I don't know what to do (help) (long) (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-09-27 04:25:18 by Puppy_corn

(Please note, the formal diction of this text post does not reflect my true emotional state, I am sad and very confused). First a little back story. When I was around eight or so my older brother exposed me to vanilla porn. This event sent me down a road that would make me question my sexuality a seemingly infinite number of times, as well as expose me to countless new fetishes (I understand that some of you may take offense to that word, I'm sorry, it's the only word I know to describe it). One of which was Zoophilia. I wish to note that I am unsure if it was a natural tendency or not, for I never got the chance to discover my own sexuality - it was taken away from me by porn. My mother knows about my interests which consist of furry art, and the previously mentioned. She found out about the Zoophilic tendencies today. With all of that said, let me get to the matter at hand. Today I had my first therapy session, I also found out that your therapist can break their code of secrecy if you tell them you want to commit a felony. Zoophilia is a felony in my state. After the session I went home, and waited for my mother to come home. When she got home we talked about the session, and I brought up Zoophilia. I had faith in her that she would understand yet again, for she had done it before with my other interests. But today she decided not to indulge my hopes, for she believes that it is abuse to the animal. At the time I was too choked up to voice my opinion on the matter. It was like she force fed me a soup of guilt and shame and anger, loneliness, sadness, worry, and confusion in one fowl swoop. I couldn't speak hardly. I had confessed to her that I had done something to one of our dogs (that's as much detail I gave her) and she told me gently to never do it again, as well as to never speak of it to anyone else. My therapist and my mother will remain closed off to my zoophilic thoughts as of now. I believe that if the animal enjoys it and won't suffer mentally or anything like that then it is okay. I have a fantasy, a fantasy where I have gotten a sable husky, and raised him/her not as a friend, or a lover, just someone who I can be with, someone I can hold when I cry, someone to play with, someone who understands me completely without saying a word - but there is another aspect of this fantasy that feels wrong and shameful, but good all the same. A part that deals with the sexual aspects... I don't know what to feel - what's right. Members of the Zoophilia subreddit, I have three questions for you to answer based on the aforementioned facts. 1. Should I press my mother on the matter, try to get her to see my point of view? 2. Are my Zoophilic tendencies natural? 3. Are these feelings within me deserved, are they what I should be feeling? I am hesitant to reveal it, for fear of being removed, but I am desperate for any help. I am sixteen, if it makes any difference.

EDIT: Ignore question three

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-09-27 05:56:15

"...I never got the chance to discover my own sexuality - it was taken from me by porn." Wow, you gotta have to be the first one coming in here WITH a fully functional brain and some self reflection! Kudos for this heureka! moment of yours.

Now, regarding the topic and your questions: One thing you cannot avoid to realise: zoophilia/bestiality is not just another segment of human sexuality like being homosexual, a foot fetishist or a masochistic customer of a domina. Zoophilia is the only orientation that transgresses the human level, that introduces a whole new set of ethical and moral questions regarding non human animals into the already large set of ethical and moral questions regarding human-on-human sexuality.

Although I could, I won´t write a long essay addressing each and every issue in your post. But here are some general statements you might want to consider...

  • You´re pretty young of age and surely haven´t exceeded your totally normal and natural exploration phase. What I would suggest is that you try to find out what YOUR sexuality is and restore/rethrieve what porn stole from you. Maybe you are just experiencing a phase of "zoophilia"...I´ve met many youngsters who were totally convinced they´re "1000% real zoo" when they were in their teens and early twens, but totally lost their interest in "zoophilia" later in life.

  • You seem to be projecting pretty much into animals in general. "Someone I can be with, I can hold when I cry, I can play with...etc. pp."...but animals aren´t cuddle machines, they´re individuals with a mind of their own. They differ as much as humans do in temperament and character. Don´t generalise, don´t fall for any prejudices, not even positive ones. What else I had to take note is your focus on yourself. You elaborated on what you want, what you expect a relationship to be...but where´s the animal´s side in your fantasies? What if your animal wants to cuddle, but you´re pissed at that moment, for example? Real love is what you can give, not what you can get...mind you.

