Zoopoint - A zoophilic perspective on life, love, and the rest of the world (zoopoint.blogspot.com)
submitted 2012-06-09 23:41:15 by Zoopoint
[deleted] 4 points on 2012-06-14 20:08:30

I love your blog, I went through and read all of your posts. I'd have commented on them, but I'n need to register another account to do so.

I'll definitely be checking though, it's nice to read thoughtful, smart commentary about zoophilia.

Zoopoint 4 points on 2012-06-15 03:15:14

Thank you. I do understand the issues with commenting: even if one has an account that works on Blogspot, does one necessarily want that account connected to a blog like this one? People just tend to email me anyway, and I'm certainly OK with that.

[deleted] 2 points on 2012-06-22 02:03:11

Very neat blog! Just finished your post about Beastforum and found myself agreeing with everything you said. I've started a forum (with no porn allowed, and no webcam chats or personals!) over at knotty.me, in case you're interested.

I would also comment on your blog, but I don't feel comfortable connecting my Google or OpenID accounts to something zoo-related.

Zoopoint 2 points on 2012-06-22 02:34:27

I'm glad you're enjoying the blog. When I get a minute I will definitely check out your site. I think I remember seeing you say something about it here on this subreddit. And don't worry about commenting: like I said, I don't know a whole lot of people who will happily link their account to a blog like this. I'm just glad to get some feedback.

Lunnyi_Svet Canidae, Equidae, Felidae 2 points on 2012-06-22 02:22:26

I'll admit: for the longest time, BeastForum was a guilty pleasure of mine. I found comfort mostly in that it was the place that opened me to the idea of zoophilia, but as time passed, I found myself growing farther away from the community... I learned a lot for sure, but the most emotion I could ever find were in FAQs that hadn't seen insightful or supportive replies since the day they were written. I was lucky enough to yonder down to the Furry RP section where I met one of the (seemingly very few) writers who weren't mindlessly yiffing with everything that wasn't a cactus, but you can't punch romance into a contrived story and get lasting surrogate connection, even when you know the other person is also a zoo who likely shares the same romantic thoughts and feelings that are being expressed in whatever point of the story we're in.

Sorry to tangentalize, but I know exactly how you feel and it had always bothered me a bit as well.

But no. For thoughtful and emotional immersion you either need a dog or someone who's willing to simply discuss the topic directly, and that's why I love finding blogs like this. I really appreciate you linking it here. I think you're doing an excellent job of defending zoos and also maintaining a sense of humor about the "lifestyle." Please keep the pace - you've got an additional audience member to entertain!

Zoopoint 2 points on 2012-06-22 02:38:50

It's good to hear there are others who share my opinion on BeastForum. The sentiment doesn't seem to be too uncommon here, actually, at least in this little community. Thanks for checking out the blog, and I'm glad you're enjoying it.

If you - or anyone - would like me to discuss anything specific on there, be sure to let me know. There's definitely no shortage of topics here, but I want to connect as much as possible to this... quieter side of the zoosexual community.