Does anyone else find it amusing being judged for who you are when their own lives are miserable? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-08-05 19:57:25 by zzzzsleepyzzzz

This has been on been on my mind a lot. There are many people who are judging me for being a zoophile.(I'm very open about it).

The funny thing is that the people judging me are the ones living very miserable lives. There is this guy and his wife around their middle 30s who judge me for always wanting to be alone with my animal. They just live across the street from me.

every morning when I go for my daily walk, the two people who judged me heavyly fight and argue with eachother almost every morning. I see it in their home and hear it very loudly. I just have to laugh my ass off. The guy is already half balding too, likely from stress and I never see his wife happy either.

I have never been miserable once with my animal. She loves me no matter what. Me and my girl rabbit can live a lifetime honeymoon, while these judgemental people can sulk in their own permanent state of misery. The more they judge, the more I laugh at their unhappy life.

I bet anti zoophiles are jealous that we do not have to live in the misery of other humans.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 29 points on 2017-08-05 20:12:39

I bet anti zoophiles are jealous that we do not have to live in the misery of other humans.

Uhm... no.

Kynophile Dog lover 4 points on 2017-08-05 20:52:09

Perhaps that's true of the most vocal critics, but criticism can't be dismissed merely because the people leveling it are themselves unhappy. For example, the "resist" thing with regard to the Trump White House is filled with angry and upset people, but that doesn't mean that their criticisms of certain policies like his staffing choices and his twitter feed are incorrect.

SCP_2547 11 points on 2017-08-05 21:02:56

There are many people who are judging me for being a zoophile.(I'm very open about it).

If it's in real life, you are an absolute idiot.
Stop this dangerous behavior right now.

The funny thing is that the people judging me are the ones living very miserable lives. There is this guy and his wife around their middle 30s who judge me for always wanting to be alone with my animal. They just live across the street from me. every morning when I go for my daily walk, the two people who judged me heavyly fight and argue with eachother almost every morning. I see it in their home and hear it very loudly. I just have to laugh my ass off. The guy is already half balding too, likely from stress and I never see his wife happy either.

This gives me that Hedonist-glen vibe. Eugh...
No, no it's not true though. Being an anti-zoophile doesn't specifically mean anything.
Well, it does. Lack of intelligence, for example. But not this.

I bet anti zoophiles are jealous that we do not have to live in the misery of other humans.

Not everyone is misanthropic.
And no.

Swibblestein 0 points on 2017-08-06 19:48:42

Stop this dangerous behavior right now.

Advising someone to stop doing something is fine. Ordering them to stop is crossing the line.

SCP_2547 5 points on 2017-08-06 20:04:27

There's a goddamn animal in danger.
Oh? Should I ask nicely? Oh OP, would you kindly stop this dangerous behavior? There's a high chance that it will fuck up your life, and worst off all for your animal. You can say ''yes'' or ''no'', so I'm leaving you to bring your animal and yourself in danger or not.
You know, you gotta be strict man. You don't just ask for these things.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-09 00:25:20


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-08-06 21:31:34

and calling them an idiot... <.<

SCP_2547 4 points on 2017-08-07 03:48:49

It is in fact idiotic behavior.

OnzaZ 4 points on 2017-08-05 22:26:28

There is this guy and his wife around their middle 30s who judge me for always wanting to be alone with my animal

WTF? are you telling the entire neighbour, and I thought I was open by telling my closest friends.

But nevermind, your life.

while these judgemental people can sulk in their own permanent state of misery

Yeah well, I'm sorry, but it seems to me like you are very judgamental too; it seems to me like you don't even know them well to say such things.

I bet anti zoophiles are jealous that we do not have to live in the misery of other humans.

