Addicted to bestiality porn (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2012-01-04 13:48:18 by throw_me_away_you

So I don't know if this is the right place to talk about this, but whatever.

Not too long ago, I was quite normal, sexuality-wise. Of course I watched porn regularly, because, well, everyone does it. After time, I started to get more attracted to hardcore stuff, fisting, fucked by machines, stuff like that...

But then one day I saw a bestiality post on 4chan. At that point, I had hardly any sexual morality left, so I wasn't really repelled, but rather curious. So I fapped to it, and then I searched for videos and fapped to them too, and it felt way more intense than fapping to regular porn.

After finishing, I felt very dirty. It just felt wrong to get off to such material, but I couldn't get it out of my head. I thought about it during the most inappropriate times, like during school.

In the following weeks, I got more and more into bestiality porn, always feeling so incredibly aroused while doing so, and guilty when finished.

I don't know what's so appealing about it, the fact that these women allow dogs to just fuck them and enjoy it so much, or that the dogs take them with such beastly lust.

Anyway, after some time, I decided that I had to stop it, because I don't want to be aroused by stuff like this. It would complicate real relationships, and I just feel that it's wrong for me. Also, I don't want to get dirty thoughts whenever I see a dog. I just want a healthy sexuality.

But every effort to stop watching bestiality stuff has failed so far, and I have to admit: I'm addicted. I can forget about it for some weeks, but it all comes back to me sooner or later... whether it's the word "knot" that reminds me, or a overexcited dog, after some time it just comes back, and once I let it in my head, it leads to fapping. The bad thing is that I don't even need porn for it anymore, I just imagine it and it gets me off. But I want that to stop!

My point is that I am not a zoophile, since I would never have sex with animals (I'm male), and also, videos of guys having sex with animals don't turn me on the slightest. All that get's me off are women being fucked by animals, mostly dogs, and also only if the dog's not forced. So I don't know why it arouses me so much, and I don't know if I will ever get it out of my head.

I don't really know if some of you can give me advice or anything, but it would be greatly appreciated. I felt like this is the only place I could post this without being seen as a complete pervert.

(Also, I'm not saying that zoophilia is wrong - I thought a lot about it, and I can accept zoophiles, but like I said, I am no zoophile, as far as I'm concerned)

[deleted] 7 points on 2012-01-22 08:51:06

If you're not a zoophile, it sounds like you just have a bestiality fetish. Knocking a fetish is tough, but doable.

Like it or not, things are probably always going to remind you of bestiality porn. If you don't want to fap to it, just stop fapping to it. Force yourself to stop if you start to get into it again, and maybe even give yourself a little reward when you successfully get yourself to avoid it (cupcakes?).

It's probably going to be easier to learn to live with those little reminders of your fetish than to start hating yourself for it. Just chuckle at yourself inside, "hah, I'm thinking about dog penis." Eventually the feelings will probably fade a bit.

If you absolutely can't shake it and it's tearing you apart, see a sex therapist. They exist for things like this, when people aren't comfortable with some part of their sexualities.

[deleted] 2 points on 2012-01-23 07:54:01


[deleted] 1 point on 2012-01-30 16:26:30

Hear, hear! As long as it is not causing harm to your relationships or causing you to avoid your responsibilities, there is no reason to worry about it.

[deleted] 3 points on 2012-01-26 15:33:05

I was going through the same thing when I was first introduced to this. It was an incredible turn-on, followed by guilt, revulsion and self-loathing. I felt really bad about it, and wondered what was wrong with me. After a while though, I came to realize: it's just a kink. It certainly deviates from 'normal' kinks, but it's one shared by many, many people. It's something that turns you on, no reason to feel guilty about it. The spectrum of human sexuality is broad and varied.

I would say just learn to come to terms with this part of yourself, and through this will come acceptance, and through that will come peace. Trying to 'cure' yourself of it will only create a cycle of self-loathing.

ThrowwwayGurl 2 points on 2012-05-22 23:48:51

Hi, I can relate to some of what you're feeling, so if you're still reading this stuff, here's a wall of text incoming.

When you find yourself doing something that makes you feel very bad, you should seek out some methods of either breaking your habit, or figure out why your actions are making you feel bad and deal with the root cause of your problem.

