Male Vs Female (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-08-13 21:13:05 by ThrowawayAAA123AAA

I have been hearing that males are better than females when it comes to sexual activities because they can be topped and bottomed. I am curious as to what the average consensus is in this subreddit. Additionally I would like to know if male dogs tend to be more sexually active than females, as this is another common statement I've heard. I do understand that not all dogs appreciate having their anus touched, however I have heard that you can "train" your dog to enjoy it, or at the very least become comfortable with it with time, again I would like to know the legitimacy of this statement. Thanks.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-13 21:20:04


caikgoch 7 points on 2017-08-13 22:11:12

Working backwards:

I do understand that not all dogs appreciate having their anus touched, however I have heard that you can "train" your dog to enjoy it, or at the very least become comfortable with it . . .

Different animals, like different humans, have different tastes. Some like it and some don't. You just have to ask carefully then accept the answer given.

I would like to know if male dogs tend to be more sexually active than females, as this is another common statement I've heard.

It's not real complicated. Some females like sex out of heat and some don't. Males just like sex when and where they can get it. That puts the odds in the males' favor.

I have been hearing that males are better than females when it comes to sexual activities because they can be topped and bottomed.

That depends entirely on what you want. How interesting would a hard core bottom be to your average female? I prefer being "bottom" myself so big strong males do it for me because they are the ones that can "top".

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 5 points on 2017-08-13 23:12:27

Pretty much this, with the addition that there is a difference between an animal tolerating anal(sexual in general, though mostly for acts of penetration so namely anal and females) contact and an animal enjoying/seeking it.

Also some males, even intact(especially raised to be abstinent) can be uncomfortable with sexual contact. Most neutered males are uncomfortable with sexual contact as well(at least in the dog world) but there are some neutered males who like it such as one of my puppers :P

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 14:42:00

If you don't mind, how does your neutered male performs?

I have seen a couple of neutered males who fuck, stop, fuck again, stop fuck again, repeat 20 times. They seem to have more orgasm than non-neutered ones. Though, their genitals are drier and you need to lub them well or they will feel disconformity.

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-08-13 22:19:05

Mostly depends on their personality, not their gender in my opinion.
Short, simple 'n easy.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-08-13 22:49:48

NSFW YO SHIT щ(ಠ益ಠщ)

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 4 points on 2017-08-13 23:02:44

N O B O D Y ever reads the sidebar. -sighs-

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-08-14 15:18:38

Well, it makes sense from a reproductive standpoint to say males are more sexually active. They are fertile year round, whereas females are only fertile a few days every year. That doesn't mean some female can't have and enjoy sex when they are out of season (seems to be rather common, actually), but they won't be biologically predisposed to do so.

I don't know about topping a male animal, though. Seems pretty abusive to me. Having sex with females is already a big grey area even though their sexual anatomy is made to receive a penis. An anus isn't made to be penetrated... If you have to train your animal to enjoy it, you should probably keep your fingers/whatever out of there.

BadBoy003 3 points on 2017-08-14 15:51:01

Bitches have a certain base level of fertility all year round as well. It's just significantly higher when they're in heat and it's certainly possible for a bitch to have sexual desire while not necessarily fertile.

Having sex with females is already a big grey area even though their sexual anatomy is made to receive a penis.

How or why?

I don't know about topping a male animal, though. Seems pretty abusive to me.

Depends on if they enjoy it or not. Which is definitely possible if they are big enough or you are small enough to fit comfortably.

An anus isn't made to be penetrated

If you don't cause damage to it physically then it doesn't matter what it was "made" for

If you have to train your animal to enjoy it, you should probably keep your fingers/whatever out of there.

Pretty much

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-08-14 18:55:25

I'm not interested in giving anal sex but that's just a personal preference. However, I've certainly taken a lot and enjoyed pretty much all of it. So I have no problems believing that an animal might enjoy it.

I have seen jack Donkeys take turns screwing each other. Male dogs will masturbate against anyone and anything that they can catch. So it never hurts to ask, just be prepared for the answer.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 14:46:37

I have seen jack Donkeys take turns screwing each other.

