is it possible to make myself stop being attracted to animals? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-08-09 19:22:40 by ThrowawayAAApeD95

I know this isn't the kind of thing that would probably get posted here, but I didn't know where else to put it.

I love dogs, I always have. I think about them a lot. I want to take one and bury my face in its fur and love it until the day I die. I Fantasize about them sexually too. The first time I ever had a dream about sex it was with my dog at the time. Don't get me wrong, I like people too, but it is definitely not to the same degree.

the problem is I hate this. I have never actually done anything sexual with an animal, and likely never will, Becasue I don't think I would be able to live with myself afterwords. I feel guilty every time I masturbate while thinking about them, but I just can't stop. I have tried not thinking about it, and I have been able to go for long stretches without looking at animal porn, but eventually I always come back to it.

I just want to know if there is anything I can do that would help me stop. I don't want you to change my mind on this, I have heard so many arguments about how animals can have relationships or consent, or whatever, but none of the arguments I have read really stick with me. I feel like it is wrong, and I hate myself for feeling this way.

BadBoy003 1 point on 2017-08-09 19:33:58

Why would you feel guilty about thoughts? You can't change your orientation but you can take certain drugs to blunt your libido. You'd want to get in with an actual psychologist and doctor and not try to do it yourself though, if you were to go down that route

As long as your fantasies and desires aren't sadistic in nature then really you shouldn't see it as an issue, though

ThrowawayAAApeD95 1 point on 2017-08-09 19:53:37

why would you feel guilty

I often compare in my mind animals to humans, and from that regard it feels weird when you get into the matter of having consensual relationships. Like, Imagine if it was a person you wanted to sleep with, but they cant speak, write, and have a very limited understanding of what you say, showing that there was in fact consent might be rather difficult. Things get even muddier when you add to it that in the eyes of the law dogs and other animals are your property, you just own them.

it is the same reason I would feel guilty if I was thinking about a person sexually abused or assaulted.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-09 20:05:21


ThrowawayAAApeD95 1 point on 2017-08-09 20:39:37

I was hoping there would be something else I could do.

This wasn't the sort of answer I was hoping for, But I want to thank you for taking the time to reply none the less.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:31:11

but they cant speak, write,

Muted humans can't speak, they can still consent to sex. People without hands or legs can't write, but they can still consent to sex. Dogs consent to sex with canine language.

Dogs being property under the law doesn't affect their ability to give or deny consent.

Dogs are not humans.

And a dog doesn't need to understand a belly rub to enjoy one, much less understand a hand job to enjoy it. If the person likes giving handjobs and belly rubs to a dog, and the dogs like s it, then there is no problem.

showing that there was in fact consent might be rather difficult

You can always video every sex acts you do to prove it was consensual. Sadly, such videos will be used as evidence of law violation as those laws don't deal with consent but with the act. TO them, it doesn't matter if the act was consensual or not, if you did the act you are found guilty.

Also, who cares what they think, if you know it was consensual, that is all that matter.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-09 20:03:12

Not every fantasy or desire one has is automatically an orientation...

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-09 20:09:00


TokenHorseGuy 2 points on 2017-08-09 23:35:16

I agree, talk to a psychologist if it is a genuine problem, as long as the expectation is getting coping techniques and not necessarily a fix.

But especially with a history of anxiety, I think it is important to try taking a step back and understanding where the guilt comes from, why it's there, and remembering that thoughts/dreams aren't illegal.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-08-09 21:27:06


ThrowawayAAApeD95 2 points on 2017-08-09 21:53:21

Thanks for the advice.