What no, that's like saying nazis are jelaous of the jews, or homophobic people are jelaous of gay people; one thing doesn't imply the other, honestly most "anti-zoos" as they are called do not really even care of think about you other than when they are presented with the situation, and the situation is a bit inflated; just like islamophobic people don't go to beat refugees, most zoo haters would just want to remain away from you.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-06 00:00:24

Rabbit + telling everyone who wants and doesn´t want to know you´re a zoo = problems: dead sure , contact with police at some time: almost certain, nickname that will be used all over your town: possibly "the rabbitexploder" or "Fucks Bunny"...;)

Nevermind , man, you actually ARE quite open , even with only a few close friends knowing. Compared to the usual "omerta"-esque attitude towards openly telling other, even random people by the average zoo, you are open. If the story presented isn´t just made up by some fantasizer (which I at this point tend to believe), this will end up pretty badly for sure...I can only shake my head over this totally mindless behaviour.Trouble guaranteed!

This "...their own state of permanent misery" sadly is a pretty common attitude that can be found in our community. Although I made my own observations of the so called "normal" relationships and came to certain conclusions, I would never ever postulate any form of "misery"...besides the fact that judging people simply by what you can perceive in a momentary snapshot is pretty shallow and infantile. I´ve even met a couple that was almost constantly, and I really mean constantly , fighting with each other. The fights always reamined on a verbal level, never got physically violent...and I wondered why those two were still together...until the guy told me he and his wife are completely into this " I´ll fuck you hard, so we´re good again" sex game/role play/Whatever it´s´s a strange world we´re living in...;)

Regarding that "hate = clandestine love/desire" thing, well, this theory has a solid number of believers, I´ve heard such stuff from gays that seemed to believe in it fullheartedly, I´ve heard some ZETA members using it against one of the most prominent anti zoos of Germany and as dumb as this theory looks when you are examining it closely, as much appeal it seems to have for the easily impressed. But in the end, what this theory does is reversing the hate issue. People who like to say such things as our "Bunnylover" usually go for them "They don´t really hate us, they´re hating themselves because they´re too bigoted or too obedient to follow their deep desires." The possibility of NOT having these desires doesn´t even come to their mind for most definitely can be filed in the same drawer as all this "Today, I´ve seen a woman walking their unneutered dogs. She definitely fucks these dogs!" rubbish. That´s what can happen through exaggerated animal porn consumption, for example...these folks take a deep dive into "animal genitalia" world and mistake their fantasies for the real life. I agree to your last bit, it surely holds truth. Most "antis" unleash their furor onto us predominantly online and don´t give a rat´s ass about zoos when they are not appearing in public, on their computer screens or are openly propagating sex with animals as ZETA does.

Sometimes I even envy those with such a simple weltbild, it makes life astoundingly easy and your sleep deep and relaxing ´cause you always know "who the enemies" are...;)

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-08-06 09:20:27

Yeah you are right, I get you.

Dude I have a question, what's the deal with zoophilia and germany?... it seems like germany is the epicenter of zoophilia, if I ever expect something happening it'll be in Germany, german documentaries, hell there was even a parade or something in berlin. I'm thinking there are a shiton of zoophiles in Germany or something. That might explain why there was a horse in every corner when I was there. XD (JK)

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-06 10:33:05

It might have something to do with the fact that 1) Germany is a pretty open country when it comes to sexuality, even the more taboo topics are dealt with in a rather unhysterical way 2) We have the ZETA group sitting in Berlin. Many of what you´ve probably seen is somehow initiated by them or some ZETA members participating in it , people like Oliver Burdinski couldn´t walk by a recording camera without telling everyone about his dog fuckery. 3) Germans are absolute nature lovers. The environment means a lot to us.And therefor, animals also have a higher "reputation" than in the average non German, as part of nature.

I don´t think that there is a shitton of German zoophiles. The percentage doesn´t differ much from that of other nations. We have so much horses in our country because German is "horse land", our dressage riders have a subscription to winning the Olympic games dressage tournaments, our "horse infrastructure" is vast, especially in regions like Warendorf, where the residence of our FN (federation national), the pro rider association is. Just take a look at the names of horse breeds, Hannoverian (Hannover, a city in Germany), Frisian (Friesland, a region located in the northernmost part of Germany and parts of the Netherlands), Oldenburger (Oldenburg, another city in Germany) Zweibrücker (a city in the southwest of G.)...every region practically has its own special horse breed. German horses are known all over the world, basically like German cars. You cannot watch a dressage or showjumping contest without seeing some German horses , even when there is not a single German rider around. We export our horses, our riding instructors, our breeding scene is among the most active, if not THE most active in breeding world class horses for all three major competitive segments of equestrianism.

