Here's a better picture of Toby, I absolutely love this picture (
submitted 2017-09-22 20:14:57 by Tastypaws Taken by Toby!
btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 4 points on 2017-09-22 20:18:48

Reminds me of my husky. Wants me to pet him but also wants to make me work for it.

electricfoxx 4 points on 2017-09-22 20:32:50

Airing it out.

soldierboy2b Doggo 1 point on 2017-09-23 03:50:05

Aww... He's very handsome.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-24 12:59:02


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-24 14:48:32

Rule 5.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-26 07:37:33


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-26 10:42:45

I wrote it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-26 17:35:07


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-26 17:45:30

The way you wrote your reply made it look like you were asking if I read rule 5.

Anyway, your comment reads like a solicitation. This isn't a very sexual subreddit, and that's especially so for threads that are marked SFW.

ProfPurplenipple 1 point on 2017-09-27 22:26:36

Normally this picture would pass as normal and cute, but in this subreddit I think that people are looking for a little more than "cute"


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-09-27 23:32:43

No, that'd be /r/bestiality. The users here aren't hypersexual deviants like some people seem to think.

ProfPurplenipple 1 point on 2017-09-27 23:54:29

So what are they then?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-09-28 00:05:30

Normal people with a different sexuality from us. Save for a small few, the people here love their nonhuman animal partners like they would human partners, with any sexual elements being a bonus, and no matter what, pending their partner being willing throughout all of it.

ProfPurplenipple 1 point on 2017-09-28 00:26:20

The only thing stranger to me than doing an animal would be dating it, but... I cant stop you guys.

Just don't get caught, okay?

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-28 15:29:47

The only thing stranger to me than doing an animal would be dating it.

It should be the other way around.
I mean, ''dating'' is just loving your animal a lot more than usual.
And a lot of humans love their animals, so I don't see why it's even more stranger than having sexual contact with them.

I cant stop you guys. Just don't get caught, okay?

He's not a zoophile, though.

Tastypaws Taken by Toby! 1 point on 2017-09-28 13:41:13

I posted this picture as sfw. If you want to look at his junk, go ahead, but that's not the point of the picture.

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-09-28 15:27:49

Then what are you doing here? Do you see me in human relationship subs or anything along the lines of that and then act like you?
But yes, so what if we do think like that? That's why this sub exists.
How can you even get shocked by that? Grow up, man.
In fact, it's the non-zoophilic places that would be more creepy. Post a ''cute pic'' of a female human once and you'll get so many sexual remarks and such.
Just because they're animals doesn't even make it any different.
And from the looks of it, most of us seem to just enjoy the picture in a non-sexual way.

Hotdogzew-Fiel 1 point on 2017-09-28 03:40:58

I mean, how could you not love this guy? You are a very lucky fellow, buddy. Toby is also a very lucky dog as well haha

Darkspirit5 1 point on 2017-09-29 03:31:19

Very nice doggo there. You're lucky to have him.

Tastypaws Taken by Toby! 1 point on 2017-09-29 10:05:26
