Question: Is it fencehopping if the hurricane blew down the fence? I'm pretty sure God just gave me permission to bang my neighbor's dog. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-09-11 13:23:52 by Cephaliarch Frostfedora
TheShotmeister ζ 1 point on 2017-09-11 14:09:41

Haha, well god works in mysterious ways.

SCP_2547 -3 points on 2017-09-11 14:29:19

You always have permission to have sex with animals, unless it will result in them being harmed. The joke doesn't go so well, except for the fact that you implied god existed, as that's always so ridiculous that it's funny.

Cephaliarch Frostfedora 4 points on 2017-09-11 14:35:01

Personally, I'd shoot anyone who I caught on my property having sex with one of my animals. A lot of people would do the same.

[deleted] 5 points on 2017-09-11 15:16:10


Cephaliarch Frostfedora 3 points on 2017-09-11 15:18:59

At the end of the day, animals are our property. I don't like the idea of someone else having sex with my mate (and property) without my consent. I get what you mean though.

EDIT: Also, yeah, STDs are an issue too.

caikgoch 3 points on 2017-09-11 15:45:25

. . . someone who's causing no damage . . .

Right there is where we disagree. You might be ruining many hours of careful training. Or disrupting a diet and medication schedule. Or leaving biological material where it might expose me. Or exposing me to legal investigation when you get caught or hurt.

Even without any damage at all what right do you have to risk MY years of hard work for YOUR jollies?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-11 17:29:59


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-11 17:40:11

So things like racism, going into someone's property without their consent, etc. should be legal and should not be frowned upon?

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-09-11 21:44:44

Notice the quotes around the sentence I posted. I used them in an effort to convey that this precept does not represent my own opinion on the subject and is merely a paraphrase of the general rationale of the members of this subreddit, quoting others who have used this exact phrase as a rebuttal to some of my own rhetoric.

But you bring up an interesting point and while we're on the subject I think it would be pertinent to explore its ramifications. What's wrong with racism? If a person commits no verifiable crime against a person of a specific ethnic background but is simply prejudiced against them based on their race, aren't they guilty of nothing more than a thoughtcrime?

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-12 10:04:27

Notice the quotes around the sentence I posted. I used them in an effort to convey that this precept does not represent my own opinion on the subject and is merely a paraphrase of the general rationale of the members of this subreddit, quoting others who have used this exact phrase as a rebuttal to some of my own rhetoric.

Oh, I've been doing something similar like that.
Yeah well this sub does have a very idiotic side that I dislike.

What's wrong with racism?

I'd say it's wrong because you're judging someone else unfairly. But still, it's not that important because it's the act that matters, not the thoughts.

If a person commits no verifiable crime against a person of a specific ethnic background but is simply prejudiced against them based on their race, aren't they guilty of nothing more than a thoughtcrime?

Indeed, and I don't really care. I was just saying that because a lot of humans are strongly against racism.
If anyone uses that quote seriously and are against the things I mentioned, it doesn't make much sense to me.

caikgoch 2 points on 2017-09-11 19:24:34

Risking harm to me for you is harm.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-11 22:26:46


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-11 22:26:52

It seems that canicule always seems to overlook the element of risk when railing against that quote, even when it's pointed out.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-11 22:43:44


caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-11 23:57:06

The level of risk doesn't matter. The nature of the risk doesn't matter. The definition of "risk" doesn't matter. Only one things matters:You are making decisions that effect my life and property without any input at all from me. In fact, you are doings so with the implicit knowledge that I will not approve. WHY ELSE ARE YOU HIDING WHAT YOU ARE DOING???????

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-12 01:02:41


caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-12 01:22:17

So, do you go around screaming on rooftops that you have (had) sex with animals? No? Why are you hiding what you are doing?

Not relevant. Why are you hiding your actions from me? I'm not the public and I'm not interested in a public spectacle. I am more than just interested in the welfare of my animal.

And seriously, how is this any different from buying an animal from someone and not telling them you plan to have sex with them? Do you think the seller would still go through the transaction if they knew? Do you think the seller is owed this information? No? Then why are you?

Again, not relevant. When I buy an animal, that animal will never return to that former owner. So what happens to that animal has no impact on that former owner.

On the other hand, if you watched my dog for me while I was in the hospital and I got out to find a semi-starved animal with Brucellosis, that would be relevant. The fact that you exposed my dog to any such risk would be relevant.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-12 02:19:35


caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-12 02:33:08

I bet that if you try hard enough, you can forget how to read and write.

The whole point of several earlier posts were how my animal's welfare is linked to mine.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-12 00:34:33

Oh shit. Do you know what else carries an inherent risk? Having sex with an animal. I'm railing against this quote because it makes no goddamn sense to hold it as some sort of divine commandement in the context of a community of people who very possibly break law by having sex with animals. If people are ready to overlook that particular risk, what other risk are they ready to overlook?

And walking down stairs has an inherent risk too. A risk of death, and the death of others, even. It's more sophisticated than that, though. The inherent risk of attempting intercourse with a nonhuman animal that you have known for years and maintained a strong dialogue with rests well below any prohibitive threshold for potential harm, with few exceptions. Knowledge is power, as it is said, and it is so this case especially. It is always important to consider risk mitigation, as well. Like in the case of skydiving, you have a primary parachute which you can release in the event of a malfunction and a secondary parachute which is available for just such an occasion. Thus, the risk is reduced to a functional null, barring unexpected weather patterns.

Like I said elsewhere, humans are shit at evaluating risk. Scared to take a plane but confident to drive their car, even if they are several times more likely to injure themselves or others by doing so.

Perhaps the first few times. I travel by air without any second guesses and have seen the statistics on the issue. As an aside, it can be argued that with automated cars, air travel may become the more dangerous mode of transportation after all. Current data on the topic is promising, at any rate.

That phenomena you see is the familiarity bias at work, by the by. You're more comfortable with more familiar things, and you've probably been in a car a few times a week, at least. This is what I'd call passive or innate risk assessment, it's not reasoned, and while it was historically useful, it isn't good for handling modern risks. Active risk assessment, as I'll call it for these purposes, applies the existing knowledge and data on a certain activity or phenomena to determine risk in consideration of their own relative traits and shortcomings. Active risk assessment is the individual approaching the situation as a bystander to their own inner machinations and desires, avoiding unfounded or unreasonable logic.

So please, why don't you enlighten me with your definition of risk? Because the way I see it, the only time an action is risky is when you find the outcome unsavory. But for action which you do approve though, all notion of risk seem to not really be a concern.