Donkeys are not dogs. Donkeys may enjoy it, dogs is yet to be proven.

I've certainly taken a lot and enjoyed pretty much all of it.

Humans tend to enjoy anal sex mentally or from having the prostate rubbed. Where with dogs, it is unlikely that the dog has a "fetish" for being anally fucked. And the anus don't give orgasm like the clitoris does. And humans are VERY unlikely to properly stimulate a dog prostate through the anus with a dick to make the dog feel pleasure during anal sex.

And again, dogs are not humans. You enjoying it doesn't mean dogs can enjoy it.

The educated guess is that dogs are very unlikely to enjoy anal sex.

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-08-14 21:44:46

Bitches have a certain base level of fertility all year round as well

Bitches are infertile during anestrus. During this stage, they are generally not receptive to sexual attention. I never said it's impossible, though. Just unlikely, based on what we know of canine reproductive biology.

How or why?

Nobody here can deny consent in animals is a touchy subject. You can't really force male animals to mount, and it's pretty difficult to misunderstand their intentions and desires when they are doing so. However, it is very possible to force females to be mounted, and how okay they are with it is subject to interpretation. Don't get me wrong, I'm into female dogs and I'm sure it can be done in a way that is beneficial and pleasurable for all parties... just saying it's a grey area.

Depends on if they enjoy it or not.

And how can you even tell if they enjoy it or not? Just because they tolerate it doesn't mean they enjoy it.

BadBoy003 1 point on 2017-08-14 22:10:30

Bitches are infertile during anestrus.

That's interesting, I could've sworn I had seen an article linked on a breeding site that showed some level of baseline fertility. Couldn't find it after a few minutes of search though. Although intuitively, despite peaks and valleys of hormones there would be a baseline amount of estrogen and LH even out of heat.

During this stage, they are generally not receptive to sexual attention.

I gotta disagree there. There is obviously a contrast between the seemingly hypersexual state they are in during heat and out of heat, though.

it is very possible to force females to be mounted

Yes, and like with males, it's also pretty obvious whether or not they want you to or not.

And how can you even tell if they enjoy it or not? Just because they tolerate it doesn't mean they enjoy it.

The same way you tell if they're enjoying any sex. Or any contact for that matter. If a dog is enjoying something and you stop they'll stare at you until you start again (that's probably the most obvious). Or if they're walking back into you etc.

If you pay attention next time you're interacting with a dog (or even observing someone else) you can fairly readily and easily learn when a dog enjoys how someone is petting them vs them just tolerating it. It's really only a touchy subject to the uninitiated or peripherally repulsed person.

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-08-14 23:54:47

A canine's ovaries don't produce eggs year round. Therefore a female dog isn't fertile year round. Estrogen doesn't make you fertile. If they were fertile year round, they would have no need for heat cycles. If they were fertile year round, dogs would mate randomly at any point, pregnancies would also happen at any point... This isn't how dogs work, it doesn't even make sense from an evolutionary standpoint.

It's really only a touchy subject to the uninitiated or peripherally repulsed person.

Of course. That's why the overwhelming majority of people find it morally reprehensible... Because everybody except you is either an uninitiated or peripherally repulsed person. Right.

Nothing about this is easy. Nothing is black and white. It's a huge grey area.

BadBoy003 1 point on 2017-08-15 00:17:56

Estrogen doesn't make you fertile.

Well I wasn't saying that estrogen or LH are the sole mediators of fertility, just that they likely have effect on their libidos (definitely have an effect, just the levels lower out of heat so it's likely not a 'huge' effect, but their libidos would still be intact regardless of a peak or valley, just different levels of libido). The reason for the increased libido during heat isn't because they "produced eggs" it's that their hormone levels are significantly higher. If they were moderately fertile all year round there would still be a benefit to increased fertility at certain points though. Dogs do have sexual contact outside of heat though, even with members of their own species or themselves.