Our non pro, hobby rider scene is vast and possibilities to find a decent horse for an even more reasonable price in your immediate neigbourhood are equally vast as our hobby rider scene. As a country sitting in the middle of Europe, we have the advantage of unproblematic access to almost any type of horse you can imagine. If you are an enthusiast for Arab breeds, you just have to import an Arab from Spain, if you´re more into heavier horses, you can drive over to Belgium and get yourself a genuine Belgian or stay in Germany and find a Frisian, a Haflinger or even Polish and other Baltic breeds. I imported my Tinker mare directly from the Green Isle, shipment to Germany was cheap. My Lipizzaner cremello mare was born in Lipica in the Czech republic and the breeder I bought her from has frequent contact with those czech breeders. The only type of horse that poses problems to get are the American breeds like Appaloosas and Paint horses, those you won´t find often here unless you are among this special kind of "cowboy romantics"; "western style riders".

In every bigger small town in Germany, there´s a riding club that offers affordable "first contact" with horses and equestrian sports, even for the not so wealthy. As one of the leading countries in football and the recent world champion, you surely can say that football is Germany´s national sport...but if we´d suck at football, I´m pretty damn sure that the next aspirant for our national sport would be dressage riding. The FN as the head organisation is pumping lots of money into the younger generations to ensure continuous supply of talented riders, riding instructors and high class horses. Germany is horse land.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-08-06 17:07:55

me: 90% Asks about how is it that the zoophilia scene seems to all come from Germany, 10% comments on horses.

30-30: 10% comments about zeta, 90% gives me a master class on German horse breeds. XD

I'm surprised the dude, Oliver, hasn't been arrested, how does that work?

Velcorn Dolphin lover 2 points on 2017-08-06 18:36:17

For starters, having sex with animals isn't illegal in Germany.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-08-06 19:05:41

o.O oooooh... I see now, I thought it had already banned it. Why did the EFA website dissapeared then as well as the movies, coming soon and zoo.

Velcorn Dolphin lover 1 point on 2017-08-06 22:40:02

My bad, meant to reply earlier. The law changed back in 2013, but it only applies if the animal is forced and doesn't generally outlaw having sex with an animal.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-07 02:52:11

What you are spouting here is the interpretation of ZETA, not the interpretation of an actual judge. In theory, you´re partially right because the loophole is the german word of "artgerecht" (appropriate for the species), but in praxis, I guarantee you that not a single judge will be impressed with finicky interpretations. And in case you want to argue with me about this, just show me ONE individual that has been drawn in front of a judge for "zoophilia" and walked out of the courtroom as a totally free person, with his/her animal given back to him.... I wouldn´t bet my life on that loophole the German constitutional court has left open, it´s all about how the judge interprets "artgerecht"....and I know for sure that having sex with a human isn´t exactly seen as appropriate for any species except homo sapiens sapiens outside our community...

Velcorn Dolphin lover 1 point on 2017-08-07 10:32:25

It is not ZETA's interpretation, but the ruling of the Bunderverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) which rejected the appeal of two zoophiles who claimed the law hurt their right for sexual self determination. The BVG ruled the law as not interfering, more than necessary, with their right because of the animal needing to be forced - since my words likely carry no meaning to you, just read up on the letter from the BVG (

Aside from that, your demand for proof in this case is weird, because according to that law, it would be highly unlikely to even land in court for forcing an animal to have sex (with you), which it is anyway (forced or not) because it's not something done openly. Still, I haven't heard of any case in which this law has actually caused someone to be convicted within the 3.5 years it is now in effect – granted, that's not really a long time-period, but still. Because zoophilia, or rather bestiality in this case, is frowned upon regardless, it doesn't make much of a difference for any zoophile.

