Zoophilia A, B or C? Bestiality? at what point along the scale? Is there even a scale? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2012-08-13 21:22:01 by Cromcorrag

I've found it interesting and enlightening that there are so many different types of people interested in animal sex.

On one hand you have people who are strictly "bottoms" and think that every other zoophile is a deviant pervert.

Then you have the "tops" who get hate because of any perceived force they may apply to get sex with an animal.

You have the bestialists, who simply use animals for sex, for masturbation and could care less about the animals otherwise.

Then you have the zoosadists who actively attack, bind and rape animals sometimes killing them afterward.

Am I missing anyone?

As for myself, I consider myself a "top" but I don't have to use any force since my animal of choice is the horse, and horses will react badly if forced to do anything. And you don't want that, not if you want to have sex with the same horse again.

I understand that a lot of you are dog zoos, and I imagine that a bit of force must be necessary in order to train a female dog to accept penetration from a human, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Because you also must want her to still like you afterward so you will be able to do it with her again. I don't hold some discomfort caused against you, as long as you are not hurting the animal so much that they become fearful of you.

So that's about it in a nutshell right? Some of us are so against causing any discomfort that it practically castrates us. And others are not bothered by a bit of discomfort as long as it doesn't harm our relationship with our pet. So these two types are what most zoos are.

Folks who use animals for masturbation and zoosadists are it seems a tiny fraction of zoophiles. Or maybe I shouldn't use the word "zoophile" so freely? Maybe I should say "animal sex lovers"?

Cromcorrag 0 points on 2012-08-13 21:23:19

FINALLY. The Zoophilia forum has finally allowed me to make a real post, lol.

Cromcorrag 0 points on 2012-08-13 21:45:38

Doh. Now I'm being prevented from making another post and I have no idea why... first it said to wait 7 minutes.. then wait another 3 minutes... now it says I must be new and to try another day. -boggle- If you keep preventing people from posting, no wonder 7 days has gone by since the last post (before mine). Maybe reddit or the Zoophilia mods are trying to get people to not discuss matters here but instead go to zoo forums elsewhere?

Update: I've signed onto Beastforum and it's a pain to post to. I keep getting "403 forbidden" errors. I also tried Knotty.me and its only flaw is that every time you go to post, it dumps you and erases your post and you are forced to log in again. So you have to copy your post, paste it into a word processor like Openoffice or Word, then log in again to Knotty.me, then copy your post out of your word processor and paste it into the post you want to make. Turns out that Knotty.me dumps everyone every five minutes as a way to prevent spam.

[deleted] 2 points on 2012-08-14 04:59:16


Cromcorrag 2 points on 2012-08-15 03:25:24

Thx, I'll keep that in mind. I'd love to stay here but this posting BS is pissing me off. If it were easier to post threads here i'd never leave, but I spend an hour typing up what I think will be an interesting subject, and even tho I've been doing the "captcha" thing for years, they reject one after another and then call me a noob and say to try to post some other time. Or the post seems to be ok'd.. but doesn't show up in the intended forum and instead is just in my profile only accessible if someone clicks on my name and looks around. If they had some rule like only one post a day allowed, that'd be fine, then at least we'd know what the deal was... but this random thing rejecting anything you try to post is a real pisser.

I mean.. you can make a shit load of comments no problem... but just try to make a single new thread and you have to jump through a lot of hoops and still get rejected -groan-

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2012-08-20 22:17:26

Reddit's posting restrictions ease up after you have a little history with your account. They keep it restrictive with new accounts to deter spammers. Just bear with it for a little while, and soon it won't be a problem.

Cromcorrag 2 points on 2012-08-21 03:46:20

Thx for the info : )

Zoopoint 1 point on 2012-08-14 07:11:16

I haven't had that difficulty with knotty.me. Check your browser settings.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2012-08-14 22:56:19

I just found out it's because I use TOR. Funny that the info on where to get and how to use TOR came from Knotty.me. Seems anyone using TOR is disconnected every 5 min. by Knotty.me, lol.

Zoopoint 1 point on 2012-08-14 23:07:01

Check your Tor settings. It may be switching nodes too quickly.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2012-08-15 03:37:14

will try that thx.

[deleted] 1 point on 2012-08-14 01:01:43


Cromcorrag 0 points on 2012-08-14 03:45:04

Since you say you won't be a top, I must assume you are male. So you get penetrated by animals, then masturbate to cum? Or is there enough contact with your prostate to get you to cum strictly from their penis?

[deleted] 5 points on 2012-08-14 05:17:49


d1ogenes 1 point on 2012-08-14 22:14:23

Well said.

Cromcorrag 2 points on 2012-08-15 03:03:03

I think some of our animals have been domesticated for so long, so many thousands of years, and we have grown so attached to them that both we and they are drawn together almost as if it were instinctual. Just as we bred dogs from wolves and bred horses to be calmer around us and more friendly towards us, we feel a bond that is hard to explain.

Zoopoint 5 points on 2012-08-14 07:10:43

A female dog need not be "trained" any more than does a female horse, nor need force be used.

Just like in a human relationship, you eventually just get to know the animal and how they are, and the worry that you might end up hurting one another disappears; you can just go with the flow, and everyone is the better for it. This is my experience.

I know people who bottom that are themselves abusive. I believe the term used in the community is "dildogging". These bestialists can even be proud of themselves, seeing emotions as something that gets in the way of their good time. Personally, I think these people should admit themselves to some form of counselling.

I like to keep things in neat little categories and have kind of worked out this system to refer to people: I call anyone who has sex or wants to have sex with an animal a "zoosexual", which are divided into zoophiles and bestialists. Bestialists can then also be zoosadists.

