Yet another piece of journalism, but this time with question (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-09-26 02:10:11 by Andrew-R - "In fact, seven per cent of zoophiles (humans sexually attracted to animals) named dolphins as their preferred choice of mate." I bet I will not find 7 dolphin-oriented (hm..) humans out of 100 (is this number of posters to this group even possible? at any given year, not accumulated number, or number of allies as shown on front page...) locals.... But my real question is more generic - even if some humans might prefer one kind of being or another as mate (in both senses ) - how to make this attraction allow everything else (all other significant ways of living - playing, walking around, thinking about future, and defending it ..) to deviate from usual human pattern and become more other-orinted?

HBOTB2 Horse and Hoof 1 point on 2017-09-26 02:23:23

I guess if your into dolphins your options are more limited then if you are into say dogs or horses.

caikgoch 3 points on 2017-09-26 03:03:59

You will find a lot of room under the "usual human pattern" tent. From my own life: I live in an agricultural area because it makes it easy for me to live with horses and other animals. My family comes from an island on the Gulf of Mexico and I grew up working on boats. Both lifestyles have the common themes of being outdoors, attentive to the weather, gathering food directly from your environment, and lots of hands on physical labor. Had I been more interested in Dolphins, I have been swimming with wild Dolphins and know ways to attract them.

Contrary to anything the "learned scholars" may tell you, living in two different worlds is not easier than conformity. But it is possible. Adjustments are required (bucket? fin?) and much direct study will be necessary. On the upside, if all goes well you will know joys few can even imagine.

Andrew-R 1 point on 2017-09-26 12:45:04

My point was more about to say, 'self-controlled zoophilia' (?), or something along those lines..when you know your drive/attraction, and intentionally use it for changing your own behavior, towards those non-human others.

As little example, I tend to trap/caught my own thinking at some intervals and look at my dog, because I know thinking/reading/etc is attractive for me, and if I leave myself in my usual state I definitely will miss early signs of attention demanding from my dog, and otherwise will think about virtual beings more than about real being who live just behind me (at the moment).

caikgoch 2 points on 2017-09-26 14:01:17

You like your sanity? Want to keep it? Then draw a line. There is one outside my back door that I can see and so can my horses. It marks the boundary between my world and theirs. Sometimes it is there and sometimes it is not. They can call me across it but the final choice is mine.

It's all symbolic but it is important. On one side I am a normal human owner and they are my obedient, well mannered property. I spoil them a little but they never do things that might freak the str8s. On the other side I am visiting their world. We are a normal family of their kind and I adjust to them within human limitations.

The separation is more important with horses than dogs because socializing with horses is completely different than humans or dogs but it does matter if you plan to have any life at all outside of your immediate home. It keeps you from confusing the str8s and keeps you employable etc.

Andrew-R 1 point on 2017-09-26 15:28:25

You like your sanity? Want to keep it?

may be not (after all, if cost of my sanity is their problems, thanks, I prefer to become insane, if not already)

Andrew-R 1 point on 2017-09-26 16:12:21

---copy-paste from some of my private talks---------

slightly edited for all those missing letters ... This was written in 2014, but it more or less the same today....

