Hi, I have a question for you zoophiles (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-07-22 01:08:31 by Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend.

Okay let me start out by saying I do not know quite where I stand on the issue of whether zoophilia is "bad" or "good." For now I am on the fence, but I would like to discuss this as adults and not get into angry yell fights or anything like that. I have debated this in other places, and even "open minded" individuals have decided to resort to calling me names, and I really hope it does not end that way here. First there are many many arguments against zoophiles, but the only one I see that might hold some water is about consent and damage to to the animals. Many acts of bestiality have been shown to injure the animal in some way (even if not easy to tell) and possibily have psychological effects, but I am not so sure every case is like that, I think it is at least possible that zoophiles can make love to their animals without hurting them in the slightest. I would like to pose some questions if that is okay, in hopes of getting a better perspective from the zoophile side. First question: On a scale of one to ten, how much do you care about how sexual acts affect your animals/the animals you have sex with (assuming you do actually engage in the act, as not every zoophile actually does it with animals) 1 being you do not give a crap if it hurts even kills the animal and 10 being you would sooner stab yourself with a rusty AIDS infected needle in the privates before causing the animal even a little discomfort. Second question: Do you know anywhere I can find scientific evidence or accurate studies as to the affects of different kinds of bestiality/zoophilia has on animals? I am trying to find a study showing how it is possible to do so without any negative affects on the animal what-so-ever, but it is difficult to find any real research over people just yelling at each other and botched studies and things like that. If no evidence can be found, I will remain on the fence most likely, but I would like some solid studies to back up arguments, rather than just having things to say. I know it is possible for animals to consent to sex through body language, but I need evidence that when this happens, there is no damage done to the animal.

Edit 1: I have one more question, since there is not any research, I am going to have to do the best with people's previous experience. My new question is for those with experience, what changes (if any) have you noticed in your animals behavior after your experience, and what type of zoophilia was it (not looking for specifics on what you did, just who initiated, whether you did the animal or it you, and what form of sex [oral, vaginal, etc]. I am mainly looking for how the animals behavior was effected after the experience). Feel free to share as much or as little as you want, I purely am trying to determine how animals are affected by zoophilia.

CONCLUSION: Thank you to for offering this information and discussing this openly with me. I am glad I finally got some real answers rather than just angry complainers. If what is said here is true (which I have no reason to believe it is not), then I can not in good conscious call zoophilia wrong as far as a non-religious opinion-free perspective goes. I would like to read one more article about some research first, but from what I can tell so far, there are no good reasons to oppose all forms of zoophilia. Edit: from reading the article I still determine it to be alright as far as damage to the animal goes. If you would like to take a look at the article that was shared with me here is the link. (http://wikisend.com/download/463232/Danish_Animal_Ethics_Council_-_November_2006_Report_Unofficial_English_Translation.pdf) It is the only real unbiased look at the affects of zoophilia on the animal that I have seen yet.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2014-07-22 01:36:27

I know it is possible for animals to consent to sex through body language, but I need evidence that when this happens, there is no damage done to the animal.

I dont get this, animals bang each other all the time and they seem pretty ok with it.

consent. think back to when humans didnt have language. if you can only consent with language then all sex was rape until we were able to talk to each other. body language counts for a lot.

In regards to your first question. I mean, Id rather my dog be a little uncomfortable than having to stab myself with an aids infested knife but lets be serious here, I love dogs, a lot, so I wouldnt do anything to them that they didnt want to happen (here we go with the whole consent issue again... ;) ). hell, you mustve seen how pissed animals get when they get spayed/neutered, but no one bats an eyelid over that. In that case I guess some health arguements could come into it but still, you think animals consented to have their gonads chopped off?!

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2014-07-22 01:45:47

By damage to the animal, I mean that some animal organs are not desinged to have human reproductive organs in them, which could possibly cause damage and there are the potential issue of psychological affects (which I have seen no evidence for yet, but would like some evidence against if it exists). I would like to see some real studies into this if any can be found, because I have heard every argument for an against, but I have yet to see anybody provide much solid evidence for the issues of potential emotional/physical damage to the animal that may occur from possibly nothing more than the fact that the two parts were not meant to fit together. I just want to see the scientific side before I climb down from my fence over here. Additionally, I have heard most zoophiles really do care about their animals, I am just trying to get a grasp of how much exactly (I have heard on average they care more than the average person, but I would like to actually see for myself with some results here).

