Should I reward my dog? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-08-09 21:24:31 by throwawaydogs4

Hello guys!

I'm a 22 YO girl living alone with her 4YO lab. I'm not really a zoophile, but lately I was thinking that he is basically living in celibacy and found it kinda cruel. I don't find it gross or disgusting and wonder if I should get him off sometimes, as I do not intend to let him breed a female dog.

If I should, I wonder what would be the best way to do it and what should I know. I find the taboo aspect arousing, but do not want to hurt him or myself.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2017-08-09 23:46:38

Marked NSFW since you're talking about sexual contact specifically. Since you probably didn't read the side bar, please do so also lol

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 14 points on 2017-08-10 00:00:29

If he has any sex drive he probably already masturbates. Animals can take care of that themselves if they want to. They don't have a concept of 'celibacy' or being 'deprived' of sexual contact, especially not if they've never had it. You can't 'miss' something you're unaware of. The best thing you could do is just let the dog hump a pillow or a toy or your leg if he wants to.

30-30 amator equae 10 points on 2017-08-10 09:07:42

Best advice so far...I´m so tired of this "the poor sexually deprived animal" rhetoric that seems to be widely accepted in our community. ALL males masturbate frequently, regardless of the number of their legs. Not one male animal "NEEDS" a human to "relieve the pressure", that´s just rubbish talk from people who desperately need justification for their bestiality.

OnzaZ 5 points on 2017-08-10 11:53:03

Yeah but honestly if they want to take part of it and the dog is fine with it, it's fine.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 5 points on 2017-08-10 13:04:35

Yeah I agree, though I'm still going to point out the reasoning of 'sex deprivation' is flawed.

OnzaZ 5 points on 2017-08-10 14:48:34

Yeah but well, everyone thinks different things for different reasons, as long as none gets hurt, I'm completely fine with it.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2017-08-10 12:53:36

King of strawmans lol. Also, it is certain that not "ALL" males masturbate as you say.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-09-10 02:59:38

Possible you´re the king of strawheads instead...check out the article about non reproductive sex in´s your dunce cap, mate.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:09:26

Many dogs can't masturbate themselves even if they want sex. Others do it but they end up harming themselves with the fangs or nails.

If the dog happens to like being jerked off, why not give it to him?

Not one male animal "NEEDS" a human to "relieve the pressure"

I guess my male dog was an exception. And I'm sure there are millions of exeptions to your claim.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:07:15

Not all dogs know how to masturbate. And even if the dog is not seeking sex, why not give it to him? not all dogs look for ear s scratches but surely many of them enjoy them.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 23 points on 2017-08-10 00:01:24

I'd recommend just wrestling and really taking some time to play with him and get him riled up and see where he goes with it. Dogs can live totally happily without sex too, so if it's not something he already expresses any interest in I'd say just let it be. In the long run you could end up finding it more of a chore than a mutually fun activity haha.

If you want to guage his interest, while he's standing you can pet him, petting around his flanks and sheath and just see how he responds to it, if he's comfortable or surprised or totally engaged or shies away or whatever--not all dogs are gonna be comfortable with it.

If he does have interest, there's a few important things to know. For one, you shouldn't let him go straight to mounting you, since not only do you not know how big his member is you don't know how he will respond after orgasm(if it's even your intention to go that far). Even if he's not big enough to physically injure you, many dogs enjoy turning after they knot or trying to pull away, which can greatly hurt you both especially if unexpected.

A dogs penis is also much different from a human one, being more membranous(think similar to the inside of your cheek) and having a knot(expanding upon arousal). You don't stroke like you would a person(after it's out of the sheath at least), it's more of a tugging from behind the knot that they enjoy. The membranous tissue on your dry hand can actually be painful to them. The tip, however, is still a very pleasurable part for them.

Pushing your dog beyond his comfort level will certainly deter him from wanting to do things in the future so just work with his body language and don't push past where he's comfortable.

I'm certainly missing some things so listen to more than just me in order to get an idea of the whole concept. Be safe and give your doggo some pats for me ✌️

caikgoch 4 points on 2017-08-10 03:00:30

Scratch his ribs. You can do it with him on his back or by reaching around him as he stands. Rib scratching is very erotic for dogs and he will enjoy it.

Be warned that he may become a major pest pursuing further scratches. Cuddle with him and make him happy. If you decide to go farther, come back for details. Remember that you don't have to do anything but once you've done something, it can't be undone.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 7 points on 2017-08-10 03:44:50

another thing that hasn't been mentioned is preparation for the future. if this is something you decided to pursue, and if he is interested, you should train him to have some sort of situation where it is allowed, but not allowed otherwise. for example, only if he brings you a very specific toy. that way, he hopefully won't embarrass you by asking for sex when others are around in a very obvious way. with a toy, no one but you and he will know what it really means.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2017-08-10 14:21:02

One of my dogs is still working on that lol, always trying to hop up onto guest legs and it is indeed totally embarrassing (especially when only a couple of the people in the room know I'm zoo lol) but it's easily just chalked up to dogs being dogs lol. I rarely have guests over lately (happens when he's bored at home not when we're out and about) so it's just a tough thing to work on.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-08-11 01:48:50

our boy gets VERY affectionate when he's in the mood, and thanfully doesn't leg ride. my (zoo) roommate and i just chuckle about it later since we know what's going on, but the guest doesn't (and we don't want to clue them in).

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:06:03

our boy gets VERY affectionate

How so? Does he paws you? Not hum,ping but like a pull with a single paw?

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 16:05:23

I would advice you to watch videos on youtube of people masturbating male dogs for artificial insemination/semen collection reasons. You can get a hint on what to do and what not to do. Read from websites how to masturbate a dog, plenty sites tell you how (again, for insemination reasons)

Now, if you do it, I would advice having a bow with water near by. Wet the hand that you are going to use (this help to lubricate the dog penis) then rub the base of the penis, near the balls, the area that has a knob is the knot, that area is the one that you rub to get him aroused. He should start humping. When he does this, keep rubbing and push the sheath/prepuce skin back and expose the penis and keep rubbing with the wet hand at the base of the penis. The dog will do most of the work with his humping.

After that, you are free to let him there cumming on the floor in pleasure, or you could continue to hold him by the knot. Some dogs like to stand still while other like to walk around.

When you see that the dog penis is deflating, try wetting your hand again and rub him a couple of time to lubricate his penis, this makes it easier for it to get back in again. Some dogs don't even need this as the will lub it with their tongue. Some dogs don't do that and they end up having a painful retraction.

Some times the prepuce can get stuck, in which case, just pull it back and then forth till it goes back to normal over the penis.

Avoid doing that in windy places again to avoid the penis go dry.

Use short nails as to avoid scratching the penis. Dog penis are very sensitive and can be made to bleed easily by a tiny bump of a nail or a scratch.

if you see your dog backs off and doesn't like being jerked off. maybe you need to build more trust with him, Try petting his private parts for a month so he sees that you intend no harm. And when he is used to that, try jerking him of again. If he doesn't like it, then give up.