  • Immediately get rid of your pretty open and naive approach towards zoophilia as something you can just openly discuss. As you have experienced yourself today, this isn´t just another segment of human sexuality you only need to "educate" society about to be tolerated. One quite common proverb in the zoo community is "The zoo´s most important sense is hearing"...that´s not only meant to remind everyone how important it is to not be walked in on, not being caught in flagranti, but also a reminder of how important it is to closely listen to other people for general security purposes. There are only two types of zoos, the talking ones...and the ones who can live their life relatively uninterrupted. In zoophilia, silentium aurum est, silence IS golden. Once you said the incriminating words, you can never get them back or "unspeak" them.

  • One thing I highly recommend to any newbie is trying to understand our "opponents" as early as possible. Don´t fall for the usual "we zoos are the good guys and society is just ignorant and hateful" trench mentality rhetoric so common around any "zoo" forum. Realise that zoophilia isn´t a playground, but a mine field. So better step carefully whenever you´re dealing with the outside world.

To sum this up: Do a bit of NON PARTISAN research on zoophilia. Try to figure out whether you´re actually a zoophile or someone who "learned" "zoophilia" by porn consumption. Remember Hannibal Lecter´s immortal words "We crave for what we see!". Don´t overidealise animals. But first and foremost, relax...you´re very young and in your exploration phase. Maybe your whole issue will terminate itself by just growing up.

Finally, your questions:

1) Hell, NO!! As a zoo, you NEVER press an outsider on this! If someone without our "open mindset" towards animal-human contacts learns about bestiality/zoophilia, the usual reactions are alienation, shock, disgust and trauma. Always keep in mind that there are people out there who don´t take fucking an animal so easy. Lots of them...well, practically 99,99%. Leave your mother alone for now, let her digest what you´ve served her today. Let HER make the next step.

2) Natural...hmmm, what a vague and wobbly word. Is it "natural" for humans to fly? Yet no one resists airplanes as unnatural. Is pooping natural? Yes, it is, anybody does , but you still wouldn´t do it at noon on main street in NY, would you? "Natural" simply isn´t the question here. It´s surely not "normal" , within the norm. But "normal" is what nobody is completely, everyone has "unnormal" twists per definitionem. If I were you, I wouldn´t put so much effort in that type of questions.Categories like "normal" and "natural" are vague ones...and,btw, would a yes to your original question change anything for you? Would you feel better simply because of a positive answer?

3) I don´t know your situation beyond what you´ve posted. I don´t know whther it´s deserved or if you´re supposed to have these feelings. They seem to be there anyway. And I see some chance that these feelings you are experiencing might just be the result of your "porn diet" rather than actual feelings. Mere projections caused by the largest human behavioural experiment mankind ever has taken part in...full 24/7 effortless accessibility of ANY kind of porn.
But that´s just my opinion...feel free to ask further questions...

Puppy_corn 1 point on 2017-09-28 00:31:50

In reference to my fantasy about the sable husky I understand that relationships aren't one sided. That is why I plan on studying everything I can about the husky, as well as dog behaviors and "languages", that way I'll know if my husky is upset or ready to play. Once I can "read" him/her I'll be able to provide for them the care that they would so readily provide me. Please keep in mind that the amount of study I plan on doing could be considered overkill, for I've been living with dogs my whole life, and have picked up (I believe) at least some of their body language and facial expressions. I simply want to be sure of myself before making a commitment like that. Just to be clear, I do not see the real life future sable husky as a sex toy, or a care taker - it was just a fantasy. As for understanding our opponents - I've been conditioned by the internet to be a very careful person. I have a VPN installed, and only conduct business on my own home network. If you have anything to add please do so. Thank you for your help.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-09-27 06:35:48


k3ziah 1 point on 2017-09-27 09:13:48

10/10 answer 👌 jealous of your u/ it should've been mine

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-09-27 13:53:29

Nothin' like a little ban.

k3ziah 0 points on 2017-09-27 09:12:11

I'll give you a nice short answer.

Is it natural? IMO, no. Does that make it bad? IMO, no. Should you do what makes you happy? Yes.

I said recently on a trans sub that in the same way the trans community has 'passing tips' we have 'behaviour tips'. Ways you can appear 'open to mate'. Some people will coerce their animals into sex. I don't. If I 'make myself available', the animal will approach me, if it wants me. That is as close to consent as a nonsentient being can get.

Just be gentle and respect the animal. Put it's welfare above all else. You sound like you would, I'm just saying, if you do you have nothing to worry about.

I am 16M. I am trans, pan and zoo. My brain is pretty well fried, evidently. I am proud of who I am, though. If you want to talk, message me 😊

caikgoch 7 points on 2017-09-27 10:14:59

You need to learn a lot more before you can be in a position to make decisions. What you see in porn is bestiality, a physical act. Being sixteen years old and wanting the physical act of sex is about as normal as it gets.