That's why the overwhelming majority of people find it morally reprehensible

The overwhelming majority of people find it morally reprehensible because of a peripheral and poorly educated, emotional reaction. Yes. If someone is capable of transcending their emotional reaction to actually think about it critically and actually spend time observing their behaviors, then usually there is a large degree of acceptance. But when the average person is so emotionally consumed about someone going 5% below the speed limit that they're willing to endanger not only their life, but everyone else's in the vicinity (by road raging, which some crazy amount of drivers admit to, like 70 some odd percent), that isn't to be expected. Tangential af at this moment, I think...either way the example stands to an extent

Because everybody except you is either an uninitiated or peripherally repulsed person.

Well no. Just saying that it seems like you are uninitiated. It's really not difficult to understand a dog's body language. If you have spent limited time around dogs or haven't put forth a big effort into examining their behavior then it's understandable.

It's really obvious when a bitch desires sex. You can look at their behavior during heat, it's the same body language they produce when out of heat that shows desire for sex.

For example, flagging is pretty obvious. If they're flagging you can generally proceed a bit, if they keep flagging you and just stare at you if you stop whatever it is you're doing then you can proceed further. Honestly and truly. If your dog is flagging, pushing back into you, giving you rhythmic contractions and staring back at you when you briefly stop then there isn't much doubt they're enjoying the situation. It's really that simple honestly.

Even more, if always do this in a certain area of the house that they never need to go in, just them following you in there is an indicator, and them leaving or avoiding the room shows the opposite.

It seriously is not that challenging to definitively determine whether they desire contact and/or are enjoying contact. Arguments with people with no experience with intact animals, with severely biased people and generally people who've given it absolutely no conscious objective thought would lead you to believe it's some complex issue that is super hard to determine. Although, it's really quite simple once you do a bit of observation.

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-08-20 06:43:08

Well I wasn't saying that estrogen or LH are the sole mediators of fertility, just that they likely have effect on their libidos

No. You were (and still are, apparently) saying that bitches are fertile (i.e. capable of producing young) year round, which is factually untrue. Hormones aren't the sole mediators of fertility, but they certainly play an instrumental role in it. Hormones, for example, are needed for the maturation of eggs and are responsible for triggering their release from the ovaries, when the time is right (estrus). Without eggs, there is no potential for reproduction and therefore no fertility. Hormones also play an immense role in behavior. Fertility (capacity for reproduction) and libido (sex drive) are not the same things. And yes, in the female of animals that are not fertile year round (like C. Lupus), it makes every bit of sense that their desire for sex (libido) coincide with their period of fertility and tapers off at every other point. Now look at male individual of the same species. They are fertile year round! And you know what? Their sex drive never fluctuates! Crazy, isn't it?

The overwhelming majority of people find it morally reprehensible because of a peripheral and poorly educated, emotional reaction. Yes. If someone is capable of transcending their emotional reaction to actually think about it critically and actually spend time observing their behaviors, then usually there is a large degree of acceptance.

I'm not even disagreeing with you, in essence. But this is nothing short of sophistry. "The only reason why people don't agree with my point of view is because they haven't been enlightened yet." You realize other people can just as easily say the same thing about your beliefs, right? What makes you right and not them?... "If you have spent limited time around dogs" isn't an argument. There are people out there who have studied animals more exhaustively and spent more time around them than anyone here who would still fiercely disagree with any point made by zoos.

But when the average person is so emotionally consumed about someone going 5% below the speed limit that they're willing to endanger not only their life, but everyone else's in the vicinity (by road raging, which some crazy amount of drivers admit to, like 70 some odd percent), that isn't to be expected.

And yet you face the risk of a lifetime of humiliation, ostracism and possibly much worse because you are so "emotionally consumed" with your love of animals that you'd want to have sexual relationships with them. Who are to judge, really?

If your dog is flagging, pushing back into you, giving you rhythmic contractions and staring back at you when you briefly stop then there isn't much doubt they're enjoying the situation. It's really that simple honestly.