Risk is a potential for harm to self, others, or property. It is a relative phenomena, hence why it's difficult to quantify meaningfully; hunting chimps in the amazonian canopies has a different risk quotient for a tribal hunter than it would a businessman from New York or a modern professional hunter. The behavior of the chimps being hunted and the layout of the canopy also plays a role in risk(If this is a familiar group in familiar territory, a hunter may have more of an advantage despite their physical limitations, maybe even some traps too) However, these qualitative differences are not invisible, and while their effect on risk cannot be quantified on an individual level, mitigating factors and permutations can be implemented into a base idea to make it safer. Going back to my initial example, if the intention is to get food, and insects and fruit would be enough to sustain the businessman, that would be the less risky choice. Everyone that's here on this sub (for the most part) are here because they think that intercourse with nonhuman animals has sufficiently low risk for it not to be an issue under the right circumstances, and with the knowledge to handle negative outcomes. You have less of both when you're getting funky with a nonhuman animal you don't know.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-09-11 17:47:42

"...ruining MY training" , "...might expose ME" , "...exposing ME" , "...MY years of hard work"....spoken like a true egotist...;)

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-11 19:28:52

Whether you like it or not, he is my horse as much as I am his human. We assumed that no harm was done to him but left the question of harm to me open. That's the point, the same point as "having sex with someone is having sex with everyone that they have ever had sex with." Hence the manner of answering the question.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-09-12 08:54:14

You see that ";)" at the end of my post? Well, you might google what that meant...or, as the acient Romans would have put it: Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-11 16:37:12

No single monogamous human would like someone else to have sex with their partner.
You might as well apply the same to human+human relationships, it's just physical contact, right?
I mean, there's technically nothing unethical about having sex with them, it's just that even if you're caught having sex with someone else's partner you deserve to be killed, or at least be harmed a lot in return.
The amount of emotional pain that will be caused to the human would be extreme. And even then, how are you sure they had consensual sex? How are you sure they aren't giving your animal a STD so you can take it over?
And in the end, it's fucking disgusting to know an icky human has touched your partner.
I love my girl so much that'd I'd die for her without a single doubt, but if she would get touched by a human that way I would stay away from her. I can't think of anything more disgusting than human genitals and body fluids.
EDIT: Mind explaining the problem instead of just downvoting? This is a small community and it's kind of sad.
If you really think I'm saying something wrong, actually prove it. Considering no one dared to reply instead of downvote, I guess you don't really have an answer.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-09-11 17:45:47

"...if she would get touched by a human that way, I would stay away from her." Wow, such a DEEP "love"... At least you´re the only one to mention the emotional pain of an owner, one variable that is rarely thought of within the "zoo" community. For all those in here who are in tendency more permissive of fencehopping, I can propose a very effective cure: just go to meet an owner of an animal that has been fencehopped on. Experience the amount of pain and trauma in them these selfish actions can cause. And then we´ll talk about how "harmless" fencehopping is...

Kudos for you because you also mentioned that animals aren´t sex robots who consent to any and every sexual advances. You´re right, they´re not. I hate this binary think that´s so common in our community...if an animal isn´t fighting you off, then it MUST be consent. No, it isn´t. Way too many "zoos" think that apathy of the animal equals consent. Apathy, the "excluded third option". Animals may not view sex in the same way humans do, but sex isn´t "everyday business" for them either, they have mating seasons and many species only mate once or twice a year, so it is quite safe to say sex isn´t "just like a belly rub". If it were like you all said, how it comes that almost every guy on mare porn video shows clear and distinguishable signs of apathy and/or evasive behaviour? If sex is "just like a belly rub" for animals, why do you see so many cornered or otherwise restrained mares in these videos?

Just another example of why this orientation faces so much scepticism from the outside, justified scepticism that is.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-09-11 18:11:34


caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-12 01:51:25

Why do you assume that I don't want my horse to have sex with anyone else? He's a stud. It's in his job description to have sex with multiple partners. What I don't want is someone's mare getting an infection because you didn't clean up properly sneaking in the dead of night.

Or have a cop knocking on the door asking which horse put the idiot in the ICU. Worse yet, to find the idiot in the pasture, dead because my horse thinks everyone has a mare sized pussy.

It's my job to stand between him and human society for his own protection.

SCP_2547 3 points on 2017-09-11 19:00:49

"...if she would get touched by a human that way, I would stay away from her." Wow, such a DEEP "love"

I knew it would happen when I said that.
Tell me, do you know how serious my germaphobia is? Do you know my life? Oh wait, we've had some history together and you've judged me for some certain things.
That proves you absolutely don't know a single shit about my life. You always wanted to know why I fucking hate you? You got your damn answer now.
Sorry that I have a condition that I cannot control. Oh wait, that's just like my depression everyone judges me for. Riiight, I guess me being judged for things I can't control isn't exactly new. I almost forgot I was at /r/zoophilia here.
30-30, think about this. If such things affect me so easily, don't you think there's something off? Like, do you think it's right for anyone to judge me for such things? If you think about it, it's some pretty fucking serious problems I have. Do you think I want it to be like this?
I don't think it'd be healthy to hate me for that.
Do note that I would still love her, I just would be so disgusted not touch her. Say, 30-30, go suck someone's dick if it's not so disgusting.
Would you eat out your girl after someone had sex with her? If so, that's seriously disgusting.
I wouldn't touch my girl either if I was covered in human shit myself, or basically anyone and anything.
''I can't think of anything more disgusting than human genitals and body fluids.''
Say you've had your lesson for today. Although I didn't really cover everything I wanted, you should have learned something for once.


At least you´re the only one to mention the emotional pain of an owner, one variable that is rarely thought of within the "zoo" community.

Yeah, and I don't give a single shit about it.
Say, why don't you reply for once? I've got a question.
Didn't you say that the animal is the most important part in a zoo relationship? Like, you said something that you don't give a fuck about the human in such relationships and that the happiness of the human is just a nice bonus?
Why would it matter if it's a non-zoo regular animal owner? Because you can apply the same logic here.
And answer this, why does the owner's feelings matter so badly?
Do you know how much humans you scare when you say you shag your horse here? I'd say it'd bring more ''harm'' (You call it harm.) than fencehopping as you shock a larger audience. Not to mention it's still very horrifying to many humans for some dumb shit reason.
By saying you have sex with an animal, or no, just participating here, you scare humans daily. You know it horrifies others damn well.
Why don't you ever think about that?
And that's funny, apparently other's feelings matter to you. That's ridiculous coming from someone who loved to emotionally hurt me and seems to insult others quickly.

Experience the amount of pain and trauma in them these selfish actions can cause. And then we´ll talk about how "harmless" fencehopping is...

First you made fun of me for that, and now you suddenly say this. I would be fucking horrified and traumatized too. Didn't you say animal owners wouldn't like their animal anymore or that their animals would feel tainted after being fencehopped? Same thing here, because I would never in my life get that out of my head.
Goddamn man, choose one. You just can't contradict yourself like that.
Of course, my recent argument also applies here. I'd just like to add one thing: I only care if you have sex with someone else's partner, not just animal.
Do regular non-zoo animal owners touch their animal's genitals? Do they french kiss their animals?

Animals may not view sex in the same way humans do, but sex isn´t "everyday business" for them either, they have mating seasons and many species only mate once or twice a year, so it is quite safe to say sex isn´t "just like a belly rub". If it were like you all said, how it comes that almost every guy on mare porn video shows clear and distinguishable signs of apathy and/or evasive behaviour? If sex is "just like a belly rub" for animals, why do you see so many cornered or otherwise restrained mares in these videos?

Uhhh... I didn't cover that in my message.
Actually, I was going to but took it back because in the end I kind of agreed with them.
Before you lose your shit, I mostly agree with you said. So I agree with you more than their argument.
It's just that we as zoos have so commonly sex with our animals. Daily or almost daily. Or judging by your history and because I know myself, that'd count for the both uf us at least.
For our animals, sex is more normalized so it kind of loses it's charm. For them it becomes something... more normal, more common. Kind of like a belly rub.
My girl seems to commonly show interest in sex almost every day.
But yes, I know belly rubs and sex are different. They're still VERY different as you don't ''learn'' sex (or at least aren't supposed to) and that the desire for sex is different than wanting a belly rub, but I do say that we zoophiles kind of make it more normalized considering how often we can have consensual sex with our animals. Because like you said, they have mating seasons yet they still seem to like to have sex so commonly.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-09-12 08:50:05

If you don´t like me to smash the ball into the back of the net, don´t place it onto the penalty mark and shoosh off the goalie, pal. ;)

But tell me, as a germaphobe, how can you even be near dogs at all? How can you let your dog lick your hands or other body parts? Dogs literally eat shit, they fetch dead rats with their mouths, they roll in the nastiest shit. Say, could it be you´re actually not a germaphobe, but an anthropophobe? `Cause I never heard about "selective germaphobia" before.