Either way, I can agree with your stance on the consent issue, I mean look at some of the slaughterhouse practices. I think those are quite a bit worse than an animal literally asking for sex with a human, and then getting it (even if some amount of damage is done to the animal, depending on the amount).

CanadaWolf 1 point on 2014-07-22 02:27:57

I think you're going to have a pretty hard time finding any scientific research on zoophilia, for most people it's a topic they'd just rather not think about. The consent argument falls apart when you consider a male animal doing the mounting, if the dog doesn't want to have sex they're not going to mount a person, it's as simple as that.

Also the whole idea of "if it's ok to slaughter an animal it's ok to fuck them" is bullshit because two wrongs don't make a right. It's a helpful argument to point out the cognitive dissonance in peoples' thinking but logically it's irrelevant. And I say that as a zoo.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2014-07-22 02:38:39

I have been trying to find some real research. I actually did find some, but I can not seem to find any about the harmfulness to animals. I do not mean it in a two wrongs make a right way, I just mean to point out the bad logic of "it is only bad because it hurts the animal" which there is apparently no solid proof of all forms of cross-species sex causing any harm yet.

The issue of consent comes in where the human is in power over the animal, much like a child, but at the same time, if no damage is done to the animal what-so-ever and the animal is just as happy as before (if not more), then I do not see how it is even an issue.

ZoroasterTheCat 2 points on 2014-07-22 12:55:15

I think you'll find that the 'usual' acts of zoophilia do not generally cause physical harm to the animal. If they did, zoophiles would quickly run out of animal partners, right? Most larger breed male dogs have genitals that are significantly larger than human males. The physical harm happens when people try to engage with other smaller, 'exotic' animals (birds and reptiles, whose cloaca is physically incompatible with a human male) and these people are generally looked down upon by the zoophile community.

As for the psychological aspect, there was a thread posted just yesterday where the poster was concerned his family was going to find out he was masturbating the dog, as the dog was now always very excited, playful, and puppyish around him, which was quite out of character for their old dog. So I would say that was quite the opposite of psychologically damaging.

But the thing about zoopilia is, there is no "this is" or "this isn't." It's sex, and sex is sex, it all depends on the situation. Just as humans, it can be great, loving and exciting, or it can be harmful, painful and scary. You will find, however, that while zoophiles all do care for and love their animals very deeply, there is a class that is looked down upon, usually referred to as 'beastialists,' who are in it solely for their own pleasure and the taboo nature of it all. These are the ones generally trying to fuck chickens and lizards, the ones more likely to hurt the animals

ThrowwwayGurl 1 point on 2014-07-22 13:40:23

hehe Bravo, we really did make the same points at the same time :D I wish people would be greeted by threads like this when they first learn about zoophilia/bestiality instead of the usual stuff that makes the front page.

ThrowwwayGurl 3 points on 2014-07-22 12:12:52

Just to address the physical compatibility issue a little, I can't tell you much about what something like a female dog feels during intercourse compared between a human or canine partner, but as a female human who had a German Shepherd partner, I can only say that I can't possibly imagine a male human doing more "harm" to a canine vagina than a male of the species and breed.

Or to put it another way, large breed dogs are well endowed, with anatomical features that human lack. these features and endowment poses a far greater risk to a human partner receiving. Basically the largest human male I've been with was still smaller than a German Shepherd, and the experience of being "tied" by a fist-sized knot is pleasantly painful at best, disastrously traumatic at worst.

So logically I can't reason why a human male to a larger breed female dog would be damaging as long as the female isn't being restrained or forced, which I'm told by many zoos, female dogs have periods of heat where they actively seek out "relief" and even experience involuntary movements that could be seen as pleasure or orgasm.

Of course this is anecdotal, I can only speak of my own experiences and I can safely say my partner had the easier end of the deal and loooooved it every time. He usually made me aware when he wanted it, with communication methods that went beyond body language, to actually making gestures, tugging on my hand, making sounds similar to when he was hungry or wanted a treat, and knew there were rules about when and where. He was far more respectful and honest about what he wanted than some humans I've known!

But I've seen plenty of people right here on these zoo/beast reddits who profess some very unnerving practices, to say nothing of some of the videos where the animals look like they would rather be doing something else. So I feel zoophilia is a lot like human sex (anthrophilia?) where you have a spectrum of types, and some ends of that spectrum are worrisome and disturbing, but the other end of the spectrum is loving, gentle and compassionate between both parties, of either sex.

