Anyone here a voraphile? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-08-05 19:02:33 by [deleted]


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 4 points on 2017-08-05 19:15:35

Zoophilia is an attraction, not an act. :|

Edit: The post has been edited accordingly, thanks!

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-05 19:16:36

Sorry, don't know much about it. Have an Idea to edit it?

SCP_2547 5 points on 2017-08-05 19:29:26

With the edit button.

BestXman 2 points on 2017-08-05 19:33:57

I meant on what to put in when I edit

SCP_2547 4 points on 2017-08-05 19:38:49

Well to me you don't have to change it at all.
It's just how you worded it: I read on an article that some people who are into voraphilia are also into zoophilia, which is why I'm asking this question. I'm a voraphile, but I'm not into zoophilia.
In my opinion it implies that it's a fetish or a kink.
You don't really have to change it, but you can change it to this if you really want to:
I read on an article that some people who are into voraphilia are zoophiles, which is why I'm asking this question. I'm a voraphile, but I'm not a zoophile.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-05 19:41:40

Thanks, just edited it

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-08-05 21:13:02

That was actually... extremely helpful of you.

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-08-05 21:16:11

Ehm... how so?
I thought we both knew this or am I missing something?
And hey, your flair is back...

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-08-05 21:28:07

Yeah, for some reason my flair setting was unchecked. I guess I must have misclicked.

SCP_2547 3 points on 2017-08-05 19:29:19

Where did you read that? I'm pretty sure they're talking about furries instead because that fetish is very common with them.
VERY common.
But no, this doesn't turn me on in any way.
Although I do admit as a kid I had something weird with vore. I wasn't sexual yet, but it was pretty weird and it did something to me.
I felt the same about animals in a way at some point, but maybe I lost all interest in it when I sexually developed.

BestXman 2 points on 2017-08-05 19:36:00

"participants in this study tended to report having other unusual (but related) sexual interests beyond vorarephilia, including bestiality and zoophilia, being a furry, feederism, and certain forms of dominance and submission."


SCP_2547 3 points on 2017-08-05 19:40:52

I knew it. Furries were mentioned.
You see, a lot of humans treat zoophilia as a kink or fetish and just say ''Yes, I'm into zoophilia.'' while in fact they're a actually furry or just into bestiality only. Usually they don't have a real attraction towards animals like us, it's usually the taboo of it and things like that.

BestXman 2 points on 2017-08-05 19:44:21

So what I'm gathering is, bestiality is purely sexual, and zoophilia is more of an actual appreciation and passion for animals?

Also: never denied the furry thing. I think most of the art is furry art. I'm also a furry.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-08-05 19:55:30

Yeah. You can even consider zoophilia to be like a sexual orientation.

Also, it's spelled bestiality. Common mistake.

BestXman 2 points on 2017-08-05 19:58:10

Oh I see. Makes it more understandable actually.

Sorry about the typo, fixed it.

SCP_2547 3 points on 2017-08-05 19:58:01

Bestiality (Not beastiliaty): Sexual contact with animals, this is an act. It's mostly sexual, but I guess it can somehow involve romance when a zoophile is participating in the act.
Zoophilia: Both a sexual and romantic attraction to animals. This is not an act.
Oh, and it's a genuine sexual orientation.
We really have feelings for them.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-05 19:59:25

Damn I'm getting so much criticism for a typo lol.

Also, I got that now.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-08-05 20:10:44

Damn I'm getting so much criticism for a typo lol.

Lol! I mentioned it mostly because our temporary filter doesn't like it.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-05 20:15:21

I can kind of respect it now. Since I know it's not purely sexual.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-08-05 19:31:58

I have been an Exclusive Zoo for many years now and I have considered several Vore scenarios for a possible EOL.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-05 19:36:32

I see

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-08-05 19:45:28

Do you? I have chosen to live with animals in their world as much as possible. How do their lives usually end?

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-05 19:49:19

I just wanted to leave a reply. You're spilling a lot of questions on me right now.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-08-05 20:38:22

Yeah, it's a fun thing.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-05 21:19:20

Yeah to what?

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-08-06 03:34:14

Yeah I like vore, lol.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 03:35:07

Oh okay lol

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 3 points on 2017-08-05 21:42:48

I never understood voraphilia.
Like scatophilia and urophilia, voraphilia is just a thing that leave me indifferent.

BestXman 2 points on 2017-08-05 21:47:57

I think it's impossible to understand any fetish. It's just something we're into.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2017-08-06 19:45:11

I can sort of understand some people's fetishes. I've talked with some people who have an interest in vore, and while I find it personally unappealing, I can somewhat understand some of the underlying motivations as to why someone might like the idea of it.