"Why does the owner´s feelings matter" we zoophiles are truly what they say, selfish, sex obsessed people without any empathy for anyone but ourselves. Earth to WarCanine: You´re NOT living alone on this planet! Yeah, I said that the human in a zoo relationship comes second, but what exactly has this to do with fucking another person´s animal? I´d say you´re massively confusing the different levels here..and, like it seems to be your specific habit, are searching for a simple, idiotproof answer. There isn´t one.

I confront you with contradictions on purpose to activate your brain: Since you came here, you are desperately searching something in the "outer world" that lies within yourself...and activating your brain might be the way to obtain what you are seemingly searching for so desperately. In a world so obsessed by binary logic, paradoxes are what can break the chains of mental restrictions. You really should start smoking weed to curb your obvious impulsivity. Use your brain instead of your impulses. This will keep your ass out of trouble far better than what you´re displaying in here and other, non related subs you pop into every now and then. can continue trying to calm down a water surface by hitting it with increasingly intense punches...your choice. Don´t mind me "learning" something...I´ve "learned" enough to live an undisturbed and calm life. On Sunday, I rode two contests with my Lipizzaner mare and came in fifth out of 50 riders in one of them, more than I expected. I´m about to harvest my outdoor "plants" in the next two to three weeks and my lady and me are doing just fine. The last bales of hay for this year are safely stored in my barn and I have only very little left to do except taking care of my four girls. What am I exactly supposed to learn again? ;)

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-12 09:56:08

But tell me, as a germaphobe, how can you even be near dogs at all?

I wouldn't blame you for getting suspicious if you knew what I did with my girl. Because well, it technically is pretty disgusting what we do. Like licking her paws even though we went on a walk or removing the bits of food out of her teeth and eating it myself, and of course the fact that I rimmed her. But come on, how can you not know the answer already?
As I said I don't control this as it's an irrational fear. My germaphobia is also very specific.
Canids and equids? To me they're absolutely germfree to me. They're too beautiful to be disgusting.
Especially my girl, as I know how clean she is. Even when I'm tainted and disgusted, I prevent myself from touching her until I'm clean.
Yes, I have an anti-germaphobia for these creatures. It's the exact opposite and kind of want to be full of their germs.
Any other animals like goats, pigs, birds, fish, etc. are neutral to me. They're all a little bit different, but I'm not disgusted of them.
I do have a little germaphobia for some felids, though.
I mean, I can handle it. In this and the follow years I'll be picking animal shit up and I won't care.
In fact, I don't even wash my hands after caring / petting / whatever animals unlike anyone else in my school does.
As for humans... they are the most disgusting creatures to ever exist. It's simple as that.
I feel quickly disgusted when I come in contact with them. I don't even like it when they pet my girl, but I allow it just for her.
You can come out of the shower all you want, yet I'll still be disgusted of you.

How can you let your dog lick your hands or other body parts? Dogs literally eat shit, they fetch dead rats with their mouths, they roll in the nastiest shit.

My girl never did any of these things. That makes sense, because not all dogs do this.
That's a repeated myth that bothers me. They can do it but won't always do it.
Trust me, I keep track of this. I am constantly on gaurd and try to prevent these things.
Dogs eat shit when they lack something specific. Forgot the name, but since it's usually other dog shit so I'm not that disgusted.

Say, could it be you´re actually not a germaphobe, but an anthropophobe? `Cause I never heard about "selective germaphobia" before.

Wasn't that obvious? I fear humans in some ways.
I'm in constant fear, too. Now that I think about it... most of my fear is related to humans.

so we zoophiles are truly what they say, selfish, sex obsessed people without any empathy for anyone but ourselves.

It's the feelings of the animals that count, NOT the humans. Didn't you say that yourself?
Are you saying that when you fencehop, it's only for yourself? That makes no sense.
Might as well apply the logic to anyone else. You heard it all right here, sex is always selfish according to 30-30.
I guess that to this day, I've been giving my girl sexual joy all for myself even though it doesn't sexually satisfy me one bit. Yep, makes a ton of sense.

Yeah, I said that the human in a zoo relationship comes second, but what exactly has this to do with fucking another person´s animal?

Because apparently you seem to value the human's feelings a lot in these cases.
Also, you seemed to ignore the fact that you horrify more humans by just being here than actually fencehopping.
I guess their feelings really don't matter to you, right? But hey, ''zoophilia is about the animals, NOT the humans.''. Didn't you say that?
Fully agreed. Fuck the humans. (not literally, ew)

I confront you with contradictions on purpose to activate your brain: Since you came here, you are desperately searching something in the "outer world" that lies within yourself...and activating your brain might be the way to obtain what you are seemingly searching for so desperately.

That's... a really weird excuse. You could've just admitted to not making any sense, you know?

You really should start smoking weed to curb your obvious impulsivity.

How many times do I have to say it?
I don't even touch alcohol and I despise cigs myself. Not to mention I get addicted so easily.
Yes, that's a very big weakness I have: Addiction.
Tell me, do you expect me ever to try weed? The answer is obvious.

Use your brain instead of your impulses.

I certainly do.
Funny, because it's the anti-fencehoppers who are usually controlled by their own feelings. Oh no, the human's feelings!

What am I exactly supposed to learn again? ;)

The fact that you don't know doesn't surprise me.

Have you also thought about the fact that such owners will never find out? Their feelings won't change if they never realized someone else had sex with their animal.
Like... what's the problem, then?
Because if this happened to me, I'd rather never realize it. Because then I could die happier.
There's a reason some humans would rather not hear the truth, and that's a good thing.
It's not like when you fencehop there's an increased risk of getting caught. It really depends on your situation.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-12 16:57:59


30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-09-11 18:07:43

Ridiculous? Yeah, your view surely is that...if sex with an animal you´ve been entrusted with is the same as using a "soft brush", why don´t you have sex with the animal in front of its owner´s eyes then? You surely wouldn´t hide the brushing....why do you have sex with the animal behind the owner´s back then? The same advice goes out to you: Go and meet an owner of an animal that has been fencehopped on. Talk to the owner and FUCKIN` learn a thing or two about the fact that this isn´t just a moral question between the animal and the fencehopper. It is delusional to think you have any permission just because the animal´s owner does not explicitly say "Oh, well, don´t fuck my animal!". BTW, Aluzky, is that you? Again?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-12 01:31:22


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-11 15:17:36

And I was called crazy because I would do such a thing.
Still, there's technically nothing wrong with this act.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-09-11 20:13:05

Still, there's technically nothing wrong with this act.

I'm... not sure I can agree with that. I have not the time nor stamina to debate it, though.

And wow, this thread is very very depressing.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-09-12 05:12:28

What´s more depressing for you, the answers in here or the fact that our resurrected ex-moderator Frostfedora , now with a new alias, is displaying his lack of respect towards us by putting up such a ridiculous original post, clearly showing that zoophilia for him/her/apache helicopter is barely more than a childish play, a joke?