In any case, you're right about not definitely trusting the law and its interpretation by the judge or lawyers in case you ever land in court with this. However, the ruling of the BVG makes the law at „appear“ not to be a ban on bestiality which was my main point.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-07 22:50:36

As I said, this is the interpretation of ZETA and one attorney who runs a law blog.

To abbreviate the hassle about this, I will propose exactly the same to you what I proposed to ZETA...get caught on purpose or turn yourself in to the police , hand over a picture that shows you having sex with an animal and see whether you walk out of the courtroom free , unfined , still allowed to own animals and with your animal given back to you (´cause it surely will be taken away from you until trial is over). If you are convinced that sex with animals isn´t outlawed in Germany, this should be the one and only definite proof of your theory...

Pull this off successfully and I´ll gonna buy you a beer...

Velcorn Dolphin lover 1 point on 2017-08-08 10:40:23

As a guy who is mostly into dolphins, this seems to be a hard thing to pull off on its own, but the beer might be worth it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-09 02:15:34


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-08-06 21:34:54

this just changed last year iirc.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-07 02:45:36

...aaaand for actual smart guys, sex with animals was outlawed via the animal protection laws in July 2013...

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-07 03:25:19

Burdinski and the ZETA group as entities openly advocating "zoophilia" (or what they think it is...) are still running free because ...well...maybe because the scenario that is painted by them, with all that "zoophiles are SOOO oppressed", isn´t reality. In reality, no one but a few anti groups and animal welfare organisations, cares what you do with your animal unless it isn´t violent and harmful to the animal or you are poisoning society with self made animal porn you publish.

Burdinski also made the wise decision to withdraw from his former position as a mouthpiece for "zoophilia" due to the massive pressure I put on him regarding all of his articles on his own website (zoophiles-infoportal) and his interviews. I criticirsed him on his audacious statements after the Espenau incident, when a regionwide known fencehopper was beaten into a coma. Burdinski postulated that this definitely was the work of an "anti zoo vigilante" and "had nothing to do with the incident that occurred a few months before when this fencehopper was recorded invading a farm, inserted his arm into a PREGNANT mare´s vagina while masturbating, injuring her in the process, leaving blood traces all over the place as a sign of "totally harmless fencehopping".

When the real attacker of the fencehopper was uncovered and identified as the female horse owner´s friend, uhhmmm....I made a thread or two about this whole stuff, just search my contributions for "espenau case" and you´ll get the entire story.

I also criticised lots of articles on his website and even forced him to do what , to my knowledge, hasn´t been done before...I made Burdinski publish a definite statement about fencehopping in general, condemning it outright, without all of the usual "Yeah, it´s bad, but..." mumbo jumbo. Maybe this disencouraged him so much that he decided to withdraw from public, he hasn´t published an article on his page ever since, nor is he still active on his twitter account.

Another aspect of Burdinski still running free is what I´m preaching in here for ages now...without hard evidence in the form of pictures or videos, the legal system practically has no chance to prove "zoophilia" in a way that allows punishment in any form. To my knowledge, Burdinski never published any of that evidence (at least one thing I repect him for). All his interviews and articles are just clues, not evidence. The "oppression" some German "zoos" are complaining about is just in their heads...shut up, draw the curtains and lock the doors and no one will ever fuck up your life. Burdinski finally seems to have internalised this simple lesson.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-08-07 07:29:51

Damn dude, you seem to be more involved into this than I imagined.

Even when I honestly would like sex with animals to be legal (yet I can only imagine how dangerous it can be if animal brothels sprout), so I can just be careless about it as I know there's no way anyone could extort me.

