Minimum age that's acceptable? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-08-07 03:06:10 by Prey119

Wondering if there's a minimum age with male animals (specifically dogs ) that you would find acceptable to allow them to start performing sexual acts ? And why that age ? As soon as they show interest ? A year ? 2 years ? I've had large breed boys wanting to mate as early as 6-7 months and interested in putting their noses in private parts any sooner . Seems like discouraging them might hinder them being as excited/willing to have sex in the future , but also something feels not quite right about allowing a pup free reign . 🤔

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-07 03:09:57


Prey119 1 point on 2017-08-07 03:39:35

That won't load for me - but since it's a vet site I would assume their reason for waiting 2 years is to make sure you're passing on good traits to offspring. I'm not talking about mating for the sake of breeding/reproducing ....

BadBoy003 1 point on 2017-08-07 03:41:32

I would assume their reason for waiting 2 years is to make sure you're passing on good traits to offspring. I'm not talking about mating for the sake of breeding/reproducing ....

Yeah probably. Although I'm ignorant of any research that actually looks at when a dog is done developing mentally which would be one of the concerns.

caikgoch 4 points on 2017-08-07 03:27:56

It depends on the breed and the individual. Puppies can hump almost from birth because it is a reflex. ANY dog of ANY age will stick his nose everywhere that he can. Both are just normal dog behaviors.

You don't want a dog attempting sex until he is mature enough to be fully co-ordinated. That's from 1 year for small breeds up to 2 years for giant breeds. They can breed at a younger age because mother nature always has a plan B to insure continuation of a species.

The problems begin when an inexperienced, uncoordinated dog hurts himself trying something he isn't ready for. He may never want to try sex again. Especially not with the partner that hurt him. So when in doubt, wait.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:53:35

Well said. Perfectly said.

SCP_2547 7 points on 2017-08-07 03:28:10

For dogs it's 2 years because at that point they're adults. So there's no doubts they're sexually mature at that age.
It's different for many other animals, but when they're adults then they are fully ready.

Also, I'm not saying it's right nor wrong to have sex with underage animals, but I'm just using the logic of this sub right now and wonder what some think of it.
If there's no detrimental effects and you both enjoy it, what's the problem?

Prey119 1 point on 2017-08-07 03:36:15

So if they're attempting to mate at say , 6 months and you tell them "no" until they're 2 years .... haven't you essentially taught them by then that behavior is unacceptable ? I mean I've been telling my dog "no" to the trash can for 2 years , and she wouldn't touch it now even if I invited her . She'd think it was a setup 🤣

caikgoch 5 points on 2017-08-07 12:46:52

There are levels of "no". You can say "No, not now" or "NO!!!, NEVER!!" and a dog will understand the difference.

Dogs are used to being told "NO" for sex 51 weeks out of the year anyway.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2017-08-07 17:59:06

Dogs are used to being told "NO" for sex 51 weeks out of the year anyway.

\>tfw dog zoo :(

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-08-07 18:12:28

Well, it's not a rule... so...
And iIrc don't you have to wait way more years for horses than for dogs?

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-08-07 23:24:45

Yes you do. It is extra important to start training horses as early as practical simply because they get so big and really hard to correct later. You are supposed to wait at least 4 years for breeding horses for the same reason that you wait 2 for dogs, BUT, I have had a yearling "go off" on me while learning penile maintenance. I think it surprised him more than it did me.

For mares it is extra important to wait because horses have a rather delicate vagina until the hormones of heat "wake it up".

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-08-07 23:25:32

That's why dogs can prefer humans as sex partners. They never get pregnant or go out of heat. No waiting for sex.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-08-07 14:25:22

They're still sexually developing, so they're not fully aware of what sex really is yet. So if you say no, it's unlikely they will refrain from doing it after they are mature. Even then, they will still have a desire for sex when they're grown up, the animal may even make the first move. When you make the first move, it'll be new to them and may decline even if they're in the mood. Just come back another time, maybe in a few hours or the next day and they'll be less shy. But that's IF they are shy, as mature animals are way less shy with sex than underage animals.
Even then, there's something most zoophiles do to make them less shy for sex. When they're young, get them used to being touched everywhere. I wouldn't recommend having sexual contact with them, but you could touch them near their genital area and basically everywhere else.
Oh and this may also help with cuddling in the future, especially if you want to appreciate every part of their body like me.
Also, keep in mind that sexual behavior and other behavior aren't exactly the same. I'm saying that because you made that trash can example.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-07 03:47:06


30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2017-08-07 03:40:58

Well, it´s all about maturity. Not sexual maturity, btw. I´ve seen 12 y.o. girls growing breasts, but no one except a certain kind of folks with "specific" interests would claim that such a girl is mature and should engage in sex, especially not with an adult. Same goes for animals: Wait until they really are adults. With dogs, that would be two years of age and with horses, about 4 - 5 years of age. From a zoophile perspective, you should let your animal mature without any interference, even if that means to "hinder them being as excited/willing in the future", what in my opinion is a very sad thing to say and clearly shows a vast amount of objectification of the animal. Animals aren´t sex toys you just have to manipulate physically and emotionally so they fit your personal needs and expectations better. Let them mature, they deserve it. If your only concern is that your animal might not become the "excited and willing" live sex toy, I really question any claim of "love". Animals are living beings, not dildos you can "upgrade" with a stronger motor for "increased pleasure".

Prey119 5 points on 2017-08-07 03:50:10

Well that answer seems a little hypocritical but ok .... you're ok with training them not to do something that is coming naturally to them because your human mind says they are too young ...but yet you also said it's not ok to manipulate them physically or emotionally . If left to their own devices , they would be breeding much younger than if we are making them wait to make ourselves feel better about making sure they're adults

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-08-07 04:10:30

If you already know everything, why´d you even come here and ask?