For the "Technically nothing wrong with that" part: Guy 1:"Gays are fucking assholes!" - LGBT supporter:" No they´re not you homophobe!" - Third guy: "well, technically..." ;)

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2017-09-12 05:21:22

OP was clearly joking. What's depressing is the serious defense people put up to his intentionally fictional and morally reprehensible situation.

Oh, and the "him/her/apache helicopter" comment from you is offensive as fuck of course, but I have come to expect such... things from you.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-09-12 08:06:37

You´re offended by everything, I assume, right? Sorry, but I´m an old fashioned guy who´s not buying in to this gender madness and who´s not accepting gender symbols that look like the luxury version of a Swiss army knife...

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2017-09-13 00:46:46

You´re offended by everything, I assume, right?

No, just things that attack others for no good reason. That's my right as a special snowflake, fucker! ;)

Since when did snowflakes become offensive to us anyways? Why? What, did a snowflake land in your bowl of cheerios and piss in it?

canicule_ -1 points on 2017-09-12 16:40:55

Oh, and the "him/her/apache helicopter" comment from you is offensive as fuck

Aww, boohoo. Poor, poor little Apache helicopter snowflakes. They have it so hard! Completely disregard the fact that they are allowed to live their lives exactly as they see fit and are even helped and protected by the government (read: my tax dollars). Mean, mean people still make mean comments about them on the internet :'(

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2017-09-13 00:44:23

Mean, mean people still make mean comments about them on the internet

That is how people get offended, isn't it? I mean, saying things they don't like? The medium here is irrelevant. And no, tax dollars don't do what you think. Look at our fucking government (at least stateside). You can't even pretend that.

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-09-15 15:17:48

That is how people get offended, isn't it? I mean, saying things they don't like?

I'm curious how many Apache helicopters would walk on eggshells trying not to "offend" zoophiles.

And no, tax dollars don't do what you think.

Sorry. I forgot. The government runs on magic and goodwill.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-09-17 10:50:05

The government does fuck all for minority groups beyond the binary, is more my point.

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-09-18 01:30:48

And I should care because?...

Not only does the government does absolutely fuck all for guys like us, but they'd see us all in prison. Do you hear the apache helicopters being in uproar over this? No. They'd see us all behind bars as well.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-09-19 04:07:01

That has nothing to do with your initial point. You should care because two wrongs don't make a right.

canicule_ 1 point on 2017-09-19 15:28:24

This has everything to do with my initial point. Zoos run the risk of having everything they care for taken away from them and having their lives destroyed. But precious little snowflakes have it hard because some mean people refuse to acknowledge their made up genders? Where I live, refusing to call someone by their preferred pronoun is punishable by law. That's right. The same government, the one who subsists partly thanks to MY work, would see me in jail for being who I am, and now would also see me in jail for not respecting people who do not respect me in the slightest, even though they supposedly have every reason to be empathic with my situation. And I should care about these people and feel sorry for them now?...

Tell you what. When they care for me, I'll care for them. When their tax dollars go to help me live my life the way I see fit and defend me from oppression, I'll care for them. Until that happens (which is never), they can be damned.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-09-20 18:03:45

I consider identity an essential element in the human experience. I don't let my own maltreatment make me attack others because that would make me as bad as those who keep us down.

I don't believe there is much more to say here, so good day to you sir.

Cephaliarch Frostfedora 2 points on 2017-09-12 19:45:07

Yeah, I'm really confused about how much drama this caused. I shared this joke with my other zoophile friends and they thought it was hilarious, and I post it here and it ends up with dozens of comments of arguing.


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-09-12 22:07:34

There are still a good number of people on this sub that can't take a joke, it seems.

Edog91 2 points on 2017-09-13 03:24:12

Sorry about that, I did think the joke was clever

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-09-12 06:51:09

What´s more depressing for you, the answers in here or the fact that our resurrected ex-moderator Frostfedora , now with a new alias, is displaying his lack of respect towards us by putting up such a ridiculous original post, clearly showing that zoophilia for him/her/apache helicopter is barely more than a childish play, a joke?

You don't know FF very well if you think this.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-09-12 08:03:36

I know many of FF´s/Ceph´s posts, though...and that´s the picture that´s coming across from these posts. My opinion.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-12 09:32:25

Take a look at the places he frequents. It's visible, plain as day, that he's simply adapted to the cultures of those other subreddits.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-12 08:27:01

Then what is the point of your comment?
But yes, there's nothing wrong with this act. I actually hate to say that because if it would happen to me, I would feel worse than I feel now.
Are we here to please humans? No, we're zoophiles. Animals are more important to us.
Aww, it's the feelies of the humans that matter now? Well keep in mind I actually couldn't give a fuck less about any human I've never met.
Just participating here or saying that we have sex or want to have sex with animals horrifies a larger audience than fencehopping.
I say look at all the attention we get. We scare a lot of humans.
If anyone here truly cared about such humans, I say make it super obvious that you would never have sex with an animal because you aren't a zoophile. I don't want you to leave, but that would be the option.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2017-09-13 00:45:58

Are we here to please humans? No, we're zoophiles. Animals are more important to us.

Aww, it's the feelies of the humans that matter now? Well keep in mind I actually couldn't give a fuck less about any human I've never met.

You've just discovered why you can't succeed in a human dominated society then.

Actually, this may apply to many zoophiles who struggle in human society, come to think of it. Zoos need to come to the realization the world is RUN BY PEOPLE. Like it, hate it, I don't care. That's the reality.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-13 06:06:16

What kind of last resort attack is that? That does not prove it's wrong.
Don't blame me, blame these humans you speak of. They are the ones who refuse our acts are ethical.
Even if it was the fault of zoos who allow fencehopping, then so be it.
These humans also don't like the sound of us having sex with animals, and they have to accept that some day too. Their feelings are also involved, so it's not much of a difference.
If humans can't ever accept our actions, then it's not our fault.
It's also not our problem either. Didn't you have other things to worry about?
Trying to prove we're good is not only useless because humans are opinionated, stubborn and unintelligent, but also because there's just no point. Why do we need this at all?
I say focusing on our ethics is more important to prevent harm to animals, rather than being selfish and only caring about our own freedom.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-09-13 08:17:05

What kind of last resort attack is that? That does not prove it's wrong.


I never said anything about right/wrong. I'm simply stating the world in which we live.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-09-19 03:47:46

These humans also don't like the sound of us having sex with animals

Do it somewhere they can't hear you then, geez!

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 05:16:02

Yeah, nice joke.

Well here's another one: My life.
And then a third one: There's no sound if we never had sex.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-09-22 03:37:58

It's not meant to make light of your frustration, just hoping for a bit of a smile mid-thread.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-22 07:13:08

What? I thought we were both making jokes?

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-09-22 21:52:07

Just as long as it's clear the intent is to be laughing with each other, not at each other. It's kind of unfortunate to refer to your life as "a joke" although I understand the frustration.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-22 23:05:52

Why does it matter? As long as you laugh, everything's good.
Doesn't matter the intention, really. Well, except schadenfreude, that's even better.
As for my life being a joke, that only makes it less bad no? I won't just laugh at the pain of others, but now I can laugh at my own pain!
That said, I sometimes feel a little schadenfreude myself when something happens to me. Although, that was long ago when I could take such things. Good times, good times.
Now? I'd just cry myself to sleep, even preferably alone.
Okay that's an overreaction, it's not like I would cry over over a lot of things but you get the idea riiight?
Because now pain actually hurts. That's why I try to hide them with sarcasm and jokes all the time.