I know you are an advocate of keep your private life in secret, but hey that's fucking annoying at times, and I know it has little benefits because people in general don't give a shit wheter you are zoo or not, but having to stop saying what you think or really feel is a real bummer, I'd like to talk without filters, that way being my close friend or not, I can just speak my mind if the horse I just saw in the corner was hot or not the say way they tell me the chick riding him is hot.

also, imagine if you have a sex accident, how do you explain that to a doctor?... or if you decide to have a "date" in a forest, somewhere natural, and I don't mean sex just cuddling, grooming, kissing, playing, running around and shit, but someone who is exploring can call the cops on you because they think you are having sex. You know how that'll give peace to mind not to have to put a 500ton lock on the door just in case and 4cm thick curtains so that even if someone actively tries to catch you they won't be able to see anything, you don't have to be paranoid; you probably never in your life get caught, but just the fear of makes the sex act less enjoyable.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-08 00:48:53

I actually had a sex accident, if you want to call it mare accidentally bit my penis while she gave me a bj, well, predominantly the foreskin. I went to the doc the next day and he said that we would have to wait until the "balloon" that was my dick then settled down again to "normal" dimensions...a few weeks after that, my circumcision was schedueled. So I went to the clinic, got my local anaesthesia and the doc started snipping...because of the injury, my foreskin was firmly attached to the actual penis and the surgery was about an hour instead of the usual 5 minutes a non injured wang needs to gain the "topless" status...;) When the doc finally managed to detach/cut off the foreskin from my penis, he took the tweezers and removed two long, brown horsehair from my dickhead...he held them up against the light, looked at me for a second and continued with his work, cleaning and sewing my dick back together. I knew that he knew...animal hair are distinctively different from human ones in appearance , thickness and structure...but he never said a single word about it. Nor did the three nurse trainees that he asked me to allow as an audience during the surgery. What I want to say: at least in Germany, doc have what we call "Schweigepflicht" and aren´t allowed to spill the beans to authorities, except severe stuff like gunshot wounds and such.

Nevermind the "outdoor cuddling" stuff, at least in Germany, no one will take offense in it, it´s rather seen as a good quality in an animal owner. I usually kissed my mare (not the french type, mind you) in plain sight of many other horseowners and no one ever felt offended by that. I also used to run with my mare on her pasture, several horseowners saw that are were totally cool with it.

hile I am totally with you that fear can make the act less enjoyable, I´m so used to that now it hardly interferes with my sex life..or should I say "had interfered with my sex life when my mare was boarded at a public farm/riding club. Luckily, having a farm of your own will delete that aspect of zoophilia once and for all...;) But there´s a saying in our community: "The ears are a zoo´s most important means of perception." I had to scan my surroundings constantly while "at it" in my first riding club, then I had some time off of that little "sonar" game in the private stables I moved to; I had literally all day in complete solitude with my mare, usually only after 5 PM, the first other horseowner entered the stables. Then, I went back to a public boarding stable and had no problems with going back to the "Hush! Is there someone nearby?!?" routine. You get used to it after a while....;)

Regarding my involvement in the community, I´m not lying when I say I´m into this whole shit for far too long and far too deep. I follow every single article and the case it deals with, I try to get a hold of everything happening in our worldwide community, I even periodically read the sites of the antis to keep up with recent developments.And I dare to criticise even "pro zoo" organisations and persons like ZETA and Burdinski...not because I´m up for a fight, nor for selfish reasons, but simply because our entire community hasn´t made any progress since I got first involved in this around the beginning of the nineties.Our strategy (should there be one at all) is constantly failing us, our tactics are not working...and that is why I am still involved in this and even pick up fights like the one I had with Burdinski until he finally published an official text distancing himself from/condemning fencehopping without any mumbo jumbo, twisted semantics and other sorry ass excuses. I want to change things although I could be perfectly fine without all of that. Sitting at my farm, only a few meters away from my four ladies who now probably are sleeping while I type this (2:30 AM...I sleep approx. 4 - 5 hours a day), no other human but my family, who knows about and is perfectly fine with my zoophilia, within a radius of several kilometers and couldn´t care less about "the community", "the scene" or anything else....but something keeps me commenting, posting, discussing, criticising and I don´t know what that is and why I still do that stuff...maybe I feel responsible for my orientation...who knows? When I turn 50, I´ll end that, this I have promised myself. I´ll focus entirely on my horses and me then...I think that more than 30 years in this are enough. ;)

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-08-08 06:49:24

Haha dude no way, so when you turn 50 you'll forget about us young ones... damn sad, every community needs the grumpy grandpa. haha!