I also assume that your dog is allowed to poop on your living room floor, ´cause that´s also "natural" behaviour.

And where exactly in natural conditions are puppies allowed to breed? The Alpha of the pack will deal out a good portion of whoopass to the puppy, should the pup try and mate with the pack´s females.

I really think you are delusional and just search an excuse or assurement for your paedobestiality .

SCP_2547 4 points on 2017-08-07 11:59:00

Not wanting to speak for OP here, but...

If you already know everything, why´d you even come here and ask?

So why aren't OPs allowed to argue? They also hold opinions.
Maybe they're looking to change their mind or are just doubting what you say?

The Alpha of the pack

Wasn't this alpha BS debunked long ago?

I really think you are delusional and just search an excuse or assurement for your paedobestiality .

Yes, someone asking a question is suddenly a pedo. Logical.
Don't worry /u/Prey119, someone gets blinded by their own anger very commonly. And no, this time it's not me.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-08-07 15:47:57

So why aren't OPs allowed to argue? They also hold opinions. Maybe they're looking to change their mind or are just doubting what you say?

OPs are allowed to argue but if they have a solid opinion they want to debate, they need to make that clear and not present their thread as asking for advice.

ToffeesLover Twuu Zoo 1 point on 2017-08-12 17:42:37

Wasn't this alpha BS debunked long ago?

lol yep. Calling a wolf an 'Alpha' makes as much sense as calling a Mommy deer an 'alpha' - they're just parents, generally. Not to mention that dogs are not wolves - they've been bred and altered to live with humans and even if we can learn about their behaviour/needs from wolves they are not the exact same animal.

Prey119 3 points on 2017-08-07 03:53:21

So telling them not to mate when they're attempting on their own free will is manipulating their feelings way more than just allowing it. Sorry that reasoning you gave just seemed pretty confusing . Not arguing with you - we can all have our own opinion .

Prey119 0 points on 2017-08-07 04:01:29

And no I don't think animals are dildos but I don't think they're humans either . They aren't on the same level as us as far as complex. A 12 year old girl's emotions and mental health are not comparable to a dogs . That's insulting to our species .

BadBoy003 1 point on 2017-08-07 04:06:24

That's insulting to our species .


A 12 year old girl's emotions and mental health are not comparable to a dogs

But is a 12 year old's mental development equivalent to a dog which is of the equivalent maturity of a 12 year old? I'd wager that they're different because of many reasons. But unless we actually have evidence of this, it would be better to avoid all risk by waiting longer than the 'minimum' whatever that is determined to be.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-07 13:32:17

Exactly that.

SCP_2547 8 points on 2017-08-07 04:11:41

More like insult to the animals. They're the beautiful ones, not us.

Prey119 0 points on 2017-08-07 04:15:02

But their brains and capacity for emotion and critical thinking are no where near the level humans are on. And that simpler mind what makes them beautiful. They live in the moment . You're not going to find a dog dwelling on a situation that happened months ago (or even days ago ) like a human would .

caikgoch 4 points on 2017-08-07 12:13:04

Different brains in different worlds have different organizations. Critical thinking is of little use to a dog so he doesn't develop much of it. Can you tell where the dog has gone and who he has met with just by sniffing him? For an extreme example look at cetaceans. There's a lot of brain power there and it's most likely being used to build a three dimensional model in graded densities of a few cubic miles of ocean.

Emotion is what we all (mammals) have in common. Mothers all love their babies.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-07 03:52:29


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-07 04:00:28


Prey119 2 points on 2017-08-07 04:18:09

I am getting notifications for some responses but then coming here and not seeing them. I am a female with a female dog so the question is hypothetical. I did work for a breeding kennel for 8 years and saw male dogs bred for the first time at 8 months and some not until 5 years . Maybe I should rephrase the question -- What do you think would be negative consequences of letting a male mate at/around 1 year old ? What are the benefits/gains you would see from making him wait for months after he's expressed interest ?

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:49:25

consequences of letting a male mate at/around 1 year old ?

None assuming that he doesn't have any birth defects in his genitalia.

I have seen 2 dogs that the tip of the penis is attached by a thread of skin to the base of the penis. Those dogs have the tip of their penis bend over in 180degree permanently (well, until the tread of skin was cut)

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-07 04:56:20


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-07 14:46:35


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-07 14:48:41


duskwuff 3 points on 2017-08-07 07:42:07

For female dogs, I've always heard "wait for the second heat cycle". So, a year or so.

Same general age is probably applicable for male dogs.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:45:53

That is for penetrative, sex, you can do other acts on the first heat, or even penetration if your dick is thin enough.

male dogs mature faster, around 6 months they start to seek sex. 6 months in a small breed is already adult age.

Gotta_havva_wawa 1 point on 2017-08-11 17:00:44

What the fuck is this sub.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:52:46

A forum to talk about zoosexual related topics.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:44:38

From an objective point of view. If there is no harm done to the dog (mentally or physically) I don't think the age matter.

From a subjective moral point of view. Sex with puppies is pretty gross and some people will mistreat you like if you where a child rapist.

Seems like discouraging them might hinder them being as excited/willing to have sex in the future

You don't need to discourage them. Just distract him with something else. You could even reward the dog with a "good boy" and then just distract him with a ball or something else.

If you don't like... hit him with a rolled paper, he won't be discouraged to have sex as an adult with humans.

And if you don't mind all the social outrage, you could even encourage them or do some actions to increase the odds that the male dog will be more prone to seeking sex or doing sexual acts with human. As long as the dog is not harmed by this, I see nothing objectively bad about it.