Bestiality is legal in Ohio, state senator plans to change that (
submitted 2015-06-06 02:43:08 by reddituser444
Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 3 points on 2015-06-06 03:59:05

I almost laughed when it tried to insinuate that zoophilia and pedophilia are linked. It is just so obviously incorrect... People are strange... At the very least this article kind of covered the pro zoophilia side, but did not cover much.

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2015-06-06 05:01:50

I find it funny that the list of legal bestiality states was sourced: "Human Society of the United States". They're more right than they know. Also, we have a director of the Humane Society repeating the rumor about animal sex trafficking, though I really wish someone would publicize an actual case of that happening. Maybe someone should call Goodwin and ask for evidence, since he'd probably know better than anyone when and where that has happened.

FunFriendly 1 point on 2015-06-06 16:13:03

Politicians used to associate pedophilia with homosexuality. Are we that surprised at this bigotry?

virtua 1 point on 2015-06-06 17:05:56

There is a link between pedophilia and zoophilia, especially in terms of how they are seen. They are both considered to be paraphilias by the DSM, are both misunderstood and hated by society at large, and are both considered to be disorders/sickening/evil and unethical if acted upon by a large majority of people.

There is also overlap between pedophiles and zoophiles themselves. A while back, someone posted this survey in this sub. It was split into three sections: one for pedophiles, one for zoophiles, and one for necrophiles. There were 400 total respondents. In the question which asked, "Lastly, do you solidarize with either pedophiles/zoophiles or necrophiles despite you not being one?" 30% of those who answered in the pedophile section said they were also a zoophile and 25.75% of those who answered in the zoophile section said that they were also a pedophile.

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-09 09:54:24

"If any of you ladies and gentlemen happen to be either pedophiles, zoophiles or necrophiles"

holy shit! you know how biased that is. it was posted in a zoophilia sub. calling for pedophiles and necrophiles. IT WAS LITERALLY ASKING FOR PEOPLE WHO ZOOPHILES AND NECRO/PEDOPHILES!!! WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?!?!?

virtua 1 point on 2015-06-09 22:12:00

The submitter posted the survey in various other subs besides /r/zoophilia.

They were not asking for people who are both zoophiles and necrophiles/pedophiles. They asked for people who are zoophiles, necrophiles, or pedophiles as the person wanted to survey all three groups and if you search through their posting history, they posted to other subreddits and possibly other sites besides this one.

Edit: Even if it is biased, the point still holds. There is a link between zoophiles and pedophiles not only in terms of how they are seen by society but also due to the very fact that there are people who identify as both.

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-09 23:59:01

so what if there's people who identify as both? that doesnt mean anything

virtua 1 point on 2015-06-10 03:12:01

It means this:

Even if it is biased, the point still holds. There is a link between zoophiles and pedophiles not only in terms of how they are seen by society but also due to the very fact that there are people who identify as both.

Which means that this statement that I originally replied to:

I almost laughed when it tried to insinuate that zoophilia and pedophilia are linked. It is just so obviously incorrect...

is incorrect.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-06-10 13:30:12

The way the study was phrased and targeted makes it's validity highly questionable. This was noted at the time.

Personally, I see no link and I don't take that study as direct evidence for such a link. It's the very definition of a biased study.

virtua 1 point on 2015-06-10 17:49:49

I suppose that depends on what you define "link" to be. What I meant by "link" was that zoophilia and pedophilia aren't complete worlds apart that have nothing to do with each other; they do share a connection. Disregarding that survey for a moment, they are both seen by society and the psychiatric community in much the same way (both considered to be paraphilias, both considered mental disorders in the past and currently, both considered to be sick/evil/immoral/wrong, especially if acted upon, etc.).

But I agree that there were some issues with the survey and the phrasing of some of the questions. *And because that survey found a surprisingly high percentage - a 30% overlap between zoophiles and pedophiles, I think that apparent connection warrants further study. Overall, I see that as irrelevant to the point that there are obviously some zoophiles who identify as pedophiles and vice versa, which makes it untrue that they are completely unrelated and have no connection with each other. So I think such a thing should ideally be further studied.


electricfoxx 11 points on 2015-06-06 04:00:10

If only they had that kind of fervor when it came to unemployment.

This is a political issue that means nothing. Yes, you will get a lot of votes. You'd get a lot of votes for "making stealing illegal". This is just a distraction from our real problems. War, corruption, unemployment, poverty.

  • Make animal abuse involving factory farms illegal.

Try. Try to get that law passed. Okay, some person may have killed some dog and went to jail. Yes, it's animal abuse. Ramp that up 10,000 times. That's Factory Farm brand animal abuse. Where's that law?

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-06-06 13:36:54

So many lies and half-truths in that article.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-06-06 15:26:22

Let´s face the facts, won´t be long until it´ll be banned worldwide and no one in sight to end this "trend". All educational tries have turned out to be worthless when it comes to having an effect on society as a whole. This fight is lost and it has been lost around fifteen years ago. What we experience now, with all of the european states banning it, is the price for the wrong decisions made in the past. With the uprise of easily accessible animal porn, it really was only a matter of time until the society would notice and act. Our community failed miserably in separating true zoophilia from all of the other causes to involve in interspecies sex and now, zoophilia has become a synonym for fucking animals, regardless if you´re in love with ONE animal, lust for any animal, are an addict of "perverted" porn etc.

As we have seen in another case, where a guy was arrested for paedophilia and, amongst other stuff, animal porn was found, there actually is some kind of link between bestiality and paedophilia. A significant percentage of animal porn users are plainly in it because of the taboo nature of the subject. For those, it is only a small step from animals to underage humans; it´s just another taboo they gladly break to derive pleasure from it. Linking these two is valid in sobunall (some, but not all) cases. Yes, I know it´s hard to swallow, but that´s the way it is.
Sex trafficking is existent, you just have to take a look into the most common fora; in almost every forum a section for "personal ads" exists and gives a realistic insight into what is commonly denied by pro-zoos. Animal brothels also exist; surely not in a way a legal, human on human brothel exists, but just look at the folks who "share" their animals to nearly anyone interested. All the claims the antis can bring up against "zoophilia" actually can be proven if you dare watching openmindedly (and with open eyes). Sure we can argue about definitions of trafficking and brothels, but we all know that the so called "zoo community" is far from being an "all saints" gathering. So I´d like to propose we all stop pointing fingers at the "intolerant and hostile" normals and turn towards our own scene. We really should start cleaning our own front porch before we try forcing others to clean theirs. Animal porn, sharing animals, "fuckparties", swapping animals, promiscuity...all of that formed our public image of deviant sexual predators ready to literally fuck anything incapable of running away far enough; the bans are nothing more than a REaction on this kind of conduct. Our scene serves as a gutter, where clean water and pure shit mix to a point nobody is capable of separating these two entities anymore. It has mutated into a "weirdo magnet", where "professional pervs" mix with fantasizing manchilds, sex addicts swap apologetic "explanations" with amateur animal porn producers and criticism of any kind is dismissed widely as "intolerance". What happens when a community forgets to pay attention to "scene hygiene" can be witnessed around the world today. We as a community failed to take care of the extremes, so the authorities gladly jumped in to do the job that was originally OUR duty. One final word: Yes, this article features the same, common lies and half-truths. But, as we all see, it works quite well this way. Politics work this way, human relationships work this way, almost anything works this way. "Never change a winning team", as you know. If we don´t manage to quit our arrogance and our self victimisation, we´ll keep slipping down the downward spiral faster and faster. I´ve never seen a group of people so stubborn and incapable of making compromises as the "zoo community". WE are the ones demanding something from society, not the other way around. Yet, no one wants to make sacrifices... Zoophilia is commonly misunderstood as a limitless field of sexual exploration, a cheap detour to avoid human morals and an easy possibility to get sex whenever the human wants long as we don´t correct this misbelief in our "community", we´re doomed and all hope is lost.

virtua 1 point on 2015-06-06 16:56:54

As we have seen in another case, where a guy was arrested for paedophilia and, amongst other stuff, animal porn was found, there actually is some kind of link between bestiality and paedophilia...For those, it is only a small step from animals to underage humans...

You can't be arrested for pedophilia because it's not a crime or an action. It's a sexual preference for prepubescent children. However, you're right that there is a connection between pedophilia and zoophilia. A while back, someone posted an anonymous survey in this sub asking pedophiles, necrophiles, and zoophiles to fill it out. There were 3 sections: one for pedophiles, one for zoophiles, and one for necrophiles. Out of 400 respondents in total, 30% of those who answered in the pedophile section that they are also a zoophile (question #19) and 25.75% of those who responded in the zoophile section answered that they are also a pedophile (question #44).

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-09 09:49:06

maybe becuase it was posted in a sub that would obviously be heavily biased towards zoophiles. nearly everyone here is a zoophile.

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-09 09:55:49

and they asked for pedo/necrophiles

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-06-06 22:09:39

I can't say I recognise the community you're describing. I don't tolerate abuse, and I reject people who are abusive. When an abuser becomes known to my social circle, knowledge of their identity is shared and they are (as far as I can observe) rejected either universally or almost universally (it's hard to tell the difference). While the absence of evidence cannot be considered evidence of absence, the fact that I cannot see any examples of what you're describing prevents me from agreeing with you.

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-09 09:57:04

i have to go with you. ive been zoo-exclusive before my first period and i have never seen the shit hes describing

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-06-07 06:13:54

Sex trafficking is existent, you just have to take a look into the most common fora; in almost every forum a section for "personal ads" exists and gives a realistic insight into what is commonly denied by pro-zoos.

I dont think its denied so much as being said that this isnt what zoophilia is about. speaking of, everyone has their own ideas as to what is/isnt zoophilia.

Theres no stopping the current trend, but when zoo stuff hits rock bottom the only way is up.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-06-07 08:48:17

That may be true, but "rock bottom" is a lot worse than most people think it is. The Bible has the death penalty for attempted sex, for both the human and the animal.

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-09 09:42:44

for me, the worst part about that sentence would be the animal. kill me if you want, but please dont hurt the animal

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-09 09:47:07

why do we even have to hit rock bottom in the first place? why not get off our asses (no pun intended) and do something??

