Zoophilia: The encounter with people you know (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2011-10-27 21:42:25 by KarnBlueEarring Canidae

Because I love this new subreddit, I'll start to make some themes.

The question is simple: Did you get caught in a zoophillic act, or told you anyone about your sexual preference? If yes, why and what happend? If no, would you ever do it?

I'll start in the comments.

KarnBlueEarring Canidae 5 points on 2011-10-27 21:42:31

Please excuse my somehow strange english grammar. It's not my native language.

I was never caught, but I told nearly everyone. I didn't want to be dishonest to anyone. I told my friends, which all of them accepted it, more or less. But they are all still my friends. Most of them asked what it is like, why I feel like that and if I get turned on by looking at this or this. Standard.

But, as I told my mom (I promised my friend to do it. I don't know exactly why), I got a bit of slapped in the face, verbally. She didn't believe me, she still doesn't. She didn't want it to be true and claims it as phase in my puberty (it was 2008). While that, my sister heard me talking to my mom in the lower level. But she never talked to me about it, and she was always nice to me. Notice, she is an animal lover, but not zoophillic (I think).

Me and my mom never came to an end in our argument, so it slipped away with the time.

Once, a few months later, I told my brother about it. He got extremely angry! He told me how wrong it is, but he didn't had an argument for it. Like "It's just wrong! You can't do that!" We never talked about that again, he just went into his room, being angry. One day later my friend told me, that his friend told a bad joke to my brother about me fucking animals. And my brother got extremely angry, again. They didn't understand why, and my brother never told them.

A long time from that day on, until 8 months ago I met my actual girlfriend and fiancée. I told her in the very beginning, as we got into a relationship that I'm a zoophile. At first she was shocked and needed time. But then, she admitted that she's into it by herself! But sorry, I won't give too much information about her and WHY she's actually into zoophilia. Maybe I'll update this comment, if she wants too.

I've the best girlfriend ever. That's definately the person I want to live with. And of course, that's not the only reason.

So, all in all, it was actually a very good expierience. I don't think that I'll find people in my life to talk about that again, simply because I think I shouldn't stick my finger in everyones asses, but if someone asks me, I'll admit it. And I think, it's very important to be honest.

Just tell people! Then you'll know your real friends. It may be hard, but it's worth trying.

[deleted] 2 points on 2011-10-28 03:47:44

Just tell people! Then you'll know your real friends. It may be hard, but it's worth trying.

So true. That's the way I've been looking at it while I was telling the friends that I did tell. I haven't told anyone in a long time. Maybe some day soon I'll find someone else I'd like to share it with. It has its risks but it can be a fun experience.

Sexy_Pitbull 1 point on 2012-04-10 02:53:03

No dont tell everyone You can get into serious danger SERIOUS danger if its illegal Most states its federal You can get your dog torn away from you and in some cases euthanized ive seen stories about that happening I would only advice telling your parents or your closest friends. Although i would never tell my parents NEVER....i have told my best friend she just dont care we just talk about her dog alot and how sexy he is :p I would make Other Zoo friends like i have

KarnBlueEarring Canidae 1 point on 2012-04-11 18:00:49

Well, I didn't mean like really everyone. I just meant telling people close to you.

Yes, it's illegal in many places. I for one may have luck with that.

[deleted] 3 points on 2011-10-27 23:49:10

I've never told anyone but my closest friends about my preferences. I never intend to tell my parents... my mom cried when I told her I'm gay (for humans, at least) and that took her a while to overcome. She still gives me crap about being vegetarian, which I cannot understand.