ZoroasterTheCat 2 points on 2014-07-22 12:57:45

Wow, I think it's hilarious that we both made the same post, making the same basic points, witihin 45 minutes of each other.

ThrowwwayGurl 1 point on 2014-07-22 13:26:13

Great minds think... about dog penises alike?

danpetman 2 points on 2014-07-22 15:35:55

I think you could probably just leave it at "Great minds think abut dog penises" :P

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2014-07-22 08:01:17

consent. think back to when humans didnt have language. if you can only consent with language then all sex was rape until we were able to talk to each other. body language counts for a lot.

All of my agreement.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-22 01:50:23

I have debated this in other places, and even "open minded" individuals have decided to resort to calling me names, and I really hope it does not end that way here.

It won't. People will often call themselves open-minded, but they have their limits as far as what they're willing to consider. Some things are so objectionable to society and the average person that they simply refuse to hear the other side of the issue.

First question: On a scale of one to ten, how much do you care about how sexual acts affect your animals/the animals you have sex with (assuming you do actually engage in the act, as not every zoophile actually does it with animals) 1 being you do not give a crap if it hurts even kills the animal and 10 being you would sooner stab yourself with a rusty AIDS infected needle in the privates before causing the animal even a little discomfort.

Wide scale there. Haha. I'd put it at a 7 because I think human and animal safety are both important. If it's not safe for both parties, then it is better not to try it at all. I should clarify that I've never had sex with an animal, so this is just my opinion.

Second question: Do you know anywhere I can find scientific evidence or accurate studies as to the affects of different kinds of bestiality/zoophilia has on animals? I am trying to find a study showing how it is possible to do so without any negative affects on the animal what-so-ever, but it is difficult to find any real research over people just yelling at each other and botched studies and things like that.

Sampling bias would be inherent in any such studies. The most careful zoophiles would likely not get involved in that kind of study because they would not want to let researchers know about their relationship. For zoophiles, letting others in on their secret is dangerous.

When I was doing a little research on zoophilia a few months ago, I looked at primary sources (zoophiles' blogs and forums) and psychological studies about zoophiles found on google scholar. If you found any interesting studies, please link them.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2014-07-22 02:05:16

I suppose it would be very hard to find things without sampling bias as scientists are people who just like most others, have things they are not really open-minded to. I have heard of a few studies about zoophilia, but I have yet to see anything substantial, but it is a good point you raise about zoophile subjects being hard to come across. I mean I have had people give me some serious threats of violence just asking "what is wrong with zoophilia?" I would imagine coming out as a zoophile to anybody could be very scary. I plan on doing some more in depth research soon.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2014-07-22 02:28:58

I did find what appears to be a non-biased look into zoophilia, but I did not have time to read all the sources, though I read most of the article. http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/bering-in-mind/2010/03/24/animal-lovers-zoophiles-make-scientists-rethink-human-sexuality/

I will do more research later, but this suggests that at least the image of zoophilia is improving, and thus the possibility of real studies more possible.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-22 05:12:18

What's so great about that article is that Jesse Bering, a non-zoophile, came to the same conclusions that many of us did independently. If you take a utilitarian approach to ethics, there's no need to oppose something that's mutually pleasurable.

You'll see in the article that he references Understanding Bestiality and Zoophilia by Dr. Hani Miletski, which is a fascinating read if you're up for it. It concludes that zoophilia is a sexual orientation based on the results of a large survey.

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-07-22 03:01:59


Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2014-07-22 03:47:03

I suppose, but idk how I feel about it if it is not your dog/no permission from the owner. I mean sure the animal may not be harmed, but it is still not yours. I will not judge, but that is what I think.

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2014-07-22 08:15:09

My personal opinion as a zoophile, I wouldn't have sex with a friends dog or anyones dog either.

Only if I was watching this dog for every single day so we could get to know each other well and if interest is given at both sides, I would try. That's my lowest line I would go.

I wouldn't want to have sex with stranger dogs or worse, dogs that are selled for sex (yes, people do this).