Zoophilia is a mental state that may or may not culminate in an act of bestiality. It starts with an interest in the animal beyond simple sexual desire.

Start by reading "Manawolf's Essay". I left a copy in the reference section on https://www.zoowg.net/index.php?/

Most of what you are going to read on the subject is propaganda, some pro, mostly anti. Dig through and question. From time to time you will find some bits of truth. Use them to understand yourself but never get the idea that any conclusion you make is final. You will continue to grow and change for the rest of your life so keep this questioning internal as much as possible. Any declarations you make will follow you forever.

If you take anything at all from this conversation let it be this: I have a friend who simply stated that he would prefer sex with his dog to sex with any woman that he currently knew. His family found the statement on an internet blog. His mother contacted the local police for help understanding his attitude. The police arrested him and seized his dog and computer. The dog was euthanized. A year later he was released because he had literally never done anything but think about Zoophilia. He ended up changing continents to find a place where he could have peace. Others have found understanding and help, but you can never be sure what someone else will do even out of an abundance of love. You have an entire life in front of you. There is no need to rush into anything.

Puppy_corn 1 point on 2017-09-28 00:30:02

Thank you for the response. Let me say that it wasn't the sexual tendencies that came first, I was essentially a wolf/dog fanatic in my pre-teen years, but I didn't once think about having real sex with a canine until I was about 12 or 13. I had some kind of emotional connection with canines from as far back as I can remember. I also read the essay you linked to, but it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. Not to say it didn't inject a little realism that I need right now. Also a few notes about your last statements. Don't worry, as long as I have you guys, I won't feel the need to tell anyone else. Everyone says I have my entire life in front of me, which I understand - but I don't wanna wait anymore for some kind of sexual orientation fairy to bonk me on the head with her wand. It's too stressful, and I can't handle it any more. What can I do to figure it out sooner?

caikgoch 2 points on 2017-09-28 00:49:03

The thing that makes humans different from most of the rest of the animal kingdom is pattern recognition. Humans group things into neat categories and groups of groups. Labels are handy and make life so much easier for the people not being labeled.

You, on the other hand, are an individual. Without falling too deep into the snowflake mythos, you are unique. "Sexual orientation" is really just a convenient shorthand for telling other people whether or not you are sexually available. Internally, it has very little meaning. Say instead "I like" or "I want to try".

Choose your opportunities carefully. If you get caught "doing the naughty" with anyone but an adult human of the opposite sex, there will be a swift and terrible price to pay. Until you have had a chance to try all of the things that interest you, consider your orientation to be "Horny". Think of it as a multi-year project with enormous potential for fun.

Puppy_corn 1 point on 2017-09-28 00:59:23

I've never thought of it like that before. Guess I'm gonna be "Horny" for a while then, thank you.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-09-28 01:33:24

Look into https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddhartha_%28novel%29

It doesn't have a thing to do with bestiality or Zoophilia but it may answer a few questions about life.

WikiTextBot 1 point on 2017-09-28 01:33:29

Siddhartha (novel)

Siddhartha is a 1922 novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of self-discovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of the Gautama Buddha. The book, Hesse's ninth novel, was written in German, in a simple, lyrical style. It was published in the U.S. in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s. Hesse dedicated the first part of it to Romain Rolland and the second to Wilhelm Gundert, his cousin.

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SCP_2547 3 points on 2017-09-27 13:02:15

Yeaaah don't argue with your mom about it, ever.
I've had bad experiences with that as we were arguing on our phones while I was on my internship back then. Kind of like the many ZooVAntiZoo battles you see online but on Whapp instead.

...And between mother and son.
Heh, makes me think... calling those who actually have sex with animals mentally fucked. Calling your child mentally fucked without even knowing it...
That said, you should never bring it up again in any way. Not even jokes.
It really made her even more suspicious and if she found out I had sex with my girl / talked with any of you she would genuinely report me (and you all, lmao) and get me in jail, leaving my dog to rot.

Those are the words from someone who is mentally fucked themselves and abused animals even though she says she loves them, folks.
This is random but I need to fucking say it at least once somewhere: She hit my girl with a broom full-power when she's was just a little pup. Not even a year old if I remember correctly.
She did so because my girl was barking at her, resulting in her going insane and attacking my girl who almost went unconscious because of it, and she could barely even make a sound of how much it hurt.
And to this day, I'm still blamed for my girl's cowardly behavior.
Same individual that didn't allow her dog to drink and catches wild birds to let them die in a birdcage, everyone.