Same with a few other fetishes. Though at the same time, there are others that I just don't get at all. I don't think I'll ever understand why some people have a foot fetish, as an example.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 20:36:51

What did those people say?

Swibblestein 1 point on 2017-08-07 06:13:46

Well, one described it as an appealing idea of being oddly "safe" inside of someone when eaten. Kind of similar to the unbirthing idea of being safe in a womb again, perhaps?

Someone else described it as appealing because of being squished down a wet and slippery tube (which sounds pretty obviously sexual).

I don't know. I'm having a hard time relating to you just how they explained it, but it did make some sense.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-07 12:48:06

Well, those people are "prey"

The vore community is pretty evenly split up into "predators" and "prey". It's people who want to consume others, and people who want to be consumed by others. That being said, those explanations would not apply to predators.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-05 21:49:26

We as in people with fetishes

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 01:26:29

I don't understand it

Sebbean 2 points on 2017-08-05 21:43:48

What is it?

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-05 21:47:00

Fetish. Fantasy of being consumed by others or consuming others.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-08-06 00:15:22

What´s all this -phile rubbish? If anything qualifies for the -phile suffix now, I propose to call foot fetishists "pedophiles" from now on. Mind you, "paidos" is Greek for kid, "pes, pedis" is Latin for foot. ;) Paedophilia =/= Pedophilia...;)

Let´s set the joking aside: Honestly? Calling the deeply masochistic wish to be eaten by whatever a philia? Are you kidding me? "Hó phílos " is Greek and translates to "friend" can you be friends with an action, a body part, basically anything that isn´t a living being? That´s why there are paedophiles who actually claim to have feelings of love towards immature humans and child molesters/rapists, usually NOT paedophiles, but more into the "control" game or sadism.

How long until enthusiasts for Italia´s number one export food call themselves pizzaphiles? How long until stamp collectors proudly call themselves stampophiles? Honestly, folks, is this really happening?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-06 02:59:21


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-06 03:00:38


BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 03:12:22

Oh I understand now.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2017-08-06 03:40:57

It's literally a psychological term my dude. It's been happening as long as paraphilias have been described by psychologists.

WikiTextBot 2 points on 2017-08-06 03:41:01


Vorarephilia (often shortened to vore) is a paraphilia characterized by the erotic desire to be consumed by, or sometimes to personally consume, another person or creature. Since vorarephilic fantasies cannot usually be acted out in reality, they are often expressed in stories or drawings shared on the Internet. The word vorarephilia is derived from the Latin vorare (to "swallow" or "devour"), and Ancient Greek φιλία (philía, "love").

The fantasy usually involves the victim being swallowed whole, though occasionally the victims are chewed up, and digestion may or may not be included.

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30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2017-08-06 13:03:46

Oh,please come on and stop using wikipedia as a 100% failproof source of knowledge... luckily , a bot has copied the wiki description in here and it clearly shows the total misunderstanding of the greek word "philia". Philia isn´t sexual love. Eros would be the correct term for that. Philadelphia is the city of Brotherly love, not the city of incest, amirite? (philia = friendship , adelphos = brother) The name Philipp literally means friend of horses (philos = friend, hippos = horse), not horsefucker. The crux with wikipedia is that everyone, from the most educated to the total numbnut, can write what he wants. The more obscure the topic, the more unlikely that mistakes, misinterpretations and plain wrongs are unchallenged.

PS: Psychology as a "soft" science is a science that is descriptive, not normative. Being a psychologist does not exclude the possibility to be wrong, or does it? Psychologists also say that "zoophilia" is a characterial weakness and that we zoophiles often are also into paedophilia and other , even more absurd perversions. Psychologists claim that zoophilia is unnatural and sick. Why do you trust the psychs on one topic blindeyed and heavily oppose other statements from the SAME , "totally trustworthy" profession then?

As far as I know, studying psychology does not include etymological lessons, nor does it include the obligation to be fluent in Latin or, what if we just listen to the ones who actually learned the languages in question?

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2017-08-06 13:59:46

Guess what my dude, we're not typing Greek now, we're typing English. Plenty of English terms use either non-literal/connotative meanings of roots or misinterpretations. Some words have kind of wacky history.

Here's a fun one- cynicism. It comes from the Greek word 'kynos' for dog despite neither the philosophy or contemporary definition having any relation to dogs. This word is also a wonderful example of how peoples' use of words changes over time. When most people call someone a 'cynic' they're definitely not calling them 'dog like' and unless they're in a discussion about Greek philosophies they're probably not using that definition either.

