PETA needs to calm the hell down. Damn. (Yo Quiero To Not Get Killed By PETA) (
submitted 2017-08-21 02:29:01 by electricfoxx
electricfoxx 1 point on 2017-08-21 02:29:52

There was a recent post here about the craziness of PETA and ASPCA, so I thought I'd post this here. Only somewhat zoo related.

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2017-08-21 02:54:09

The Penn & Teller: Bullshit episode on PETA is excellent for a basic primer in how screwy they are. My favorite thing is, at the end, they look into their tax returns and find that they purchased industrial size freezers which are generally used for two purposes: storing meat (unlikely, given their vegan population) and storing cadavers. Creepy stuff.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-08-21 17:46:35

The episode seemed like bullshit to me. It felt like they read through the website and went on from there without an attempt to investigate any of the claims.

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2017-08-21 21:22:01

They are one-sided in all those episodes, yeah, so some discretion is advised. It's just a good counterpoint to PETA's own PR.

ZooMasil 6 points on 2017-08-21 04:51:04

I dislike TYT more than PETA. I'd recommend OP starts watching something less obnoxious. PETA does no understand that the differences between humans and non-human animals, while not enough to justify killing them for food willy nilly, is enough to justify regulated ownership. What I mean by regulated ownership is that your pet is your property but you can not abuse it like any regular inanimate object.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-08-21 05:04:49

Regulation...hmmm. wasn´t there some guy in here proposing regulated zoophilia under supervision of officials? I really wonder who that was....;)

I guess what you are proposing here does include unschedueled, spontaneous "control visits" to make sure every stipulation is met/obeyed to...hmmm, another of those eerie dejá vús...;)

Maybe....maybe this whole idea of regulation wasn´t as silly and dumb as many of us in here thought, hm? We should get into contact with this poor individual that brought up this idea in here and apologise for the cocky dismissal many of us gave him...;)

ZooMasil 3 points on 2017-08-21 05:30:27

still think it's a bad idea to have government types checking up on us. I meant it's regulated in the sense that animal ownership already is, for example you can't beat your pets without repercussion (unless you no one knows of course). Honestly I'd rather continue what I do in secret than go around publicly proclaiming and being subject to constant scrutiny.

getting government involved is usually a bad idea. Just look at Germany's immigration policies.

canicule_ 3 points on 2017-08-21 06:15:16

Do you honestly believe people are going to be fine knowing a portion of their tax dollars goes to support an infrastructure that makes it possible for people to "rape" animals legally? How delusional can you be?

Here's an example of regulated animal ownership that is sure to keep zoophiles in check: make it illegal to sell an unaltered animal. Make it illegal to adopt an unaltered animal. Make it illegal to own an unaltered animal. Don't respect the laws? You get your companion taken away from you. Voilà. Problem solved. And before you claim anything, some American jurisdictions have already started to make a move towards these kinds of laws so it's certainly not fiction.

ZooMasil 2 points on 2017-08-21 19:20:16

We don't have the same issue with farm animals. Sure most male horses you see are gelding, but that's mostly convenience of riding and temper. I have never seen a mare that's been sterilized, no clue if that's even a thing.

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-08-22 01:11:29

Well, for horse zoos it effectively doesn't change things much.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-31 19:43:13

Do you honestly believe people are going to be fine knowing a portion of their tax dollars goes to support the killing machine of the military or the meat industry with all the subsidies it gets...oh, wait!?! ;)

I also don´t know why you Americans only think of your country...can you believe there are other nations out where there isn´t this "either - or" mentality, but gradations in their jurisdiction?

I just can say that your unwillingness to even think about other ideas is quite telling...openminded, that´s what other people should be when hearing about some guy or gal fucking animals, right? But being opneminded yourself!?! About unusual ideas that even question long held beliefs!?! How dare I! ;)

Continue smashing your heads against a massive concrete wall, guys! Smart ones take the DOOR....even if that means to "stray off the path" for a bit....only the dumb ones keep hammering their bodies against the wall, screaming "We´ll see who will win, motherfucker!!!" while blood runs down their faces.....singing If you´re gonna be dumb, you better be tough ;)

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-08-31 22:21:31

Do you honestly believe people are going to be fine knowing a portion of their tax dollars goes to support the killing machine of the military or the meat industry with all the subsidies it gets...

Of course. And that is why these things are financed as much as they are. People have absolutely no problem getting their money stolen from them when they are sold the lie of safety or sound economy or the likes. Believe me, no matter how you spin this, nobody with a sound mind will accept financing an infrastructure that makes it legal for people to bang animals. No matter the country, no matter the jurisdiction. The only places in the world where bestiality isn't explicitly illegal are places where legal loopholes make it technically legal. It is not condoned anywhere and you are pathologically delusional if you think otherwise.

I just can say that your unwillingness to even think about other ideas is quite telling

I am thinking about new ideas. And I think they are dumb as fuck. I'm merely expressing that here.

Smart ones take the DOOR

Yes, please do.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2017-08-21 07:51:14

Regulated ownership =/= regulated bestiality. Making sure people have adequate husbandry knowledge and preparation =/= regulating sex with animals. Checks to ensure a standard of husbandry continues to be met =/= anything to do with fucking the animals. Similarly it wouldn't regulate people's use of service dogs, emotional support animals, animal sports, or protection dogs.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-08-23 01:48:33

Regulation...hmmm. wasn´t there some guy in here proposing regulated zoophilia under supervision of officials? I really wonder who that was....;)

Why, that would have likely be that poorly reasoned and ill-proposed idea promoted by /u/30-30

Thankfully, people have taken the time to explain why this regulation idea of his (yours) is so bad, here are links to the last couple of times that I have dismantled it.

Here's the short synopsis of my comments in regard to this idiotic registry idea:

A registration of zoophiles......

1 singles out zoophiles for special treatment and examination. When does a reviled group get singled out for special examination and their lot improve?

2 It completely ignores all abuse done by non-zoophiles and fouses extra attention on one of the groups likely offering a greater level of care to their charges than is common. As a result, every minor injury will be touted as an excuse to further criminalize even when that injury is far more commonly caused by non-zoophiles because those non-zoos are not being examined, creating a strong bias.

3 who in their right mind would self-identify to such a system?

For those wanting a more detailed rebuttal, kindly review the following comment threads. The full threads these were part of had many comments by others that were excellent as well, but finding my own comments is easier, so that's what I linked. <--The first time I discussed this with /u/30-30 <-- The second time

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-31 19:28:57

Yeah, so let´s all cling to the common illusion of "we just have to make some noise and then society will miraculously get the veil torn from its eyes"....well, that surely will it did the last 20 or so years this community is clinging to this straw.

Maybe its just the Murican mentality of an evil government trying to "dictate" , but fact is: the laws cannot and will not be altered without some compromises. You have "debunked" nothing so far and the alternatives you offer (Either your "legalize zoophilia" nonsense or the current status quo as the only two viable solutions) are beyond good and evil.

Fact is: animals cannot walk into the next police station and get rid of their "lover" . And due to that, zoophilia needs guidance and regulation, checks and limits. You can wind like an eel, but you won´t get past this basic dilemma (well, it´s only a dilemma for those who demand "total legal zoophilia"). Animals have no voice and are depending on the goodwill and ethical reasoning of the average human. Without responsibility, no "legal" zoophilia...that´s how easy it really is. The "governement lists" you are pooping your pants from already exist....many so called minorities are on such lists (medical marijuana users, for example) and haven´t faced any negative repercussions from that. Where I live, we have such a thing as an "Einwohnermeldeamt", an office that keeps track of where everybody lives. It´s obligatory to give your new address to this office once you move....and still, Germany is less of a dictatorian police state than the "land of the free" that doesn´t have such an office. Your "The government is evil and will abuse all data" black-and-white point of view is rather childish. Fear mongering, angst politics. If the government really wanted to make such lists, then it would have made them already...remeber, NSA, PRISM and shit? If all the agencies would concentrate all their efforts to gather as much data as possible from us zoophiles, it wouldn´t take them more than 24 hours to ccome up with a almost complete list of all animal fuckers that frequent just one of the many sites available for "animal sex enthusiasts".

As with legal pot, it all depends on the gov´ts goodwill; without that, my idea surely isn´t too appealing...but what if the government had this goodwill? Regulation is how the situation will change, only regulation. Without a massive backup from the normal society, your manic "legalise zoophilia" chants are useless...and, tell me, why has the "approval rating" of zoophilia dropped over the last two decades and how can anyone consider himself sane to expect this "trend" to reverse? The rating dropped not for doing not enough PR for zoophilia, it dropped because of our stupid "push it into the public, no matter what, no matter who" attitude.

I really don´t know how you can stick to your idea of unregulated "zoophilia". It won´t happen. Ever. And I also stand behind society´s demand to be the animal´s eyes and voice...without trust from our side, there will never be enough trust society has in us...and I´ve met too many so called "zoos" who just used all that sugar candy talk while in public as a defensive shield , but mutated into the worst animal abusers once the bedroom/barn door closes. I wouldn´t trust this community either...wouldn´t ask one of the members in here to look after my mares when I´m not home, not even for a minute. And exactly that´s the point: trust. But don´t let me hinder you from pursuing an old and worn out strategy that hasn´t brought us anything positive so far and lots of laws. Don´t let me hinder you from continually closing your eyes before the real issues and dark areas of our orientation. You surely will do fine with your defunct the twenty years, if we continue with this stategy, we might get so unpopular in society , we will probably come out on the other end of the spectrum some day....

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2017-09-01 02:24:50

Hehehehe, just like /u/Aluzky, you can't be bothered to respond to the criticism itself, you have to go on a rant dragging out strawman after strawman.

Never thought I'd see the day that the two of you would have something in common, but I'll treat you both as fairly as I can and reply pointing out the erorrs where I see them.

Since you didn't respond to any of my points, I'm left with just your strawmen....

You have "debunked" nothing so far and the alternatives you offer (Either your "legalize zoophilia" nonsense or the current status quo as the only two viable solutions) are beyond good and evil.

Kindly point out where in my comments I have been promoting either of those.

Maybe its just the Murican mentality of an evil government trying to "dictate" ...

I find it too ironic to gloss over, that a German has forgotten what can happen when a government starts singling people out for special treatment.

Fact is: animals cannot walk into the next police station and get rid of their "lover" .

Nor can they report that asshole who doesn't feed them, that kicks them, that tries to kill them, or any of thousands of other abuses, how would your regulation stop any of these, especially considering these would be happening among the non-zoos who aren't bening monitored under your plan?

And I also stand behind society´s demand to be the animal´s eyes and voice...

But you apparently only care about it when it's sexual, otherwise you'd be supporting better animal protection in general, rather than targetting zoophiles.

I´ve met too many so called "zoos" who just used all that sugar candy talk while in public as a defensive shield , but mutated into the worst animal abusers once the bedroom/barn door closes.

I hate to admit that sometimes I wonder, with all your bluster about how horrible all zoos are, if this isn't more of your projection; I sincerely hope it isn't.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-09-14 16:28:40

Hehehehe, just like /u/Aluzky, you can't be bothered to respond to the criticism itself, you have to go on a rant dragging out strawman after strawman.

Are you saying that I reply to people comments with strawmans and fallacies? If you are making that claim, can you back it up with evidence, or you claim is a false attribution fallacy?

Never thought I'd see the day that the two of you would have something in common, but I'll treat you both as fairly as I can and reply pointing out the erorrs where I see them.

What do i have in common with 30-30?

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-09-14 17:02:55

Are you saying that I reply to people comments with strawmans and fallacies?

That is exactly what I am claiming.

If you are making that claim, can you back it up with evidence, or you claim is a false attribution fallacy?