It's hard to tell what the ratio is between zoophiles and bestialists, but I do know that the large majority of people on the internet (and their videos) are very solidly in the latter category. A number of studies have taken the percentage of the population that has had sex with an animal to be quite high, but the percentage who considers itself to be zoophilic to be low. This tells me that a lot of people are just using animals for their sexual release.

There are also people who are non-sexual zoophiles: they may stick to fantasy for whatever reason, often due to the anxiety you noted or to social stigma.

Cromcorrag 2 points on 2012-08-14 23:09:48

From what I've read in the past, back in the usenet days, many female dogs whose vulva/vaginas and or anuses are a bit too small for the male at hand, have to be gradually stretched with the fingers over a period of weeks up to a few months till they can comfortably accept penetration. I can understand this as there was an old newsgroup titled "fisting" and some people had gotten their openings stretched enough to make you gasp. There was this one woman with the words "Raymonds love slave" tatooed on her bottom, whose anus looked normal, but she was able to lube up, and insert a wine bottle bottom first into her anus! Weird! So I guess our bodies are quite elastic if stretched slowly over time. Personally I haven't the patience to try that with a dog, and am glad that horses need no stretching, lol.

I think beastialists are say, a cowboy who is horny so he fucks his horse, fucks a cow, or a sheep and then thinks nothing of it, or a farmer who does the same to his livestock. Once you take a liking to an animal though, and keep it as a pet, then you are a zoophile.

Yes, there seem to be a lot of non-sexual zoosexuals. Maybe they are too young, too inexperienced, too afraid to try, who knows. Being a zoo is a daunting prospect as it takes a lot of specialized knowledge in order to do it well and not be fearful of it.

Zoopoint 3 points on 2012-08-14 23:30:40

Yes, and the same honestly goes for some human couples. That isn't training, though.

And yes, anyone who is apprehensive about being zoosexual gains much more respect in my book than someone who just wants to bang a dog or horse. There was such a fellow in another conversation I happened on on reddit. I of course hope that they can get over their anxiety both for their own sake, because it sucks being attracted to something you think is wrong, but also for the sake of zoophiles the world over: we need more representatives in the public eye who aren't just shagging their neighbors' sheep but who know about their animals and genuinely love and care for them.

Cromcorrag 3 points on 2012-08-15 03:33:33

More representatives. Well, I don't think "coming out" IRL is a good idea, but the more people discuss it in forums like these, the more good knowledge will get out there. Rome wasn't built in a day as they say, and when you look at how far we've come in only 50 years, it's amazing. In 1967 it was a felony for a white man to marry a black woman in Virginia and many other states. Just a few short years ago most Americans considered homosexuals deviant perverts. Times are a changing. I think eventually with people gaining so much knowledge on the internet, that even the hate towards zoophiles will lessen.

Zoopoint 3 points on 2012-08-15 09:28:16

No no, certainly not in real life, but online, yes, exactly.

Cromcorrag 3 points on 2012-08-16 04:01:03

Some people start out as I did, looking to animals strictly to get off.

I always had empathy for animals, even those I hunted. I always felt a little sad when I killed one, but felt learning those skills would be beneficial in the coming apocalypse. Ya, Effin christian teaching sure gave me some weird ideas, heh. But back to animals and sex, I became a zoophile IMO, when I took a liking to certain animals enough to keep them as pets.

Cromcorrag 2 points on 2012-08-16 04:11:17

Well, if you have a larger than normal dick, I suppose some training would be necessary.

Dildogging? Meaning? Using a dogs penis as a dildo and being too rough with it?

Bestialists... I dunno. I can't relate much except its sort of how I started, although I've always felt empathy for animals. I was never able to kick a dog or cat for instance. Never tortured little animals as some of the kids in my neighborhood did. Instead I'd run home and tell my mom when I saw anything like that happening and she would go out and chew the boys out, lol. Lack of emotion towards animals to me is a bit sadistic.

I believe the percentage was quite high in days of yore, when most people lived in rural areas and in small towns. Now that most people, at least in the USA, live in cities, they have a lot less contact with any animals large enough to experiment with.

Zoopoint 4 points on 2012-08-16 04:23:33

No, no training. Stretching is not training, it's physiological accommodation.

Using a dog's penis as a dildo period. That's not on. An animal is not an inanimate object to be messed with whenever you feel like.

According to several studies, zoosexuality actually isn't a purely or even primarily rural thing.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2012-08-15 04:01:51

Well, just tried to make a new post again, and although it seemed to complete ok, is not listed on this site. Only in my profile. The link in my profile "states" it was posted to Zoophilia, but it ain't here. Certainly not under the "new" tab. Guess I'll leave it awhile but if it doesn't appear here in Zoophilia soon, will try deleting it again. WTF. Knotty me here I come.

zooliberation 3 points on 2012-08-17 22:35:35

Using any kind of force in my opinion is completely wrong and tantamount to RAPE. This includes manipulation or coercion.

I view non human humans the same way as I view people. I am attracted to them romantically, emotionally and sexually. I consider myself a zoosexual and view zoosexuality as a valid sexual orientation. You can be a top or a bottom, but any force to get there is simply wrong.

Cromcorrag 0 points on 2012-08-19 06:21:26

I disagree. I'm seeing too many so called zoos saying if our animal lovers dont come over on their own, and lay down for us on their own, then we are all rapists, lol. What BS.

But I guess alot depends on what your definition of "force" is.

By my definition, luring my mare into the barn with sweet feed, then locking her in her stall and mounting her while she eats is not force, but for others thats rape, heh. I gotta wonder about some of you so called zoophiles .. if you are actual practicing animal lovers or just daydreamers.