I only told my closest three friends because I know that they won't reveal my secret to anyone, and because they're sort of interested in the idea too. Of course, I've made several new friends because of this account (which I made mostly for discussing zoophilia and related topics), and we've since come to know each other very well :)

Shelbykins Canidae 6 points on 2011-10-28 00:28:56

Oh, I've told my closest friends and my boyfriend. My boyfriend, actually, encourages it. (Eeee.<3) He and I have been together for four years now, and I think he's nurtured the, um, fetish, more than I have myself. My friends are, well, accepting of me to such an insane degree that I think they themselves might be insane. But, yeah. I'm open about my sexuality to anyone who asks. It's turned out well enough for me. I've never been caught at anything serious. Which is a win/lose. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist. o3o

pawsorGTFO Canidae 2 points on 2011-10-28 03:16:17

The only people who know I'm a zoo are other zoos. I've simply never found it worth the risk to tell anyone else close to me, no matter how much I might want to. I just have too much to lose, and very little to gain.

Other zoos know, obviously, and I've met several in real life. Even there, I'm generally pretty cautious about letting information from my "normal" life surface there.

[deleted] 4 points on 2011-10-28 03:34:09

Coming Out

I told a friend around a time when I was just finding this out about myself. At the time, I really needed someone to talk to. We were very close friends until that day. He couldn't stand to see me afterward because of what would come to mind when he did. To be honest though I wasn't bothered by it. In my mind it was a minor casualty among the huge changes I was seeing in my life. I was distracted by this new interest.

I told another friend a year later. I hadn't known this one for very long at the time but he was becoming a good friend and I prefered for him to find out early on rather than much later. He thought it was unusal and interesting. He'd ask me all sorts of questions even though my answers may disgust him. He was very curious about it and only came to find me more of an interesting person after I told him about it.

And finally, after I first found two local furries in town, I started spending a lot of time with them. It took me a while but I eventually worked up the courage to tell both of them. I can't remember the reason why I told them, however. When I did tell them, they were completely unfazed by it and everything returned to normal shortly after the conversation ended. One of them even ended up being my boyfriend and I eventually found out that he's had sort of a similar interest. He used to be quite interested in this sort of thing when he was younger but he's been suppressing it until not too long after I opened up to him. So I guess this one turned out really well!

Getting Caught

I've never actually been caught, though I've had some very, very close calls.

The not so bad: When I was in my early-ish teen years I got walked in on by my father while I was watching--ahem--some relavent videos. I rushed to turn off the computer, and I don't think he seen anything, but he threatend to throw out my computer if he found out I was up to what he though I was up to.

The almost horribly bad: In my later teen years I got walked in on again. This time by my mother. And this time it was no video, it was my dog. I was undressed and he was on my back x.x I quickly pushed him off and jumped into my bed and under the covers. "Sure! Walk in while I'm changing!" I yelled out. "Oops, sorry", my mom said as she closed the door.

TL;DR: 3 out of 4 friends I told were alright with it and my parents never knew how to knock.

KarnBlueEarring Canidae 2 points on 2011-10-28 06:11:09

Oh, wow. That was very very close, haha! But one question, are you actually female or male? Just out of interest, because the dog was on top.

My closest call was when I was alone at home. My parents were on vacation, my little brothers stayed at my sisters home.

I was, well also at the act with a nice female dog. My pants comepletly off. I heard a car pulling over in front of our house, but didn't thought it would be important.. But it was. It was my little brother, who got carried by my sisters boyfriend to our house. He had a key and I wasn't even 10 meters away from the door. Suddenly I heard the key scratching at the door. I rushed to get my pants on, but they had big holes in it, as always and I like to wear them like that! My feet got stuck in them and I was nervous like hell. I didn't make it! I thought I was caught.. Then I stopped for a second.. I heard again for the noises.. my little brother didn't get the key into the door. And my sisters boyfriend came to help him. Quickly I managed to get my pants on before they came in.. Phew.. My legs were shaking like hell because of nervousity.

[deleted] 1 point on 2011-10-28 06:20:04

Sounds scary! I'd be pretty frightened if my feet got caught putting on my pants like that. It's like one of those dreams where everything goes wrong.

Oh and to answer your question, I'm male.

KarnBlueEarring Canidae 1 point on 2011-10-28 06:28:00

The hell it was scary.. But lucky I was lucky.

Thanks for your answer.