I have been trying to become closer to people, although it is very hard for me. only in the last year has my doctor taken me off the anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications I was taking. It was always much easier for me to be close with animals, and I think that some of my zoophilic tendencies stem from that. I am hoping that as I am able to develop closer relationships with people the feelings will subside some, or at least I will be able to come to terms with them as you have.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2017-08-10 19:44:58

Good summary of my feels there. except i haven't come to terms yet, which is probably going to take years at minimum.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-09 23:29:28


true_zoo 1 point on 2017-08-09 23:45:29

Yes possible, the brain is just steroids levels and neurotransmitters, you just need to find the right pharmaceutical, but it's personal and takes a lot of experimenting, it's a lot of work.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2017-08-10 00:06:49

This is a pretty large and inaccurate oversimplification of the phenomenon of the human mind lol

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-08-10 00:15:40

Sexual attraction is more complex than that. It's extremely difficult to intentionally alter it, people have tried. It doesn't work, especially not without serious negative effects.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-08-10 02:08:53

It doesn't work mostly if you don't want it to work.

Even if you want it to work, the road is most likely going to lead to failure and pain yes. I would recommend learning to cope with and manage your feelings over trying to purge yourself of these desires.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2017-08-09 23:55:31

No, not really possible. Some drugs can reduce sex drive, but that's about it. Look into coping mechanisms for intrusive thoughts. I'd also recommend not looking at porn if it makes you feel guilty, or at the least finding an alternative (drawn/cg porn, natural mating instead of bestiality, etc) that feels less bad.

OnzaZ 2 points on 2017-08-10 06:47:23

Some drugs can reduce sex drive

But can't really affect sex desire.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-08-10 03:39:06

i'm glad you had the courage to post here. it sounds like you may already be going through therapy, but i'm not certain.. perhaps the medication you were on was only from your regular physician, not a therapist. if you don't have a therapist at the moment, as others have said, that would probably be the best route to start with.

i hope you can find a way to cope with it, but i also admit i hope you find in time that you can accept your feelings if they don't go away. either way, best of luck.

Lateoss Wuz gud 2 points on 2017-08-10 05:26:17

First of all im sorry to say you feel the way you do, im sure its difficult for you. There was a time when I felt the same way as you do, so I know what it is like, although ultimately I chose to embrace my love for animals, horses in particular.

Let me start off by saying this, and really take it into consideration: With sexual interests, you can always get rid of something, but you can almost never create something. There is always a way to get rid of some sort of attraction, usually by force, but it is far far harder to make yourself love something. You mentioned that you are still attracted to people, although to a lesser extent. That is good, and it means your sexual desires can still wander in either direction, or even a new one.

There are ways to reduce your attractions and fantasies, but they will always come with a price, as do most things that deviate from your bodies physical and psychological choices. You can use drugs to reduce your libido, and if you are a male, reduce your testosterone levels. Although if you so choose to do that, you will likely reduce your interest in sex and romance as a whole, with humans as well. I do not recommend taking drugs, in my opinion the negatives outweigh the positives.

Other than drugs, there are ways to boost your sexual desires with humans, although there are no clear ways to reduce your desire towards dogs. Spend time around people, get to know people (even as friends) on a deeper level. True love and desire come with having more intimate and healthy relationships with people. You cannot expect to be deeply sexually attracted to other people if you lack contact with humans. On a similar note, people often find that they fall in love with other people AFTER they have already been in a relationship with that person for a while. Be open to relationships with people, and maybe you will find yourself falling more in love once you have gotten to know the person, and possibly how similar or likeable they are to you.

Some stuff that you might find helpful on dealing with your interests in dogs: If you want to really move on from it, then the first thing you need to do is accept it as part of who you are. Clearly since you are posting here, it is on your mind at least enough for you to take action. Dont let it occupy you, you have to clear your mind and move on, even if that means simply accepting your interests. Now im not saying you need to act on it or anything, im just saying you need to become comfortable and confident with yourself. Also, stay away from dogs if you can, it will likely help keep your interests off your mind (and that includes staying away from porn too!).

On a final note, its very well possible that you will not find the same level of attraction to people as you do dogs, ever. We are all subject to the ways our psyche grows and develops over time, having sometimes no control at all over the inner machinations of our minds dwelling beneath our conscience, but as people who have the power to always choose our actions, we are in charge of not acting on these thoughts that may scatter through our minds. If you find yourself unable to escape your interests in dogs, then you must come to terms with it, and accept it as it is. Ultimately there is no way around that, you cannot run from yourself.