But yeah you are lucky in that sense of being able to have a farm, I barely have rights in the legal sense, and many zoos aren't actually very good at farm life either, it'd be so cool if the new human world (to say cities and towns) was more animal friendly, it's kinda sad that after the industrial revolution, even dogs have it hard; and while this made cities and towns healthier, I'd have preferred a change in culture on "cleaning the shit".

my circumcision was schedueled

Oh no that awful surgery haha... I had an infection there as a kid, a really bad one, and my mother refused to let the doc remove the skin, it took years to heal, but I can only imagine how painful it'd be without it, even as trans, I'd rather remain intact as it's better for sexual stimulation, I honestly can't imagine why would anyone want to do that surgery geez!...

Nevermind the "outdoor cuddling" stuff, at least in Germany, no one will take offense in it

Hahaha... well considering how Germans are there, I once broke in a farm thinking it was an open road just to find myself in the other side with a fence that said private property, but from the inside, and there was this woman with a horse speaking german to me but I didn't understand shit so I ignored her; and I was like... wut, I've been using this road for ages, but well, they didn't fence the other side of the road and it seemed like any other road, so, sigh... but she was so calm lol, and wasn't even mad I ignored her, and I spent a shiton of time there looking at the horses and stuff, without knowing it was some private landarea, haha; had it been the US I'd have been shot. She must've been thinking, stupid tourists.

From all I know it is illegal where I am in Scandinavia to attempt to fence large areas like that; it's a bit less privacy but honestly at least to me it's pointless, I doubt there's any hurting from people using dirt roads where not even a car fits and most farms didn't have these, even those with horses, but anyway, the fact it seems Germans don't seem to want to interact with other people, not even if they are kissing a horse down the street, or breaking into their property, haha.

And I honestly think that was is really changing the game is exposition, kids nowadays don't care if you are trans, homo, zoophile, bisexual, furry, brony, BSMD, attracted to objects, etc...; they have seen everything, and even when they like to troll and stuff and are more insulting than the previous generations, they, in reality, don't mind, they don't like things, but also don't hate, because they have seen it on the internet already, haha. I once wondered what would a teen/young adult would think on the sight of an obviously zoophilic scenery, I made up a story, posted it online, popular opinion was "this is fucked up", "bestiality", "how disgusting", "damn so hot", "you are just jelaous", a couple of memes, "we need pictures". Not a single person said, call the police or contact the authorities.

So I don't know, ofc I'm quite young too, and honestly that's what I expected of people around my age group, so maybe it's not ZETA or Burdinski that would do a change, but just the internet as a whole that would make people more tolerant as "they've seen everything".

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-08 10:56:26

"...I´d rather remain intact as it´s better for sexual stimulation..." I have to contradict that from my experiences...;) It´s true though, you become a little less sensitive down there, but my average lasting time during the act almost doubled after the surgery, from around 10 to 15 min to about half an hour. Still a gruesome experience to go through the healing process of a circumcision when you´re an adult, not a kid...every erection, even the slightest one, caused horrendous pain and peeing with a healing wound on your penis...ooohh, gosh, whenever the fresh scar tissue came in contact with even the smallest drop of urine, the pain was so fuckin´ overwhelming, I had to smash my head against my bathroom walls and run to the sink immediately to wash down the acidic urine with water. This is definitely something even my worst enemies don´t deserve...;)

When I "retire" from the community in about 4 and a half years, I wouldn´t refer to it as leaving you youngsters alone in this, but "grumpy grandpa" ;) deserves his peace of mind after more than three decades of fighting, agruing and drama, right? Even more, since my Lipizzaner mare turned out to be a very talented dressage horse that went through the lower stages of training without any major efforts from my side...she naturally does the travers and renvers lessons, she already does an almost flawless piaffe and I´m really looking forward to what the future might have in store for us two. I still dream of participating in the Olympic games as a part of the German dressage team...and see a realistic chance to achieve that with my all white and pink cuddle monster. ;) Don´t hold it against me that I´ll focus on this rather than spending the entire rest of my life engaging in online fights and discussion. I did my time and paid my fair share to the community in the last 25 - 30 years and think I have earned my retirement.

