Seems kinda slow lately... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-06-22 03:54:47 by jackdempsey8083

Hey everyone,

So, happy fathers day 'n stuff, hope everyone is doing alright! I've been checking in on the sub alot the past week, and it seems to be pretty dead. At least, in the sense that there hasn't been much of anything positive going on. So, I figured I would try and start up a good topic, one that would be fun to share to.

So, what exactly does zoophilia, and being a zoophile, mean to you? How does it effect your life? Has accepting yourself as one changed how you live your day-to-day? Are there any personal stories or experiences you can think of that exemplify what it means to you?

Figured this may be something that could be a conversation starter. Hope you all are well =]

ursusem 1 point on 2015-06-22 06:41:39

Wow. That would be a lot to talk about.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2015-06-22 16:03:52

eh, im guessing everyone was out enjoying the weekend. I, for one, was dog watching on the beach :P you know youre a zoo when you hang out at the dog beach rather than the lake.

Yeah, wouldn't have done that before I came to terms with being a zoo. Its nice now I've come to terms with it. It sucks, but it is what it is. The worst part is 'guy talk' with friends. theyll be like "girls amirite ;)" and I'm just like, "yup...". I know what to say but christ it feels so forced when I say it.

jackdempsey8083 1 point on 2015-06-22 17:46:55

Haha I completely agree, "guy talk" can lead to some pretty awkward moments if you aren't prepared. If I could count on how many times I've had to answer "No" to the question of "So, you got a girlfriend yet?", or "You interested in anybody? Or, the best one in my opinion... Them: "Damn dude, isn't she fine!? Look at that ass!" Me: "Oh yeah man, totally."

Devourer_Of_Pancakes 1 point on 2015-06-22 19:30:11

Oh god, getting asked out of the blue if theres anyone im interested in and me making up some excuse right on the spot is so akward...

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 3 points on 2015-06-23 04:59:45

Related tip: If you are asked who is your favorite porn star and don't know any(I sure as hell don't), saying, "I like the ameteur stuff" is a pretty good off-the-hook.

yelikedags 5 points on 2015-06-22 23:08:09

Hahaha, seriously.

Checking out the husky rather than the MILF owner. That's me.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 4 points on 2015-06-23 02:36:08

ha! yup. replace MILf with smoking hot teenage chick and i'll still be checking out the husky :P

rasterwolf 9 points on 2015-06-22 18:44:47

I'm 43 and I've been zoo exclusive my whole life, other than a hand full of experimental dates long ago. I guess the whole time I was what they'd now call MGTOW in that I had a cynical view of relationships and women's behavior. I was lucky and never made any mistakes like having kids, getting married, getting STDs, etc etc. I find baby animals cute and amusing, while baby humans are about as interesting to me as a bag of potatoes. Honestly that disinterest extends to a lot of adults too. How has this affected my life... hum.

I have several horses, goats, a nice dog, and 2 entertaining parrots. In a way they tie me down and I wouldn't have it any other way. I enjoy providing for their needs-- What is more fun than giving apples to a horse in the winter? I even enjoy work like trimming hoves and such. Sex is not that big of a deal anymore in that I don't obsess about it at all. I take it for granted I guess, after the 10,000th time. Other than responsibilities to the many critters I have, I am free. I only have to earn enough money to meet my needs and feed the critters. I drive awesome sports cars. I go to the gym every day and have some pretty good muscle going. I go hiking all the time in the mountains and canyons, often with a selection of the animals. Sometimes solo, sometimes with my friends. Yes, I have lots of normal friends whom I work on hot-rods with, do lunch with, and adventure with. In general my life is low stress and I'm content. My big worries are actually rather frivolous and I sleep well at night.

Just for fun lets imagine that... in parallel universes I chased pussy, got married, had kids, and got sex from the wife once per week if I was a good boy. Then I got divorced because of any of the 500 reasons it happens to everyone these days. I was forced to pay alimony, child support, and still was kept from spending time with the kids, who had been trained to hate me. Perhaps I drive a mini van and worry all day about how to make ends meet and if I fail, the government will throw me in jail for failing to pay. In these other realities I'd have no time or money for animals at all.