And remember, sexuality and sexual desires change with time. You may not be the same person you are right now in as little as just a year. Who knows, your desire in dogs might just be a phase (although unlikely). Have hope for the future, learn from the past, and live for the present. :)

OnzaZ 2 points on 2017-08-10 06:59:54

Okay I will have a change of thematic with my unpopular opinion.

You only live once, your experiences are only for yourself, we are a minuscule being in the magnitude of the universe and most of our decision pale with the big scheme of things, hence our only purpose is to experiment as much of the universe as we can and be happy and have a fulfilling life.

Simply say people put a lot of value on the decisions based on what the majority thinks, we are social species, so we tend to do that, but if you are a bit more logical, that doesn't matter; it is better to live taking every little moment, every experience like there's no tomorrow, because there might be no tomorrow. Do what you feel like doing, because you only live once and don't overthink your earthly desires.

So instead of avoiding it, approach it. Embrace the impulsiveness of your desires, and I mean any desire, because experiences are the only thing that you'll take to your grave and will be a deciding factor of wheter you have no regrets, or you feel like you wasted your time.

I aint using any arguments about consent or anything like that, and I don't mean just sex with dogs, I mean everything, believe what you want to believe, I am just saying, your time here is running out, so you rather make the most of it, or just keep going on with anti-depressant and anti-anxiety pills to try to remove that what your brain asks for, in a futile fight.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-10 08:55:10

"...instead of avoiding it, approach it." No, just no. OP has clearly said that he isn´t happy with his fantasies and just telling him he should live in denial of his obvious internal conflict is nothing but generating another mentally crippled person. UNhealthy, for all parties involved, even the possible quadruped ones.

Hey,OP. There are ways to deal with this, but they demand efforts from your side to work properly. You definitely show signs of some kind of an addiction ("... always coming back to animal porn..."), so you could try and treat it like an addiction. Stay away from what stimutales and nurtures these fantasies, delete the animal porn, don´t visit AP sites...maybe even quit the porn completely, even the more "normal" varieties, at least for a while. Should you fantasise about dogs again, tell yourself "I don´t want this and would lose all self esteem , should I ever do this in real life". Use the same tactics a sobered out alcoholic is told to use, stay away from your personal "kryptonite" as far as you can. Avoid ALL stimuli. Get yourself a hobby for intellectual "deflection" and physical exhaustion. Build up a pleasant, "normal" real life. You might have fantasies, but you are NOT the slave of your fantasies.

Since you don´t seem to plan turning your fantasies into reality in the near future, seek the help of a specialised therapist. If you are emphasising that you would never act upon your desires, it should be rather safe for you to be completely open with him and tell him everything.

There are ways to live with an unwanted desire, even if your fantasies will stick with you despite all your efforts to get rid of them. A similar form of therapy is used to help paedophiles who are uneasy with their fantasies, have not acted on these fantasies and are aware of the negative implications for all parties involved, should they ever act out their desires and fantasies ...and it is quite successful. In Germany´s capital Berlin, such a therapy is offered free to all paedophiles of the kind I described with roughly a 70 - 80% success rate.When interviewed, participants of this special therapeutic programme stated that even when the unwanted fantasies remained, the therapy helped them to fade their fantasies out , push them into the background, becoming less and less important and dominant. Oh, and don´t underestimate the human brain´s ability to forget...without exposure to stimuli of the unwanted kind, you probably will forget about them over time. Since I don´t believe this is your orientation due to some keywords and details in your original post, you probably will forget about "doggie fuck" too, if you have enough discipline to stay away from anything that reminds you of these fantasies. It surely takes some mental discipline from your side , but with the internal conflicts you seem to have, it´s absolutely worth it to give it a try.