In case you think that """soft""" sciences are the only ones prone to 'misusing' their roots- in chemistry (a term derived from either an Arabic or Greek word for transmutation) there's the terms 'hydrophobic' and 'hydrophilic', literally 'afraid of water' and 'loving water' used to describe how certain molecules react to water. I don't think I need to explain that it is literally impossible for particles to have opinions and feelings towards anything so these terms are not literally true.

You can piss and moan about it all you want but nobody's going to stop using the word 'paraphilia' or any of the derivative '-philia' terms any time soon. They're established words that effectively communicate what people use them for.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-06 05:29:57


Lateoss Wuz gud 2 points on 2017-08-06 05:38:09

Well uhhh, its not personally my thing... Welcome to the sub though! hehe...

Never really heard that more people who are zoophiles are into vore than the regular population, but I suppose you have a source... Out of curiosity, what is your opinion of zoophiles, considering you had the audacity to come and post in this sub.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 05:43:40

Well I'm in no position to judge due to the vore...yeah. I mean, as long as the animals aren't abused or put through any pain, I guess it's okay? Seems more like a sexual orientation than a fetish.

Lateoss Wuz gud 2 points on 2017-08-06 06:07:20

Well I'm in no position to judge due to the vore...

What are you talking about dude, you do you lol

Dont be afraid to be honest, ill be honest: I think vore is really weird, and makes no sense to me at all, but I wouldnt turn someone down as a friend if they were into it.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 06:11:34

Honestly, zoophilia is really weird, but I'm not going to shame. People like what they like. I have no fucking clue why I like vore lol. If it turns me on, it turns me on.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 06:37:41

Also what's your story? I mean, how do you think this whole zoophilia thing developed, or do you think you're born with it?

Lateoss Wuz gud 2 points on 2017-08-06 08:31:44

I think its more on the developmental side, if not a bit of both, at least thats what my personal experiences tell me. If certain action were to take place in your childhood into teenagehood, then you might be particularly susceptible to having an attraction to animals.

For me, I didnt have any contact with horses at all until I was about 12 years old, but I didnt come to recognize that I was attracted to them until I was maybe 16 or so... If I hadnt ever came into contact with horses, I think my sexuality would probably have been different. To be more specific, I dont think I would have been attracted to any animal at all, I dont know what would have happened instead.

One thing is for sure, I dont think one would ever be born with something like zoophilia, not only is there a solid basis for this proposal, but also it seems unrealistic that such a small percentage of people would gain this disposition at birth. Your body develops through your teenage years and onwards, development of your mind - both mental and physical - does not end at birth, your brain will keep growing and keep forming new conclusions of what is right and what is wrong. Who says that this doesnt include sexual growth?After all, you arent even consciously aware of your own sexuality until you hit puberty anyways.

Regardless, and more importantly, I am happy with who I am. Regardless of how zoophilia came to be, our focus should be on what we are now and not how we came to be. If I was in fact born this way then fantastic, I have followed the path that nature has called out for me, and if that was not the case and my mind created this sexuality on its own, then I simply hope it is making a good decision.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 13:51:03

I guess that makes sense. People have told me that it develops after you have sex with an animal once, which I never really believed.

People say that an interest in voraphilia is caused by a traumatic experience, but I don't know. I've had an interest for as long as I remember. The thought of how something could eat something else was oddly interesting. I loved to play that Play Station 2 game, "rampage", where you play as one of a selection of monsters where you also have the ability to eat citizens. Along with Bowser's Inside Story, where the whole setting was placed in the stomach. I knew why I liked it, the vore part puzzled and intrigued me (non sexually). Though, I stuffed that to the back of my mind, because it weirded me out. I searched videos of snakes eating animals. Then I guess puberty turned it into a sexual fantasy.

Lateoss Wuz gud 2 points on 2017-08-06 19:43:42

With sexuality, every case in unique. Theres is no one that you can end up liking something. One person may have developed something form a traumatic experience, and another person may have developed the same thing after a very peaceful life.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 14:19:45

I wish I didn't have this fetish. I've always had dreams (especially during puberty) where I'll be eating people. Then I'll wake up wanting to do it in real life, and feel disgusting,

Lateoss Wuz gud 2 points on 2017-08-06 19:46:42

Im sorry dude :/

I understand you obviously cant act on it... Like it wouldnt even be realistically possible anyway... Although you shouldnt hate yourself for it. There is more to life than fetishes, you can still be in a perfectly happy and healthy relationship otherwise. You just gotta brush it aside and recognize its your cross to bare. You cant change who you are, its best that you be happy with yourself.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 20:35:29

Thank you.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 20:42:41

There's people on r/vore that can't even have normal sex, and only want vore to be real.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-08-06 06:11:05

I think it might be more the opposite, that vores are more likely to also be zoos or at least into bestiality, if that makes sense.