Thats how it has affected my life. Flame me if you want, but only if you're older than me. If you're 20ish you have so, so much to learn before you should be giving out life advice. If you're a zoo, society is your enemy. Keep your head down, focus on what matters to you, and opt out of their games.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-06-22 19:36:55

You seem to be living the ultimate zoo life. Do you ever go on trail rides with your horses?

jackdempsey8083 1 point on 2015-06-22 20:10:57

That does sound like something I think anyone would appreciate. I know I would! To be stable enough to support how I want to live, with who and what I want to live with? Livin' the dream.

r34_throwaway_alt_2 0 points on 2015-06-23 06:46:15

Hmm...I hope this sub doesn't agree with this kind of thinking towards women...

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 2 points on 2015-06-23 09:47:52

Perhaps you caught something that I didn't, but I'm not seeing a negative attitude towards women specifically. From what I see, this is more about opposing the model of nuclear family "perfection," which most people can't realistically hold on to, and which probably shouldn't be the ideal in the first place.

Maybe I'm wrong and /u/rasterwolf is a big-bad-chauvinistic-woman-hater-pig, but that's really not the impression I got.

r34_throwaway_alt_2 1 point on 2015-06-23 16:30:45

I guess he's not really in your face about it, but he comes right out and says he's MGTOW and doesn't like women in the first paragraph. Then he says if he dated them then he'd ultimately end up in a nightmare situation where his kids hate him and he drives a minivan. Honestly I think that last part bothered me more. It irritates the hell out of me when zoophiles insult human/human relationships.

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 2 points on 2015-06-25 04:48:34

Maybe I was more tired than I thought the other night. Somehow the direct statement in the first paragraph completely slipped my mind.

I do still get the impression that /u/rasterwolf has more of a problem with the system than with the women who are part of it, but you are right in that there's a fair share of bias going on. If you'd like to talk about the subject in more general terms instead of applying it to this one comment, I just started a discussion thread over here.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-06-23 17:33:43

whys that? Im also curious if youre zoo exclusive or not.

r34_throwaway_alt_2 0 points on 2015-06-23 23:01:34

I just don't want to be on a sub full of people who think women are conniving predators. That's a really untrue and offensive thing to run around and tell people. Also, I don't know what zoo exclusive means.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-06-23 23:33:19

he didnt state it as a fact though, and he didnt try to tell us thats what we should believe. Thats his view of the world and thats fine by me, no skin off my nose. If you dont want to be somewhere because of the views some people have, im not sure what to say. Im more worried by you when you say that his opinion is wrong.

zoo exclusive means you only love animals as opposed to loving animals and humans.

r34_throwaway_alt_2 0 points on 2015-06-24 00:02:43

So you'd be on this sub if, for example, everyone saw animals as sex objects and said they believed animals can't feel romantic love like humans can? You'd just say "meh, they're just opinions. Everyone's entitled to their beliefs, no skin off my nose" if that was the prevailing opinion on this sub? Bullshit. Those opinions would bother you and most other people here, and you'd say to yourselves "wow, what these people are saying disturbs me".

I'm not zoo exclusive. I'd rather have sex with the hottest humans than with the hottest mares.

rasterwolf 4 points on 2015-06-24 00:56:13

Hum. Well I'd say I have no use for dating women because they're not bringing anything to the table that I need. I'd say being a zoo exclusive is a ticket to break out of the relationship meat grinder if you want. I have a low tolerance for drama so it suits me well. The women-- They can do whatever they want to. Its not my business. Besides at my age the women arent looking so 'hot' anymore. Not to say I don't like butts that are 30 inches wide, but they belong to horses.

