I bought a silly domain, and I want to make a zoo site. Any suggestions on type/features/content you'd like to see? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2012-02-23 20:14:37 by [deleted]


I thought it was amusing. Suggestions?

edit: Also just registered "knotty.me", but don't bother loading that one yet because I haven't set up DNS.

edit 2: knotty.me is up now, and the other will be down for about a day.

edit 3: Forums are up and partially completed at http://forum.knotty.me/. I'll be adding boards and configuring stuff over the next few hours.

edit 4: Forum categories and permissions are set up for the most part. Feel free to register. I've left out most of the zoo-related categories for now because of my host. Also, you'll need to register to see anything on the forums, again because of my host.

[deleted] 3 points on 2012-02-24 13:20:49

All the vids you can't watch for free from Petsex and Gaybeast? Seriously though, I would say user-uploaded content, but I dunno how much traffic it would get. The board on Tor is pretty much a freaking graveyard, though maybe because it's just not necessary to get on Tor for that.

Personally, I'd like to see a Reddit Gonewild-type site for zoos. There is BeastForum, but I hate their board, and the mods are mostly assholes who ban people for stupid shit.

[deleted] 3 points on 2012-02-24 22:06:39

Reddit Gonewild-type site for zoos.

I'm not opposed to that... Beastforum also has that shitty "one download every 120 seconds" rule for people who don't want to dish out $15 a month, so we could provide a not-shitty alternative. If we get enough traffic, ad revenue should easily be able to cover hosting. (also, disable adblock if you're awesome. I will place ads unobtrusively.)

[deleted] 3 points on 2012-02-25 17:23:22

Yeah, that would be great. Maybe Bad Dragon would buy some ad space, lol. I wonder how many people would feel comfortable contributing? It's not like you could promote on BF. There's also Pet Lovers Forum; I don't know if that board has strict rules like BF or not, though it seems a little more relaxed.

KarnBlueEarring Canidae 3 points on 2012-02-24 18:59:31

I think there are plenty of interesting things.. I would try something different. A profile site? A survey? I don't know. But I think zoo-lover has a good point.

[deleted] 2 points on 2012-02-24 19:54:55

I could combine the ideas... put up a phpBB forum for now, and start adding more content to the main site as people get interested and request new things?

KarnBlueEarring Canidae 2 points on 2012-02-24 21:18:51

Good idea. How would it be made public? You know, how many of these 155 reader here do actually care about new posts except for porn?

[deleted] 1 point on 2012-02-24 21:58:16

Not sure, entirely. Could be useful as an alternative board when reddit is down or in case we eventually get banned. Considering the recent banning of r/jailbait and related subs (however appropriate it may have been), we can't be sure reddit won't enact a "no zoophilia porn" policy as well.

Also, my current (free) host does not allow adult content. That's easily bypassed by hosting images on imgur and hiding the board and database contents from everyone but registered users (I don't think they do in-depth checks), but I'll want to move to a better host in the future. I would host it myself if my up connection didn't suck.

I do plan on sticking some unobtrusive ads on the board (at the bottom of the page), so I'd appreciate it if you guys could disable adblock if you're going to use it. You don't have to if you don't want to, but I'll be able to upgrade the hosting faster if I have a steady ad revenue income. Hosting plans are generally $4 or $5 a month.

KarnBlueEarring Canidae 2 points on 2012-02-24 22:34:45

For sure, I will mark Adblock off at your website, no problem.

Well, what IS adult content? Talking about sex or sharing data?

It's not that easy to make something like this.. I mean, look at the people who are "reader" in this subreddit. I don't think they even care if there isn't porn. In the other hand, this is reddit and the most people do only care about original content. They are not distracted by other things. In that case, it could work.

[deleted] 1 point on 2012-02-24 23:05:54

Here's the host's TOS... they don't really define it, which means it's probably just their discretion.

Hopefully hosting any adult images on imgur and only allowing registered users access to adult boards will be sufficient for now. I'll keep frequent backups of the database and site, in case they decide to take it down.

KarnBlueEarring Canidae 2 points on 2012-02-25 14:51:52

I wonder if they even care and check every website..

[deleted] 2 points on 2012-02-25 17:33:49

This begs the question, though: How will it affect the site by going through Imgur? I'm not sure how comfortable people would be posting that material through a publicly accessible medium - original content OR rehosted images.

See, the good thing about BF is that it hosts it's own images (I am assuming, I don't know anything about hosting and running a website) and to view them you MUST sign up to be a member. This has the benefit of keeping a 'wall' up between BF's members and the general interwebs. Granted, anyone could sign up for an account and access the material on BF, but it's one more hassle to discourage a casual internet troll.

edit: It just occurred to me, the domain name sounds like a legitimate pet supplies company, like Petco or something. When the site gets up and running, it would be hilarious to hand out fliers at Petsmart and leave around the dogfood section at Target :-3

[deleted] 1 point on 2012-02-26 01:22:29

Granted, anyone could sign up for an account and access the material on BF, but it's one more hassle to discourage a casual internet troll.

Similarly, if you check out http://forum.knotty.me/, I've set it up in a way that guests only see an empty "Please sign in" board. Even if you register, which requires email validation like BF, you're required to make one post in the "welcome" forum before you can see everything else. Hopefully this will be enough to deter casual trolls, but still not turn away someone who really wants to join.

Based on my time spent moderating r/zoogold, I recognize that it would be seriously demanding for me to set up some form of "a mod or admin must approve your membership before you can browse the forums" system there. I think letting everyone join with one little extra hoop to jump through, and then banning those who require it is the best way to go.

[deleted] 2 points on 2012-02-25 17:26:56

Well, I feel like it's mostly porn that gets posted because its not as though there's a lot going on news-wise in the exciting world of animal-buggery, you know?

[deleted] 1 point on 2012-02-26 01:23:42

Well there are all the people getting arrested for it.

I had a talk with this guy's ^ mate and they're doing a bit better now, in case anyone's wondering.

HolaPinchePuto 1 point on 2012-03-12 10:28:47

Please give us updates and the ability for iPods to see the videos would be great.