Edog91 1 point on 2017-09-11 20:24:59

U see nothing wrong because u are divorcing the pet owner from the situation. Responsibility = privilege and vise versa,animals lack certain responsibilities so they lack certain privileges. The dog can agree that he wants to, but ultimately its the one who is responsible gets the last say on hes yes. The responsibilities of the pet owner is to insure the safety, food, housing ect. Fincehoppers are a risk bye physical damage or STD. IF the owner is a Zoophile you violate there relationship, and there is the added risk of human STD. with that said I am not saying the owner should have such power to make the animal have sex because he is responsible. But the owner can deny if its what he/she feels is in the animals best interest.

SCP_2547 3 points on 2017-09-12 10:13:49

U see nothing wrong because u are divorcing the pet owner from the situation.

I don't.
It's just that it doesn't matter. Zoophilia is about the animals, not humans.
Also you do realize that we horrify more humans by just participating in this sub? We're all automatically animal fuckers when we participate here, and we both know the majority of humans gets horrified by zoophilic acts. If other human's feelings matter so much, encourage everyone to delete their accounts here and never come back.

Responsibility = privilege

So I guess animal owners should be allowed to do everything they want with their animals?
Also, what even is your point? It doesn't prove fencehopping is wrong.

The dog can agree that he wants to, but ultimately its the one who is responsible gets the last say on hes yes.

Yes, and the dog's consent matters. Not the owner's.

Fincehoppers are a risk bye physical damage or STD.

If those things are true, then you shouldn't have sex with an animal in the first place.
These risks are the same when you have sex with your own animal, so that's not an excuse to be against fencehopping.

IF the owner is a Zoophile you violate there relationship

Yes, that is wrong to me because they're actually in a relationship. And that's coming from someone who hates zoophiles.

One last thing, you're assuming the owner will find out.
You care about their feelings, but their feelings won't change if they won't find out. So actually there's no problem at all.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-12 22:19:02

It's just that it doesn't matter. Zoophilia is about the animals, not humans. Also you do realize that we horrify more humans by just participating in this sub? We're all automatically animal fuckers when we participate here, and we both know the majority of humans gets horrified by zoophilic acts. If other human's feelings matter so much, encourage everyone to delete their accounts here and never come back.

There's a difference between the detached experience here and learning firsthand that your dog had sex with a neighbor without your knowledge. It's all a matter of degree.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-13 15:13:24

Yeah and we still horrify them just because we have sex with our own animals.
Even if there's a difference, we shock a larger audience and it does bother them.
My point still stands.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-13 15:36:10

Still, it's like the difference between watching Friday the 13th and watching your best friend get bisected in person. One causes actual psychological harm and trauma. The other really doesn't, despite what people may say.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-13 15:56:06

For me it really does not seem like that.
The point is, it still bothers humans. And like I said, it's a larger audience than just fencehopping.
Still, will the animal owner ever even know it happened? Since it's all about their feelings, I don't see why we care as not all fencehoppers get caught.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-13 15:58:42

Still, will the animal owner ever even know it happened? Since it's all about their feelings, I don't see why we care as not all fencehoppers get caught.

It only takes one time to traumatize someone. Better to cause minor displeasure for 100 people than to scar one.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-13 16:07:38

I think you quoted the wrong part of my comment.
But still, I guess that's up to ones opinion because I'd think it's better to ''scar'' one than cause a ''minor displeasure'' to 100 others.
I honestly don't think it's just a ''minor displeasure'' as you say it, some humans are really fucking serious about this and I've had some arguments with them out of Reddit. They want me and my dog dead.

Still, my point: Why should we care if they never find out? It's about their feelings.
There's no bad feelings if they don't find out.
If someone ever did this to my girl, I'd prefer to not find out. And that wouldn't be a problem, because I could die less depressed.
There's a reason sometimes the truth just doesn't get told, to make the other feel better, and that is a good thing to do.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-13 22:38:51

Think of it like the choice between being faced with a human sex story and realizing someone had intercourse with your dog, then. There's not even a commitment to read the story.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-14 05:17:28

Those are very different things and you can't compare that.
Also because I'm not just a regular pet owner (as in, feelings) and because I have a germaphobia of humans.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-14 06:21:35

Those are very different things and you can't compare that.

They're the same scenarios that the "100 people in discomfort or 1 person scarred" came from.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-14 14:35:17

Yet it's a bad comparison.
I already explained why, but let me do it again:

  1. I feel different for my dog than most other dog owners, so it'll have more impact.
  2. I have a germaphobia against humans greatly, so it'll have more impact.
  3. I don't see a ''human sex story'' (doesnt even bother me much at all in fact) as bas as others see ''zoophilic sex stories''.
    I'm not against humans having sex and it's not like there's any victims per se, but the way others look at it we're rapists who daily abuse ''poor, innocent, defenseless animals''.

A better example would be if I had to take care of an animal I won't be romantically / sexually attached.
But still, why should I be the one who has to be fencehopped? Like, of course I wouldn't want that to happen so again it's not a good comparison.
I still think it's better to ''scar'' one individual rather than ''lightly scar'' 100 individuals. You see, almost in every situation the majority has the better priority.

It does make me think, though... If someone had sex with her, I genuinely would be happy with it because that means she could take me too.
Yes, I know my germaphobia is super strong and say that I wouldn't touch her any more, but when I said I'll do anything for it I was really fucking serious.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-14 14:44:23

I still think it's better to ''scar'' one individual rather than ''lightly scar'' 100 individuals. You see, almost in every situation the majority has the better priority.

Lightly scarring is the wrong word here, really. When I say scarring, I mean in a capacity that would result in PTSD and irrational, invasive paranoia regarding their pets -- a permanent and severe circumstance. People come on this community, get pissed for a week, then forget zoophilia exists until it gets brought up again. That's the distinguishing factor here.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-14 14:52:29

I still disagree with that.
I'm under the impression that it affects them way more than you say. In case you want to know why, I think this because of the reactions and behavior they have shown.
As I said, some are pretty serious. And I mean that they just don't forget such a thing.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-15 01:11:16

Okay, where are those people that visited /r/zoophilia and were horrified? Are they crying in a corner, holding their dogs tight right now? Are they even talking about it? No. Even if they 'don't forget it' (which wasn't the point -- more that they stop caring after a point with extremely rare exceptions), they won't go out of their way to do anything and won't be adversely affected by it in the long term. They're as much victims as readers of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis who cried are victims

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 08:08:18

Okay, where are those people that visited /r/zoophilia and were horrified?

Okay, where are those people that were fencehopped and horrified?
I don't see any either. I DO see antis that hate us.
They hang around in CringeAnarchy, Drama, etc. Not to mention that a lot of individuals hate me on Steam and are still going on about it.
There's enough humansout there who want to end us and want to keep itillegal. That proves they care and that itbothers them.
I say search up discussions aboutbestiality and zoophilia and see foryourself.

Are they crying in a corner, holding their dogs tight right now? Are they even talking about it?

Are you implying fencehopped individuals do this?
Damn, what an overreaction if that is true. Oh nooo, they sticked a dick in my animal!
If it's really that bad, then they should also get horrified by us just doing it with our animals.