The new generation you´re talking about isn´t as tolerant and indifferent as you like to portray it in your post. I made the experience that the pendulum of sexual liberation already is swinging back. I doubt people will become more tolerant of zoophilia because they have seen it on the internet. We haven´t become more tolerant of murder just because you can see fictious and real murders in TV on a daily basis. Don´t underestimate the reactionary forces, the rise of the "new right" in the western world is a watertight proof of their power. The popularity of people like Trump, Orban, Le Pen young folks is real, don´t ever think that being young makes you immune to reactionary views. I´d really like to tell you otherwise, but our basic problem won´t just solve itself by sitting and waiting for the generation internet to grow up and replace the "old conservative farts"...and about that "they´ve seen everything" bit, well, I have seen snippets of "2 girls, one cup"...and that hasn´t exactly made me an advocator of doo-doo games. ;) During my time in this , I also have seen a lot, possibly more that it is good for one single person, but it only has increased my disgust with human sexuality and decreased my tolerance levels for stuff I was tolerant to when I was young.I once was a supporter of the gay movement when I was young...until I was booked for a gig in a gay club. Back then, I was producing electronic music with my friend and what we saw there, in this basement gay fuck club with people coming in for a quick five minute fuck, made me rethink the entire issue from a different perspective. Don´t get me wrong, though...I´m not a hater of homosexuals, but the mindless fucking of people who don´t even know each other´s names before they inserted their dicks into each other just repulsed me so much. I tend to see sexuality as a sacrilege...and here I was, forced to observe the entire local gay scene fucking each other ...or should I say , masturbate...not with their own hands, but with other people´s bodies as a replacement for their hands. No love, just egotistic carnal desire.The profanation of sexuality. I abhor the "credo" of prostitutes and porn stars of "Love and sex should be separated"; no, exactly this attitude has brought us into an oversexed world. You don´t just hand out the keys to the candy shop to kids and act surprised when they leave the shop next day, obese and with diabetes. Mankid was suffering under religious sexuality dogmata, sure...but we haven´t been "liberated" , we only have acquired another dogma , we fell into the opposite extreme of the porn dogma. All because of the internet and people who´ve "seen everything"...age of Aquarius, the unhinged, egotistical child...

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-08-08 18:39:55

Damn in my experience the new generation literally gives no shit for nobody, and that's probably the reason they are getting into the "right" with the rise of nationalism, they only think on themselves, they have become selfish.

I have seen snippets of "2 girls, one cup"...and that hasn´t exactly made me an advocator of doo-doo games.

Yeah but I bet you'd just ignore it if someone told you they did that, rather than making an entire fuzz about it.

I once was a supporter of the gay movement when I was young...until I was booked for a gig in a gay club. Back then, I was producing electronic music with my friend and what we saw there, in this basement gay fuck club with people coming in for a quick five minute fuck, made me rethink the entire issue from a different perspective

Oh nice exploration ;) or am I wrong?

I also have seen a lot, possibly more that it is good for one single person

You tell me I'm not even half your age, but I've seen enough shit in my life, I want to retire already; geez, that's why I want a relationship with an animal, some peace!...

Damn dude you really love your horses, haha, you talk so muhc about them!...

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-09 01:59:53


UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-08-06 00:39:40

Echoing what has been said here already, you can't just assume how they feel about their lives or that they are jealous because you witnessed 1 aspect of how they behave towards someone who isn't you. AKA, you can't assume people want to be just like you, because that's kind of arrogant.