Citing just one example, the thread and exchange between you and I here:

Anyone who's dealt with you to any extent can readily attest to the claim as well, even if you are incapable of seeing or admitting it. I also cite your post history, the sheer number of strawmen you trot out is astounding.

What do i have in common with 30-30?

The tendency to not address direct criticism and to either ignore it or drag out some beatup strawman in the place of responding to the criticism. In the thread I linked to here I asked some very specific questions and quite clearly stated the position, pointing out the errors repeatedly. To which, you on several occasions would gleefully ignore the response and just repeat the absurdities, frequently compounding them with further errors. It's almost hilarious.

Perhaps you will someday address these errors and use better logic, until then I will continue to point them out and to mock your arrogance. It's a petty pleasure of mine, I admit it.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-09-14 18:00:22

That is exactly what I am claiming.

Can you provide a single comment of mine where I have used a fallacy?

Citing just one example, the thread and exchange between you and I here:

Where exactly I have used a fallacy in that link?

Anyone who's dealt with you to any extent can readily attest to the claim as well

Subjective opinion unless you can prove it and you have yet to prove it.

even if you are incapable of seeing or admitting it.

Even if I where unable of seeing it or admitting it, that shouldn't stop you from PROVING IT. At wich point I will see it and admit it. So, where is the evidence?

I also cite your post history, the sheer number of strawmen you trot out is astounding.

I dare you to copy paste JUST ONE. Good luck with the snipe hunt.

The tendency to not address direct criticism

Where I have done that. Citation needed.

and to either ignore it or drag out some beatup strawman in the place of responding to the criticism.

Where I have done that. Citation needed.

In the thread I linked to here I asked some very specific questions and quite clearly stated the position, pointing out the errors repeatedly.

And I answer your question and point out how I never made any errors and you where the one doing errors.

To which, you on several occasions would gleefully ignore the response and just repeat the absurdities, frequently compounding them with further errors. It's almost hilarious.

Subjective opinion unless you can prove it.

Perhaps you will someday address these errors and use better logic, until then I will continue to point them out and to mock your arrogance. It's a petty pleasure of mine, I admit it.

What errors? What arrogance?

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-09-14 18:16:15

At wich point I will see it and admit it. So, where is the evidence?

I seriously doubt you will either see or admit to it.

I dare you to copy paste JUST ONE. Good luck with the snipe hunt.

I have already done so, but below I provide you with one comment link in which I provided numerous links providing the evidence you are asking for.

Where I have done that. Citation needed.

In the thread I already linked to I provided not only that, but very clearly make it too obvious for anyone to honestly fail to miss my point.

That's just one post of many where I have explicitly pointed out the errors which you handwave away without addressing them.

It's painfully obvious you have no intellectual integrity.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-09-14 22:43:09

I seriously doubt you will either see or admit to it.

Your belief is not based on facts and is not accurate.

I have already done so

Then how come I have not seen it IN HERE?

but below I provide you with one comment link in which I provided numerous links providing the evidence you are asking for.

Sorry, but that doesn't work, copy paste the post from there to here and make your argument for why I have used a fallacy in the post IN HERE.

It's painfully obvious you have no intellectual integrity.


And that is rich coming from some one who demands proof that removing dogs testicles removes the risk of one cancer. Do you also need evidence that fire burns? If some one lacks intellectual integrity that is you with your frivolous demands of evidence.

Swibblestein 3 points on 2017-08-21 06:02:06

I have a very strong distaste for TYT and PETA.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-21 10:20:06


fuzzyfurry 3 points on 2017-08-21 17:08:24

The Young Turks as terrible as ever.

I mean I do have to give them some credit that they actually did some minimum amount of research into what actually happened, but the presentation kills it again.

They weren't "allegedly" asked and the stray dogs weren't "supposedly" dangerous.

