I wrote a movie about Zoophilia (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-09-18 16:55:17 by RichardStrauss123

Hi everybody!

I'm a professional screenwriter living in Hollywood. All my friends told me not to write this but I did it anyway. It's called, THE PROBLEM WITH LYDIA.

"A teenage girl's idyllic life turns chaotic when her mother and small-minded townsfolk discover she's been having sex with the family Labrador."

I thought I would post it here and see if the community had thoughts they'd like to share.



HBOTB2 Horse and Hoof 1 point on 2017-09-18 18:33:43

Why is that link linking to a pdf?

RichardStrauss123 2 points on 2017-09-18 18:57:54

It's a screenplay.

Not a finished film.

Hope I didn't mislead.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2017-09-18 19:20:53

Interesting... The download is giving me an error on mobile so I'll have to check it out once I get home. What was your inspiration for writing it?

30-30 amator equae -3 points on 2017-09-18 19:55:59

I just read your screenplay....and quit reading after the first third of it. You should have listened to your friends. It´s incredibly cliché , and not at all about zoophilia.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 4 points on 2017-09-18 22:08:00

It's a draft and has to appeal to "regular" audiences lol. It tells the story of a girl who is young and unaware of the dangers and ramifications of loving her dog as she does. There could be more expressed to develop the depth of relationship between the character and her dog but I would not at all say it isnt at all about zoophilia.

30-30 amator equae -3 points on 2017-09-18 23:13:28

"Regular" audiences..I guess that´s why this is the usual "woman with doggie" setting, then..you know, the setting all these "zoo voyeurs" are so excited about. And to correct you, as far as I could endure to read through a dull "zoo voyeur´s" mind, this is about bestiality, not about zoophilia at all.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 6 points on 2017-09-18 23:24:40

I mean you do seem to have a trend of being incapable of picturing different perspectives so that makes sense.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 8 points on 2017-09-18 20:51:35

Okay, so i guess ill just write as I go along:

I think saying "I've thought about sex from a very young age" is a little too jarring to open with given the already known context and what you allude to in the following scene.

Chino is a super cute name and i also think you should provide more context to their relationship ex how long shes owned him and whatnot. This might happen later idk yet. The whole chino morphing into a guy thing is kinda strange lol giving me the impression that hes more like just a "filler" till she finds a boyfriend.

I like the lack of focus on the dog bit for now. Gives her more of a full character without much prejudgement to load up.

She should give that dog a lil table scrap from her dinner, rude little girl. Or i just spoil my boys too much lol.

Baby socks? Lol. What a prude.

And then going though people's stuff and being a perv at someone elses house, is that a common thing people do? I guess I did dumb stuff when i was young but ehh...

Haha nice with the camera.

Dog peen takes quite a while to go away if that scene were to be more realistic lol, just sayin'

I feel like this drone is alluding to something about peeking into her room.

Yep there we go. Awkward... Maybe some more time between the two scenes? Idk, just seemed like it happens pretty fast.

Ok, gotta leave work now. Im interested in finishing it and ill edit more in when i do.

Edit: Ok here comes the heavy half it seems. By the way you've spun the story it hasn't done nearly enough imo to get the viewers to see things from Lydia's angle. Like I said, more context to the full scope of the relationship of what she has with her dog would help bring mover viewers over to her side. Little things like the table scraps, or her walking her dog, exercising with him(in ways more appropriate lol) and maybe even him defending her from some creepy douchebag walking him at night or something to that effect. Otherwise viewers simply won't be able to relate to the crushing weight of what has happened to her. Oh, and you also said Lydia instead of Minnie when you wrote "you can stay out here and freeze for all I care"

As of page 73, the rest of it is pretty good, seemingly realistic for a small conservative town. I like the "tough love" aspect from the coach, as she doesn't seem to give a shit either way and is expressive of it. If you were to incorporate more of Lydia's interactions with Chino in the beginning her having to go through things alone and do other things to fill her time would be an extra tug on the heartstrings. Not being able to take her dog for walks or going to bed completely alone. Like because yeah she's missing the sex and the general companionship but there's "ritualistic" things like that that I'd be so torn without personally.

Zoophilia is only recognized as a disorder if accompanied by another disorder according to the DSM-V IIRC. Just a little tidbit that could be important to offhandedly educate viewers.

I have a bit of a beef with the can't-consent bit(obviously lol). I like the story and spirituality of how she explains it all, but I think it's not being nailed home quite right, because dogs can consent to the act itself despite not knowing the full scope of what could happen in the world it is living in. Yeah, he didn't choose to get locked up and almost-euthanized. But a dog can consentually run into the woods not being aware that he could get attacked by a cougar or some other animal as well, because they are beings that live in the moment and take reality as it comes. And come on, who can say that dogs don't hump legs and try to get off even without peoples' consent? It happens all the time. Fact is animals like the feeling of orgasm, humans included. Dogs don't have any biological or "social" reason to have sex outside of producing a litter, but it does not mean that they do not enjoy the act and feeling of sex itself. That's kind of a big misreading/misconception of the whole study done on animals and sex. I think what needs to be drilled into Lydia is that it isn't just her dog but the family's dog, and her level of recklessness nearly ruined his position as that, as he obviously means a lot to Gunner as well, etc. That being said I think the end with her giving him up though hard is the most right thing for her to do due to that same reasoning. Mom's still a bitch though. It's a complicated hypothetical lol.

