Is there any male humans with knowledge or experience with female rabbits? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-09-19 19:18:04 by zzzzsleepyzzzz

I have got a female flemish giant a while back. Shes now displaying her hormonal behaviors towards me, her courting consists of running around in circles around me and excessive honking. She also seems to like to hump my head or body if I'm laying down.

Her vagina is swollen red, so I think she is ready for love. She was sitting in a mating position that female rabbits do, so I decided to mount/hump her without penetration. After we were done, she seemed to love it as she was giving me kisses, was tooth purring and being all cuddly with me. She wasn't Showing any signs of stress or fear so that made me feel good.

Lately though, she has been climbing up on me and sitting her butt on my head and crotch a lot and its giving me a very hard boner. I can't tell if its sexual or not, but I was curious if they are fine with a little oral sex? If not, then that's ok. If any male human here knows what ways to get down safely with their doe, then that would be great!

Remember, I prioritize the welfare of my animal over having sex with her first. I will never engage in bestiality unless the animal will certainly not come into any stress, pain, misery, fear or harm. Unlike the beast forum when they only have sex for pleasure without any care for the animal. I can clearly see most of the animals there are in great agony.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2017-09-19 19:25:26

Posts explicitly discussing sex are to be marked NSFW

zzzzsleepyzzzz 3 points on 2017-09-19 19:38:54

Sorry about that. Got a little carried away focusing my mind on the post.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2017-09-19 20:37:49

It's not really a problem lol. Nobody reads the sidebar.

Atomic-Bell 2 points on 2017-09-19 21:47:46

Try oral, if she receptive, carry on but if she isn't then don't. Try to gradually move onto penetration.

Swibblestein 3 points on 2017-09-19 22:32:46

If any male human here knows what ways to get down safely with their doe, then that would be great!

I feel like as far as female rabbits go, there really wouldn't be a huge difference between the actions a heterosexual male and a lesbian female would have available to them.

I don't know much about rabbits, but if you've had her for a while and you understand her body language to a reasonable degree, I don't see why you couldn't start with oral to see what she thinks.

zzzzsleepyzzzz 2 points on 2017-09-19 22:36:59

Sounds good! I'll see if she likes it, if not then Ill go back and do what she loved before.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 3 points on 2017-09-20 20:57:50

I will say, non-breeding female rabbits can be very prone to mammary and uterine cancers. I would recommend talking to an exotic (or livestock?) vet who has experience with rabbits and if you decide not to spay, at least get some info on what to look out for and be very diligent checking her over for any lumps or signs of illness (like not eating/drinking, which in rabbits is a critical emergency and needs vet attention immediately).

Rabbits are induced ovulators and don't come into heat like cats/dogs, so if you notice significant swelling it might be worth having a vet check it out.

zzzzsleepyzzzz 2 points on 2017-09-20 23:23:55

I was going to wait for a while before getting her spayed, I know about the big health problems that female rabbits get after three years, Including urinate cancer.

Me and my rabbit are inseparable pretty much. She will be with me for hours, weather shes looking to play or coming to me for sleep, kisses and cuddles. Her love is infinite. I want her to have a long life and will get her spayed in around a year. She is still pretty young, but Ill take her to my rabbit savvy vet to see if shes in good condition.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2017-09-21 00:44:04

Out of curiosity how big is she? Like small-medium dog sized? Bigger? Smaller?

zzzzsleepyzzzz 2 points on 2017-09-21 02:28:26

I have weighed her and she is around 16 pounds. Shes much bigger than small dogs. Not quite as big as medium dogs, but its fairly close.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 3 points on 2017-09-21 20:52:48

Okay cool! Not everyone is aware of the risks with intact female rabbits so I always try to mention. After some talks with my vet about the pros and cons I elected not to have mine spayed because of anesthesia risks, and because she was already older at the time. So I keep a very careful eye on her condition and how she's acting. But if I had had the chance to have her spayed earlier I probably would have.

I love rabbits, they're so loving and bond so closely with their people. I had no idea they were so affectionate until I got one! Flemish Giants are super cool, I've never met one in person but they look HUGE! Mine is a cross of a few different meat and pet breeds, she's only about seven pounds. So bigger than the average pet bunny but nowhere near Flemish size lol

GravyFell 11 points on 2017-09-22 03:11:35

what the fuck

awelotta 3 points on 2017-09-23 02:09:08

I suggest you leave if you don't want to be here I guess, I mean yeah you do you basically