How do you other exclusive zoos cope? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-09-25 03:42:01 by Donewithmyparaphilia

I hate being attracted to animals. I don't agree with it morally. It feels like my life is a constant tug of war between my sexuality and my morals. I just want to be normal but I know that can't happen. I would take any sexuality besides a paraphilia in a heartbeat.

I want to know if there is anyone else here who feels how I do, and how do you cope with it?

Edit: Thanks for the replies! Honestly posting here is so relieving. No one in my life knows about it so all my feelings about it are normally just bottled up. It's great to finally have people who get it. I've lurked here for a while but now I think I'll make an account just to post and comment here.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 7 points on 2017-09-25 04:01:14

I'm not entirely in the same boat, but there are similarities. I am a non practicing zoophile, both for health and emotional reasons. I don't see anything wrong with zoophilia per say, but it's not for me anymore whether I like it or not.

Realizing sex is but one part of life and not even neccesarily a huge one helps. You can go asexual if genuinely bothered by this. Find a hobby, and divert your attention to that. Find a (non-sexual) interest group to interact with. All this helps. I won't lie: It's not easy at all, but it helps.

Donewithmyparaphilia 1 point on 2017-09-25 12:43:55

Thanks. You're right about that. I'm usually happiest when I can get myself busy and forget about my sexuality.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-25 06:37:21


Darkspirit5 3 points on 2017-09-25 06:52:59

You'll find a way to cope eventually. There are worse things than finding animals to be attractive. Soon you may even stop caring about this issue entirely. If all else fails, you could always seek professional help, though from personal experience, it really isn't a good option.

Donewithmyparaphilia 1 point on 2017-09-25 12:45:38

You're probably right. I'm only 18 so I guess I do have a lot of time for my view of it to change. I hope you're right.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2017-09-25 14:50:57

You're still a bit too young to know what you want to assume or reject about yourself.

I didn't really assume my sexuality before my late twenties.

Darkspirit5 2 points on 2017-09-25 21:00:17

I may also be wrong. Ultimately, the only way to tell if something will change is to wait it out for a while. But yeah, coming to terms with this kind of sexuality isn't easy. It never is.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 3 points on 2017-09-25 11:00:59

What REALLY bother you about your morals ?

Your education ?

Your religion ?

Do you doubt about consenting ?

Donewithmyparaphilia 2 points on 2017-09-25 12:47:39

It's that consent from animals isn't black and white, it's just a huge gray area where you can never be sure if it's a yes or a no.

SCP_2547 0 points on 2017-09-25 14:04:23

Why? While the whole thing is more complicated, it's very simple on what consent is: Body language = consent.
So yes, you can be really sure if you know what their language means.
I say grow up about the whole thing and don't make such a big deal out of it. Suicide... really?
Yeah, let's not get too dramatic here...
Watch documentaries, study animals... And then you'll realize you're overreacting way too much.

Kynophile Dog lover 8 points on 2017-09-25 16:28:14

A: I'm so depressed...

B: Suck it up, whiner.


SCP_2547 -2 points on 2017-09-25 18:21:10

Gee, where in the FUCK have I heard that many times before?
If it applies to me then it applies ten more fucking times to this guy.
Edit: Downvotes? Explain.
I have been told this many times and everyone agrees with them.
Now I tell this to someone else and nobody agrees. Why do you all wonder why I hate you?

Donewithmyparaphilia 3 points on 2017-09-25 18:59:49

Thanks. I've dealt with depression before knowing I was a zoo. I'm sorry but realizing i was a zoo didn't help me bounce back from it.

SCP_2547 0 points on 2017-09-26 07:14:56

And your point is...?
You know, then being a zoophile shouldn't be a big deal. Grow up.

I_am_a_haiku_bot 0 points on 2017-09-26 07:16:00

And your point is...? You

know, then being a zoophile shouldn't be

a big deal. Grow up.


Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 6 points on 2017-09-25 14:45:44

Consent isn't black or white, I confirm.

But if you know your partner well enough, you can read what he/she wants and doesn't want.

Donewithmyparaphilia 2 points on 2017-09-25 19:01:38

I believe you on that.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-26 07:16:31

Then what's the fucking problem man?

BadBoy003 3 points on 2017-09-25 16:42:27

It's that consent from animals isn't black and white, it's just a huge gray area where you can never be sure if it's a yes or a no.

It's pretty black and white, if we're talking dogs. If they're a male then that is just blindingly obvious. A female dog is fairly obvious as well. If they're in heat especially they actively and aggressively seek out stimulation. Once they've had sexual stimulation in heat they often begin to do this out of heat.

It's pretty simple really, they put their rear end towards you, flag and look back? They're basically asking for sex. Proceed, and if they keep showing they're enjoying the stimulation, then keep going on.

If you want to be the initiator, it's pretty simple, too. Ask them to come over to the usual area, rub them all over non-sexually, progress to sexual touching, if they're being receptive then continue.

The thing is, a female dog has an extremely effective and simple way of declining sex. Even if they refuse to hurt you by biting or nipping, or don't want to walk away because they like you and being around you, just don't want sex at the moment...They just sit down.

They don't even want to be rubbed at all in the area? They sit down

They seemed receptive to rubbing but don't want penetration? They sit down...

If they finish during sex and don't want any more? They sit down.

A male dog just won't hump if they don't want stimulation. Or when you try to provide stimulation when they don't want it, they'll sit down.

Sex isn't some crazy complex thing that only humans can do.

Donewithmyparaphilia 2 points on 2017-09-25 19:07:43

I really appreciate the time you took to answer me. I sort of shift between that way of thinking and my comment above from time to time. I understand what you're saying. I'll definitely consider your words.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-09-27 06:23:49

Ethics and morals are not even a real thing, forget them, do what you think makes you happy; me mischievous even evil if you have to be; at the end there's only a person you gotta satisfy in this world, yourself.

I know how horrible this sounds, but this is a sane way for many people; and while indeed there are more layers, layers that can get you in trouble or make you highly undesirable, at the end, we are all going to die, so we rather do what we love.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-09-29 21:26:42

Unfortunately ethics and morals are like ghosts - if the wrong ones "possess" enough of the living, then their power to harm you becomes real.