Puppy_corn 1 point on 2017-09-28 01:18:29

Your mom makes me mad. I'm sorry for your girl. Even though negative your words still motivated me so thank you.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-28 14:56:14

Me too.
I think my misanthropy originally started with her. She still pisses me off daily to this day.
I'm getting quite sick of one retard that kept calling me ''ungrateful'' and said I deserved to get my life ruined (the spastic went so far to actually almost make me get caught) and all the rest who call me fucked up because I do not like my mom.
Again, this is random, but why does everyone expect everyone else to like their mom? What is the logic behind that?
Sure they can be good for you from time to time but that doesn't mean always. And it doesn't mean they're actual good humans either even if they are good for you from time to time.
Thanks mom and dad for giving me trauma as a child.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-09-28 15:56:05

What is the logic behind that?

Inductive. Not experiencing a phenomenon themselves and not thinking about it mostly.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-09-28 00:22:47
  1. Should I press my mother on the matter, try to get her to see my point of view?

What do you hope to gain from it? I told my mother many years ago and given the opportunity to do over, I'd have kept my mouth shut. You gain almost nothing from the revelation, even if they accept it, that it's just not worth the risk and hassle of it. Save those discussions for friends who grok it and keep everyone else in the dark.

  1. Are my Zoophilic tendencies natural?

Seriously, what's "natural" and why does it even matter? I mean, rabies is natural and nobody really wants that. :P If they cause you problems, examine the issue and try to find the root of the conflict. So long as nobody is being harmed or exploited, why does it even matter? You're stil young, it may pass.

  1. Are these feelings within me deserved, are they what I should be feeling? I am hesitant to reveal it, for fear of being removed, but I am desperate for any help. I am sixteen, if it makes any difference.

Deserved? I'm not sure I even understand the question, can you expound on this a little more?

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-09-28 01:59:50

I agree there is no reason at all to discuss it with most other humans, and ESPECIALLY not parents/guardians, and psychologists only in very limited circumstances as mentioned. My parents' sex life is none of my business and mine is none of their business either.

Also agree about the "experimentation phase" mentioned elsewhere for people in their teens... not to say it MUST be a phase, but people in that age group typically must use extra self-awareness to untangle the truth through the many confusing messages, and to avoid jumping into something that might be a regret later in life.

Finally I am really confused by people who claim that seeing porn as a child messes up their sex life. Can someone explain how this works? I never found humans all that attractive, so therefore never had any real interest in porn, but we passed around friends' parents' girlie magazines at sleep-overs and watched our share of poorly-scrambled analog cable TV, and I don't think I was affected in any way by the experience.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-09-28 06:59:24

About this porn thing: OP already has mentioned the core issue when he said he couldn´t discover HIS real sexuality. It´s practically the same reason why legal weed for adults is absolutely okay, but it´s totally not for kids. Developmental issues, growing up properly and freely, discovering yourself.

Being exposed to porn at a very young age potentially leads to disorientation/distraction, it can very well influence the young mind into thinking that love is porn and what he sees in porn is what love should be. And as it´s scientifically proven that porn can lead to an addiction, a literal one with the same neurochemical processes in the brain that can be detected in hard drug addicts such as cokeheads, you shouldn´t underestimate the actual harm potential of pornography, especially when ALL types of porn are available 24/7, without any restrictions.

I don´t know how old you are, but your little story about the girlie magazines implies you´re a little older than the average reddit user...´cause in today,s youth, you wouldn´t touch that anymore, with all the sick stuff out there , just two clicks away. Times have changed and things are different now compared to when I grew up. In my youth, you got kicked out of the VHS rental store for not being 18 and older and actually renting a porn flic was an embarrassment. I remember seeing people walking out of our local sex shop, desperately trying to hide their faces from other people...today, there´s no control mechanism anymore, you can anonymously get all the stuff you want, you can get it when you want and you can even get stuff you never even thought about before you were given the chance to "explore".