To get a bit more of understanding of this:

  • Zoophiles - Lovers of animals, sex optional.
  • Bestialists - Fetish of sex with animals, love or friendship optional, but wouldn't rape or hurt an animal.
  • Zoosadists - Fetish of sex with animals, rape and pain included.
[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-22 08:28:14

Yeah, i agree to those points a lot. It is important to realize that probably the whole universe of sexuality kinks and fetishes is duplicated with animals. That's one insight the 'academics' on this topic didn't get so far. In the world of most people there are heteros, homos, bi people and lookover there, a homogenous group of people fucking animals, all of them the exact same to the other. Lol.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-22 08:31:32

This is the topic of 'fence-hopping'. Some do it, some have a problem with it. On one hand, you can try to argue that being 'owned' is a weak reason why two beings can't enjoy each other. But personally, i rather respect other people's property rights. Those are some of the prominent and most important rights we humans have defined. I'd be so immensily furious if i'd find some guy with my horse... so golden rule, i can't do that either from that.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-22 17:21:49


[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-22 08:16:48


Scientific work is lacking, i think.

Consent is a made up argument. First, leave the idea that it is all men active with poodles. For example if i get on the ground, offer it, and hold still, the dog comes, jumps on, sticks it in and starts pumping... please tell me how it seems he doesn't consent as the active part. He could walk away at any time. Also if he notices 'nonowait, this actually hurts'. Sure, some people do unconsensual bullshit, but i don't consider them zoos. But then, there is also rape in normal marriages sometimes. Nobody outlaws that kind of sex between men and women bc of that.

Plus, in no other context does anyone give a shit on consent. Did your hamburger consent to leave her meadow and be eaten?

And a lot of people discuss consent on a childish level to begin with: animals can't have sex as they can't talk and therefore can't agree to it. First, please show me the signed consent forms of your last sexual human partners. A-ha, so you probably raped them, didn't you? Rabblerabblerabble. Second, if the talking and consenting are linked like this, then we needed to run into the woods at mating season and pull the elk off. They can't talk in words to each other so all animal on animal would be rape. Hilarious and all just an attempt to rationalize a 'eww, it's icky' feeling. Having the feeling is ok. Outlawing other peoples joy just to feel better yourself is not.

For the additional question: the dog really liked me a lot after that. When we were alone sometimes, but seldom, he'd come over and beg, until i gave in and presented my butt to him. On e starting to flirt with him, he got excited fast. Otherwise he behaved like a normal dog, lol.

My first horse was a sugar daddy type. First time he was nervous, then excited and nuzzled the entire wall of his stall and salviated over it. From then on he dropped his penis on his own when we were together. It was really borderline when cleaning him in the common area. He'd dangle it half erect on me brushing him, or 'accidentally' when i picked the hooves, fishing for a blowjob. He was supersweet, so often he succeeded. That's enough stories for you.

ThrowwwayGurl 3 points on 2014-07-22 13:12:45

I'm going to pass on rating my experiences on the scale you provided partially because I'm no longer practicing so it doesn't really apply to me now, and partially because it felt like an experience that evolved naturally as I was just beginning to discover my own sexuality and at no time did I ever consider the possibility that I was doing anything that was the least bit harmful to my partner. He initiated most of the time, especially in the early days, and as our relationship evolved over the years we came to a natural rhythm of sorts where we would seek each other out and enjoy each other. The acts were not just sexual, but were mixed with play, cuddling, stroking, kissing, grooming and bathing, lounging together, wrestling and laughing, panting, sweating and full on, grunting, intense, penis-in-vagina sexual intercourse that left us both delirious and content in each others arms and paws. It was at times painful for me because there are distinct anatomical differences and a lot of power behind a male dog his size, so I was the one who had to do my best to control the situation, not always easy because I was rather scrawny and petite, and if he wanted to he could have really hurt me, but he showed remarkable gentleness and understanding except at the peaks of his own pleasure... which I never complained about!

For me the consent was on my end, I never coerced or influenced him, I simply allowed him to do what he wanted, and it progressed like a real relationship, becoming more and more intimate as I became willing to go further until we were eventually having sex as part of our affection for each other.

His behavior never changed negatively, he was intensely loyal and obedient to me, and seemed to have a fondness for me I never saw in another dog/owner relationship. He was attentive, smart and protective and we had a special bond. I can never look at it and equate with anything abusive. The only negative feelings that came from it were strictly on my part, when I began to question if something was wrong with me for enjoying a sexual relationship with an animal. As far as I knew at the time I was the only one who ever did such a thing! Later I discovered there was a word for it, and there were people who had similar feelings, and also people who thought people like me should be burned.

Yearningmice 2 points on 2014-07-22 18:56:13

I haven't read through the whole thread yet, but it is interesting so far.