I know what you're talking about and the feeling of conflict from the shame of being aroused by something that society casts in a gross or disgusting light. I used to carry a great burden, thinking I was a freak for what I did and fantasized about, but as I grew I slowly came to the realization that it's no big deal to have a fetish. Many, many people have fetishes, and absolutely everyone, at some point or another has fantasized about something very "wrong" or taboo.

So to be blunt, you have two options ahead of you, whether you realize it now or not. You can go cold-turkey and practice a regime of "thought-stopping" exercises every time you have a thought about zoophilia, or think only about the negative feeling it gives you, and in time you can actually train and rewire your brain. This is how a lot of people break bad habits and it really does work, but it's hard, taxing and you'll go through all the side-effects just like you were quitting smoking or drinking, such as depression and anxiety for several months.

Or.... you can ask yourself why your fantasies bother you so much, analyze your feelings and the logic of it, and discover if there's really anything you should be ashamed of. Ask yourself: Are you hurting any people? Are you hurting any animals? Is this fetish hurting my relationship with anyone? The first two are easy: You can't hurt anyone or anything with what you imagine in your head. Your imagination is yours and yours alone, and if you decide that the inside of your head is your "safe place" where nothing is off-limits and nothing is harmful, you can freely enjoy and explore all your fantasies. As for how it effects your relationships, this can be tricky. Ideally, if you become close enough to someone that you can share some of what goes on in your head, you can create an environment where both of you can feel safe in admitting to each other the things that turn you on, the fantasies you enjoy and (this is the key part here) feel safe and trust each other enough that you won't try to act out anything in real life that either of you would object to. Establish this in your discussions with your partner, make it into a game of "if you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine" and you may well find that you can create an extremely strong bond in your relationships, and you might be surprised what your partner likes to imagine as well. Just remember and remind each other that it's okay if you don't share each others interests in everything.

My partner is not into animals at all, and was shocked when I told them what I've done and what I fantasize about, and there was some tension at first. Discomfort happens, it's nothing to panic about. The biggest worry was that I would choose my fetish over them or cheat with the neighbor's dog or something, but that initial worry passed and now we're very close and can tease each other about our kinks in good humor.

TL:DR Purge or embrace, there is no straddling the fence and living in shame, you'll only hurt yourself.

[deleted] 1 point on 2012-06-17 03:27:46


throwaway_beast29 2 points on 2012-06-29 09:44:47

I dunno why I like it either. I think I like the concept of dog knotting, I wish my penis did that. Girls really seem to enjoy it in the videos. I mean, a dog dick swelling up and trapping a girl to where it's painful/pleasurable to pull out, gushing huge amounts of cum while they are tied...Fuck, I'm a sick individual. I have a huge truecrypt drive full of dogs fucking women. Some horses, I kinda like seeing a horse cock go from nothing to the biggest dick ever, then a girl fucking it, being filled with so much cum it expels the horse cock with force...That, an a horse's huge balls, if a girl touches them I'm done. If she licks them, instant cum buckets. I guess I imagine myself in the roll of the animals, and it sates a very animalistic part of me that I can't let out. Once, I let my animal side out, and I ended up hurting my ex-wife pretty bad. So...I have to be okay with my animal side being nothing but fantasy.

I guess I'm a zoophile, although I would never let a girl I'm with know about this fetish. Nor do I have a desire to fuck an animal. I dunno if I'd even be willing to see a girl fuck an animal in person. It's just the idea is a huge turn on.

a_baader 1 point on 2012-12-07 09:23:06

I'm also addicted to porn, especially to bestiality. I'm a gay person, attracted also to stallions and for some time to big male dogs. I was crazy about stallions when I was a young teen. I've accepted my homosexuality when I was about 20. Now I'm 28 and I beginning to accept my zoosexuality also. I have a life partner (7 years), he is human. He is not zoo. Unfortunately my addiction to porn, sex and love is so serious, that when it begun to damage my relationship, my work, my whole life, I went to a therapist. Now i try to be clean, i do not watch any porn, i do not have any sex (even masturbation). It is difficult, but my life slowly returns to normal. Sometimes (ok, not sometimes, but often - I'm a man allright ;) i miss sexual activity. But it is a price that i have to accept to pay. Perhaps, if the therapy were sucessfull I would return to sexual activity. I love my partner but I'm open minded. If somthing happens, I'm open for zoosexual relation. Take care guys! PS. I'm sorry for my english, I'm out of practice. Best wishes to all of you from Poland :)