As I said in my previous post, in my opinion, this isn´t "sexual freedom". This "freedom" is stale and rotten, it also is a huge experiment conducted on us as "their" guinee pigs ´cause nobody really knows what total and complete availability of ANY kind of porn will do to us in general. We´ve seen new forms of porn related addiction and mental issues emerging...we´ve seen how much the porn "aesthetic" is influencing the "normal" world. I often say that the sex lib movement of the 70´s succeeded in destroying the churches´ sex dogma, but sadly and unfortunately, it replaced it with what I call the porn dogma. Consumerism and a "supermarket mentality" of "I´ll take 100 grams of hetero, 50 grams of homo, oh, and can you please give me two slices of paedo, one slice of beasty and a sample of copro?".

As the OP has realised: porn steals YOUR sexuality. You don´t explore YOURSELF by watching, you just consume OTHER people´s sexuality. That´s what is problematic here. You cannot develop your self properly when the exploration is solely restricted to the "outside". I guess you would (correctly) consider it child abuse if one of the worst bible thumping priests is accompanying your puberty, trying to install his dogmata into you...but why are we so goddamn docile when the other extreme dogma is pushed into youngsters´ heads? For me, exposing kids to porn of ANY kind is the same form of abuse, it´s an equally detrimental form of imprinting, totally negating any self exploration by overexposition to pornography. It´s not about "finding one´s own preference" among what is offered, it´s about getting in contact with your inner self, finding what you truly desire by heart. But that´s capitalism in a nutshell...customers, not citizens, not self aware citizens, that´s what capitalism demands. You won´t find the immaterial in the material.

Humans are "animals of the eye", they perceive mostly by seeing, they learn by mimicking, they are heavily influenced by what they see rather than hear or taste. Especially at a young age, influence from films is exponentially increased. People mimic, that´s why there was no such thing as the "furry fandom" prior to anthropomorphic cartoon animals. Star Wars and Star Trek conventions. Fairytaleland. As hard as it might be to swallow for the sex lib people in here, but there IS stuff you only should be exposed to when you already gathered a good chunk of self awareness...and porn, especially the more "exotic" types of it, is one of these. (Soft) drugs are another. Porn and soft drugs CAN fuck you up when your personality is in a process of development, both can heavily interfere with this process, slowing it down or even leading the individual completely astray. As soft drugs, porn isn´t as harmless as the pro side ideologues say....not as evil and detrimental as the contra side is portraying it, but also not as harmless as the pro side insists on.

Watch this for further enlightenment: https://youtu.be/wSF82AwSDiU

Another interesting vid: https://youtu.be/R1vJilg7BAQ

Another one: https://youtu.be/VU9v8h_OwcY

And finally: https://youtu.be/_YpHNImNsx8

TokenHorseGuy 2 points on 2017-09-29 21:03:34

Thanks for the interesting perspectives & explanation. The part I'm still not understanding though is why it would change anyone's sexual orientation, identity, behavior, or whatever "sexuality" is.

While I realize porn is massively more widespread and diverse now than in the 60s or 70s or 80s, I hope we can agree that children had SOME access to pornography during that time, and none blamed looking at porn at a young age for their homosexuality or zoophilia.

And the other way around... although I agree sexual interests may move around a bit over one's life, I don't feel like external factors really influence me that much, whether I want them to or not. In fact if anything, I'd say zoophiles as a category are influenced a lot less than others by what the outside world tells them is right!

Using your comparison to drugs, I don't think that watching a lot of cheech and chong movies would cause someone to develop a spontaneous heroin addiction for the rest of their life, for example (trying to find something equally unrelated as vanilla porn making one a zoophile)... note also OP's comment: "I wish to note that I am unsure if it was a natural tendency or not."

I don't know, maybe some people are just more susceptible to influence from media than others, and since I'm in a different spot on that spectrum, I am unable to comprehend it due to no equivalencies in my frame of reference.

caikgoch 2 points on 2017-09-29 22:49:40

It's ye Olde Imprinting argument V2.0. Does exposure to something during one's formative years create an affinity of some kind? Are you a Zoo because you got off watching your uncle's horses screw when you visited his farm as a preteen?

Assuming an affirmative answer, how did the human race make it to current times? A century ago and earlier everyone grew up watching horses screw. And dogs. And bovines. And goats. And . . . Well, you get the idea. If watching sex had such an effect, everyone on the planet would have grown up Exclusive and the human population would be microscopic compared to today's (not necessarily a bad thing).

TokenHorseGuy 2 points on 2017-09-30 20:45:10

Right, nature vs. nurture, or some balance in-between.

