What is your definition of zoophilia? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2011-10-28 07:36:08 by KarnBlueEarring Canidae

We all know what it means, but how does it work for us personally?

  • Your gender?
  • Do you care about your nutrition? Why? Do you want to change it?
  • How relate your pets to you? "Just pets", friends, companions, buddies, "nurse children", girl-/boy-friend, etc.?
  • Do you think a relationship to an animal is possible?
    • Can you life in an "animal only" relationship? If yes, how? If no, why?
    • Can your pet seriously cheat on you? How?
    • If you could, would you marry your pet?
  • Do you want a human relationship? Why?
    • Is it important for you that this person is also zoophilic? Why?
    • Could you hold a relationship to both human and animal separately?
  • How is your sexual orientation to animals and humans?
  • Is romance included? How?
  • Is sex included?
    • Would you "share" your pet with others?
    • Do you have sex with all of your (physical possible) pets?
  • What is your opinion on animal porn?
  • What is your opinion on "sex only" relationships to animals?
  • Who is more attractive to you? Animal or human?
    • What, to be precise, gets your attention at animals?
KarnBlueEarring Canidae 2 points on 2011-10-28 07:36:17
  • I'm male
  • No I honestly don't, and I don't want to change it. I love meat and couldn't live without it. I think it's my natural food as human, so it will get eaten by me. And it fucking tastes good..
  • That depends on the pet, what's their personality. My wire-haired Dachshund is definately my best friend ever, the best companion, buddy and like my little nurse child as I know him scince 12 years (That's how old he is, too). He's always wagging his tail when we make eye contact and smiling at each other. He will NEVER leave from my side, he will EVER be there to be with me. No matter where I'm going, he's going with me. No matter if I make vacation 300 kilometers away or I'm just going into the kitchen, he's always there. He's the most loyal personality I think I have ever met in my life. And I will ever know. He's like a bloodbrother to me. I protect him, and he protects me, with all effort. The other female dog is like a packmember. We are good friends, love to be together and love to play. She isn't that loyal because she's some kind of self-centered. Everything she does, may be done with favor, or she will snarl at you if she simply don't want something to do. But it's not that bad, you can talk to her. I really like her, and I know that she really likes me. It's about that far, that she gets jealous if other people or the Dachshund are talking to me, while I'm talking to her, or playing with her. She bares her teeth! It's not nice from her, but how I said, she's a bit self-centered. "MINE!" So, I think she's lovely, a good nice friend of mine I like hanging out with.
  • Yes I think it is possible. But not to myself. I think I can't take the fact that dogs will die at some day in my life. And the lack of communication, as REALLY talking with them is also bothering me. So the next question may be answered too.
    • My pet couldn't cheat on me. I think, it's never their fault. And if they want to really mate with another dog, I'm perfectly fine with it.
    • I wouldn't as I don't see a reason in it for several reasons. One of them is being atheist. Second, it doesn't get me any law changings.
  • Yes I want and have a human relationship. The reasons were called above.
    • It's not that important that I couldn't live without it, but it's very awesome if you get that luck! I did.
    • That's a hard question to me. I don't think so, as dogs may be ever just stay my friends.
  • My sexual orientation to humans is straight. To animals it's perfectly bisexual.
  • I think that would be a neat expierience.
  • Yes
    • Only with my human relationship. No one else.
    • I honestly think, yes, I will. But maybe there will be just buddies all around. I want to have much dogs with my girlfriend. So it's possible, that yes. Or not.
  • Some of them are very good and you see real relationships beteween them. Others are just to be kinky, and I don't like that.. I even saw a guy peeing on a dogs vagina. That's where I get intolerant.
  • Mixed.. I don't exactly know. If the pets really like it, I'm fine with it. But to think that this is just for a human boner.. No.
  • Animals, definately.
    • I love nearly any part about them. The color of their fur, how their tail looks like, their paws, the face or even the genitals itself. But I think, the face and the tail are the first thing to get my attention. After that, their physique, especially their hindlegs. I like it strong. After that, mostly the sheath or testicles.
pawsorGTFO Canidae 3 points on 2011-10-28 13:49:55

Wow, this is a lot...but to start with, I'm male. I do eat meat, but am trying to cut back in some areas--almost no pork, some beef. I unabashedly enjoy chicken and fish, though.