Still, you've ignored something very important: Fencehopped individuals won't find out.
School started like 3 or 4 weeks ago and I already had so many chances to fencehop without getting caught. Of course, I won't. Maybe.
The chance of getting caught while fencehopping isn't much different than the chance of getting caught with your own animal. It really depends on the situation.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-15 09:20:29

Okay, where are those people that were fencehopped and horrified? I don't see any either. I DO see antis that hate us.

You won't see them unless you watch the news or check news outlets. Do you think peoples' first reaction when their dog just got violated in their eyes is to post on the internet about it? No. They'll want to do everything in their power to just forget about it, just like how people don't actively advertise dead relatives on the internet in most cases. There was actually a case of fencehopping that hit the news just last month.

There's enough humansout there who want to end us and want to keep itillegal. That proves they care and that itbothers them.

Consider the above article. It takes one victim to create that article, and many, many more. Just one victim. Antis can use it as proof of their vindication, and those that aren't against you initially may turn on you because of such an article. There are no victims here though, they arrive and read of their own volition. Some, as we've seen, are still caused discomfort but find a more favorable perspective.

Are you implying fencehopped individuals do this?

Damn, what an overreaction if that is true. Oh nooo, they sticked a dick in my animal!

If it's really that bad, then they should also get horrified by us just doing it with our animals.

Consider that the bonds normal owners have with their pets can match your own, even if you don't think it. Also consider that there have been instances where, perhaps unintentionally, harm was caused due to fencehopping. Consider as well, perhaps it wasn't consensual.

And again, consider that the people who encounter this community are detached bystanders. Even if they know where steak comes from and even if they know what you do with your pet on the other side of the world, they're too far away to be so deeply affected by it. I've had two cats die in the past five years, due to age related complications. Now tell me if that affected you at all, preferably without mention of your disdain for cats. Now consider how it affected me, and even how it affected our neighbors who had the pleasure of knowing them. Those are two very different experiences, you'll find.

School started like 3 or 4 weeks ago and I already had so many chances to fencehop without getting caught. Of course, I won't.

The chance of getting caught while fencehopping isn't much different than the chance of getting caught with your own animal. It really depends on the situation.

I see unconscious incompetence here. You're missing a great number of key elements that make the risk almost untenably higher.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 14:15:33

You won't see them unless you watch the news or check news outlets. Do you think peoples' first reaction when their dog just got violated in their eyes is to post on the internet about it? No. They'll want to do everything in their power to just forget about it, just like how people don't actively advertise dead relatives on the internet in most cases. There was actually a case of fencehopping that hit the news just last month.

Still doesn't seem like they were terrified. They just reported it because they wanted it to stop.
Honestly, I don't think it's even such a big deal to them, but that's just my guess as neither of us know.
And you know, that is not just fencehopping, from the looks of it he even tried to rape the animal by putting a bag over their head. How about a story that would involve an actual, loving zoophile?

Consider that the bonds normal owners have with their pets can match your own, even if you don't think it. Also consider that there have been instances where, perhaps unintentionally, harm was caused due to fencehopping. Consider as well, perhaps it wasn't consensual.

I don't see why I would match my bonds with theirs. No, I won't because they don't have the same feelings either in reality so there's no reason to.
I'm talking about non-harmful and consensual fencehopping here, too.
There's just as much chance of harming and having consensual sex with an animal you don't own.

And again, consider that the people who encounter this community are detached bystanders. Even if they know where steak comes from and even if they know what you do with your pet on the other side of the world, they're too far away to be so deeply affected by it.

Then explain why so much humans try to attack us? Why even bother, then?
We're called fucked up constantly and if they could, they would get us in jail.

I've had two cats die in the past five years, due to age related complications. Now tell me if that affected you at all, preferably without mention of your disdain for cats. Now consider how it affected me, and even how it affected our neighbors who had the pleasure of knowing them.

I don't even hate cats, I just think they're more on the meh side. I'm just saying.
You're a little right. Of course I care less if I didn't know them, but I still thought it was sad to read.
I think a better example would be if we were talking about actual animal rapists here... I would definitely feel fucking pissed and sad if I knew that someone was raping an animal.

I see unconscious incompetence here. You're missing a great number of key elements that make the risk almost untenably higher.

''It really depends on the situation.''
Doesn't that explain enough for you?

Still, owners won't find out and there's no problem. With my example I've shown, it's actually pretty easy to fencehop.
There's many situations where you can. If you're trusted with an animal, you can. I'd say that I'm playing with more risks than a fencehopper as I make a dog moan while next to a room with an anti-zoo in it. But I don't care as I pretty much stopped giving a shit about everything. I'm not sure what's stopping her from actually trying to find out what that sound is, though.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-15 15:01:52

And you know, that is not just fencehopping, from the looks of it he even tried to rape the animal by putting a bag over their head. How about a story that would involve an actual, loving zoophile?


I'm talking about non-harmful and consensual fencehopping here, too.

There's just as much chance of harming and having consensual sex with an animal you don't own.

As an owner, you wouldn't necessarily know what happened. Whether or not it was consensual, while important in principle, doesn't change the internal dialogue of the owner since they would neither know nor trust the specific actions of the perpetrator.

I don't see why I would match my bonds with theirs. No, I won't because they don't have the same feelings either in reality so there's no reason to.

I meant in intensity.

''It really depends on the situation.''

Doesn't that explain enough for you?

A situation that you don't know and wouldn't know until it's too late. Let's even give you the benefit of the doubt and say you do it and aren't caught ten times. It still only takes one slip up to make you a sex offender, or one person coming home early with their kid in tow because they threw up during gym, and you simply can't work prevention the same way with someone else's pet.

And of course, you'd need to sort out how you'd be breaking into their home without leaving evidence, and making sure that there aren't any pre-existing medical conditions to contend with. If they have an Echo or something of the sort, those can double as surveillance devices, and concealed cameras take minutes to set up nowadays(Even I have a few). If it turns out they do have a medical condition that you aggravate... that might warrant a trip to the vet. Hell, even a stray hair may be enough to pique some concern. If the behavior of the dog changes because of it, which it can, that may also warrant investigation. Every subsequent visit compounds these risks.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 15:49:47

As an owner, you wouldn't necessarily know what happened. Whether or not it was consensual, while important in principle, doesn't change the internal dialogue of the owner since they would neither know nor trust the specific actions of the perpetrator.

Same could be said for any act of bestiality. How do I know anyone here isn't a rapist?
We can't really accuse them of it so you shouldn't.

I meant in intensity.

Yeah and then I don't get it.

A situation that you don't know and wouldn't know until it's too late. Let's even give you the benefit of the doubt and say you do it and aren't caught ten times. It still only takes one slip up to make you a sex offender, or one person coming home early with their kid in tow because they threw up during gym, and you simply can't work prevention the same way with someone else's pet.

You don't fuck at the front door, now do you? Again, the same thing can be said for having sex with your own animal.
Someone who has a kid threw up during gym, they come home early. That's why you prevent these things by not fucking at the front door.
I'd say that there's even more risk in my having sexual contact with my girl, because everyone here opens their doors all of a sudden and if my mom was supicious of us she would basically sprint at us. Yet I still could prevent it by being fast because she did show up sometimes and I prevented her from knowing. Hell, even in one situation I got caught by my brother in a way.
I was going to get a blowjob from her but my brother quickly opened the door like he was going to run trough the house, he kind of knew but even then I almost prevented anything suspicious from happening.
I don't see why anyone else couldn't do this. If you are so slow that you can't prevent such a thing, I don't think you can even walk more than a few meters because of your weak legs.
Conclusion: Don't be a fucking idiot and have sex behind a door that will be opened by someone else. Everyone is fast enough to act out of it.