I guess that's partly why I'm so confused; as one whose personal experience seems to reflect the "nature" camp, I really can't fathom outside influences having that kind of effect. But if they do - and I don't doubt the possibility - I'd like a better understanding of the circumstances!

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-09-30 07:40:56

As I said, what once was a relatively mild exposure to porn has now come to the point of 12 year olds being able to view the ENTIRE spectrum of fuck flix. Things have become nasty. I linked some videos , you really should listen to what the people in these TED talks say. I don´t consider their opinions to be the ultimate truth, but they definitely are right on some elemental issues reagrding modern pornography and its 24// availability.

I also contradict to the point of yours seeing "zoophiles" as less influenced by media than other sexual subgroups. If this would be true, then why is animal porn so present in any "zoophilia" community and you get statements like "Seen animal porn. Been hooked ever since." on a daily basis? For most of the youngsters, animal porn was their entree into this.

What you really have to wrap your head around is the different undertone in pornography these days. Just watch some of the 60´s and 70´s porn and compare it to our modern porn. The old videos only serve as laughing stock and you´ll hardly find a youngster who´s into this "harmless", almost comedic stuff. The "innocense" of the 60´s and 70´s is totally missing. What once was kinda playful has now transformed into cold "machine fuck" movies. Hugh Hefner, the sex lib icon of Playboy magazine, died a couple of days ago...to me, this may be the best symbol regarding porn. The old approach died with him, the industrialised approach has prevailed.

On your "zoophiles are a lot less influenced by what the outside thinks" : No. One of the most basic issues in here and other "zoo" forums is what the fucking outside thinks of us". If you were right, we wouldn´t have this topic of "unjust society" and "zoophobes" every other day.

About drugs: maybe C&C movies don´t make you shoot up smack into your veins, but being exposed to "drug permissive" mindsets on a regular basis can (!) lead to being more open to drug usage. I didn´t start smoking weed before I turned 18 and Cheech and Chong´s movies, which I watched a lot when I was young, surely contributed some to what culminated in me puffing and inhaling the first joint in my life.

What I always have to think about is how little "perversion" the so called missionaries who set foot onto the Polynesian islands perceived in a culture that has been deemed the most free in terms of sexuality. The Polynesians had no porn...but also very few taboos (the word taboo IS polynesian ,btw).

The only conclusion I can derive from that: porn is not sexual liberation. Porn is more like the industrialisation and monetarisation of natural sexuality. Artificial and directed. Porn is not liberation, but enslavement by another tyrant. And it´s one of the most sad things people think that pornography resembles "freedom"....it´s basically saying that your 20 dollar Nike/Reebok/Adidas sneakers are "freedom"...well, ask one of those Bangladeshi kids who sow these sneakers for a hunger wage and without worker protection if they think they´re free. Just because you don´t see the abuse, just because you don´t WANT to see to abuse, that doesn´t make abuse non existent.

Sad...and even moreso when people are building their sexual identities on that, isn´t it? I know, I have a rather strange perspective on that.But I also have realised my sexual identity at the age of 14...ish and never had the urge to "diversify", to stray from my path. My sexuality hasn´t changed, permeated a single bit since I became aware of what I am. In an everchanging world, having a steady base is what can make the difference, can make life a lot less complicated. For myself...but also for the outside world. I still think that all those years I lived with my mare in a public boarding stable, under the eyes of lots of outsiders without any problems, are basically owed to this steadyness.

But let´s talk about natural tendencies...how can one ever know his natural tendencies when he´s distracted by the porn industry´s "fuck catalogue"? Is watching porn really "coming into contact with yourself"? I doubt that. Porn is to natural sexuality what McD is to healthy nutrition. No matter what you "prefer", it´s still crap. Our "culture" is so commercialised now that we don´t just let the industry define our tastes in food, clothing etc...but also let the industry decide what we find "sexy". We consider it freedom to be spoonfed by the industry. We let the industry feast on our souls...and are happy about it. Is this a healthy way to explore your inner self, where your REAL sexuality is hidden?

Sure, some ( blatant understatement, if you ask me...) are more susceptible to media influence...but it´s not just these "some" that have to suffer from this, it´s us all. And: can we really be angry at the antis ? As I see it, most of the belligerent antis are also just "more susceptible to influence from the media"...why is is totally okay to be a media whore when you´re a "zoo" , but the epitome of retardedness when you get hooked on the other side´s media influence?

