Who was your first crush? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-05-21 04:37:11 by [deleted]

I'll start.

Some time after realizing I had funny feelings about dogs, I visited my aunt's farm in South Dakota. She owned the biggest English mastiff I swear I have ever seen. He was male, and cut, but his strong, powerful physique, and bristly tan fur haunt my dreams to this day. I'm pretty sure I blushed the first time he came up to me and sniffed me with his huge muzzle. Even the way he panted made my heart race. I was too young and scared and self-conscious to let him do anymore than lick my face, once he got used to me. But yeah. My dreams. He's in them.

What about you, zoos of Reddit?

ursusem 2 points on 2015-05-21 04:48:38

My first crush was Yogi Bear the cartoon character. Not exactly a real animal but it was so intense. I've never experienced anything quite like that since in my life

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-05-21 04:57:06

That's fascinating! What was it about him, do you think?

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-21 05:02:16

There are so many things about him. I love the way he looks, I love the way he talks. He's perfect <3 <3 <3

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-21 08:59:37

Obviously his personality too among other things.. I love to tell everybody about Yogi! I'm still as obsessed as I ever was. I see him mainly as a bear and I really like real bears too. (zoophilic about bears)

Soveee 4 points on 2015-05-21 05:05:28

Well, retrospectively the first interest I had in dogs was the neighbor's German Shepherd. I was too young to know anything about sex, but her fur smelled really nice and I had an indescribable desire to, I don't know, taste her and shove my face into her.

My first crush though was when my aunt who I was living with at the time adopted the sweetest rescue dog, a small chocolate lab. She was a dog that even people who didn't like dogs fell in love with. She was shy but very loving, and extremely endearing to anyone with any kind of heart. I fooled around with her a little bit and got my first lessons in dog anatomy, but she was not super interested, and too small to do all that much with aside. I was nevertheless crazy about her and would take any excuse to spend time with her in other ways, walking, playing, or even just petting her for hours. I miss her a lot.

Applejack_Apple Speakin' in fancy! 1 point on 2015-05-21 05:29:04

I don't think it's any secret that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, or more specifically, the clop (porn) material thereof, is what brought me here. If I had to choose a waifu, it would probably be either Pinkie Pie or Rarity. Applejack or Twilight Sparkle are also acceptable.

I am still seeking a suitable IRL equine companion.

EDIT: As I think back, when I was little, I did have a sort of crush on Lilli from Dumbo's Circus, which is strange as I don't consider myself a cat person.

Kynophile Dog lover 4 points on 2015-05-21 06:07:46

My first was my aunt's black lab. He wasn't conventionally attractive (a bit chubby, some anxiety problems, etc.), but he was so sweet and kind. He may be the reason I began to realize that love isn't about finding someone perfect, but finding someone whose flaws you can look past or even find endearing. I loved his dandruff, the rough patches on his elbows, and everything else about him (particularly his long, rough tongue).

RIP, big guy.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-21 06:56:04

Sometimes individuals are perfect because they are not perfect. ;) It's kind of weird, I guess.

XLunarKnightX 2 points on 2015-05-21 07:55:47

They horse I received when I was seven. She was a beautiful palomino with a golden mane. The was 18 years ago. I miss her so. In the process of looking for a new made now. But being broke and living with friends ATM isn't much helping my situation.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 5 points on 2015-05-21 08:28:43

When I was younger, I fell in love with a male shelter Border Collie. He'll remain nameless here, but he was my first love. We never did anything more intimate than kissing because he wasn't interested, but being able to spend time with him was all I looked forward to at the time.

My living situation didn't allow for a dog, and as such he was eventually adopted by someone else. I was heartbroken and it took me a long time to be open to love of any sort again. Eventually I realised that I need feel nothing but gratitude for every single moment we shared together. He taught me the importance of loving in the moment: life only becomes briefer when we count lost opportunities.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 4 points on 2015-05-21 10:23:45

Well, I thought Faline from bambi was kinda hot... but that's about all before I met Willow, who was much more than just a crush to me... so doesn't really count.

Nowix 3 points on 2015-05-21 10:30:08

I had my first crush with a dog in the shelter. A dog that kept coming back because nobody could handle him. Except for me apparently. I sat next to him in his kennel every day, I took him for walks every time I could. Even in my free days I came over to pay him a visit. He loved it. Just seeing his face made my entire day. He was the most happiest and friendlies dog I ever met. Sadly nobody saw the same in him, nor understood the true connection between us.

The day that they decided he wasn't not suitable for adoption any more (due to his 'aggressive past') was the day I never came back again. Nobody understood why. Nobody understood what they did to me. I was broken, I couldn't even properly talk to anyone about it. To this very day I'm still living with this psychological scar deep inside. I miss seeing his smile,I miss hugging him, I miss smelling his fur, I miss his happy personality. I miss him so very much...

And least one good thing came out of it and that was that he marks the exact moment in my life where he made me realise who I really am and what I really want in the future. During the time I had trouble explaining myself why I felt so connected with him. Afterwards I learned what I felt was truly real love. And nobody can tell me otherwise.

I still grief about him, but I've turned part of that grief into being proud that I had the privileged to meet him. I thank him for everything he made me learn about myself and I'm going to bring that knowledge with me in the future. All thanks to him.

The_Zoo_Brony -1 points on 2015-05-21 12:29:54

Rainbow Dash. Possibly Nala many years earlier but back then I didn't realize I was zoo.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-05-21 23:02:10


Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-21 14:33:19

A young filly named Julie I met in '93.

She was Dun, and almost died the day I met her. I'm still not sure how the guy in the 'vette stopped in time. I only knew her two days and I still look at her pictures today. Being about a year old at the time we never did anything.

By this point I was already experienced but that was my first real animal crush.

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 2 points on 2015-05-21 14:55:43

Back when I was much younger and much more Canadian, I remember spending a lot of time hanging around my neighbor's back yard with their dog.

Nothing explicit happened between the two of us. Similarly to a few others here, I was just too young to have any overwhelming desire for sex. And even when I did become interested in that type of thing, this happened, which was plenty to quell my curiosity for some time. But still, I would spend hours playing with that dog, and petting her, and at some point I came to think of her as a bit more than an animal.

I'm not saying we were ever in a relationship. I'm just saying that, even if I didn't read too deeply into it at the time, she was probably my first crush.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-05-21 21:53:54

Their was this certain boss mare that would always follow me around in the paddock. If she saw me grooming another horse she would push that horse out of the way because she wanted to be groomed. She would also wink in front of me.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-05-22 08:40:32

i had to really think about this...

there was a .. real dump of a "zoo" .. that had plenty of interesting animals, but back then i was all about tigers. well.. there was one there in particular.. her sister was the main attraction there for most people because she was a white tiger, but .. meh. it was the "plain" orange tiger that i was interested in. i'd had "relations" of a sort with our family dogs over the years, but that was just different.. it was more about a dumb teenager getting his rocks off any way he could. this tigress was the first animal i really was smitten with. i'd just stand outside her cage and stare at her, and she'd stare back (and give that lazy/tired kitty smile with her eyes).

West_dogger 2 points on 2015-05-22 09:00:57

Wasn't going to say it but fictional character's popped up so,

definitely jenna from balto hell she's most likely one of the reasons I'm a zoophile.

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-05-22 22:03:40

No shame. No shame whatsoever. She's a stone cold fox-- well, wolfdog.

MysteriousWolf 1 point on 2015-05-23 14:26:53

All started when i was about 13,my parents had a GSD female,about two years old,i was living right to the forest,i was wandering the forest often with her,i often let her lick my face and i fellt like i was over the clouds,and i was once curious about her sexual organs,i started rubbing her and fingering her,she was so excited,and a year later when she was in heat i penetrated her,in my bedroom,she was often sleeping with me,it was so good,she was the first female of my life,i lost my virginity,it fellt so damn good,she was tight,she enjoyed that so much,all next days she was following me everywhere,i will never forget her!I will love dogs for ever,they are the best life partners!

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-13 04:10:34

I cannot remember my first crush but in regards to the first and permanent long-lasting love and relationship I have is with Shadow The Hedgehog. Don't know if one would call this a zoo crush but it's been about 8 years since the first time I bought the game, 'Shadow The Hedgehog' and had my crush on him. In regards to those who remember Sonic Passion or know Alix Henriol and her relationship with Sonic The Hedgehog is the same with Shadow and I but in a more spiritual sense where it involves telepathy and astral projection, I plan on getting married to the guy either sometime while I'm still alive or when I passover.

I had many crushes on various characters from video games, anime and such but Shadow was the one I stuck to and felt closest with. I had human boyfriends here and there but I would always go back to Shadow because I loved him more then anyone else and felt much happier being with him even though I cannot physically be with him at the moment and need to result to astral projection.

There are plenty of reasons as to why I love him and stories of adventures I had with this relationship that I always enjoy replaying in my mind.