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-09 09:50:41

all educational tries?? what the heck are you talking about?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-06-09 18:23:56

I´m talking about several actions of ZETA, the german pro zoophilia organisation. There are a great manifold of interviews with newspaper reporters, there are lots of documentaries about zoophilia, there is the annual ZRD /Zoophile Rights Day in Berlin, a demo to raise awareness for zoophilia, one of the ZETA members even called Domian, a german call in TV and radio show, but was harshly rejected. There have been many attempts to educate the public about zoophilia, but to no avail. That´s what I meant.

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-09 19:45:36

maybe theres not enough people trying

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-06-09 20:15:46

It´s definitely NOT dependent on sheer quantity of people involved. It´s about quality of arguments and about how receptible the society is for this topic. As a German in his mid 40s and involved in this since I was 15 years old, I´ve seen a relatively receptive era in the nineties, where this topic was featured in some TV sex magazines like "Liebe Sünde" and "Wa(h)re Liebe", there was Arabella Kiesbauer, an austrian talk show host who did a segment about zoophilia in her show. After all of this, no shitstorm arose, there was no media witchhunt. Compared to today´s situation, it was some kind of a libertarianism approach towards this topic.

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-09 20:58:53

how do you know? ive been dealing with people on the topic of zoophilia since the day people knew i was one (and even before that, on some occasions). most people dont even know its possible to have sex with an animal. education is what we need. every day it becomes clearer to me. we need to educate people before the anti-zoos catch them in their fly trap. people can turn from "EWWWW!!!!!11 wtaf you fucking sicko??!! stop raping aminals!!!!" to "you know what, that actually isnt so bad" if you just take the time to be a nice person and teach them about it.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-06-09 21:49:04

I agree that education is needed, but it will only succeed in a one on one situation. Your friends, family and relatives may listen because they know you; the society as a whole will not listen. You can provide all of the available information, but you can´t force a whole society to read and listen if they don´t want to.

How do I know? Maybe because I try to educate people for nearly 30 years now. There is a percentage of people curious enough to listen before they judge ( usually around 10 - 20 %), but the vast majority won´t even bother listening to someone of those "vile animal rapists", even if he is the nicest guy around. Gosh, they would nail Jesus to the cross for the second time, if he returned to earth and confessed he´s in love with an animal....

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-10 00:02:19

youve tried to educate people for 30 years and you had little luck? what kind of stuff have you been saying?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-06-12 14:02:24

Gosh, another one of those "zoo crusaders" least, I´ve managed to convince the ones the wellbeing of my mare and myself depends on. I live kinda open as a zoo and even had the privilege to find a very tolerant owner of a little private stable who invited my mare and me to her place so we could live without fear.

All my friends know that I´m a zoo and are okay with it. My mother knows, my sister knows. I am one of the guys from the old IRC chats and have been involved in inventing the zeta rules and proposed the usage of the greek zeta as "our" symbol.What have you accomplished again, apart from blogging anonymously? I guess I convinced more people that zoophilia is nothing that´s inherently bad or impossible to tolerate by my mere existence than you will ever do with anything you type into your keyboard in your whole life. I participated in Miletski´s research.

Join me while I´m adding my efforts: -First riding club I attended: nearly 100 people who knew that I am a zoo and were totally okay with it

  • second stable with the tolerant owner: around 20 people -third stable, where I was working as a riding instructor: about 300 people tolerated the relationship
  • fourth stable, where I´m working right now: 80 people tolerating us

Totals : nearly 500 people, plus my family, relatives and friends

Little luck? I don´t think so...but I chose to focus on fights I can win instead of going out onto a crusade and fail miserably.

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-12 21:52:45

zoo crusader?? you think i go around running around telling people about zoophila?? i have a life you know. (not to mention a horny deer looking for a little fun every now and then :))

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-06-10 13:32:04

So give up. Because that'll work so well. /s

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-06-12 14:08:50

Who said I´d give up? But instead of running towards the enemy frontline like a berserker, I chose subversion and stealth as my weapons. I take ´em out one on one, thus creating a "zoo friendly" environment for my mare and me instead of fighting a battle of one against millions. I guess that´s what is missing in the so called "pro-zoo crusade" these days...strategy and brains.

bonniebubblegum 2 points on 2015-06-09 09:57:44

what the hell are you talking about?? i have never seen that kind of stuff before

The_Zoo_Brony 1 point on 2015-06-06 21:43:50

I think it's safe to say that there are only places where bestiality is illegal and places where it's not illegal yet...

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-06-06 22:35:48

Hm. Reading that comments section, it's such a rabidly homophobic bunch it's fascinating in this context. I mean, seriously, read it. We're all worried about how the senator is comparing us with pedos, but they're all comparing us with gays (and pedos, and in at least one case, abortion). They could be just bashing us, and they're not — they hate sexual liberty in general.

My thanks to /user/virtua for linking to the sex survey; I was shocked by the results, but I would like to point out that 43.5% of respondents over all three groups were bisexual, which is interestingly unexpected in it's own right.