Are you repulsed / put-off by displays of human sexuality in public or in media? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-09-01 04:09:00 by Swibblestein

Some heterosexuals feel repulsed when watching, say, two males kiss in a movie, even if they are supporters of gay rights. Likewise, some homosexuals feel the same way about heterosexual displays of affection.

Many people would probably feel similarly about a public display of affection if it occurred between a person and an animal, though as far as the public and media goes, that's not a common occurrence.

To clarify, this is separate from whether or not a person thinks that something is right or wrong (or at least, it should be - in practice often people use the argument "it's gross, therefore it's wrong").

So with all that in mind... Do you (referring generally to those who don't have any attraction to humans - sorry non-exclusives!) have a similar experience of repulsion when you see two humans engaging in some sexually charged behavior? Or does it not bother you?

30-30 amator equae 10 points on 2017-09-01 05:31:21

If people publically kiss or tease each other , I´m not repulsed; I hardly take notice of it. But the scene changes when the emphasis shifts from "showing AFFECTION in public" to "showing affection IN PUBLIC" and exhibitionism shines through.

As someone who frequently kissed his mare on her nose in front of some other horseowners, I wouldn´t say that the "audience" was repulsed at all by my "interspecies display of affection". I even remember running in a dressage contest which I won, my first win on the L-level. When I was leaving the dressage square, my score was announced via speakers...8.4 out of a possible 10, the highest score yet in this contest with only two more riders to perform. I was among the first three already and hugged my mare´s neck , kissing her neck and scratching her withers while riding to the cool down area. There were lots of spectators seeing me do this; no one puked, but a silent "aaaawww!" emerged from the crowd. After I left the competing area,I dismounted, still in direct view of the crowd, loosening my mare´s saddle girth while I watched the last pair of riders go through the lessons. Because I was already among the best three riders, I had to keep my mare saddled to participate in the "Ehrenrunde", the honorary round after the contest...then,the two remaining riders finished and the announcer announced their scores...lower than 8.4, both of them! I already was excited from being among the best three out of a total of 70 riders, but when I realised that I had won the contest, I literally flipped out and kissed my mare who was relaxing her head on my shoulder (as usual) onto her mouth and nose several times before I hugged her tight for carrying me to my first L-level plain and unobstructed view of the audience. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug...;) The audience saw it...and laughed! Not a roaring laughter, but a subdued one. Only then I realised what I just did in front of about 200 - 250 pairs of eyes... So I tightened her saddle again, remounted and entered the square to collect my rosette, my "Schlupp" ( derogatory German term for "Schleife"). As the judge approached my mare with the rosette to attach the yellow ribbony thing to the side of her bridle, he told me he had seen my "overly enthusiastic gratitude" and smiled at me, adding "The well deserved first place for the most harmonious horse-rider couple today", and his smile grew even bigger. The audience frenetically applauded me leading the "Ehrenrunde" as the " tete " in gallop and I guess they only partially applauded so much because of my dressage skills. ;) After I brought my mare back into her trailer, I returned to the tournament area to see my riding instructor compete in a M-level dressage contest and sat down among the audience. There was no bad or negative reaction from anyone , even though I kissed my mare´s nose and mouth (I luckily had my handkerchief with me to clean her mouth of the foamy saliva horses usually produce when they are worked with a bit in their mouths, I doubt the audience´s "aaaawww!"would have been the same had I kissed her with the foam still on her lips....;) ).

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2017-09-01 12:28:46

Somewhat yes. Not intensely so though. It just strikes me as odd how much emphasis there is in hollywood for example on romance and sex, but then again, that's a mainstream at it's core if ever there was one, so why would it be any different?

It is kind of humorous to see how transparent some of these plot elements are though when analyzed from an impartial perspective, however. Sometimes it's little more than "let's just have a boob scene lol"

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 2 points on 2017-09-01 13:43:03

It don't really bother me, but I tend to say "affection should remain private".

Many just don't care about the audience, and french kiss in public (socially normal in France). But some are just exhibitionists, and make it for the audience.