But if you want to bring up the subject then I'll tell you why I think dating humans is dangerous for a zoo (This applies to platonic friends and family too). You see, by telling your love interest that you're an animal fucker, you essentially give them a bullet with your name on it. They don't have to use it today, but they likely will use it later when they find Jesus or when they get bored of you and the fighting begins. I don't care if you don't like to hear it but some women can fight like crazy angry cats and won't hesitate to use the nuclear option. I've been around the zoo 'community' for longer than many of the people here have even been alive and I've seen many, many people ruined by vengeful ex-lovers. Oh yes, it will come up in divorce court. Oh yes, your friends and family and co-workers will find out alllll about your little kink. I'll remind you that nobody that gets married thinks it could possibly go bad and end up in a nightmare scenario, but it often does. Wanting to have a relationship with trust and no secrets is nice, but not so nice that its worth the massive risks. A bullet with your name on it, or perhaps a bomb-collar. Remember that the day WILL come when you regret disclosing your zoophilia.

Like I said, I expected some amount of flame-wars to result from my post. Thats ok, and I know not everyone agrees with my point of view, and frankly women are usually very hostile to the whole MGTOW philosophy. But the way I see it, women are also the most hostile to zoophiles because like the MGTOWs it represents males that are not interested in what they're selling anymore. (Men love to joke about sheep and more have experimented than most people realize. Unless its just a religious or cultural disgust, men arent threatened by zoos.)

I have to say I don't really understand female zoos-- I once even met up with one and toyed with the idea of a relationship, but realized that whether zoo or not, women are women, and just because we were both zoos there's no reason to think that it was going to work out any better than a relationship with a random stranger. Its only a little better than pairing off with someone based on the color of each of your cars. I think most everyone wants that ideal partner, but from what I've seen it exists only in our imaginations. Regarding men, I think we're better off learning to find and understand ourselves independently. Like I say, I don't really understand female zoos, and I'm not sure there's even such a thing as a zoo-exclusive female. Every woman I've ever known is looking for a pair-bond as the ultimate goal. Off the top of my head I can see problems when a guy spends more time sexually with his animals than with his human girl. Jealousy can start a lot of bad shit. I cant speak about the subject much since I don't encounter many female zoos anyhow. It might make for an interesting thread here though.

My opinions are my own. Not all of my best zoo friends even share my way of thinking. Shit, one got married to a zoo and half of the rest are gay furries, who I assume know a whole different aspect to the subject that I've never explored. At least my post made a few people go Hummmmmm...

zoo_lurker_42 0 points on 2015-06-24 01:07:00


I want to fuck a mare, that's about it. I don't ever plan on doing it because I'm scared of horses, I don't have access to horses, and it's not worth the risk of people finding out about it. I prefer humans, so it doesn't really affect my life in any way. I don't know why I'm even in this sub. IIRC I thought it would have porn on it.

Congrats your hypocrisy managed to make me go out of lurker status for a bit.

If someone wants to go MGTOW that doesn't hurt anyone, your above statement combined with what I just quoted from you makes it rather obvious that you just want to push your views on others. The objective reality is that unless you consider kids to be a massive quality of life improvement, then being zoo, gay, or going MGTOW will result in a significant standard of living increase vs a straight couple at the same income level.

Additionally once you actually dig into marriage statistics and so on, a zoosexual relationship does in fact come out significantly ahead of a normal one. Just as an easy example, half of all marriages end in divorce before 12 years, the dogs that I care about live for about 15 years

The reality is you are the one that doesn't belong here, not him.

r34_throwaway_alt_2 0 points on 2015-06-24 01:57:12

your hypocrisy

Since I wasn't insulting animals or human/animal relationships in that quote, it doesn't show I'm a hypocrite.

you just want to push your views

If I wanted to do that, I'd be doing it.

half of all marriages end in divorce before 12 years

Yeah, I guess that means most men are douchebags who can't stand to bang the same woman for more than twelve years. No, wait, it's fucking retarded and sexist to make that assumption, just like it's retarded and sexist to assume it's because most women are conniving villains.

you are the one that doesn't belong here

My bad, I thought this was a sub for zoophiles. I guess I thought that wanting to fuck a mare was enough to make me qualify as a zoophile.

zoo_lurker_42 0 points on 2015-06-24 02:07:01

Since I wasn't insulting animals or human/animal relationships in that quote, it doesn't show I'm a hypocrite.

Talks about people not seeing animals as sex objects, treats animals as sex objects

Yeah, I guess that means most men are douchebags who can't stand to bang the same woman for more than twelve years. No, wait, it's fucking retarded and sexist to make that assumption, just like it's retarded and sexist to assume it's because most women are conniving villains.

I need to dig up the statistics again, but you do in fact realize that it is women who are the primary ones filing for divorce (in the area of 90% of all divorce suits) and that sexual dissatisfaction is the primary reason for a woman to file for divorce, right?

My bad, I thought this was a sub for zoophiles. I guess I thought that wanting to fuck a mare was enough to make me qualify as a zoophile.

Nope, wanting to fuck a mare makes you a bestialist or perhaps someone who gets off to bucking the taboo, wanting to love and have a relationship with a mare would be zoophilia, which you yourself stated you don't really want.

r34_throwaway_alt_2 0 points on 2015-06-24 03:17:29

treats animals as sex objects

No I don't.

it is women who are the primary ones filing for divorce

"women want divorce more often than men, and that proves they're conniving villains who are out to steal your money and make your kids hate you and I don't know what a non sequitur is"

sexual dissatisfaction is the primary reason for a woman to file for divorce

Fucking liar

Nope, wanting to fuck a mare makes you a bestialist or perhaps someone who gets off to bucking the taboo, wanting to love and have a relationship with a mare would be zoophilia

Zoophile: A person who is sexually attracted to animals.

zoo_lurker_42 1 point on 2015-06-24 05:15:59

No I don't.

What does "I want to fuck a horse, that's about it" mean then if not "I regard horses as sexual objects that I want to fuck with no consideration for them"?

"women want divorce more often than men, and that proves they're conniving villains who are out to steal your money and make your kids hate you and I don't know what a non sequitur is"

I just love how you're projecting.

My response was to your statement that men cheating was what was causing divorce. Which lets take a look at the Penn State study's%20Reasons%20for%20Divorcing.pdf

So 25% of the cases submitted by women, 15% of the cases submitted by men, for a grand total of 21% of the cases overall. Which while a top factor for the related study, can by no means be stated to be the reason for most divorces.

Now... on the other hand I did state that straight relationships naturally have a lower standard of living than zoo, gay, or MGTOWs at the same income level. The reason for that is very simple. Straight Relationships will eventually result in children. Children are a huge expense to be saddled with in terms of time, money and energy.

Fucking liar

No I just need to find the study, it's not the Austin or the Penn State study, it was a different one that actually accounted for sexual dissatisfaction among other reasons that neither Austin nor Penn State broke out into it's own field

what I'm looking for are the studies that back up news articles like this one just having difficulty finding what i'm looking for

Zoophile: A person who is sexually attracted to animals.

No. In this case it doesn't matter what the dictionary says, there's a community definition which takes precedence.

Zoophilia or Zoosexuality is used to describe a romantic interest in animals, which is to say the desire to have a relationship with the animal as a mate.

A Bestialist is an individual who desires sex with an animal but doesn't have any desire for a relationship.

You are the latter not the former unless you want to rescind your former statement about only wanting to fuck a horse and that's it, with no desire for a relationship.

r34_throwaway_alt_2 1 point on 2015-06-24 06:07:11

What does "I want to fuck a horse, that's about it" mean

It means that's the only zoosexual tendency I have. Nowhere in that statement do I say "I think of horses as sex objects". I wouldn't ever abuse a horse, even if I wasn't scared of it.

I just love how you're projecting.

How? By calling out your logical fallacy?

My response was to your statement that men cheating was what was causing divorce.

I didn't say anything about cheating, and even if I did, it was a sarcastic statement. That's why I said "wait, that's retarded" right after saying it.

actually accounted for sexual dissatisfaction

"Other reason" was a category.

zoo_lurker_42 1 point on 2015-06-24 07:27:42

It means that's the only zoosexual tendency I have. Nowhere in that statement do I say "I think of horses as sex objects". I wouldn't ever abuse a horse, even if I wasn't scared of it.

You realize that thinking of something as a sex object doesn't require abuse, yes? A sex object is just something someone only thinks about in a sexual nature, primarily with a concern for personal gratification.

So are you interested in them for more than sex or not?

How? By calling out your logical fallacy?

What logical fallacy exactly? the only one I see is the one you're projecting.

I didn't say anything about cheating, and even if I did, it was a sarcastic statement. That's why I said "wait, that's retarded" right after saying it.

I'll give you that, I misread what you wrote initially.

"Other reason" was a category.

Ehm, no, that's not the right answer. From what I remember of the study it was focusing on the effect of no-fault divorce and the sexual liberation movement on divorce and it was something like 60% of women initiating divorce cited sexual dissatisfaction as a factor leading to the divorce. But like I said I need to find it again.

There's stuff like that news story in India, stuff from HuffPo and so on that reference such things but they don't have sources I know it's somewhere on the internet I just need to find it.

r34_throwaway_alt_2 1 point on 2015-06-24 09:20:13

I meant I wouldn't ever abuse a horse by treating it like a sex object. I don't see them as sex objects, I see them as living, sentient animals which happen to be really hot.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-06-24 08:32:04

Looks like people don't like to hear it, but it's not like you don't have a point.

If you look at [WARNING: some Porn] you get more of it. But that may be selection bias because it's a very special kind of people who go to such image boards, much less porn boards, much less zoo porn boards.

I think some zoos should consider this a bit more:

Sure, I don't feel like getting closer to most of the women I meet too, but not because they are women, because of how they are like as people. There are also many men I wouldn't want to get closer to. From unsympathetic to abusive, there are enough men who do these sort of things too.

Can we please not make this about women vs men? In the end we're all just people who aren't so different. There are even many people who fall somewhere in between men and women or nowhere there. How do these generalization deal with them?

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-06-24 12:48:51

Wow, that was a cringe-worthy link. Thanks though.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-06-24 18:39:15

lol. imageboards are a special place because they're anonymous. you cant say those views are merely the views of 'that type' who visit imageboards because the people posting there probably arent as special as you think...

I think its important to have anonymous spaces on the internet. you may not agree with those kind of controversial topics but you probably wouldn't get to see them in the first place if there weren't places that allowed people to share their brutally honest opinions without any repercussions.

r34_throwaway_alt_2 1 point on 2015-06-25 06:14:52

Isn't 8chan full of people from stormfront and theredpill? I'm pretty sure most people don't believe that black people and women are inherently mentally and morally inferior to white people and men.

zoo_lurker_42 1 point on 2015-06-25 07:26:36

I don't use 8chan, but no... 8chan is full of the people from 4chan in general after the associated community got fed up with the moderation that was beginning to be imposed as anyone paying attention to internet history over the past year would know.

r34_throwaway_alt_2 1 point on 2015-06-25 15:23:15

They moved there because moot said "no more spamming gamergate" because people were getting tired of it.

8chonthrowway 1 point on 2015-06-25 21:09:16

I started that thread. AMA.

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-06-25 23:15:39

Do you think people who say stuff like

They're also less intelligent and individualistic than men

are really serious?

8chonthrowway 1 point on 2015-06-26 00:34:46

I think theyre entirely serious. Is it the right thing to say? no, thats why he said it on 8chan rather than here. Even if this is trolling, you only need to take a look at some of the people on TRP to realise that this point of view isnt too far out there in the grand scheme of things.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2015-06-22 20:51:20

I personally have been busy and only checking every couple of days. I have some commissions I need to work on and a personal project I wanna pitch next year.

Zoophilia doesn't affect my life too much outside of conversational awkwardness. Also it introduced me to encryption and security measures.

It used to affect my life a lot more, like I swore I would never own a dog ever. Even looking at pictures of dogs made me feel guilty, and I felt bad petting dogs I met at the park. Coming to terms with it helped me to loosen up and get to a point where it wasn't controlling my thoughts and interrupting my life.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-06-23 05:03:36

glad to hear you've come to terms with it. self-hate is such a horrible thing to live with.

curious to see your art, but if you can't show it because you need to keep your two worlds entirely separate, i understand.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2015-06-26 06:35:30

I have separate accounts for my zoo art that I can share.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-06-26 08:02:43

oh, that's right... i remember seeing "bury the bone" elsewhere.

also, i like that paw in hand image on the zoo wreath. very nice.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2015-06-26 09:14:32


r34_throwaway_alt_2 -1 points on 2015-06-23 06:59:59

I want to fuck a mare, that's about it. I don't ever plan on doing it because I'm scared of horses, I don't have access to horses, and it's not worth the risk of people finding out about it. I prefer humans, so it doesn't really affect my life in any way. I don't know why I'm even in this sub. IIRC I thought it would have porn on it.

Jorah_Mormonism I quite enjoy pizza... 2 points on 2015-06-23 13:03:16

Go on r/bestiality or r/sexwithdogs or any of the other more porn-focused subs. I believe this is more meant to be about discussion of zoophilia on all spectrums, not just sexual. And even when it is sexual, normally not the type of sexual you get off to.

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 2 points on 2015-06-23 09:24:37

I'm glad it's not just me thinking things have been slow. I would like to be more involved, but work has been getting absurd lately with this new project. Between that and spending time with my special mare, I haven't been checking in much over here. But, it's some crazy time of night (Well, probably not for you Aussies) and I'm awake, so I would love to chat for a bit.

Being a zoophile means that I love animals. Not the most insightful answer, I know, but that's what it boils down to. Some zoos can let the guilt and shame of that destroy their lives, and others such as /u/rasterwolf can find the positive side. It's all about what you make of it, and seriously /u/rasterwolf, it's great that you've made things so good for yourself and (It sounds like) your animal companions.

I know I've mention it before, but because I don't know what I've said in comments and what I've said in PMs, I'll lay it out again. Zoophilia isn't something I ever ruled out. I questioned myself, and I did feel the societal guilt for a while, but the guilt was never quite genuine and the question were never about whether or not I was actually into animals. I didn't feel guilty because I thought I was wrong, instead I felt guilty because I was supposed to feel guilty.

That was all in the past though, and now that I've been romantically involved with a mare for a few years, I see now more than ever how ridiculous the guilt was. Maybe the shame was something I needed to go through to become who I am now, but with the luxury of hindsight, it seems silly more than anything.

Day to day it's a joy. I get to unwind with someone who I understand, and who understands me. I was never an especially sad person, but being with her has made me a much, much more happy person. As far as personal stories, well, I link to it so often that I'm guessing most of you have seen it by now, but here's the gist of my love story.

How about you /u/jackdempsey8083? Is there anything you'd like to share about your experience?

jackdempsey8083 3 points on 2015-06-23 17:33:29

Well, like many others with work, trying to LOOK for work has absorbed most of my free time lately. I guess there are alot of times, mostly because of stress and a bunch of other daily life factors, where I just want something simple to cling to. Emotionally, socially, and of course physically. And have it be simple.

My dogs have always given me that simple, yet so important connection. I've found, especially with the friends and family that I have, that the past never really stays in the past. Opinions are never kept hidden, and judgements fly like bullets at times. Its emotionally exhausting to live with. Not at all to say that I don't like interacting with friends and family on a daytoday basis, but when I need and look for a deep personal connection... I have almost never been able to find it with people. But with my dogs I can truly relax, and be at ease because I know they are too. No judgements, no hidden agendas, no reluctance to be close to you. It's all pure love, and simple. They really are my rock, and without em I would either be on 10 different pills a day, or just crazy haha

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 2 points on 2015-06-25 04:58:07

The simplicity that exists when connecting with an animal may just be my single favorite thing about falling in love with a horse. Things just make more sense in every aspect.