But, I have to wonder, about the mental health and maturity of someone who goes around, negging other people as much as anti-zoos do. I mean, it's not like they are wanting to discuss the issues they have with us in a non-violent way, or can change our minds by being aggro towards us. I have to question the intelligence/time management of someone who constantly throws tennis balls at a brick wall, hoping to knock it down. Like, so what? Someone wants me to kill myself? They can join the club! I've had people wanting me to kill myself since I was in kindergarten, I already know most people are xenophobes. They aren't special for hating zoophiles and are only circlejerking when publicly going aggro on a zoo, they aren't achieving any change with that attitude. They can't hurt me lol, all their threats and insults make them look like bored teenagers who never got enough hugs growing up.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-09 02:34:02


Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-08-06 05:54:32

I see some people in the comments have shown some disappointment in you for this post. I see where you are coming from, but I think there are a few things you should consider.

every morning when I go for my daily walk, the two people who judged me heavyly fight and argue with eachother almost every morning. I see it in their home and hear it very loudly. I just have to laugh my ass off.

Imagine you were in your neighbor's shoes, they would see your relationship and probably laugh their ass off as well. Too many zoos see conflict and argument in human relationships as a bad thing, I on the other hand think that it is often a good thing. From conflict arises understanding and truth, maybe two people will get to know each other better or break up, but either way they will likely be more honest about their feelings after having an argument. Humans arent like other animals, it takes much more effort to have people be straight-forward and honest about their feelings, the kind of effort that comes out of arguments like the one that your neighbors had.

And yeah, be careful what you say dude, think about your girl's safety when do things like be open about your sexuality. Ultimately its your choice, im just hoping you are prudent when you make decisions like those.

I bet anti zoophiles are jealous that we do not have to live in the misery of other humans.

Hey im sure not all humans live in miserable relationships. Although its probably much harder to find a good partner if people nowadays spend so much time trying to hide who they really are, but life goes on...

BestXman 3 points on 2017-08-06 06:04:55

I'm not into zoophilia, at all. I roam around here for the stories and because I'm nosy. If you guys aren't abusing or hurting the animals, I think it's all fine.

ZooMasil 1 point on 2017-08-07 21:20:00

I mean it's in the same vain as going around and telling people you're a national socialist, it doesn't make you a bad person but you'll be labeled a nazi your whole life and literally everyone will hate you. Zoos do not live in a social vacuum, being open means you're okay with either moving to a place where it's not illegal or going to jail, or just avoiding all animal contact in total. My advice is to only tell a few good friends if you have to and stop being such a smug fuck head, you're a zoophile, whoopty fucking do, it doesn't make you better, and in fact laughing at miserable people lowers you morally, hold yourself to a high standard and try to see people who hate you as just regular people to.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 17:08:52

I find amusing to be called an animal abuser for having consensual sex with my dogs when the person is eating a hamburger that came from a murdered cow that didn't consent to be killed.

And the jealousness ifs obvius in some of them (not all of them) is like with gay haters, some of them are gays themselves and hate gays because they hate themselves. Or are jealous that we have more sex than them. And so on.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-08-20 13:44:31

I find it amusing that you´re calling them "your dogs" when you made quite clear they´re not at all yours...your stupid "...but I´m a vegan!" excuse does NOT, I repeat, NOT make up for fucking animals not yours.

And yeah, keep telling yourself that every "gay hater" is just a closeted gay himself...that´s how you keep your life simple and far from any reality, right?

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-24 00:19:25

I find it amusing that you´re calling them "your dogs" when you made quite clear they´re not at all yours

I was talking literally about MY OWN DOGS. Dogs that I literally own as legal property. I was not talking about dogs that I don't own.

your stupid "...but I´m a vegan!" excuse does NOT, I repeat, NOT make up for fucking animals not yours.

Ad hominem fallacy. Calling an argument stupid doesn't prove that the argument is false. Better luck next time.

Plus, I have not even made such argument. So, not only you are using a straw man fallacy, but you are using an ad hominem fallacy against that straw man fallacy. lol

And yeah, keep telling yourself that every "gay hater" is just a closeted gay himself...that´s how you keep your life simple and far from any reality, right?

Again, straw man fallacy. I never said that every gay hatter is gay himself. I was pretty clear and said: "SOME of them" According to statistical studies, the odds of a gay hater being gay is higher the more vocal that hater is. If you don't like facts, then cry me a river.

Have fun reading this and seeing that I was right and you are wrong: