Hello all (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-06-28 12:39:21 by Baaxten U havin' a giggle m8?

Just a new member here saying hello after deciding to say "the hell with it" and finally introduce myself into the sub I've been visiting for the past... well, when Battlecrops started his survey. I always dipped my toes, per se, into Reddit without ever actually making a profile and chatting to anyone.

I'm a 17 year old male from Australia in a suburban area living with my parents and younger brother. My family has a dog, a Border Terrier, and I love him like a brother. I take his collar off whenever we are not going out for walks, I do whatever he wants me to, we hug and sit next to each other and I rub and scratch all of his sweet spots. I know not all dogs are the same, and the same goes for every animal, but I know how to take care of one and how to treat one properly - with just as much kindness if not more so than what they give you.

I'm attracted to wolf-like canids, horses, deer and dolphins in both a sexual and romantic manner, birds in a purely romantic manner, and (odd as it may be to others - but then again we are all odd aren't we?) smaller theropod dinosaurs. I can go on in-depth about what I find attractive about my favoured species should anyone request it. But I am only attracted to the opposite sex, not other males of any species - yes I can appreciate their beauty but I will not desire myself to engage with them in any way other than a non-sexual way. I'm not homophobic, I just have no interest.

While I have no job, I plan to go to university for game art and designs specifically in 3D modelling and animating, possibly leading into a career where I can choose what project I would like to work on and where I can give some of my own ideas as input.

I also plan to become an author someday. In fact, I've already written a book, about 278 pages long, and several short stories each ranging from 7 to 12 pages. That book took me two and a half years to complete. I've received praise from my peers for my writing style but they've been hindered by schoolwork, as have I.

Currently I am a lucky zoophile as I have five friends who know about my sexuality.

Friend 1 had inklings beforehand, but said he wasn't too bothered by it anyway after I finally opened up. He said "To each his own", so I suppose back then he merely thought it was a fetish but after I had him for a sleepover, he asked me about it and we talked properly with no bars held. He proposed no counters, merely inquisitive questions about how we determine whether an animal consents or not, why human women don't turn me on, and whatever else we talked about. He's a chill guy, really, and wasn't much repulsed at all.

Friend 2 is an a Brony and a Furry, for the former he likes the ponies' personalities and for the latter more so the art style coupled with erotic value. I've not discussed it with him as much as Friend 1, but he too is okay with it.

Friend 3 is like Howard from the Big Bang Theory seasons 1-3 in the sense that he is seedy and suggestive and we all love him for it. He too took it well especially I purposely toyed with him about it in our day-to-day conversations but we haven't talked well enough about it: "I still don't get how you can like that more than a human".

Friend 4 & 5 found out about it at the same time after a lengthy but private discussion in Biology class. The topic that day was recombinant DNA, nothing sexual. Boys being boys it had to end up about sex and morality at some point amirite? Regardless, I put forth a strong an objective and well-reasoned defence about why humans mating with other animals should not be shunned and they accepted it. I figured they now already had their suspicions and they could tell others so I decided to say outright that I was a zoophile. Their reaction was to raise their eyebrows, but they accepted it in a "really, I'm okay with it" kind of way.

I first had my own suspicions at age 15 when I started my book and found myself falling in love with the main character, who is a dinosaur - specifically a Coelophysis - brought back from the dead in the year 2118. In my mind she was - IS - quite possibly the most beautiful creature I had ever seen (technically I had imagined her) and it concerned me how I felt so much love for her and felt protective of her even though she was not real and was not of the same species AND from another time period. I brought this concern up with numerous friends and they said it was because she was my creation, so that settled me down. But the longer I wrote, the more I began to see other animals in a similar light - as an equal that could be loved no differently than another human...

Okay, I'm probably paraphrasing, but the point is through my non-sexual love for the main character of my book, I was introduced to zoophilia. At first I had trouble with the morality of it all because it felt so icky, but the more reasoning I read the more I began to feel comfortable with it, and here I am today, speaking to you all, thanking you for getting me this far. And I hope to be a part of this sub for a long while to come.