Easily found on snopes there's a full quote by Accomack County’s commonwealth’s attorney Gary Agar:

The facts appear be that PETA was asked to help when an adjacent landowner reported that they should see how his cow with her udders ripped up from abandoned and stray dogs in the trailer park area amounted to a menace not to be tolerated. He complained to PETA that the abandoned and stray dogs attacked his livestock, injured his milking cow, killed his goat and terrorized his rabbits. Abandoned and/or stray dogs and cats have appeared to have been considerable in what is known as Dreamland 2. PETA responded and the trailer park management encouraged their efforts in an attempt to gather stray/abandoned cats and dogs. Additionally the leases provided that no dogs were allowed to run free in the trailer park.

Approximately three weeks before Mr. Cerate’s dog [Maya] was taken by the women associated with PETA, Mr. Cerate asked if they would put traps under his trailer to catch some of the wild cats that were in the trailer park, and traps were provided to him as requested. Additionally, parties associated with PETA provided Mr. Cerate with a dog house for two other dogs that were tethered outside of Mr. Cerate’s home.

On or about October 18 a van that was operated by the ladies associated with PETA arrived the at the trailer park. The van was clearly marked PETA and in broad daylight arrived gathering up what abandoned stray dogs and cats could be gathered. Among the animals gathered was the Chihuahua of Mr. Cerate. Unfortunately the Chihuahua wore no collar, no license, no rabies tag, nothing whatsoever to indicate the dog was other than a stray or abandoned dog. It was not tethered nor was it contained. Other animals were also gathered. Individuals living in the trailer park were present and the entire episode was without confrontation. Mr. Cerate was not at home and the dog was loose, sometimes entering the shed/porch or other times outside in the trailer park before he was put in the van and carried from the park. The dogs owned by Mr. Cerate that were tethered were not taken.

Whether one favors or disfavors PETA has little to do with the decision of criminality. The issue is whether there is evidence that the two people when taking the dog believed they were taking the dog of another or whether they were taking an abandoned and/or stray animal. There have been no complaints on the other animals taken on that same day, and, like the Chihuahua, [they] had no collar or tag. From the request of the neighboring livestock owner and the endorsement by the trailer park owner/manager the decision as to the existence of criminal intent beyond a reasonable doubt must be made by the prosecutor. More clearly stated, with the evidence that is available to the Commonwealth, it is just as likely that the two women believed they were gathering abandoned and/or stray animals rather than stealing the property of another. Indeed, it is more probable under this evidence that the two women associated with PETA that day believed they were gathering animals that posed health and/or livestock threat in the trailer park and adjacent community. Without evidence supporting the requisite criminal intent, no criminal prosecution can occur.

These are just the facts. The statement of the guy

Zarate had alleged that PETA operates under a broad policy of euthanizing animals, including healthy ones, because it “considers pet ownership to be a form of involuntary bondage.”

just makes no sense and its only purpose is to confuse people into these kind of bullshit arguments like exactly the one the hosts of this show start DIRECTLY after the woman clarifies that it's the claim of the guy suing - and the obnoxious guy ends up saying "even if PETA is worried about the bondage". First, what a weird choice of words. Second, PETA is obviously not worried about it, at this time. That's why they heavily advertise to people to adopt animals from shelters, hold adoption rallies, provide free stuff for pets some of which even the guy who sued here has taken, and generally provide services to help people keep their pets instead of abandoning them. If they were all about taking pets from people because they disagreed with pet ownership, then why did they only take the one dog who was not recognizable as being a pet of the guy and not the two others who were recognizable as belonging to someone?

I get it, having an animal taken from you by mistake is still a terrible mistake. But the amount of bullshit reactions this story generates in people is just unbelievable.

The PETA workers undeniably didn't follow the rules for waiting 5 days and that was wrong. Less clear is the policy of euthanizing the strays. Were they really dangerous? I don't know. Could they have been rehabilitated? I don't know. For rehabilitating how many stray dogs would PETA have the resources, without compromising the other work they do to help pets? I don't know. But I have a hard time believing the people who would join an organization like PETA would jump at the chance to kill animals. Wouldn't those people rather rescue all the animals they can and only euthanize them when they see no other way?

And then I still don't know whether is name is Cerate or Zarate. Are these different ways to transcribe his name to english?