[deleted] 2 points on 2011-11-17 23:57:21

I've been more open about it for awhile now, no sense in denying who I am. I think most people think I'm joking, or they just don't care, either or is fine by me. I haven't told my parents, which is fine with me. If they don't ask, I won't tell.

I'm really only sexually attracted to horses, there are a few around here but they don't belong to my family and I think there'd be quite the uproar made over me sneaking into another pasture to interact with the horses there. That being said I make it a point to slow down by the horse pens on my way to compulsory schooling, they're just a nice little glimmer of joy in my day.

tailbaitteen 1 point on 2011-11-19 02:40:22

I have not told anyone I know in real life (my school friends sometimes give me crap for being demisexual to humans, seriously demisexuality seems better than normal sexuality to me) I would probably tell someone eventually, but now is too soon, at this age everything is still changing around a bunch, so I still can't say everything for certain.

[deleted] 3 points on 2011-12-07 05:28:36


d1ogenes 1 point on 2011-12-09 16:32:20

I've never fully 'come out' as a zoophile, though I have told two people: a college girlfriend and a former best (male) friend. The first confession occurred while high, so I'm not sure she remembered it (imagine, your stoned boyfriend admits he loves sucking dog cock; are you going to trust your memory the next morning?). When I told my friend, it was just about the desire, and he seemed mildly put off by the thought but was accepting. I engaged in some pretty risky fence-hopping when I was a teenager (got to fondle some beautiful stallions that way). When I think back on that, I get pretty ashamed not just because of the risk but because I now deplore fence-hopping.

I've never been caught, except for once when I left a porn .mpeg running on loop on the family computer (one of those awful ones where a woman is basically just rubbing a limp horse penis against her vagina) and my mom found it. If she was concerned with the fact that there was a horse in the movie, she didn't betray as much when she admonished me for watching porn. My dad found me looking through my folder of animal mating pictures (in particular, one where the male lion has just pulled out and his bits are very, very visible), but he thought it was more hilarious than anything else.

Tiffanyx 2 points on 2012-02-17 20:02:27

I've never been caught but almost got caught once and only once. I was house-sitting for my sister who owns one of the dogs I play with the most. I was having a leisurely lay back and get licked session when I heard the screen door open and only had a second to jump up, pull my jeans up and run to the bathroom before they crossed the kitchen and into the living room. I always wonder if she wondered why her dog had a huge, throbbing hard on that afternoon that she came home early. :/

[deleted] 2 points on 2012-02-20 15:14:58

Ha! That's really hot. Did the dog the the hard-on just from licking you, or were you assisting him a bit? :-)

Sexy_Pitbull 2 points on 2012-04-10 03:12:25

Sexy_Pitbull here to have some insight of me! :) Ok where do i start i might as well have some background info Well i am a male thats bi w/ only dogs. I started into dogs when i hit puberty at 13 it just hit me like a freight train. I was instantly attracted to dogs (dont ask how this happened so fast it just did lol) bla bla bla I was 15 being fully active zoo with my female aussie/G.shep beautiful girl beautiful. She was going to town on my cock licking the shit out of it. I was home alone in the living room parents wasnt expect to be back for awhile so of course why knot right? But anyway she was just licking me like peanut butter. I didnt need it she was a natural. I was at the peak of sexual excitement about to blow my load all over my muzzle and nose when unexpectly my dad opened the screen door i almost did a backflip i ran fastest i could to the next room through my shorts on boner and all ran to my room and passed out flat out passed out. The second closest time i almost got caught I had a male german shepherd/coyote hybrid (yes i am not kidding) i was in my room he was on my bed just relaxing i was feeling a little frisky i am sure he was horny too cuz he was showing pink I got his cock out and just sucked him It was like 11:30 school night so my mom probably thought i was sleeping Then next thing ik my mom knocked and opened the door unannounced good thing i had quick reflexes i covered my dog with blanket and acted like i was sleeping. Heart pounded so fast nearly feel out of my chest