[deleted] 3 points on 2017-09-01 15:21:03


mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 2 points on 2017-09-01 15:28:53

Yeah, definitely repulsive. But as long as it's not like "HEY, LOOK, WE LOVE EACH OTHER!" I just try to not think about it.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-01 15:49:45

Romantic interests in things like anime or videogames don't bother me too much, but in some cases I could really do without it.
I can accept it if it's not overdone. I can't stand it when such characters kiss each other.
As for real life, I just immediately turn away. I just don't need to fucking see it, thank you. The thought of kissing a human disgusts me, really.
As for sex, I never want to see that. Sexual jokes don't always bother me too much.
Also it's disgusting that if I ever saw it myself, I'd do everything to avoid it. I think it's a little traumatizing because it'd be hard to get out of my head. Even the sounds...
And it's disgusting how often their sexual thoughts are only based on their lust and really their lust only. There's no concern for the other.
There's a reason one night stands exist, and that they happen often.
Sometimes I can seem to take it, though. I'd just really prefer not to think about it.
But honestly, I'm not one bit happy with seeing or talking about sex with animals either and would completely remove it from my mind if I could, but that's for a very different reason...
That said, nobody bats an eye when others talk about humans having sex. But when it's animals, they freak out.
I actually weaponize my sexuality and share stories of the things we did. I think their reactions are extremely exaggerated and even amusing.
I'm doing the same thing as them. Just talking about sex innocently.
In real life I would avoid such reactions though. Although I do kiss her or let her eat from my fork in front of my mother, I just don't give a fuck. A lot of humans seem to hint at that I'm a zoophile, which is probably because of my behavior and because they've seen certain things.
Makes me think, though. Humans can get so violent to you just because of this, even if they technically aren't really against it. Note that I'm talking about humans online, in real life they seem to dim down more or just suspect rather than accuse you.
Just because they think it's disgusting, they think it's wrong. Really proves how humans are more sheepy than sheep are. It's really sad.

And yeah, it's kind of passive aggressive for me to act like this. But if they do it, I'll do it too.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2017-09-01 19:39:13

Not really. At most I see it as kinda awkward, but then I dont think twice about making a b-line towards a particularly cute doggy and asking if I can pet them, so I'd be a bit of a hypocrite to condemn other people for doing it.

Swibblestein 6 points on 2017-09-01 20:57:39

I know how you feel there. For a while I thought it was silly how effective sex appeal is for selling products, and smirked to myself when I saw scantily-clad women selling burgers or whatever else...

But then in the grocery store I experienced a sudden urge to pick up a particular brand of dogfood that had a very sexy dog on the label, before I stopped myself and said "Wait a moment, I haven't even got a dog! Where did this impulse come from?". At which point I realized my own hypocrisy.

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2017-09-02 09:40:53

No. When I was a young teenager, I was bothered by it. I couldn't relate. I wasn't very attracted to humans then. Or really, anyone irl.

But now I'm attracted to both canines and humans, so...

Nowadays, I'm surprised of how chill I am with seeing even quite intimate acts on display. The more I've accepted my own sexuality, the more I can accept the one of others too. I got to bdsm clubs, and I've seen others not only kiss and hugs, but also spank, have sex and trample, and I'm not bothered. I'm getting used to it.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2017-09-02 21:32:21

i'm definitely uncomfortable with "love scenes" in movies, even if it's just kissing. i don't want to see that stuff.. i'm definitely repulsed.

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-09-02 21:47:40

Well, considering I'm attracted to both animals AND humans, no. To cover ALL the bases though, I'm not grossed out about any displays of affection from genders or orientations that I'm not attracted to. i.e., I'm not hetero, but hetero people don't gross me out when I see them doing the hetero thing.

OrcanTahoe 1 point on 2017-09-03 15:37:19

I'm okay with "soft" signs of affection, it makes me feel uncomfortable if I'm close by but that's not too harsh. I won't complain because people love each other (or at least make it look like so...).

What I'm more repulsed by is overly sexualised things like bad ads or porn, globally I'm disgusted by things that are supposed to arouse humans.

Before really acknowledging my zoosexuality I tried humans, but I never kissed one because that really is something that disgusts me. I could do with telling myself that I loved them but never to the point where I would kiss them. Now, I find the idea of kissing a dog really arousing and that's something I'll do with great pleasure when I'll have the opportunity. I guess one just needs to find what he really likes!