I wanted to share about my current partner: Okay, so first a story of the first time myself and my partner "did it". So let me paint you a picture of the whole scene, I spend hours every day playing, grooming, washing, shoveling, and sometimes riding my mare. (Less so recently due to life which bums me out) From day one she loved having her butt rubbed, scratched and otherwise touched. I kid you not the first day I had her I was paying attention to another horse and she walked backwards into my elbow for butt scratches, my wife laughed because she noticed it first. Anyhow, so this one night after a bunch of low-key fun playing in the arena on a -10C day we were huddled up in the stall just being together, warming up and hanging out. The barn owner was away, and I was sitting on a little ledge in the stall. She backs over to me and lifts her tail and presents herself.... well, her sex was at mouth level so. The ways she bumped and ground there was no doubt she was enjoying it. Thinking what the heck I dumped out the grooming bucket, flipped it upside down and stood on it. So imagine a slightly overweight 40 something standing on a bucket whose sides are buckling and whose base isn't quite wide enough to balence in a 12x12 stall. Did I mention her favorite feed was in the manger for her? So she looks over her shoulder at me, get's this silly look in her eye and again lifts her tail and walks back against me without prompting, without much more than me barely, and unstablily standing on the bucket. There was literally no way I had the presence of mind to "command" her to back against me, as some non-zoos insist must be happening, as I was barely holding my own on the bucket against gravity. Needless to say when she started getting into that gravity started to win and I had to hold onto her tight to keep from going over.

Three things to think about here, it was our first time outside of heavy petting we'd ever done anything, I was highly movtivated but rather incapacitated on that bucket, and she had all the choice in the world to stay away from me had she choose to. That includes eating her favorite feed, or just going to sleep. I'd have left her alone and just basked in her beauty and trust.

For a twist, I'm not going to tell you how I feel she feels after doing the deed. I'll let what other people, non-zoo afaik but equestrian and generally trainers or long term horse folks, have said about her speak for itself: "I cannot believe the relationship you have with your horse she obviously cares about you a great deal." "Your horse is special and I hope you know and appriciate it"(I do) "How do you get your horse to come to you and stay with you like that all the time." "Wow, she prefers you to food!"(Which isn't all the time, she's pretty greedy :) ) "I wish that my horse trusted me that much." "How do you get her to enjoy being with you so much." My other horses also act mostly the same way, but people really seem to notice how wonderful my relationship is with my partner. I do not claim the relationship is anything more because we express it with intercourse, our relationship was great before that night and has only gotten better. Also, I'm a horrid rider but learning, and to have those folks compliment me as such is kinda unusual until you've made your bones in the horse world.

All stories and quotes(while paraphrased) are a truthful and accurate representation of what actually happened. TBH, I had a hard time believing just how compatable my mare and I are and I was there! I also wanted to relate a story which shows female animals can and do initiate as I'm really tired of the trope that females are hard to know if they consent.

NBRPony Equiphile 3 points on 2014-07-22 18:58:13

As stated by the previous posters, you will most likely not find too much in the way of scientific information regarding the physical effects sexual contact has on the animals involved. In most cases the people who are actually studying this subject are studying the psychological aspects of the people who participate in these particular acts.

Concerning physical damage as a result of sexual contact, I can say with certainty that all the horses I have owned and enjoyed regular intimacy with have all had numerous veterinary checkups. ALL of the veterinarians involved in those checkups have ALWAYS complimented me on how well the horses (or other equines) were cared for and how healthy they are. One mare in particular that I have enjoyed almost daily intimacy with for over five years, passed a reproductive soundness exam with flying colors. This was a very thorough examination so if there were any negative effects from my intimate contact with her they would of been easily detectable. A horse or any other large mammal would be very difficult to cause damage to from sexual intimacy alone. Have you ever seen the size of a stallion's penis? I would be very hard pressed to injure a mare or cow with just my cock.

When it comes to smaller mammals there are definitely precautions that need to be taken in order to prevent injury or discomfort when first introducing them to intimacy. While I am not nearly as familiar with canines as I am with equines, most of my canine oriented friends take exceptional care to make sure they do not cause any sort of discomfort to their animal companions. Same goes for other like-minded people who are interested in other smaller mammals such as goats, sheep, pigs, etc. Personally I feel the biggest risk involved would be a bacterial infection, or a pH imbalance. However, if proper cleanliness and care is observed those risks are minimal.

