Who has done beastality??? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-09-14 20:30:39 by kingofcanana3


Kynophile Dog lover 4 points on 2017-09-14 21:36:36

Roughly 3.5% of the population, interpreted loosely, according to a 1974 study by Hunt. Of course, all the data is of questionable validity.

TheShotmeister ζ 10 points on 2017-09-14 23:43:44

I don't know Mr policeman...

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 14:03:18

Lol I'm not a cop

TheShotmeister ζ 2 points on 2017-09-15 14:05:10

That's exactly what a cop would say...

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 14:06:10

Hahahahhaahahaha oh my goodness lol

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 14:06:40

Lol haha where u from???

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-09-15 14:21:08

''not a cop''
''where r u from''
Yeah okay.
I don't believe you're a cop, though.
But say... what do you think about squishy dog pussies? Do you think they would taste nice?

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 14:23:39

Lol I'm from south Africa and have never tried it...... I'd love to see a f human with a male animal

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 14:33:14

Most of us are males, though.
Also, there's no such thing as ''beastiality''. Think about dog pussies for a while. Would you like a cup of them?

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 14:36:25

Lol someone wants to do it... She wants to try a male dog....

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 14:41:29

Too bad, she'll get a female one. Sending in one right now.

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 14:44:25


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-15 17:13:52

has the thing arrived yet

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 17:16:32

No its next week bru.....

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-19 17:40:21

Bru....it was mourning all the way she was screaming of joy n happiness

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 6 points on 2017-09-15 00:14:43

No one. It doesn't happen. This is a novelty board and we're all pretending for the lulz.

WeAreDifferent Canines 5 points on 2017-09-15 01:13:31

I thought this was just roleplay ??? :(

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2017-09-15 06:42:15

It is. I roleplay a dramatic, slightly neurotic little man in my spare time who wishes he had sex with a whitetail but failed.

I like roleplaying terribly odd, dramatic things. Next up I will play a woman who deeply desires to go into space inside a hollowed out cactus, but knows it will end her life as the cactus explodes in the great vacuum of the void.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 1 point on 2017-09-15 19:52:22

holy shit

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 05:37:20

I have some one that's wants to try it

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-15 00:27:05

I have, many many times and it was all perfectly legal and not harmful to any animal.

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 05:27:00

Wow how was it at first....was it hard to get the animal on u???what animal was it?

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-15 11:57:43

My first was a duck, a Mallard drake. I didn't even know that we were having sex at first, I just knew that if I let him climb on top of me and do a little dance he was very happy.

This happened at about the same time that UNIVAC was being developed and sexually explicit media was kept under the counter at the local "news stand" so I had little way to gain knowledge on the subject. I have had an affinity for animals in general since birth and didn't understand that other humans weren't ignoring animals, they simply lack the perceptions that I consider normal. So I found ways to make various animals (mostly dogs) happy by masturbating them.

Then I passed through puberty and found out why they thought it was so much fun. There were many false starts and much confusion as I figured out just how animals were the same as humans and just how they were different.

Once you understand the mechanics and language specific to a species it is easy to tell them that you are available. Ninety odd percent will gleefully accept the invitation. Once they know that you are able to give orgasms the problem becomes keeping them from asking for more in public. With orgasm as a reward animals can learn amazingly complex things very quickly but strong willed high libido animals (like stallions) can be difficult.

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 13:59:58

I love the way u put it and I wish I'd meet u.....where u from....n how come a duck fucks??? Isn't the dick small

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-15 15:20:29

I'm from Texas but you have a year or three to go before talking about meeting. As you may have noticed, a first day disposable identity doesn't inspire confidence.

Just about every living thing fucks. Throwing the genetic dice is a basic life principal on this planet. And you should learn to use Google. You could learn things without depending on the generosity of a single stranger. For example https://www.buzzfeed.com/kellyoakes/this-aint-a-scene-its-a-sexual-arms-race?utm_term=.ndRMMn09OO#.dqqYYDLeyy

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 16:49:30

Thanks for that hey hope we meet one day eventually

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-16 07:48:57

What was ur best u ever had???

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-16 07:52:50

And when was the last time u got? Is it flash to flash??

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-15 01:17:36

Not I.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-15 01:20:14


ThrowwwayGurl 2 points on 2017-09-15 08:05:51

I tried it once but I didn't inhale.

kingofcanana3 1 point on 2017-09-15 08:15:35

Was it a male dog

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2017-09-15 09:51:03

I'd recommend swallowing rather than inhaling. It's always unfortunate when something goes down the wrong way.