And of course, you'd need to sort out how you'd be breaking into their home without leaving evidence

Then don't break into their homes. As I said, I myself could have fencehopped many times.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-15 16:00:45

Same could be said for any act of bestiality. How do I know anyone here isn't a rapist? We can't really accuse them of it so you shouldn't.

Think about what the issue was initially. It was about trauma, not accusations.

You don't fuck at the front door, now do you? Again, the same thing can be said for having sex with your own animal. Someone who has a kid threw up during gym, they come home early. That's why you prevent these things by not fucking at the front door.

And do it where, then? In their bedrooms? In their bathrooms? And if they come in, how are you going to be making your exit?

I'd say that there's even more risk in my having sexual contact with my girl, because everyone here opens their doors all of a sudden and if my mom was supicious of us she would basically sprint at us. Yet I still could prevent it by being fast because she did show up sometimes and I prevented her from knowing. Hell, even in one situation I got caught by my brother in a way.

My previous statement is a perfect segue into this. You only need to hide the act in your own home... not your entire body with it(good luck explaining why you were crouched in your neighbors closet). And of course, we both know how you respond to stress.

Then don't break into their homes. As I said, I myself could have fencehopped many times.

Given that you offered domestic examples to supplement an argument in favor of fencehopping, it seems that unconscious incompetence is certainly the case right now.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 17:13:27

Think about what the issue was initially. It was about trauma, not accusations.

No trauma to be had if it's consensual and non-harmful.
I was talking about a zoo fencehopping, not a fetishist or something.

And do it where, then? In their bedrooms? In their bathrooms? And if they come in, how are you going to be making your exit?

...Are you seriously asking me that? So you were really thinking they did it front of the front door? Wtf.
What do you even mean? They trusted you with their pet, be wherever you want as long as it's not near the front door too much.

You only need to hide the act in your own home... not your entire body with it

Neither do fencehoppers.

Given that you offered domestic examples to supplement an argument in favor of fencehopping, it seems that unconscious incompetence is certainly the case right now.

I really don't know what you mean.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-15 17:31:01

The very epitome of "young and dumb".

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 18:21:50

The definition of ''mentally fucked zoo and a whore''.
Sorry, don't you have multiple animals to fuck with?

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-15 18:32:35

Sorry, don't you have multiple animals to fuck with?

Of course. One of the advantages of being old and intelligent is having accumulated much of what you desire. That's what begins when you get over the "young and dumb" stage of life.

The first step is realizing that other people aren't as dumb as you think they are and that luck can often substitute for smarts. Until you learn that, the odds will repeatedly kick your ass.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 18:43:25

One of the advantages of being old and intelligent is having accumulated much of what you desire.

Oh gee, we have another 30-30 / Aluzky V2.0
Your ego is over the top. And no, that's not how my problem works.
It's a size problem, being ''smart'' won't help. But you made me think, it's probably smart to basically force her vagina to be bigger by using all the force I have. Thank you, because you made me think for a while.

The first step is realizing that other people aren't as dumb as you think they are and that luck can often substitute for smarts.

You're the one calling me dumb.
Say, don't get too blinded by your own ego.
And luck? That's exactly what fucked up my life and there's nothing to do about it.

You're sick, attacking me from out of nowhere and abusing my depression.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-15 19:52:00

I'm not attacking or abusing you, I'm trying to help you. For example: dogs don't live as long as humans so when the small dog passes, choose larger next time. That's the kind of perspective that comes with age. All you have to do is refrain from screwing up.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 20:04:32

I'm trying to help you.

Then what is that feeling I just felt?
What is that terrible, awful feeling I felt before? I felt it when I relied on someone else.
He promised me to help me, and every time he ended his message with: ''But I've got to go for now, there's an angel waiting to be fucked.'' or something along the lines of that.
That feeling, I've never felt anything so horrible. I'd rather be stabbed, I'd rather have my fingers cut off, anything.
It hurts so fucking much.

For example: dogs don't live as long as humans so when the small dog passes, choose larger next time.

That is fucked up.
I will kill myself when she dies, so there's no ''next time.'' Even then, I don't want to fuck another dog and there are no attractive large dog breeds.
I want HER. Not any other filthy animal.
You can give me a big enough bitch that's even more attractive than mine and I wouldn't fuck her. Not even for infinite money or an infinite lifetime.
I'm 100% certain and sure of this. I promise you.
Please... I beg you, don't forget that and take that seriously. Why do I have to beg for someone to take that seriously for once?
And everyone can have sex with the same breed I have. I chose the right breed like anyone else as they're way bigger than collies. Her vagina just happened to be so small because luck will always fuck up my life.
Do you know why all of this is such a big deal to me? It's not my virginity, it's both ours that matters.
Her virginity matters as much as mine and want us both to experience it together. It's mostly about HER.
Why do you assume it's only about me? Why does EVERYONE assume it's only about me? I'm absolutely sick of this.
Pleeeaaase... don't ignore that...

All you have to do is refrain from screwing up.

You can't escape luck. Case closed.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-15 20:39:04
I'm trying to help you.

Then what is that feeling I just felt? What is that terrible, awful feeling I felt before? I felt it when I relied on someone else. He promised me to help me, and every time he ended his message with: ''But I've got to go for now, there's an angel waiting to be fucked.'' or something along the lines of that. That feeling, I've never felt anything so horrible. I'd rather be stabbed, I'd rather have my fingers cut off, anything. It hurts so fucking much.

I'm not that guy, I'm different but I am going to abandon you some day. I've already died once so there is a fair chance that I will again and no guarantee that the doctors will be able to bring me back again. That's just how this world is structured so best make your plans accordingly.

 For example: dogs don't live as long as humans so when the small dog passes, choose larger next time.

That is fucked up. I will kill myself when she dies, so there's no ''next time.'' Even then, I don't want to fuck another dog and there are no attractive large dog breeds. I want HER. Not any other filthy animal.

That's another of those perspective things. There will be another. Too many lost souls are out there looking for someone to love. Nature will fill the void if you just give her time.

Why do you assume it's only about me? Why does EVERYONE assume it's only about me? I'm absolutely sick of this. Pleeeaaase... don't ignore that...

I never assumed that it was just about you. I did assume that you would honor and take care of your dog for her natural life. Meanwhile, I am talking to you.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 20:50:24

I've already died once so there is a fair chance that I will again and no guarantee that the doctors will be able to bring me back again.

Jokes won't cheer me up, they piss me off.

There will be another. oo many lost souls are out there looking for someone to love. Nature will fill the void if you just give her time.

No there won't be. I have no quality in my life and when she dies I can finally kill myself.
Not to mention I don't want to lose my virginity, I want us to lose it at the same time. I will feel an eternal guilt if she dies a virgin so I will meet the same fate on purpose.
This is final and you cannot tell me otherwise. I know how I am and what I think.
If I really cared, I could've fucked many animals and I won't. I promised her we'll die together and that I won't lose my virginity to any other animal.
Take this seriously or don't talk to me:
''I want HER. Not any other filthy animal. You can give me a big enough bitch that's even more attractive than mine and I wouldn't fuck her. Not even for infinite money or an infinite lifetime. I'm 100% certain and sure of this. I promise you. Please... I beg you, don't forget that and take that seriously. Why do I have to beg for someone to take that seriously for once?''