ok ....i [w]anted to add another detail - not sure if it fits your article, but because you touched (rarely touched) issue of strandings - can you describe a little bit more on how our pseudo-care resulted in real murder? because cets really killed, 'to save them from suffering', instead of actually saving them ...not sure if it really steams from 'resource economy' or some thinking realities mostly ...but this part really get too little attention i think it's the same problem, but I can't treat details, which vary a lot, unlike captivity where the phenomenon is quite systematic well, in USA captivity industry offficially behind 'rescue' orgs ...loook at who listed as members of their stranding networks. in uk it different, yet welfarism still dominant. 01/29/2014 4:42pm and on side note ..I started to seriously fear all this trauma stuff was invented and spreaded by some well-known figure(s) in our movement simply because they were extremely uneasy to get some real connectin with beings they abused in their active traine'rs periods! So, they rejected sociality fully, called it 'sikness' and asked everyone to cure it! as I remmeber from our dolphinarium it was popular pseudothinking to, literally 'leave dolphins alone, so they will have freedom to do their won stuff.!!! I mean, freedom to do their own stuff in cage!!!! in fact it was probably part of enviroment sterilization regime, ut are trainers who used it actually KNEW about using it!? or they simply added it oth as justification for escaping real contact, ANY connect with captive reality outside of training AND as side-effect it makes training more 'focused', from their perspective, so they just keep doing it! anyway, i hate this 'sociality is ug/ thinking *bug I think it is right, but it is possible the phenomenon was exaggerated. It is clear that there is an integration of a complex.The behavior can be perfectly explained by a neurosis. But it is not so handicapping indeed. If the trainer or a pseudo trainer don't show up, they are perfectly living independently. Also, it could happen that the neurosis cure itself afte there start begging people looking like trainers and these people not reacting to it I am more worried in a philosophical aspect.They feel submitted, they feel they weren't freed. I worry it will influence their thinking and actions in the future as you noted multiple times - there must be way to discriminate between feeling free, but social, and feeling unhealthy submitted... Because..well, you can call this unhealty, too - I personallyu also want to [b]e sumissive, in wide sense of word, to cetaceans...I mean, hell, why everyone must compete, being on top, etc. ? Why at least some can't find quiet comfort in helping others, non-overly-agressive, away from all this competition? things probaly not binary, like if one can feel something at 100% it all ok, yet, if you start to get 1000% out of it, and such overcharge essentially blcoks you from doing anything else, destroy your thinking and self-control - then it will be wrong . It seems this food manipulation, coupled with other factors (unability to do ANYTHING independently) exactly works by 'overvolting' being , like if you run your 220V motor on some weird 550 alternate-current, modulated power probably. I don't k[n]ow the consquences, because we don't live in the same society than them notably, so they're not directlu submitted to us.But the well being of the cetacean is on stake. yea I agree. yet, i think we do eaxctly same eror as everyone - we assume we know something, before trying it even if it cure itself in the future, at least we show their cosnideration toward them, that we can also not be savior but "humans" by saving thel from difficult situations or giving them a hand tompensate our past actions obviously, i want to be part of dolphin/cetacean society - ye, I'm not sure if I even theoretically will like it, if we imagine some sort of (impossile today) mind transfer ... I mean, dreaming about [b]eing part of dolphin society is one thing, but actually living it, day in, day out ... this is why I think actually living with 'disbaled' being is, conceptualy, more demanding and exposing situation, compared to known cases of solo dolphins, or captivity. It demands true care from me, I struggle to find solution for hardest problem, at least possible way out - so, easier cases will hopefully fly like reeze .... *breeza :{ I mean, this is still egoistical, I wnt to test my love in hardest possile scenario, yet i understand I must do it in such way what even if I fail - my other-part being will not! I mean, humans do near lifetime struggle with work and shit just to get their kids up and running ...but will I able to do something comparable, in amount of effort, time, etc to dolphins (as smaller cetaceans - big eings will need somewhat wider cooperation on human side) *beings This is not like i see dolphin as kid - I just want to compare amount of 'work', different in anture, but surely time-consuming, to help someone..who is not human..and not dog. And not even weird mix of two cetaceans can help their own challenged. They don't need us. This belief it's because we place technology as the center of well beinh if dolphins can have their sociality retargeted at humans - why humans can't? we must separate helping someone, meaning we get it oyt from a situation it can't because of something we created, and actually pretending that we must help themeven if they don't need it becaus ethey are absolutely powerless I know Julian, for you this is principial question. for em - too. just differently well, their society can't be retagradted to humans, de facto ! we just took some dolphins and retired them their humanity, that what happened they cannot eve use sonar in captivity In sense I probably wish to counter-example you or complete even - by showing how exactly REAL love and care, not degraded versions you debunk, will look I mean do we have to actually love them ? we don't ; if we considere them as sapient being, we will act directly toward them like with people, because they are people, not because we love them this is good question. I hope dolphins themselves will answer it they already do, as they save us even without knowing us so much reject love humans don't do it! it seems people believe we must love them as mothers because they believe they love us like children, while it is not the case ! probably language/concept thing ...sorry well, If I say I want to love them as lover (knowing I will never reach some levels on this) - guess you will get me right, or at least my intentions yet .... Again, it really hard to say right - whole point of love also, just as dolphins, caricaturized I really wonder IF I really want to learn being as being, or it all just ome side-effect of living w/o girlfriend yet, why every single world's male human must seek female humans? Why not male dolphins, or female orangs?! {note: it probably mcuh harder to actually imagine having serious life, incl. more personal one, with some of great aes than with least for me. yet...i can start to see something} *apes great as(ses) is more fitting label for humans In fact, I want not just give them respect as much as I give to humans - but MUCH, MUCH better! because I don't respect humans at large so much .... sad note: one man who liked to talk about resect w as ..zanin! One who was captivity-ased scientist, turned into DAT trainer so, imagine, for me word respect linked to some/same fakeness as for you care and love I don't want fake /rand probably end */rant! Rand as /me not yet want to end!)self (but I fear I just have no [b]alls for anything serious ..lie when I was thinking about doing even very light version of hunger strike - i was unable to make even 2 days w/o food! pfff...!!!! Similary, even if I toyed with idea about 'terrorizing' dolphinarium y not leaving water until i freeze there - I quickly come to conclusion i'll simply will have no selfcontrol to stay that long ...pathetic!) by not leaving water .... Sorry, Julian. I really want to respectfully love those b[e]ings, yet I can't even prove if my love just as pure as I want it to be! To cetaceans, or to myself (proving it to masses ..pfff...look at behavior, or go to hell). Pure as real, deep, subtle, caring in true sense of this word I want to know impossible things - yet with full responsibility and full feedback from beings itself. No shields, no shit, no escape again, i hate this feeling of unproveness of my feelings and thinking - i think I want to free dolphins, yet there is no result and no way to test if it real feeling or just some fake As anyone in love, I probably sounds mad. I'm


Velcorn Dolphin Lover 5 points on 2017-09-26 13:22:36

raises fin

If I'm being honest, it has been more coming to terms with the realization that I'm never going to be with a dolphin physically, especially not in a sexual let alone emotional way. The realms in which we live in are just way too different to begin with and that's only touching the surface of the problem. On top of that comes realizing that this supposed attraction to dolphins is, obviously, mostly physical/sexual based on a lack of emotional proximity. It just seems strange to assume an emotional attraction to these animals that's simply based on (my) idealization of them.

In essence, what I'm saying is that adapting to a more unusual species might be (close to) impossible or at least very limiting.

k3ziah 1 point on 2017-09-27 19:03:46

also raises fin

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-09-28 03:34:40

I bet I will not find 7 dolphin-oriented (hm..) humans out of 100

That is around 1 out of every 14, probably not too far off.