Overall, this is not a "game changer" plot(no offense lol) but the controversy it sparks mixed in with the complete normalcy of Lydia as a human being could do much I think to shape the minds of viewers towards people who are zoophiles. My biggest gripe is what I mentioned there towards the end, with the ultimate lesson for Lydia being "Animals can never consent" rather than "He's not just your dog to have consent to this."

Also the whole flames and the cucumbers and tomatoes thing seemed a little extra and didn't seem to stitch nicely into the whole drama of the film. I think those bits are unnecessary. I guess it may be there to give readers the impression that you aren't necessarily taking the drafting of the screenplay super seriously? I think it would be more powerful if the energy was expressed through the actors and not through cheesy overlaid animation.

Another edit: I was just thinking of an idea due to a comment by 30-30; what if she had a friend, maybe even Megyn, who who was aware of how much she really loved her dog but was privately okay with it? I personally had several friends growing up(whom are still my friends) that are aware of my dogs' and I's relationship, despite having no inclination towards it themselves. It could add a bit of a "foothold" for the audience to be like, okay, this is a person that obviously knows this girl and despite her odd tendencies doesn't condemn her for it even though maybe she doesn't understand it, and could maybe make Lydia more relatable in the sense that she forms those sort of tight trust relationships with people. You could then spin it into the dark half of the story for an even more gutting betrayal of friendship when although she's fine with it privately, she goes with the cultural consensus of judging her for it once the word gets out. Betrayal is something a lot of people can relate to as well so I feel like that would tie in nicely and also add more depth to the plot. Just an idea though.

RichardStrauss123 2 points on 2017-09-19 20:54:46

Wow! Really want to thank you for taking such a detailed look at the piece. (Very rare in Hollywood.) Really thoughtful and insightful comments. Obvious you are approaching from an intelligent and compassionate place.

Great catch on the typo. I am a fiend for grammatical correctness and this was a bad one.

I also really like your thoughts about fleshing out more of Lydia's emotional relationship with Chino. Honestly, not an aspect of the script I had fully considered. Great note to keep in mind while rewriting. You're probably also right that it would add emotional punch to the ending.

Anyway, thanks again for your time-consuming read! I really appreciate it, and I'm sure it will lead to a better screenplay in the end.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2017-09-19 21:28:26

Yeah man for sure, and again thanks for taking the time to write about a lesser-known and controversial topic despite colleague opinions. Even if it's not every zoo's ideal portrayal, it does shed some light and clash against some stereotypes and I enjoyed it for what it was. Reading screenplays takes me back to the 'ol highschool filmmaking classes lol.

Andrew-R 1 point on 2017-09-26 10:44:51

Dogs don't have any biological or "social" reason to have sex

Hm, I definitely remember my two male dog friends having sort of sexy interplay with each other, interleaved with other friendly play... So, I definitely will not put it as absolute and always true statement ...

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2017-09-18 23:32:56

"Plus, he never lies. He doesn't cheat

on me. He doesn't make me feel stupid

and hate myself. That's the real

reason. I love him. And he loves me.

And I'm not apologizing for it."

Maybe explore this path, show the difference between dogs and humans, if you want to make this play something that makes people think, then I'm pretty sure showing those things. I think it would make people think about it more than "oh its a sex deviant" That's if you want to make people think about it.

Might most likely continue reading it in offtime

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-09-18 23:56:56

Exactly those justifications are what makes people think this "zoophilia" thing is about insecure and twisted persons. "He never lies"...isn´t a proper justification for "zoophilia". Is not lying to you a CHOICE a dog makes because he loves you so much? A dog´s honesty and loyalty are proverbial...

If these are your "real reasons" for zoophilia, we´re fucked. To me, this more sounds like "disappointed by humans zoophilia" and isn´t much different from what this Willard guy pulled off. "My wife refused sex to me that night, so I went out to the garage to relieve myself with my live fuck toy pony." In conversations with outsiders, I never have seen these "reasons" to work out in our favour. I consider them debunked long ago, so it alienates me when those dull and ineffective weapons are pulled out again. The only reason to love an animal is because you LOVE an animal. Everything else can and will be used against us...;)

"He doesn´t make me feel stupid"...I bet a cactus also doesn´t...why not fuck a cactus then?

"He doesn´t cheat on me"....hm, but the human still is free to cheat on the animal. Power imbalance. Highly dubious "normal" people will think differently about this issue.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2017-09-19 18:24:25

No, I've read a part of the play, and I've quoted it. and yes, I've went on the story they used and at least improved on the idea they went with. How does a play want to make it clear why these feelings are there, if they arent explained.

