Zoophilia in early America. (article) (slate.com)
submitted 2012-03-24 03:49:03 by electricfoxx
electricfoxx 2 points on 2012-03-24 03:54:05

Some interesting comments:

slapchopsuey: Isn't it? Amazing to think these are the same people (more or less) that sat down with the Indians at the first Thanksgiving.

As insane as the witch panic was in Salem, in the context of this, it seems the craziness was on the wane by the famous late 17th century trials.

The allegations made against Hogg were so serious, in fact, that the governor and deputy governor personally frogmarched him out to the barnyard toward the sow in question and ordered him to “scratt” (fondle) the animal before their eyes. This was done to gauge just how intimately familiar Hogg and hog might be. “Immedyatly there appeared a working of lust in the sow,” the court records recount for us, “insomuch that she powred out seede before them.” When Hogg reluctantly titillated the teats of a different sow, that animal showed no sign of returning his affections.

4chan is amateur hour compared to these old pros.




That's probably the original dimension of the term. There's a reason the old testament had to single it out as a problem. What do you want to bet that all animal domestication started because ancient people thought those particular animal species were hot? Notice you don't see much if any buggery with wild animals, it's all the domesticated ones. Dogs, horses, etc. Neolithic people probably had to domesticate them to make the sexing easier.

[deleted] 1 point on 2012-04-04 05:48:03
