Another Zoo-related crime. [NSFW] (
submitted 2017-08-22 03:08:38 by zblack_dragon
mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 4 points on 2017-08-22 11:09:45

A well known problem with sharing and owning not encrypted videos again. Except this time media strengths association between us and pedos. Great...

caikgoch 14 points on 2017-08-22 12:02:12

OK, lets see now. He sent his girlfriend a vid of him having sex with a small child in the background. Someone saw it so they seized his phone for evidence and found vids of him having sex with his dogs. Then they raided his house and found his roommate with kiddy porn vids. That lead to seizing and euthanizing the Rottweilers that he raped because they were a danger to other humans.

I KNOW! It's a world class stupid contest!

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-22 13:09:12


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-23 03:40:14


Lateoss Wuz gud 7 points on 2017-08-23 04:39:16

Doesnt really seem like a zoo-related crime to me. Sounds more like just a crime associated with sex with animals...

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-23 14:20:20


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-23 14:31:49


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-23 14:54:58


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-23 15:46:41


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-08-25 01:35:56


UntamedAnomaly 2 points on 2017-08-25 07:10:38

I mean, this isn't really related to the post...but I'm curious as to how having sex with a toddler in the background is child endangerment. Is the child risking get a face full of misdirected STI infected spooge? Will their orgasms be so intense that they neglect any cries from the child?

I mean, I know it turned out there was child porn after the fact, but fucking boggles my mind. The kid won't remember anything like that, and even if it does, sex is a form of positive interaction. I see this BS logic as a good way to indoctrinate kids into teaching them that sex should be stigmatized still...ya know, because sex is sooooo dirty and wrong when not strictly for procreation. Also, WTF are you supposed to do? Not have sex ever? Hire a babysitter every time you have sex? Because I'm pretty sure, leaving a toddler alone in a room would be more endangering.

Another reason why I'll never have kids, you can't really have any sort of life for yourself once you do unless you got good connections to trustworthy people who are willing to watch your kids often.

burntshitgayman 0 points on 2017-08-29 22:05:40

You'd be surprised at what kids can remember and how much it might affect them.

A baby maybe not but a toddler certainly possible. And come on, it's downright creepy to want to have sex in front of children. Read that sentence out loud to yourself and tell me it sounds normal.

Why not just do it when the child is asleep...? Deep in to a relationship people typically have less and less sex anyway, if you can't keep your hands off each other for a few hours until a child is asleep you probably shouldn't have had the child. No point having a child if you're not up for the responsibility of it's well being and making sure memories of weird shit don't crop up is part of it.

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-08-30 03:50:22

it's downright creepy to want to have sex in front of children.

I never said anything about "wanting to have sex in front of children", as in a desire to do it, specifically when children are present and watching. I mean, I want sex in a room that isn't aesthetically displeasing, doesn't mean I get to have that opportunity when the time comes to have sex. Same with small kids, I'm sure most people would prefer not to have sex in front of a baby or toddler, but when they are that small, some people don't really get the opportunity. And it's not like I am saying, make sure the kid if facing you when you are doing the deed, FFS I'd put on some cartoons and toss some toys in the playpen or something first.

Read that sentence out loud to yourself and tell me it sounds normal.

This is r/zoophilia, just in case you noticed by me being a subscriber here and a zoophile myself (nevermind the fact that I indulge in many activities and interests that are definitely not considered normal, that have nothing to do with me being a zoo), I don't really give a fuck about being "normal".

Why not just do it when the child is asleep...?

Have you ever taken care of a toddler or baby? You sleep when they sleep, or you don't get enough sleep - especially if you happen to be in the unfortunate category of people who have insomnia. At least, that's what my experience was and the experience of many other parents I hear. Nevermind the fact that some people can't help but be loud during sex, it would be hard for someone to sleep through that.

Deep in to a relationship people typically have less and less sex anyway

That isn't any relationship I'd want to be in. I'd say those people are settling for less. But, that's just me.

if you can't keep your hands off each other for a few hours

Again, have you taken care of kids yourself? A few hours? Kids are awake much longer than just a few hours. At least the ones I've cared for were.

No point having a child if you're not up for the responsibility of it's well being

That, I can agree on.

and making sure memories of weird shit don't crop up is part of it.

Yes, because weird is such a horrible thing to be....

Although I would hardly call sex "weird", actually, that's the opposite of weird....ya know, since damn near every living thing has sex.

I think you are confusing "weird" with "harmful", but again, I rest my case. I fail to see how it is harmful.

Also if being weird is so bad, WTF are you doing here? Do you crave hypocrisy? Do you scold parents who expose their kids to things that happen outside of a sexual context that are out of the ordinary? Say what you really mean, or grab a dictionary or 2 please.

P.S. I wonder if you think all those people in the Amazon, or the Native Americans, or any other native peoples are horrible parents, because they all fuck in the same room as their kids are in. Those poor traumatized tribal normal civilized folk should swoop in and save them all by arresting all of the adults, and put all the kids in foster care. Let's take colonization to the next level yo.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-08-30 18:39:29

"I don´t really give a fuck about being normal"...sorry to interrupt, but what you really meant was "I don´t give a fuck about the normal people and their society". At least that´s what comes across in your reply. Sadly, it´s exactly this society and its norms tolerance towards zoophilia depends on...

"...WTF are you doing here?"....Yeah, right... you all want normal folks coming in here to talk to normal people in order to increase tolerance for zoophilia, but when they dare ask a "dumb" question or display opposition towards what you believe in, they should fuck off. Totally logical and the epitome of success..../s

If you´re longer in this than just a few weeks, you should be used to practically any kind of insult or inflammatory rhetoric, so what the hell are you bitching about?

"...native peoples are horrible parents, because they all fuck in the same room as their kids are in". It´s a scientific fact, kids can be traumatised by accidentally walking in on their parents doing the "animal with the two backs". Just read through some of the case studies Freud has conducted and compare them with more recent case studies. Even in our "enlightened" era, with its general permissiveness towards all kinds of sexual conduct , with sex education in schools, kids can experience trauma from being exposed to mom and dad "getting it on". Please don´t use that simple black-and-white scheme: "normal society" = sexually totally repressed / "native society" = most healthy form.

If this community wants to stay in the same circlejerk, hug box status, go on. If this community wants actual communication with "the outside", just stop this bitching and try to see the whole zoophilia thing with your opponent´s eyes for a minute. Having read through the entire dialogue, I´d be goddamn sceptical about anything that is said in here too...