Help me out? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2012-07-12 20:16:41 by throwawayofnobody

Now that motherless is mass deleting all beast pics or videos. Where can i find something similar for dogs? Thanks

Arxl 3 points on 2012-07-13 05:34:01 for males and animals, for females and animals.

throwawayofnobody 2 points on 2012-07-13 20:44:19

Whats the deal with the bonus area on

Arxl 2 points on 2012-07-14 02:55:55

Premium videos that are free to watch and will not deduct from your daily limit.

throwawayofnobody 1 point on 2012-07-15 12:50:29

Alright thanka

Zoopoint 2 points on 2012-07-14 17:17:06

Interesting. Why are they doing that? Do you have a link to an announcement?

Lunnyi_Svet Canidae, Equidae, Felidae 1 point on 2012-07-15 03:59:35

I don't frequent the site, so perhaps there is, but the next best thing I could find was from a topic in r/zoogold: a link to a forum thread complete with Motherless users' questions, rants, and ravings about the removal of human-animal videos.

throwawayofnobody 1 point on 2012-07-15 12:50:05

I heard it was a court order and i also heard it was because two people used chat to spread illegal porn. First one seems more likely. No announcement just slowly deleting it all

Zoopoint 1 point on 2012-07-15 12:59:55

But in the US, where I believe the site is based out of, animal porn isn't illegal. Then again, though, I hear some of the stuff on there was quite abusive, which may have pushed it. If that's the case I can get behind that, but I have a feeling that if it were, they would have made an announcement both to assure the court that something was being done about it and also so that more would not be submitted. So it rather being done to stop the spread of illegal porn may be more likely, since that's something that they would not want to draw people's attention to.

[deleted] 1 point on 2012-07-26 08:26:29

Actually in the US animal porn is illegal, even if it is just hentai.

Zoopoint 1 point on 2012-07-26 16:34:58

No, it's not. A quick look on Wikipedia will disprove you, even. Zooerasty itself is not even prohibited by federal law in the US. And drawn animal porn is not, as far as I know, illegal anywhere.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2012-08-13 18:27:59

depends. Actual pictures of real human animal sex seem to be illegal in most states. But the internet is still the "wild west" in many ways and it is not actively sought out for prosecution. However, animal sex cartoons seem to be a loophole. Too bad there are so few realistic zoophilia related cartoons around.

Also, there seems to be a weird bias in favor of animals penetrating humans, whereas humans penetrating animals seems to be much more frowned upon.

chubbysumo 1 point on 2012-12-29 04:02:26

its only 34 states have laws on the books about humans and animals with a focus on copulation. Either way, I suspect motherless came up with a bullshit reason and was just bought out. Its DNS entries changed, their server moved, so I suspect someone tried to capitalize on the clicks and in the process killed the site.

[deleted] 3 points on 2012-07-16 03:29:01

Zoophiles Tracker. You have to register but it's free and there's lots of content.