So your point is that receptive "body language" is what gives you the right to proceed, correct? With that being said, let's focus back on the original point of this whole discussion, shall we? I would really like you to provide me with what you think qualifies as receptive body language in the case of an animal desiring to be anally penetrated. I'm not talking about "being neutral" about it once you're already in there. I'm talking about behavior that would unmistakably be read as an request to be anally penetrated. Do male dogs flag when they want to take it up the butt?...

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-20 06:43:19


BadBoy003 1 point on 2017-08-21 04:01:39

No. You were (and still are, apparently) saying that bitches are fertile year round

I did say that I had read that in my first post. I was mistaken. But, no...I have not said it any further. Or at least not meant to come across that way. I said that there would be a baseline level of sex hormones even beyond fertility, and sex hormones influence libido. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

And yes, in the female of animals that are not fertile year round (like C. Lupus), it makes every bit of sense that their desire for sex (libido) coincide with their period of fertility and tapers off at every other point.

It would change based on their hormone levels, which are lower than the extreme levels during heat. That doesn't mean libido completely diminished in all cases. As I believe I said, it could be a low-normal or even a normal level of libido (compared to a male) but not the ludicrously high libido they would have during heat. The contrast could be deceiving.

You realize other people can just as easily say the same thing about your beliefs, right? What makes you right and not them?...

You can search mating behavior and clearly observe these things, though.

If you have spent limited time around dogs" isn't an argument.

It is not an argument, it's a statement. If you have spent limited time around dogs, haven't put much effort into trying to understand it or even if you just weren't aware that it existed, then you will likely not understand it. I think I suggested this before, you can look at mating behavior and all other bonding behavior in k9s just online and if you put conscious effort into analyzing actions you can learn a lot pretty quickly.

There are people out there who have studied animals more exhaustively and spent more time around them than anyone here who would still fiercely disagree with any point made by zoos.

This is just an appeal to authority, even if you didn't intend it. Many people 'study animals' and never even venture into their sexual desires. If someone is aware of an animal's desires doesn't mean they will be able to overcome an emotional reaction and bias. Most people have no reason to even attempt to change their view or learn more of this subject, or subjects similar to it.

And yet you face the risk of a lifetime of humiliation, ostracism and possibly much worse because you are so "emotionally consumed" with your love of animals that you'd want to have sexual relationships with them. Who are to judge, really?

There is a difference between being ignorant and emotionally attached to an idea beyond reason and experiencing mutual love. Sexual contact is of fairly minimal importance in any relationship I've had

I would really like you to provide me with what you think qualifies as receptive body language in the case of an animal desiring to be anally penetrated.

The same things, walking back into you, flagging. If you always do it in the same area of your home then them going into that area upon their own volition and waiting for you or trying to bring you there.

I'm not talking about "being neutral"

I think you've been reading Aluzky's comments and not realizing they aren't mine. I've said my opinion on "being neutral," it's entirely possible that a dog has 'learned helplessness' and is just submitting to the situation. So you should only proceed if there is clearly enthusiastic consent.

I'm talking about behavior that would unmistakably be read as an request to be anally penetrated. Do male dogs flag when they want to take it up the butt?...

You obviously have to try to find out if they will like it. No, I'm not talking walking up behind them and flying in like "WHAM!!" lol. I mean the same as you would with vaginal sex. You proceed slowly and see if they enjoy it the more you go on. A (vague) example: you'd start with stimulating around the area, then maybe directly on the area, then if they're enjoying both of those you proceed a bit further. And so on. If they ever don't clearly enjoy it, then stop. Just the same as any other sex with a non-human. Some male dogs sometimes do flag

While it may not be requested by them the first time, you can request it of them, and see what they say.

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-08-21 05:32:11

It would change based on their hormone levels, which are lower than the extreme levels during heat.

"Extreme" is a bit nebulous word in this case, I think. On a scale of 1 to 10, the mean is 5. 1 is as extreme as 10. The baseline level of estrogen is the lowest it will ever go under normal circumstances and therefore is extremely low. When it peaks at some points during the heat cycles, it will influence behavior and receptivity for sex. However, when it is at its extreme low, I doubt it has much effect on the behavior. But hey. That's a good thing, isn't it? It means that the enjoyment of sex isn't tied to hormones and that zoophiles aren't just taking advantage of a natural reflex.