My animals are my very close companions, in some cases with a sexual element. I love them, love being with them, and want to make them as happy as I can.

I think human-animal relationships are entirely possible. I could have an exclusive relationship with an animal, though with the caveat that I enjoy having human friends, and need the intellectual fulfillment that comes with that friendship--it's the only thing really missing from animal relationships. I'd have zero interest in "marrying" my pet, as it's an archaic tradition meant for humans, that my animals cannot intellectually grasp and would have no need for. And I would never be upset with a dog for "cheating" on me, whether with another dog or a human. But a human having sex with my animals without permission would be a VERY different story--I'm very protective of my animals!

Human relationships are pretty low on my list of priorities. My physical attraction to them is virtually nil, I have serious trust issues stemming from being zoo, and my life for the next decade or so will be too chaotic and unpredictable for me to want to drag another person into it. I'm not saying it could never happen, it's just very unlikely; my partner being a zoo would help, though. Could I have concurrent human and animal relationships? Yes. Would I want to? Probably not--it means I'd either be keeping one of them secret, or subjecting a human partner to the knowledge I found my dog more attractive than them. Neither is close to an ideal situation.

I'm bi with dogs, nominally straight with humans but open to trying stuff with guys in the right situation. With other species, it's more complicated. Romance and sex are both a part of it--the romantic part including snuggling together, long walks, sharing meals, and just spending time with them admiring how beautiful and wonderful of beings they are. I would have sex with any animal partner I was attracted to and who I knew was enjoying it and wasn't being harmed. Those not really interested (like my current dog back home), I find other ways to make them happy. I wouldn't rule out "sharing" one of my animals, but it'd have to be pretty damned exceptional circumstances, and with someone I knew absolutely I could trust with my animals.

Zoo porn--99% of it holds no interest to me, since oftentimes animals are forced into it. Add on that humans are usually a turn-off for me, and there's very little I actually watch. I mostly prefer mating videos or furry porn. As for sex-only relationships, I feel uneasy about the idea, but as long as nobody's getting hurt and no laws (like trespassing) are being broken, I suppose I can live with it.

Animals--dogs particularly--are way, way more attractive to me! Any number of things about them, their behavior and happy nature, their loyalty, their eyes and snouts and faces, their beautiful coats, tails, sheaths, genitalia, butts, all play into my attraction for them. While I'm not terribly turned on by, say, pugs, seeing a happy, confident, and beautiful dog walking down the street will definitely make my heart skip several beats.

KarnBlueEarring Canidae 2 points on 2011-10-28 15:09:34

You formulated that very well! Nice to read. And interesting.

[deleted] 3 points on 2011-10-28 18:00:09

Very interesting questions. I'll try to answer them all. Sorry if they're not in order.

  • Gender: Male
  • Nutrition: I'm not a vegetarian. So long as I'm not eating canines I'm happy with myself. I'm worried that if I was a vegetarian, my current eating habbits would prevent me from getting the right nutrition.
  • Pet relationship: I'm pretty in love with my dog
  • Orientation: bisexual with people and animals (canids)

I think relationships with animals are entirely possible. I suppose I could live with an animal only relationship. To tie in with the question about human relatioships, I enjoy having a human companion but I'd say it's not necessary that I'd be in a serious relationship with a human. I would be very disappointed if I found my pet and someone else getting it on, however I'd be comfortable with sharing him with the humans that I love most (or another dog that I like).

To me, it is not necessarily important that a human partner would also be zoophilic, but they would have to be at least zoo friendly and also a fellow furry. If they're neither zoo nor furry, it's probably not going to work out.

Romance? Well, it depends on how you look at it, I suppose. Sometimes I like to go on dates with my dog :) I'll take him for a long walk to some place nice and spend some time with him there. I really enjoy sleeping with him (I mean actually sleeping, I swear!).

Sex is involved once in a while. Not very frequently though. I only have one pet so I suppose that means I do have sex with all of them.