I did assume that you would honor and take care of your dog for her natural life.

Yeah but you're completely missing the point. This problem is about us, not me.
What I said above explains that.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-15 21:52:12
I've already died once so there is a fair chance that I will again and no guarantee that the doctors will be able to bring me back again.

Jokes won't cheer me up, they piss me off.

That's not a joke, that's credentials. I have had direct personal experience with my own mortality.

And I haven't missed the point, you have. It's physically impossible for her to live as long as you do. So you think she is so jealous of that that she wants you to die when she does?

ThisCatMightCheerYou 1 point on 2017-09-15 21:52:16

cheer me up

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 22:05:24

That's not a joke, that's credentials. I have had direct personal experience with my own mortality.

Yeah you can't die and come back.

It's physically impossible for her to live as long as you do.

That's why I will kill myself when she dies.

So you think she is so jealous of that that she wants you to die when she does?

Jealous? She can't be jealous as she doesn't know she may die earlier.
I just think it's fair that we both die. After all, the only reason I live is because of her.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-15 22:08:45

Yeah you can't die and come back.

You can if you do it in one of the best hospitals on the planet. I literally woke up next year.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 22:19:27

There was no point in talking to you but even making me closer to ending myself.
Not only did you start joking around, you went ahead and focus on the least important stuff: your jokes again.
Pfff, and you all wonder why I fucking despise you all.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-20 04:31:53

Just so you know, it's possible to be revived from being clinically dead. Clinical death is the cessation of circulation and respiration, but is not a point of no return for a good few minutes.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-20 18:32:23

I was really fucking confused.
I still am, but okay.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-20 20:57:55

It might help to think of death less like an event and more like a process -- there is the cessation of vital functions, yes, but there is also a phase of cell damage and death that can take a few minutes, or several hours depending on the conditions. For instance, there are many drowning victims during winter that are revived hours after death, because the cold slowed the metabolism of their cells enough that they could sustain themselves longer without oxygen. If you can get them breathing and their heart pumping again during that window of opportunity, you've just brought someone back from the dead.

Edog91 0 points on 2017-09-13 03:58:47

U seem to be having issues with reading comprehension. When I said

Fincehoppers are a risk bye physical damage or STD.

Your response

If those things are true, then you shouldn't have sex with an animal in the first place. These risks are the same when you have sex with your own animal, so that's not an excuse to be against fencehopping.

U completely miss the point, Fencehoppers are an added risk to the animal and the human safety. I am not saying sex is bad because of risk, I am talking about random strangers trespassing into people property to have sex with there animal. Fencehoppers run the risk of giving the pet an SDT that they may have obtained them selves by sleeping wit an animal they do not know. If u owned a pet or be a zoophile u would understand. I presume u are not a zoophile because of this quote

And that's coming from someone who hates zoophiles.

People have personal relationships regardless of the type of relationship to the animal,Pet owner, zoophile, sex or no sex. If u are a person who in favor of relationships and bonds between people or animals. That is good enough reason to appose 3rd party intervention into peoples relationships like fincehoppers or people knowingly sleeping with married people

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-09-13 14:58:55

Fencehoppers are an added risk to the animal and the human safety

Give me some evidence for that.

I am talking about random strangers trespassing into people property to have sex with there animal

And I was talking about the many situations of fencehopping. You don't have to trespass their property secretly to fencehop.

Fencehoppers run the risk of giving the pet an SDT that they may have obtained them selves by sleeping wit an animal they do not know.

Sexual zoonoses are very rare. Again, you can be against sexual contact with your own animal too then if it's so common.
Seriously, this is a very bad excuse you created here.

If u owned a pet or be a zoophile u would understand.

That has absolutely nothing to do with it.

I presume u are not a zoophile because of this quote

Damn, what a shit excuse.
Also, when I call someone a non-zoophile I'm suddenly attacked by many others.
Yet you do it and no one cares. Great community we have here.

hat is good enough reason to appose 3rd party intervention into peoples relationships like fincehoppers or people knowingly sleeping with married people

I just told you...
Holy shit, and you say I lack reading comprehension?
Hopefully it gets trough your head this time.

Yes, that is wrong to me because they're actually in a relationship. And that's coming from someone who hates zoophiles.

Yes, that is wrong to me because they're actually in a relationship. And that's coming from someone who hates zoophiles.

Yes, that is wrong to me because they're actually in a relationship. And that's coming from someone who hates zoophiles.

Yes, that is wrong to me because they're actually in a relationship. And that's coming from someone who hates zoophiles.

Yes, that is wrong to me because they're actually in a relationship. And that's coming from someone who hates zoophiles.

Do you understand now? Holy shit.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-09-14 01:44:02

can i just ask what goes through your mind that makes you want to kill someone for stuff like this? I honestly dont understand it.

Cephaliarch Frostfedora 1 point on 2017-09-14 01:45:11

I think personal property is something that should be defended and people know the risks of stealing in America.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-09-14 01:49:12

hearing that cookie cutter response for the 40th time isnt going to suddenly spark an epiphany. Maybe its too much to ask, but there's a lot more to that response and i want to know about it.

Cephaliarch Frostfedora 1 point on 2017-09-14 02:01:54

There isn't anything else, it's just second nature. It's not some great moral quandary for me and for most other people who hold a similar viewpoint. If someone is stealing from me, I feel it's fair game to shoot them.

caikgoch 7 points on 2017-09-11 15:09:38

Wanna bet the cops would look on it as looting?

HBOTB2 Horse and Hoof 1 point on 2017-09-16 19:32:37

Not if the animals walked over the broken fence and into your yard.

Edog91 1 point on 2017-09-11 16:31:23

HAHA real funny

Kynophile Dog lover 10 points on 2017-09-11 16:40:34

Fencehopping doesn't involve literally hopping a fence any more than cherry-popping literally involves squeezing a cherry until the skin breaks. So yes, it still counts. But it's up to you whether it's worth the risk. Also, in certain Talmudic interpretations, God gave Adam permission to sleep with all the animals, but he couldn't find one that felt right, so God made Eve for him.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 2 points on 2017-09-12 08:07:07

in certain Talmudic interpretations, God gave Adam permission to sleep with all the animals, but he couldn't find one that felt right, so God made Eve for him.

Do you have any links/more info on this?? I'm really curious!

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2017-09-12 21:24:13
Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 2 points on 2017-09-13 19:45:25

That is so cool, thank you!

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 2 points on 2017-09-14 01:42:13

but he couldn't find one that felt right

that ungrateful little...

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2017-09-12 16:21:45


Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2017-09-12 19:38:05

Worst troll ever.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-12 22:09:31

It's a joke, everyone.

caikgoch 3 points on 2017-09-13 10:14:54

You're ruining some perfectly good, drama generating, verbal assaults.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-09-13 10:30:06

Sometimes in jokes more truth is told, more to be learned about the joker than in "real" conversation...

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-13 10:35:09

Sure, but some truths have more evidence supporting them than others.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-13 15:14:25

We know, but it's just the usual ''let's make an argument out of everything''

Yes, I know I started it.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-13 15:37:12

About half the people replying to this thread took it seriously by my count. Not sure how you think you started it lol.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-13 15:52:47

Look at my comment chain.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-13 15:57:12

I saw it, trust me. You didn't cause everyone else to think it wasn't a joke though.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-13 16:03:04

Yeah I know, but didn't I have the first comment that stirred shit up?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-13 22:46:24