This is just an appeal to authority, even if you didn't intend it.

Not really. Had I claimed these people were right because of their experience, it would have been one. But I'm only using this statement to put your own in perspective. Why does your knowledge and experience around animals supersede the knowledge and experience of other people who are also involved with animals? What makes other people who observe mating behavior and don't come to the same conclusion as you wrong and you right?

There is a difference between being ignorant and emotionally attached to an idea beyond reason and experiencing mutual love.

I'm a pretty hardcore relativist, so for me there is no objective distinction between concepts like these. How people justify their actions is rarely reasonable. The pursuit of mutual love may be enough to convince you that your actions are reasonable, but there is really no objective connotation attached to an idea as flimsy as love. Why is it that you are more reasonable than, say, somebody going over the speed limit because they are late for an important meeting? Love is important to you, but that important meeting is also very important for that other guy...

I've said my opinion on "being neutral," it's entirely possible that a dog has 'learned helplessness' and is just submitting to the situation. So you should only proceed if there is clearly enthusiastic consent.

Fair enough.

Some male dogs sometimes do flag

I find that hard to believe. Again, from an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense that the bitch may want to move her tail out of the way of her genitals to signal her readiness for mating and so to grant easier access to the male. As an anus serves no sexual purpose whatsoever, I'm really doubtful that males would exhibit the same behavior.

BadBoy003 1 point on 2017-08-21 15:22:35

However, when it is at its extreme low, I doubt it has much effect on the behavior.

I think we're saying the same thing. But again, diminished desires don't mean non-existent desires

It means that the enjoyment of sex isn't tied to hormones and that zoophiles aren't just taking advantage of a natural reflex.

I don't think someone who actually loves their partner and is respectful to their partner and their wishes is 'just' taking advantage of them. Because it benefits both parties equally, maybe even the dog more.

The pursuit of mutual love may be enough to convince you that your actions are reasonable

I said that sexual contact was of minimal importance. I'd gladly abstain from sexual contact if a partner wasn't clearly obviously enjoying it.

Why is it that you are more reasonable than, say, somebody going over the speed limit because they are late for an important meeting? Love is important to you, but that important meeting is also very important for that other guy...

Being an irresponsible driver is both dangerous [to the driver] and endangers other people's lives to a very real degree. Respectful intercourse with a dog, not so much.

As an anus serves no sexual purpose whatsoever

You can definitely get sexual stimulation from receiving anal sex. Both male and female. A male may not flag as a basic behavior. There is more to it than simply flagging, even in vaginal sex with bitches. You've got to ask them if they wish to have that type of sex. If they do, then that's that. Some males flag after finding they enjoy that type of stimulation. Both males and females have control over their tails as far as I'm aware.

caikgoch 3 points on 2017-08-15 02:10:43

And how can you even tell if they enjoy it or not?

Let me explain something about animals in general. Anything that you give them three times and they enjoy, becomes a right. That's why you never give a dog treats at the dinner table. They will want MORE!!!!

Mares are famous for demanding sex from the closest available male. Google "marish behavior". It is my considered opinion that when an animal demands something from you, they probably enjoy it.

Just because they tolerate it doesn't mean they enjoy it.

First, see above. Second, Why is it bad that anyone accepts inconvenience to please someone they love? Last I heard that was a normal relationship dynamic. I certainly put up with some annoyances to keep my guy happy.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 14:54:49

Bitches are totally infertile when not in heat.

Depends on if they enjoy it or not.

You should have said: Depends on if they enjoy it or find it neutral or not.

BadBoy003 1 point on 2017-08-16 15:24:33

Infertile =/= unable to achieve pleasure from sexual contact lol

I dunno what you mean with this comment.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 21:01:03

I din't said: "Infertile =/= unable to achieve pleasure from sexual contact lol"

So, clearly you didn't understood my comment.

You said: "Bitches have a certain base level of fertility all year round as well." ←And nope, they are only fertile 2 times a year (only one for one dog breed) and that fertility time only last a couple of weeks.