To answer your last question concerning changes in behavior. The vast majority of my experience involves female equines, though I have a good deal of experience with the males as well. In most cases (98% of the time) the animals thoroughly enjoy, or express no opposition to the additional sexual attention. All observable changes in behavior were for the most part positive. Most mares who enjoy this type of contact will become rather demanding of having their sexual needs taken care of by their human herd mate. In many instances the animal is the one soliciting for the additional attention and initiating contact. Many mares will go so far as to solicits sexual attention from humans in the same manner they would a stallion of their own species. This can happen both in heat and out of heat. Believe it or not animals are sexual beings just as much as humans. While many species may not have sex purely for pleasure, many who are exposed to sexual contact with humans during their natural heat cycles will become very receptive toward sexual contact even when not in heat. Mares and stallions in particular are fairly notorious masterbators. Once they figure out that you can scratch their sexual "itch" and provide them with some relief, they can be rather demanding about receiving that kind of attention on a regular basis. I could go into far more detail concerning this, but it seems I already have a book typed out. If you have any more specific questions concerning the changes in behavior definitely feel free to ask! I would be more than happy to answer them to the best of my ability.

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2014-07-22 20:35:46

most of my canine oriented friends

Are you friends with these people in real life, or just referring to other people on the internet?

NBRPony Equiphile 1 point on 2014-07-22 21:38:53

These are all good friends of mine that I know in real life. I have seen firsthand the way they care for their animals, and it goes far beyond what most mundane animal lovers would do for their pets.

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2014-07-22 22:33:49

How many friends do you have that are zoophiles? How did that conversation come up? You must have quite the social network.

NBRPony Equiphile 2 points on 2014-07-22 22:54:45

Over the years I have met 150+ like-minded people in person. As far as close friends go, I regularly socialize with about 20 - 30 all over the world. These are all people I have met in person and talk to on a very regular basis (a few handfuls of which are local and we hang out all the time). I have very few friends who are not like-minded or at least friendly towards this subject. I started out meeting people from the online forums years ago, and have since made many wonderful connections through those friends.

[deleted] 0 points on 2014-07-22 19:30:48


[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-22 19:30:48


[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-23 22:04:11

I see every response has a wall of text, but I haven't had any coffee yet so I'm just going to keep it nice and short. Sorry

On a scale of one to ten, how much do you care about how sexual acts affect your animals/the animals you have sex with (assuming you do actually engage in the act, as not every zoophile actually does it with animals) 1 being you do not give a crap if it hurts even kills the animal and 10 being you would sooner stab yourself with a rusty AIDS infected needle in the privates before causing the animal even a little discomfort.

15 - As am empath, if any of the people or animals around me are in pain, so am I. If I cause that pain, I become depressed to the point of having suicidal thoughts after a few hours. Therefore, I need to make sure I never cause pain, both for their sakes and mine. It's weird, though - Dogs seem to know this, and even ones I've never seen before always come up to me and try to snuggle (except for one yapping little shit that attacks his owners)

Do you know anywhere I can find scientific evidence or accurate studies as to the affects of different kinds of bestiality/zoophilia has on animals?

No, sorry :(

I am trying to find a study showing how it is possible to do so without any negative affects on the animal what-so-ever, but it is difficult to find any real research over people just yelling at each other and botched studies and things like that. If no evidence can be found, I will remain on the fence most likely, but I would like some solid studies to back up arguments, rather than just having things to say. I know it is possible for animals to consent to sex through body language, but I need evidence that when this happens, there is no damage done to the animal.

Hypothetical scenario (that never happened to me):

A mare is capable of taking a 24 to 30+ inch stallion whose flare can expand to 4 or 5 inches in diameter, (sometimes more? I need to look that up), but she is in a relationship with a human owner.

Instead of going for a stallion that is hung like a horse (hurr hurr), she waits until her owner is behind her, raises her tail, and has explosive diarrhoea everywhere starts "winking". Owner just happens to be a zoophile, and they have sex.

Now, the mare goes back for more whenever she has the chance, except for a few days when the owner had explosive diarrhoea going everywhere a cold and had snot going everywhere

Is the mare doing it for sexual gratification, or is she crazy for not wanting somebody bigger? Or, gods forbid, is she mentally damaged from having sex with a tiny penis?

