Zoophilia forum, that is not based around porn. (knotty.me)
submitted 2012-06-29 01:44:41 by Shootmequick
[deleted] -2 points on 2012-06-29 14:21:24

I'd like to see the full videos this compilation was taken from.

Zoopoint 2 points on 2012-06-30 04:28:10

Though you wouldn't tell by the name. ;)

I have registered. I hope it does well.

Shootmequick 1 point on 2012-07-06 10:09:13

Yea the name is kind of a shot in the dark, but everyone is nice!

Zoopoint 1 point on 2012-07-07 06:38:51

I'm on there as J.D. I certainly recommend it.

Shootmequick 1 point on 2012-07-07 07:32:47

Panther here.

Cromcorrag -2 points on 2012-08-19 06:49:22

Knotty.me has a nice guide on using TOR. But as a zoo forum it has a lot of daydreamers and few actual practicing zoos. So if you are a furry or Brony or that sort of thing and want to enjoy light conversation with very few discussions about animal sex, then it's the place for you. (apparently they consider discussions of animal sex porn even if no pictures are involved) If you like discussing actually fucking animals then I suggest you check out Beastforum.com

SillyCollie 2 points on 2012-09-04 03:19:40

Knotty.me has a nice guide on using TOR. But as a zoo forum it has a lot of daydreamers and few actual practicing zoos. So if you are a furry or Brony or that sort of thing and want to enjoy light conversation with very few discussions about animal sex, then it's the place for you. (apparently they consider discussions of animal sex porn even if no pictures are involved) If you like discussing actually fucking animals then I suggest you check out Beastforum.com

Cromcorrag here was very intent on sharing, in great detail, his intimate experiences with animals. While that isn't something I personally object to in every case, that is not our forum's purpose. If you're looking for a place to, as he so eloquently puts it, "discuss actually fucking animals", I will suggest that you try beastforum as well.

-knotty.me admin

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2012-09-04 03:55:07

Well Said SillyCollie : )