Your claim that they are fertile all year long is not factual.

BadBoy003 1 point on 2017-08-17 00:18:11

Someone else already said that, so I was confused as to why you were restating it in tandem with the bottom part. Makes it appear you intended to correlate them.

As for this, it seems a bit confusing as well.

You should have said: Depends on if they enjoy it or find it neutral or not.

Submitting in distress from learned helplessness could easily be mistaken as neutrality (essentially, not discernible from neutrality, except it's distressing and unpleasant for them; rape) therefore, only enthusiastic, clearly enjoyed intercourse should be performed.

To restate in slightly different wording: if a dog isn't clearly enjoying it and seems "neutral" it would certainly be possible (maybe even probable) for them to be in distress and submitting, so it's better to err on the side of caution in this case

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 14:53:38

If you have to train your animal to enjoy it, you should probably keep your fingers/whatever out of there.

I agree. Though, you can't force other to comply to that. And if they happen to do it, I don't see the problem if the dog is not in distress or being harmed.

just saying it's a grey area.

I don't see anything gray about it, either the bitch likes it or find it neutral (in which case is Ok) or the bitch doesn't like it (which is rape)

I think is damn obvius when a dog doesn't like something.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-16 14:28:08

If you classify better as in being able to do more different sexual acts.

Then male dogs are better. You can do with them more sexual acts and a couple that you can't do with with females (like hotdogging? That one where you have penetrative sex with the dog sheath.) Though, you need a large dog to be able to have a chance to do all the possible sexual acts that you can do.

Additionally I would like to know if male dogs tend to be more sexually active than females, as this is another common statement I've heard.

As some one who has sex with other people dogs (behind their back without fence jumping (wich is something rude to do)) I tend to see that males tend to be more sexually active than female. Very few time I have found females who likes to be masturbated. Most females act neutral to masturbation attempt. Where male dogs like it and welcomes it on a majority of the time.

FYI: My female dog can hump me several times a day. She likes sex a lot (sex = being masturbated) she doesn't like nor dislike being penetrated. I almost never see videos of females who orgasm during penetrative sex with humans. Maybe females need to know you very well for them to be more sexually active? Maybe is like with humans, where male humans tend to be "horn dogs" and females tend to be horn dogs only with people who they trust and know well. Also, males are potentially horny at any time, where females tend to be horny around the heat period. So, i think that also reduces the chance to see a female who is looking for some sex. Also, females tend to be castrated more often than males. So, all that has an effect on males being more "horny" than females. So, that is my personal opinion about males VS females.

I do understand that not all dogs appreciate having their anus touched, however I have heard that you can "train" your dog to enjoy it, or at the very least become comfortable with it with time, again I would like to know the legitimacy of this statement. Thanks.

I don't think you can train a dog to enjoy anal (I'm may be wrong but sound very unlikely that you can make that happen) At best you can train a dog to find it NEUTRAL. As long as the human is not causing physical pain or discomfort from a phobiathe dog is not going to like or dislike the anal sex. Some dogs may dislike anal sex not for pain reason but for fear/phobia reasons, those can be trained (remove the fear/phobia) with desensitization training.

For example, you can see videos on youtube with dogs that attack and bite people in very aggressive ways when they have their nails clipped, but after desensitization training, they are all happy and even wag their nails when getting their nails clipped. Same form of training can be applied to anal sex or any other sexual or non-sexual act as long as the dog dislike of the act is irrational (not based on pain, based on phobia)

Aiziu 1 point on 2017-08-16 21:29:10

they are all happy and even wag their nails when getting their nails clipped.

I am sorry, but you managed to actually make me laugh out loud by putting that mental picture in my head :')

Hotdogzew-Fiel 1 point on 2017-08-20 04:47:08

Off topic, but why do you seem to have some kind of drama surrounding you. Everything you've said in your responses seem like rational thoughts, and you seem like a more level headed zoophile... is it the oher people's dogs thing? I don't see a problem with that. How's it different from slurs going to a party and blowing 4 guys in a circle? Especially if their owners arent zoo. Then they never recieve sexual release... now thats abuse!