People link to a character, if they can relate, here we see the reasons (and no, i don't need to go in here from a zoo point of view, other people are better versed in that) Just from a play perspective, you need to connect, and you say it explains it, but i miss the evidence of this "humans arent trustworthy dogs are"

Now as you point out, it doesn't work, because in the end it's forcing yourself to it. Like people who become gay so they have someone to love and don't have to deal with woman that way because rejection, you get my point. The thread isn't about my reason of zoo, it's about the play.

And here I'm strictly looking at the play, on which, I think the main persona is a bit in sexual overdrive combined with rebellion towards being how they been raised.

It seems only natural to me to love someone if you love them. loving someone because you can't get someone else is quite sad honestly.

If Richard wants to have a story that reflects on zoo's my (and everyone elses advise here) would be to start over with it. I merely pointed out that in order to have that play connecte-able storywise, you need to show the story, not just say he makes me safe, humans dont. You gotta show it!

What happened here is, and this again was my main point out, you say it, but the only thing is that shows is: sexual thoughts, nothing that backs the story "humans are bad dogs are good"

Edit: Hope it makes sense what i've pointed out.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-19 09:36:45


fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-09-19 14:51:24

I too read only the beginning late at night yesterday

Hypersexual child? Check

Estranged parents? Check

Strict religious "education"? Check

If you want to tell a story about the cliche how "rebellious" teenagers "turn to" zoophilia, you're on the right track.

That ties in with what someone else quited

Plus, he never lies. He doesn't cheat on me. He doesn't make me feel stupid and hate myself. That's the real reason

Zoophiles are often just normal people who happen to like nonhuman animals in that way. There don't need to be "reasons" to "explain" why someone is sexually attracted to animals, sometimes people just are.

That quote sounds oddly familiar. Have you been doing some "research"?

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2017-09-19 16:41:01

While I agree it is a bit cliche, it's still a story that can be built around. It'd be even more cliche if she was like a reserved awkward girl that people picture zoos to be.

And I also agree with you that yeah zoos definitely don't need "reasons" to like what they like. But if you put yourself in the shoes of a 17 year old girl secretly defying social norms I think it'd make sense for her to give reasons for why she likes her dog or what she likes about him. I mean my dogs have all the same perks but it's hard to put into words what love is, I'd think especially so for this young coming-of-age girl raised in a conservative community with all these conflicting social pressures around her.

Not to shoot you down or anything by any means, but just to provide some other angles of thought and constructive criticism for OP. it's already pretty nice of him that he spent time writing up an idea like this and came here looking for feedback even if it's got a low likelihood to be pursued to production.

Andrew-R 1 point on 2017-09-26 11:02:05

with all these conflicting social pressures around

yeah, this bit sounds like good description for our bigger world, too ....

6th6th6th 1 point on 2017-09-26 05:13:58

It's really weird to me how the entire climax revolves around Lydia being a rapist but still winning. It doesn't bother me that the movie runs on the idea Chino can't consent, but you giving Lydia everything she wants, saying Chino can't consent, but never dealing with the repercussions that Lydia's, by the script's logic, a rapist does.

Chino gets pawned off and gets no real resolution beyond missing the character you say is a rapist (without saying the word rape, presumably because you're a pussy). There're no scenes actually exploring the possible damage Chino's suffered, how sexual habits may've developed into a problem or how he may or may not interact with people, nothing. Because Chino doesn't actually matter as a character. He just exists because you think bestiality is a novelty premise and shocking, not because you had any interest in exploring a story or the characters. Lydia can be a rapist without real repercussion because Chino's not really a person...even though the script's entire hook needs us to invest in their relationship for the drama to work. But Chino's well-being never actually matters because we never see any ramifications of Lydia's actions from Chino's perspective. Chino exists solely for Lydia to be a sarcastic, quirky lead whose rape is brushed aside because she's super good at sports.

Fuck you. Don't even bother rewriting this. Throw it in the garbage and quit your fucking job for being a rape apologist. If you're really a professional, nobody who's ever hired you has had taste. This is legitimately the only script I've ever read that's made me hate someone as a person just for writing it. I've read a number of screenplays, both produced and unproduced, and this is easily the worst one I've ever read. Gross, disgusting, and for none of the reasons you intended. I hope you didn't feel clever writing this, because you approached this with all the tact of a sledgehammer crushing a baby. You wanted to write a sex scene between a seventeen year old and a dog and you couldn't even fucking bother to commit to a fraction of emotional reality, you gross asshole.

If you really wanted a zoophile's opinion...well, you've gotten them before me, obviously, but here's mine: the fact you don't care about the dog as a sentient being and merely as a prop for your dumb, "quirky" coming of age rape apology movie makes you a dumb shit. Your script is not clever, and this is so embarrassingly tone deaf it doesn't even qualify as a first draft. This is just bile vomited out of your ass.

RichardStrauss123 1 point on 2017-09-26 05:59:57

This is hilarious. Thanks for sharing.