As I have said it so many times before: this ENTIRE community needs to rethink everything from scratch. If we ever want to advance, that is. Push the reset button and start all over. Question long kept beliefs, question basically everything. Readjust and adapt. And animal pornography is surely one main issue we have to find new ways to deal with, new perspectives ...instead of trying to defend an already lost and indefendable position.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-09-30 20:40:04

I agree with many of your points, including how people should always be challenging themselves to ensure their worldview is still correct, at least to some reasonable degree.

In this case OP specifically said "vanilla porn" so I'm not sure some of these concerns apply, but let's say they do... wouldn't it be the nuances of modern porn that were the culprit, not porn as a category?

Sort of like it's not "food, period" that is bad for people, but the wrong type or wrong amount of food.

I still feel a bit like it has more to do with self-image and self-guidance than with outside influences, but who knows.

If there was someone under the age of 20 that might have some insight, I'd like to hear it!

HBOTB2 Horse and Hoof 1 point on 2017-09-29 00:24:12

I told my parents and went to therapy. Both the parents and the therapist (who was a MD by the way) accepted me. But only you can decide if you know your parents and therapist well enough. And zoophilia is illegal in my state as well.

RedRockstarr 1 point on 2017-09-29 06:07:31

1) Sorry but this is one thing you're going to have to shut away. Some things no one has to know. To the extent that, I would say, pretend to grow out of it. Admit it for the passing phase of a confused teenager, that'll be the easiest thing for her to accept. Zoophilia is just too large a taboo, it's not something that's 'up for discussion' in society. Furthermore it's personal, and it's relatively easily kept behind closed doors, especiwlly if you aren't an exclusive zoophile. They will never understand, but they don't need to - fetishes are not an uncommon or unhealthy thing to keep secret.

2) Natural is just an overemphasized buzzword at this point. It isn't normal, but like, that doesn't matter. My moral stance is no-harm-no-foul - if you didn't hurt or risk hurting anyone/thing, it's not wrong.

Also, what is it to discover your own sexuality, as opposed to porn? You mean by practice? As far as I'm concerned porn is a legimitamte way of finding out what you're into. Your answer just might be "A lot." Plus you're 16, stuff still has time to settle and/or expand. I thought I was out of the questioning-sexuality zone once I was past 20 but nooooope I started going bi at 23.

Also especially if it's a felony in your state you're going to want to mask your online footprint to be safe, even posting on a sub like this. Use a Virtual Private Network like the Aloha mobile broswer or Tunnelbear, they can mask your IP from being tracked and a good VPN doesn't record what you use it for.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-09-29 11:33:49

1) Don´t compare zoophilia to fetishes. ´Cause zoophilia isn´t a fetish. Thank you

2) Please also refrain from bringing up the "harm principle". Harm is but just ONE of many things to be taken into consideration in zoophilia.

3) "porn is a legitimate way of finding out what you´re into". No, it´s not. This is what I call "supermarket mentality"...with this, you restrict your sexuality to what a billion dollar industry is offering you as the "closest approximation" to what you are really into."Self awareness through consumption" has never worked, by the way. Porn and its "carte du menu" from which you "choose" without even noticing the limitations you automatically obey to by accepting "their" menu. It´s like going to McD to find out about nouvelle cuisine...

Of course I can only speak for me, someone who lived through his puberty without all these porn flix available 24/7 with a simple click. Not having this modern "catalogue of fuck" at hands, I had to sort out what I was all by myself. The first books about zoophilia and bestiality came out when I already had found my self, my sexual identity and in retrospective, I am very thankful for being able to find out who I was all by myself, without interference from the outside world. Sure , without all the "resources" available today, this was a hard process for me, but at least I can be sure on what my sexuality is. It´s me, what is truly inside me, not what I accidentally got hooked onto by browsing the "fuck archive" of mankind. Porn also is a bad teacher. Or would you do "the talk" with your sons and daughters by simply putting them in front of a screen and let a "porn medley" run? Porn is what satisfies the exact same demands that you never would have had without porn...think about it...;) Porn isn´t you...insert Tyler Durden´s speech about Cargo pants here ;)

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-09-29 12:12:00

Tell no one, seriously. Do you know what prison is like? Especially for someone who goes in for having sex with animals? If I were you, I'd be closed off from telling them forever. You made it sound like you might bring it up again, but if you like having no life at all and like having horrible shit happen to you....by all means, go ahead. My heart skipped a few beats when you said you told your mom after she expressed that she thought it was abuse.