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-08-21 05:22:04

The contraversey surrounding him is blown way out of proportion by a few.

I won't say there is NO contraversial behavior from him, but many of us just don't care that much for the constant raving around it.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-08-24 00:44:32

Off topic, but why do you seem to have some kind of drama surrounding you.

Several people have joined the "hate Aluzky" club and they look to harass me 24/7.

Everything you've said in your responses seem like rational thoughts, and you seem like a more level headed zoophile...

I'm rational and level headed.

is it the oher people's dogs thing?

Some people have a HUGE problem with that and become obsessed with harassing me over it. Some hate me and harass me because they think that I'm acting smart (they are insecure about their own intelligence) Some hate me and harass me because they blindly believe the rumors (spread the the first haters) that I trespasser private property to rape dogs. Other hate me and harass me because I'm a vegan and made them fell insecure and guilty about their meat eating habits (which supports animal abuse)

I don't see a problem with that.

I do see some minor problems with it. But is not like I have the choice to ask the owners for permission (I would love to ask for permission and avoid all the drama, but it is social suicide to ask for permision)

How's it different from sluts going to a party and blowing 4 guys in a circle?

Very different. What I do is more similar to having sex with some one else girlfriend/boyfriend behind the other person back. Is not very nice to do that, but is not a crime either. This kind of people think that being rude is a major crime.

And in the end, nobody is harmed if the other person doesn't find out that you had sex with their boyfriend/girlfriend or in my case, with their dog. And the dogs won't talk. So, the odds of the owner find out is almost zero.

Especially if their owners arent zoo. Then they never recieve sexual release... now thats abuse!

I would only call it abuse if the dog is sexually frustrated and the owner does nothing to help with the dog needs.

And I would not have sex with dogs of a zoo without their permission. Even if I could get away wit it without the zoo owner finding out. I'm not the monster that they try to paint.

Hotdogzew-Fiel 6 points on 2017-08-20 04:39:42

This might be an unpopular opinion but...

Pretty sure anything anal with either gender is abuse. You can defend a dog wanting to mount and shove it's dick in your asshole, that's "consent" in animal language. You can argue a receptive female will hump back, and at some points point their pussy around like it's around bullseye.

I'm just not sure you can justify around mutual pleasure with the dog, especially if you're going to try and "train" (read: condition and force) your dog to accept anal.

canicule_ 2 points on 2017-08-20 05:43:28

I agree entirely with this. If zoos defend their sexual practices by claiming they can be enjoyable and beneficial for all parties involved, anal sex should be unanimously condemned. Holding a view such as this one and simultaneously finding it within yourself to defend an act that is enjoyed solely by the human participant and at best tolerated by the animal is some pretty creepy mental gymnastics.

Hotdogzew-Fiel 3 points on 2017-08-20 17:20:44

Yeah. I'm sure like most rational people here, we're into this not only for our pleasure, but to make your dog feel good as well. I personally started out jerk in the family dog because he was unerutered and was always sexual frustrated. When I got him off a couple times a week, he turned into the friendliest happiest dog, it was like night and day. I was young enough though that Im sure mom and dad noticed it, how the dog would suddenly stop humping everything, but eh, it's all history now

feralpal 1 point on 2017-08-25 12:29:35

I'm not interested in topping a dog, I would much rather bottom. If I enjoy bottoming though, I do wonder, do some dogs like it too? Male dogs have prostates I do believe, do you know if they're as sensitive as the prostate in humans?

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-08-31 22:27:53

Problem is, you can't ask them.

feralpal 2 points on 2017-09-01 02:06:42

True true. But you can use some body language clues just the same as with other zoophilia related sexual activities. People do, that's why a lot of people know their dog doesn't like it. I've not really heard of anyone say that the dog likes it a lot, but I have heard a lot of people said their dog did not like it, and a few more who say their dog doesn't mind it but doesn't get a lot out of it either. Like I said, doesn't interest me in the slightest. I'm much happier being the dog bitch haha.