In any case, I wouldn't be surprised either way. I've noticed that a lot of people with non-conventional aspects to their sexuality (and to another extent their lives) rarely have just one. I think it largely has to do with them being more open to considering and exploring non-conventional sexual interests and less likely to repress them.

Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-08-06 08:45:04

I have to agree with this, although I dont think that it is always a good thing.

I know for a fact that there are people out there who subscribe to alternative sexualities simply because they have a taboo nature or just because they are different. I feel like this is the reason you are more likely to sees zoos into vore than a straight population. I think this is more the reason than because what you have proposed.

That being said, I dont disagree that alternative sexualities are less likely to repress their interests, I just dont think thats often the case of the connections.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-08-06 09:06:16

That's hasn't been my experience within the communities I've seen and been in. While there is a large group of people who are novelty and taboo seekers who almost have a 'collect them all' attitude towards fetishes, I don't find this to be representative at all. Instead I find people who either had multiple non-conventional elements developed together and/or who, when noticing their attraction consciously, are more ready to accept it right away.

Some interests are also related or linked thematically in some way. Because it's the topic of the tread, you see a decent amount of zoos/bestiality fans in vore because eating each other is a natural interaction between animals. "Animals eating each other/people" is also very common in nature documentaries, cartoons, fables, story books, and trivia books that many people are exposed to.

However, there is a factor I didn't mention that is somewhat related to what you brought up, and that's desensitization. Because there's so many people with overlapping sexual orientations, fetishes, and paraphilias, people who have non-conventional sexuality elements are more likely to be exposed to other elements and more extreme versions of their own. Sometimes this happens to the degree that it's no longer seen as unusual and they may partake in media or activities involving things they wouldn't be all that interested in otherwise.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 2 points on 2017-08-06 10:05:43

Uh... em; It's weird thing because I'm into it, but killing or hurting is turn off. XD So impossible connection, actually very good that it's impossible.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 13:33:03

So you do like it, but just no fatal vore?

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 2 points on 2017-08-06 15:05:52

Yes. One comic described very interesting idea. A snake with breathable stomach fluids. Actually a substance like that exists, but breathing is harder and if you use it too long your lungs stops working properly.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 15:09:39

A lot don't even show digestion. This one actually has the prey come back out.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 2 points on 2017-08-06 17:29:32

This snake looks like some bag. In fact humans disgusts me, normally I look for feral only art. But it worked. Disgusting, but works.

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-06 19:20:44

There's not much feral out there. Mostly human and furry.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 2 points on 2017-08-06 20:57:53

I don't know how much human and anthro art exists, but feral vore is indeed rare.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-08-07 04:01:44

They do a lot of digestion, but Strega and Alekthebeasty are two of my faves for feral vore.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 2 points on 2017-08-07 23:06:11

i feel its common with certain reptile owners.

Anyways, i think feeding a live animal to another animal when its not necessary (which includes the fact that you dont need that pet ) is cruel. As long as you dont act it out, i dont really care about it

Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 1 point on 2017-08-08 00:26:19

I am into vore in theory, but only soft vore (so no death or digestion). As a kid and teen, I had many dreams of oral vore and anal vore by animals that would wake me with a massive erection. I see it as a protective and loving act. An animal taking me inside them to be kept safe, and to be loved. In real life? If I could be swallowed or rectally absorbed, I totally would. Would just need air to breathe. Regarding death, I would be honored to provide nourishment in death; one animal for another one ❤️

Thankfully, the furries provide some good art ^.^

BestXman 2 points on 2017-08-08 00:31:18

You're definitely into vore, definitely prey too.

Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 2 points on 2017-08-08 00:32:27

Yup!! It's the romantic submissive type ^.^

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-08 00:39:57

I think pred and prey are pretty evenly split

Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 1 point on 2017-08-08 00:41:00

So not zoo? Feral vore irl?

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-08 00:44:43


Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 2 points on 2017-08-08 00:45:59

So you aren't zoo, but would you be into vore irl if possible? Are you quasi zoo? Just curious 😊

BestXman 1 point on 2017-08-08 00:52:18

I don't know what quasi zoo means.

If it was possible, consensual, and non fatal then probably. Though, I would be the pred.