Animal porn? I can't stand commercial animal porn. I'd enjoy certain amature videos and images though. I wouldn't like videos where the human is being rough with the animal on any level.

I think I have the same opinion about sex-only relationships with animals as I would if a human was getting into a relationship with another human for just sex. In many circumstances, someone's getting taken advantage of and I wouldn't be too happy with that.

Animals are definitely more attractive to me. The fur, tails, paws, ears, and facial structure of canines do it for me. There is nothing more attractive. I find myself not very attracted to most people except for a select few.

Edit: Almost forgot, I don't have an interest in marrying my pets. At the moment I view marriage as just a contract and I feel an animal would neither understand that nor have a use for it.

Also, I could have a relationship with a dog and human at the same time and that is actually what I have right now. My human partner knows about it. He enjoys seeing me get affectionate with my pet.

[deleted] 2 points on 2011-10-28 23:19:11

Your gender?


Do you care about your nutrition? Why? Do you want to change it?

Yes. I don't like eating an animal's flesh and muscle, and I don't like that eating meat would support massive factory-farming industries that treat animals like shit. So I am a vegetarian.

How relate your pets to you? "Just pets", friends, companions, buddies, "nurse children", girl-/boy-friend, etc.?

Probably companions/friends. I think it's probably silly to call your animal a "girl/boyfriend," as it seems like a human-specific term. I don't use it, anyway.

Do you think a relationship to an animal is possible?

Yeah, I think so.

Can you life in an "animal only" relationship? If yes, how? If no, why?

Probably. I do like to spend time with other humans though, because (unfortunately) I can't engage in any deep conversation with a non-human.

Can your pet seriously cheat on you? How?

Heh, that's silly. I certainly wouldn't blame my dog if he went and humped something/someone else. It's not something they can think about rationally :p

If you could, would you marry your pet?

No, and I'm not sure I'd even marry a human. It's a religious thing for the most part, and it seems absolutely silly.

Do you want a human relationship? Why?

Yes, but as I stated, mostly for conversation. Humans do turn me on sexually, but not nearly as much as dogs do.

Is it important for you that this person is also zoophilic? Why?

Pretty important. I'd want my significant other to understand me and be comfortable with who I am, because keeping it a secret isn't going to do me any good.

Could you hold a relationship to both human and animal separately?

Like, keeping the animal secret from the human? I don't think so, I try to be as honest as I can, especially with a significant other.

How is your sexual orientation to animals and humans?

Gay to humans, bi to dogs.

Is romance included? How?

I suppose, as much as it can be. I'd love to have a nice dinner with my dog and cuddle all day, things like that.

Is sex included?

Sure, as long as dog likes it. If he/she shows any sign of disapproval, I'm content with just cuddling :)

Would you "share" your pet with others?

As my pet is my companion and very close to me, these would have to be very, very specific circumstances. I would need to trust the person with my own life, and know them very well. I also wouldn't mind if a human significant other of mine were to have fun with our dog. In the first case though, I would want to be present for it.

Do you have sex with all of your (physical possible) pets?

No. I have one dog and she's far too small for such things, and she's also fixed. She wouldn't have any interest in such things, and I would feel really weird about it because she's a family dog.

What is your opinion on animal porn?

I can enjoy it, as long as the animal in the porn is enjoying it too. In too much of commercial zoo porn, there's "dildogging," that is, getting a dog hard and using its penis like a dildo, instead of letting him hump you by his own choice. I think that's despicable.

What is your opinion on "sex only" relationships to animals?

Like, someone who doesn't love an animal, but only uses it for sex? I don't really approve. If the animal is enjoying it in this hypothetical situation, I suppose it's okay, but I'd really prefer that someone having sex with an animal at least have a connection to it.

Who is more attractive to you? Animal or human?

Animals, for sure. Dogs, specifically :)

What, to be precise, gets your attention at animals?

I love the way their bodies are shaped. The curves of their legs, the shapes of their faces and muzzles, their pretty eyes and tails. I prefer big dogs like huskies, malamutes, GSDs, akitas. Floofy tails are a bonus :3

They just seem so cuddle-able.