It's nice to hear that your dogs bring you peace, and I wish you and your pack the best.

zoo_lurker_42 2 points on 2015-06-24 01:41:15

Since I'm delurked anyway for the moment, I'll provide my own answer to this

As a therianthrope I consider zoophilia to be a natural extension of what I am, a rather natural function of my being a wolf. I have a fundamental instinctual desire to be mated to a wolf bitch, and to have pups. Obviously that can't happen (at least at our current level of science) and I probably won't ever be able to have a wolf, but a dog can at least be an acceptable substitute. Overall I love canids dearly even if I don't get much access to them for now.

As far as how has accepting my zoophilia effected me, well it ended a long standing internal struggle, which was primarily religious in nature. After a lot of prayer and philosophizing on the matter I received the answer to "go and be a wolf", and as I've developed my faith I've come to understand that what matters is not sin, but love. I'm still a virgin working towards getting my first canid but I have less stress than I used to have.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-06-24 06:17:15

i've been meaning to reply to this since i saw it. kept a tab open... it's a good question, but i'm finding it somewhat hard to answer (hence the procrastination).

one thing zoophilia means to me is being frustrated/confused that "normal" people can't see the beauty that's all around them. i guess the egotistical part of me feels special for knowing something others don't, but it's hard to feel too superior when you have to hide it from them or face shunning/persecution. i guess the flipside of this is the frustration of being distracted so easily by every beautiful animal i see either IRL or in photography.

i guess the above also qualifies as a way it affects my life. another way is feeling a connection to everything .. even animals i'm not attracted to. this can have a downside, as well... for example, mowing down really tall grass that was neglected for a couple months and realizing how many small mammals and amphibians i just evicted...

accepting my feelings, and especially spending time with others who feel the same IRL has greatly improved my outlook on life. i'm happier in general and finally feel that, even though i don't have an animal love in my life atm, it will happen, and when it does, things will get even better.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-24 17:04:18


jackdempsey8083 1 point on 2015-06-24 17:07:01

I know exactly what you mean, that feeling of seeing so many things so differently than the majority, and not being able to express it at the same time. It's damn frustrating.

It's awesome to see how so many peoples lives have improved from accepting themselves and what they think/believe. It's inspiring :)

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 3 points on 2015-06-24 13:20:43

For me, it means that I hardly ever notice someone sexy walking past. I hear my friends say "wow, hot guy outside!" (most of my friends are gay men) every so often, and out of curiosity I look, but what I see is never interesting. Likewise, some online communities post pictures of "sexy women" (usually Emma Watson or Jennifer Lawrence) and again, not interesting.

I've dated a few women and a guy, but it's never been about their bodies for me. It's personalities, it's minds, that keep me around humans.

I've looked at porn, wanting to be more "normal", but it never seems to do much, if anything, for me.

On a day-to-day basis, I'd guess the biggest effect is that I am less distracted by sexy people when I'm on the road, as there are less dogs and horses than the humans that turn on normal people. (On the other hand, I do get to see distracting herds of horses when I drive, and most people don't get distracted by a crowd of naked ladies when they're doing 70.)

The other big difference is that I have to be closeted most of the time. There are a few friends I'm out to, and they're great, but for the most part it's something I can't talk about in public.

jackdempsey8083 1 point on 2015-06-24 17:11:44

If I could quote your whole comment I would, haha

I feel like I could be ever so closer to my social circle if I really believed, and could jump into a gawking fest with em. Ive faced many a joke at my expense for not pointing out "hot babes"

I bike (as in pedal-bike) almost everywhere I go, and I'm sure I've got some awkward glances when people drive by to see a bike propped up against a fence and a biker feeding a group of horses carrots :)

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-06-26 23:11:01

Once there was some guys watching a girl leading a horse and I said, "Nice Bay" (as in the color of the horse), and the guys said "Yes Nice Babe".