Having Sex with Cuttlefish (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-09-30 14:43:07 by Telochi Omnisexual

Surprisingly, this is something I haven't seen brought up on here before, I've lurked on this subreddit for a long time but I have not seen much mentioned about cuttlefish or other obscure animals that I've had relations with. That truly is a shame because cuttlefish sex is a very unique experience apart from the mainstream zoo's focus on mammals.

I'm seriously considering doing a much broader series on my experience with animals rarely or never mentioned on here perhaps to get some interesting discussions started, maybe broaden our perspective a bit. I digress, today at least we're going to be talking about what it's like to have sex with cuttlefish.

In many ways, I can understand why we don't see cuttlefish mentioned in the zoo community too often. They're not exactly easy to get, they're for much more advanced aquarists at the very least. Also they're not your typical experience when it comes to the parts, it's a whole new ballgame and I can see why some zoos would be reluctant.

However, despite all of this, cuttlefish are very intelligent, adventurous, adaptable, and passionate lovers. The true nature of their libido and gender fluidity has been somewhat neglected by mainstream biology.

Cuttlefish are difficult to get due to their relatively short lifespan compared to other mollusks like them, and the fact that they're difficult to ship due to transporter's fear of them inking during transit, suffocating themselves. Furthermore, overall they're very finicky animals to ship. I won't go into too much detail for now since it's quite dry and I know you all want to get to the good part.

If you want more information on how to obtain and properly keep a cuttlefish healthy, ask me about it. For now, what you really need to know is that I keep multiple cuttlefish, all primarily identify as male, all sexually mature, all very healthy, and I have casual sex with pretty much all of them, and I know each of their personalities and such.

They have to be kept apart a lot of the time due to how aggressive males can be with other males.

Specifically, they are of the species Sepia officinalis one of the more long lived varieties, and also among the larger. I keep them all in a larger indoor pool that I sunk a lot of money into to make sure it is well oxygenated, acclimated, and clean. Also, big enough that I can sort of step in for some sex.

What you need to know about cuttlefish is that their sex organs are mostly near their mouth parts, and the mouth parts themselves have a role in foreplay. You won't see them use their arms or tentacles in the stereotypical way that tentacle porn would show it, but they definitely use their two tentacles to hold on to you.

As you begin to become more experienced with each other and can communicate through the language of pleasure, they'll catch on to how you like them to use their arms to enhance your pleasure. You'll learn how to behave in the way that gives them the most enjoyment as well.

Make no mistake, cuttlefish get a lot of pleasure from sex, most animals do they just experience it and show it in a different way. They're more reproduction oriented, and females don't live long after they reproduce, therefore not giving them much opportunity. However, male cuttlefish have a lot of untapped potential and can live very varied and active sex lives when with a human partner who doesn't die after they lay their eggs.

Initiating sex with a cuttlefish is obviously difficult due to the fundamental differences in communication and reflexes, however cuttlefish are very smart and once you begin to spend some time with them, they'll pick up on your signals, and you'll pick up on theirs. It's a matter of gradual non-confrontational interaction, letting them see you not as a threat, and soon seeing you as a potential mate.

Sex with cuttlefish is very unique, sex with multiple cuttlefish is even better, sensory overload, all of them grasping onto various parts of your body, grappling on you, nipping and rubbing on you with their beak and sperm sac, god.

Anyway, this post has been long enough, I'm interested to hear what you think.

Santaisalie 10 points on 2017-09-30 15:21:49
Telochi Omnisexual 10 points on 2017-09-30 15:26:13

It isn't much weirder than normal zoophilia even if cuttlefish are much more physically alien than humans. Most people on here seem to be focused on mammals when there are many more possibilities.

caikgoch 7 points on 2017-09-30 16:04:33

I wouldn't say that they were any more expensive to keep than a horse and definitely a lot safer. The communication is what seems hardest to me. We do have a lot more in common with horses.

Avenged_Vulcan 5 points on 2017-09-30 15:38:03

Very exotic story there. Probably wouldn't try it myself but super glad I could read it anyway, thanks for sharing~

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-30 16:15:45

Interesting. Did anything in particular inspire you to explore this with cuttlefish in particular? Also, you say that cuttlefish are passionate lovers, but how would you say your relationship with your cuttlefish outside of sex compares to that of what a zoo with a mammalian partner?

Telochi Omnisexual 2 points on 2017-09-30 16:59:00

I've always thought cuttlefish were kind of sexy, but I've had sex with a wide variety of animals besides cuttlefish. I don't really do much of the romantic aspects with cuttlefish or really other animals, I'm mainly about casual but consensual sex. I'm not looking for commitment.

k3ziah 2 points on 2017-09-30 16:22:12

Just off to err, search ^the ^^darknet ^^^for ^^^^cuttlefish

Seriously though, that sounds so nice. I'd never considered cuttlefish. I've always loved them but not thought about them since before I realised I was zoo.

Thanks for this post. Think I my just have a new favourite partner!

kylenigga 1 point on 2017-09-30 20:00:10

Ooh pls do tell

HBOTB2 Horse and Hoof 7 points on 2017-09-30 21:34:28

"I'm seriously considering doing a much broader series on my experience with animals rarely or never mentioned on here"

All ears. I love stories about exotics