-04 04:55:40

Isn't this the story behind Ecco the Dolphin?

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2017-08-09 07:01:46

I always knew there was some reason I was drawn to that game...

CognitivelyDissed a sapient animal 1 point on 2017-08-10 13:47:18

Oh yeah, the all time classic. It's cool to see it show up again, though!

haikubot-1911 3 points on 2017-08-10 13:52:23

Oh yeah, the all time

Classic. It's cool to see it

Show up again, though!


                  ^- CognitivelyDissed

^I'm ^a ^bot ^made ^by ^^/u/Eight1911. ^I ^detect ^haiku.

Andrew-R 1 point on 2017-08-25 02:53:45

Well, I still think this story is worth studying and understanding, even if it was in captivity...may be even BECAUSE it was in captivity!

---from p.259 of book----- We usually go through this three times or so before he quits and starts another game. This is not a private thing. Peter and I have done this with other people present . . . but it is a very precious sort of thing, Peter is completely involved, and I involve myself to the extent of putting as much love into the tone, touch, and mood as possible. We do not have to respect his privacy . . . but we cannot help but respect his happinessl ---end of quotation----

It seems many humans (too many! to the point I obviously can't trust myself when I repeat in Nth time 'I love dolphins..') just use possibility of such love as excuse for being ..too much about one-way 'game', when humans get more and more, and non-humans - less and less ...This is kind of nearly universal bias I want to avoid, but ..I'm human. Just like all other humans my self-view can easily become too deformed, and I will rationalize this problem away :/