Personally, I'd say bring her a bigger penis, but hey - I don't have a horse. It'd be pretty challenging in a small yard :P

Scenario 2: Man has dog. Dog goes into heat. Dog wants needs sex, and man catches her masturbating outside.

Masturbating with what? A root from an old tree that has identity issues (This actually happened, but it was anally and it was because she had an ant biting her. Didn't stop her from still doing it again after the problem was fixed, so I guess it was kind of anal masturbation)

Now for the bit that didn't happen

Owner sees her, calls her over. She jumps up, starts running, trips over a toy, and dislocates her leg knocks her owner over in her excitement. Then she sits. On his lap.

Jesus, that's warm. Oh no, no, she's a dog, I can't get an erecti--- Never mind, too late.

Attempt sex, she's too tight even in heat. Owner now has choices:

2: Swim in lube and try again (and the dog will slide off the bed from the amount of lube)
3: Hotdog and finger

Now, depending on the choices, he could either hurt her beyond repair, hurt her a little bit but still give her relief from her heat, or just resort to masturbating her. Or leave her there on the bed, waiting for relief

So much for not having a wall of text, I guess the coffee must be working. I forget the question, but I think what I was trying to say is that it can cause damage if the person either wants to or doesn't realize that it will. The questions are: Will he, and will it be lasting?

My new question is for those with experience, what changes (if any) have you noticed in your animals behavior after your experience,

The first time, it was uncomfortable for the both of us. Turns out that regular lube dries up quickly when used on a smaller than usual entry, and you need one that is really stringy to make it last.

She came back for more after a few weeks, but last time as she was jumping into bed, she didn't quite make it and fell off. She hurt her leg when she landed so we have to improvise or I lift her up.

And if I just finger her, SHE GOES ABSOLUTELY APESHIT, starts running around the house knocking everything over, then comes to a stop outside my door, starts barking at me, and then comes in for a headbutt/snuggle.

and what type of zoophilia was it (not looking for specifics on what you did, just who initiated, whether you did the animal or it you, and what form of sex [oral, vaginal, etc].

Hah, I'm not letting those teeth anywhere near down there. She loves me, but she loves eating sausages in a very graphic way, too (She holds one end on the ground with her paw, rips the skin off with her teeth, then eats it)

We initially tried vaginally, but the lube dried out and she was way too tight even with it. Every now and then, she lays down on me and starts rubbing her vagina on me, but nah. We're getting closer by gradually stretching her until she tells me to stop (she lifts her head up and bonks my chin), and I can partially fit into her with her wiggling a bit. Probably won't ever make it all the way, though

After that first try, I tried anally. It was shitty (Literally, not figuratively - She didn't mind it, but she didn't orgasm either, so she didn't love it).

Now we just hotdog and finger (God, I hope hotdog is the right word, otherwise I'll sound stupid), which seems to be effective without causing her any pain/damage apart from knocking the side table over when she tried to run under it in her "bliss run" :c

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-07-24 14:58:31

i see you already feel you have gotten enough satisfying responses, but i just wanted to say thank you for asking and being rational about it. sadly, you're a rare one, it seems. :/

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2014-07-26 01:45:51

Thanks, I get much more violent responses to trying to understand the misunderstood than you might think, especially with something considered as taboo as zoophilia. Even on the 'open-minded' internet communities where you are supposed to be able to discuss anything freely, I get horrible threats and accused of raping animals and being obsessed with animal sex (and I am not even into zoophilia...). I appreciate the occasional person recognizing me for trying to be truly open minded, I really do.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2014-07-27 04:11:37

The amazing Randi's site had an interesting discussion onit and when people said dumb stuff they were taken down by fellow non-zoo forum members....

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2014-07-27 16:36:45

On the site I was discussing it on, pedophilia was discussed multiple times and a few people even admitted to pedophile attractions, but as soon as I bring up zoophilia I am some kind of horrible monster who is obsessed with raping animals... Most people's open-mindedness only goes so far. Though that is far from the worst out there as far as 'open-minded' 'non-aggressive' people go. I have a psychopath friend who contrary to popular belief is a nice guy and knows the difference between right and wrong (he may want to kill everybody he sees, but he knows that is morally wrong, so he refrains. Not because he thinks he will get caught, but because he genuinely cares that it is not a morally good thing to do). He is a really funny guy and people treat him so bad because they here psychopath, it truly makes me sick to my stomach some of the things people do/say to him just because of some stupid label.

thelongestusernameee 1 point on 2014-12-04 00:05:30
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