Finally, a general statement directed to everyone: Folks, before you encourage folks to "embrace their fantasies" and "give it a try", let me remind you of one of the original zeta rules: "Don´t talk them in, talk them out". This is not a rule with the purpose of "zoo elitism", especially in cases like this one here, disencouragement and sincere help to stay off an unwanted desire is way more beneficial to everyone, to the person with the internal conflict, to the animal(s) and last, but not least, to us as a community. Or do you really think that pushing aside any internal conflict with a "just embrace your fantasies" will create a healthy, responsibly acting "zoo"? Or will this created just another mentally crippled person with even MORE and MORE SEVERE internal conflicts instead? Do we really need even more clearly mentally imbalanced individuals in our community? Yes, it is important to reach out to fellow zoos, to lend a hand and offer sound advice. But it is also important to help those who are NOT happy with their attractions. Don´t try to "recruit" them, help them get rid of or subdue their desires if these desires are unwanted and making these people´s lifes worse. If someone clearly writes that he feels bad about their fantasies, don´t encourage them to embrace the end, it´s not you, the encouragers, who have to deal with the psychological repercussions this "embracing" person might have to face due to your "help". Take a close look at each single case and decide what to do after you´ve thought about all that is implicated, don´t just switch to your automated "zoo support" programs. If we actually believe in the world owing us zoophiles tolerance, we should also believe in the fact that we owe the world a responsible way of dealing with our orientation, the animals and cases like this.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-08-10 11:01:34

Well I'm not talking him in or out, I'm telling him to do what he wishes, and let him be followed by his impulses, rather than overthinking it. He should do what he feels like doing, and you can't predict whether he'll be successful or not.

That means that if he feels like taking drastic measures to get rid of this desires, okay then, but I say that the most successful way to be happy is to follow your desires, and this guy seems struggling against them, rather than approaching them, I am not recruiting anyone because his feelings are already there.

And by accepting that those desires are there is when you begin to understand them, he might as well in peace with them and see them as a side business, but as long as he fears his own desires, he won't take a choice, because the first step towards something is acceptance, of course he will need anti depressants and anti anxiety pills if he is in denial, but as he accepts things this might become just a phase, or just like you, the rest of his life, you don't know; but if he nevers accepts it he will never know either, yet you are recommending an inhumane treatment of behavioral modification, even these pills that affect sex drive, they don't work, because I take them, and they don't affect romantic sexual desire.

And the point is everyone will die so let's rather be in peace with how you came to be, regardless how shitty it is, I also hate feeling attracted to animals, but I accept it, and I probably pursue it regardless that I don't feel comfortable about it.

ThrowawayAAApeD95 1 point on 2017-08-11 06:18:03

Thank you for this, I will try everything you laid out. I have not tried giving up all porn before, but if it will help it is worth a shot. I'll try working on hobbies and other relationships too. Due to problems I have had with anxiety and depression, both of those have been hard for me in the past. It is good to think that as I work to overcome some of those problems this might go along with it.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:23:24

Some gay people even become priests to avoid gay fantasies and they end up getting caught in a public bathroom giving oral sex to a male prostitute.

You are trying to run away from something that is in you. Very hard to do if not impossible. Rejecting it will cause more harm than embracing it.

Get psychological help so you learn to accept yourself.

A lot of us when through the same problem of hating ourselves over it but that was all over once we embrace it.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-08-10 08:06:52

If you try to do something, taking drugs, whatever, believe it will help. It's important in medicine, you will get placebo effect and statistically it really will have better results. Sometimes to degree when pills works completely opposite only because doctor have said they will. I won't recommend any other method because I simply don't know about them much, but remember: If you think something will help, you have better chance it really will.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-11 16:59:29


Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:20:44

is it possible to make myself stop being attracted to animals?

If it didn't work for gays after they torture them, it won't work for zoosexual either.

the problem is I hate this.

That is the problem. If anything you need psychological help so you don't hate it. You need to learn to accept it and not hate it.

I just want to know if there is anything I can do that would help me stop

Well, you could ask a doctor/psychologist to prescribe those drugs that totally kills your sex urges. But then, you won't even want sex with humans. And those drugs have side effects.

Where accepting that you like dogs and not haring yourself over it has no side effects and is a positive thing.

I feel like it is wrong

And you feel that it is wrong because? If you can't give a RATIONAL and SCIENTIFICALLY valid reason for why it is wrong, then it is not wrong.