CSS Update (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-04-21 22:44:01 by AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse

Based on the comments from this thread, I've updated the style sheet in a handful of places. You can check out the updates over in /r/ZetaBeta if you'd like to see what I'm talking about at any point. Let me know what you think, and just like before, the mods can ultimately choose what does and doesn't get implemented to /r/Zoophilia.

What I Changed

The Header: Due to a couple of complaints, the header is no longer animated by default. However, if you click on the rainbow icon at the top right of the page, it will enable the animation and you'll be able to see the colors in their intended glory. Based on a suggestion from /u/actuallynotazoophile, there's also stealthy mode, which makes the header more covert.

Contrast Mode: The remaining icon at the top right of the page is for visitors here who have a difficult time seeing. In this mode the contrast is higher, the text is larger, and the flairs are no longer colored. To test this mode I tried reading everything without my glasses, and while my vision isn't too terrible, the added contrast did help make things easier to read. Whether or not it was easier to stomach from an aesthetic standpoint is another matter, but anyways.

Bug Fixes: There were a handful of minor fixes which I won't go over, partially because they're not interesting, and partially because I've already forgotten what most of them were.

What I Didn't Change

The Flairs: Although the mods here have disabled the hover effect on the flairs, I would prefer to keep it enabled. When they're always expanded, they tend to clutter up the place. I feel that being able to expand them individually is still the best design choice.

Anything Pertaining to RES: I don't use RES, and as a result, I haven't been able to work at fixing whatever bugs may be lingering in it. I may get it at some point in the future so I can rectify this, but as it stands, I haven't touched anything specific to RES.

What I Would Like to Change

Image Flairs: /u/ulungu mentioned flairs with horseshoes or paws, and I do like the idea. What I want to do is find a balance between /r/CasualConversation's hover flairs and /r/MyLittlePony's image flairs. I haven't tried it yet, but I imagine it could get messy, which is why I'm not including it in the update as of yet.

Mobile Version: Contrast mode does help when using mobile, but at some point, I'd like to have a version specifically dedicated to mobile use. Again, it just seems like it could get messy, and I'd prefer to have everything more or less stable while presenting the updates.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-04-22 01:14:25

Excellent work Alias, I know your are putting a lot of effort into designing this subreddit.

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 1 point on 2015-04-22 01:40:54

I'm glad you like it. I feel that as on often misrepresented minority, our image is important, both figuratively and literally. I could never hope to change everything, but I'm happy to do my part for this sub.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2015-04-22 04:06:28

I also like this new update. The reason we decided to disable the rollover effect at the moment is because people were having confusion with it so we just took a step back for now.

I can certainly help with the RES CSS as well. It is mostly just switched around number values causing little issues. We can get it all updated soon.

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 2 points on 2015-04-22 04:43:38

If you don't mind taking it, then I don't mind handing the RES maintenance over to somebody who's more familiar with it. It's good to hear that you're on board with this as well, and if I came off a bit harsh on the flairs, it wasn't intentional. There was definitely some confusion, and disabling the rollover effect was a reasonable solution while people get used to the new look.

If you do plan on implementing the update, then you'll need this image, titled stealth. Also, the word 'reddit' next to the /r/zoophilia snoo doesn't get along well with the highly saturated header, so replacing the current image with this one might make things a bit more swish. I think that's about it for this one. Good luck modding, hopefully I haven't made things too hectic around here.

Edit: Oh, and the following text would also have to go in the sidebar.

\[RAINBOW](http://nm.reddit.com/r/zoophilia/#nm) \[NORMAL](http://reddit.com/r/zoophilia/#dm) \[STEALTH](http://nr.reddit.com/r/zoophilia/#nr) \[NORMAL](http://reddit.com/r/zoophilia/#dr) \[CONTRAST](http://ee.reddit.com/r/zoophilia/#ee) \[NORMAL](http://reddit.com/r/zoophilia/#de)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-04-22 23:41:21

Looks great! Havent found any problems with RES as of yet, I'll let you know if I spot anything.

I didnt mind the pop out flairs but then again I dont mind these permanent ones either.