Unless Australia's National Broadband Network plan is scrapped.

*shakes fist at governing Liberal Party

jackdempsey8083 1 point on 2015-06-28 17:09:35

Well... Hi there!

That was one long-ass introduction xD

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-06-28 23:33:07

Hello to you too.

Yeah, I felt like I had to tell more about myself for some reason, I don't know, to gain others' trust? Pretty silly, but, yeah...

*twiddles thumbs

Can I answer any questions?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-06-29 03:34:46

way more helpful, IMO, to give a longer introduction. helps people get to know you better.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-06-29 15:56:42
ursusem 0 points on 2015-06-28 17:28:25

I have a question (something I'm usually curious about) you said this: "I was introduced to zoophilia. At first I had trouble with the morality of it all because it felt so icky." Ickiness means gross, right? How does whether or not something is gross have anything to do with whether or not something is moral? And why did you feel it was icky? What's icky about it? And welcome.

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-06-28 23:35:08

I mean "icky" in the sense it was against the social norm. No different than many other zoos, so it seems.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-06-29 03:37:43

i was wondering about that myself, to be honest ..

so you don't mean you personally felt icky about it? or was there some self-conflict? certainly you had interest in it or you wouldn't have ended up going further down the path, so was it both at once? the attraction and the revulsion?

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-06-29 07:13:15

Both at once, but eventually, obviously, the former began to dominate over the latter.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-06-28 20:46:59

Well, for someone who´s only 17 of age and still in full development of his social and sexual personality , you are quite convinced you´re a zoo. But falling in love with a fantasy creature won´t turn you into a zoo, taking a pro zoo stance in debates won´t turn you into a zoo and fantasizing about animals won´t do the trick either. A little story for you to consider: Back in the nineties, I made friends with someone I met in Lintilla, an IRC chat. He was from Vienna, capital of Austria; we chatted, we phoned, then we met in real life. At this time, Tschoni, nearly the same age as you, (that was his name on Lintilla) was absolutely convinced he was a zoo. He fell in love with a mare from his riding school and was unhappy because he wanted to buy her, but was too afraid of the responsibilities involved. So I supported him, I helped him to make the decision of buying his mare. A few months later, I visited him...sat 12 hours in a bloody train because there were more than 1000 kilometers between our homes. He still was convinced of his orientation and reassured me several times how happy he now is with his mare. After some days, I returned home and kept in contact with him via email and phone. Then, around 2-3 years later, the contact suddenly broke off, he didn´t reply to my mails anymore, he didn´t answer my calls anymore. I was worried what might have happened to him and continued to search contact. Then, I received the very last email from him, he stated that he was only living through a phase and wasn´t a zoophile anymore. He told me that his interest in zoophilia has ceased and he doesn´t want me to contact him again because he wanted to avoid being reminded of his "animal fucker" phase. So, please be aware that your interest in zoophilia could be only a short phase in your life. Being a zoophile isn´t a happy life, with all of the negativity swirling around these days. Think twice if you want to be part of the modern day ultimate pariahs, frowned upon by society nearly as harsh as paedophiles. You´re young and should think of all the negative aspects of zoophilia. Do you want them in your life? Really? Zoophilia isn´t an intellectual exercise for fantasizing manchilds, you know. It´s life in the shadows, with the danger of a few words slipping from your mouth turning your whole world into shit, with living life seeing your first love die, your second as well, maybe your third and fourth also, because of lifespan discrepancies.

I don´t intend to talk you out of it or being rude. I just want to understand what makes you so sure about you being a zoo, without having experienced any actual animal relationship yet. Anyway, welcome to this subreddit.

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-06-28 23:30:34

I know other animals are not sex toys - they are to be respected, treated in a manner of decency - and for me the thing that turns me on about them is the prospect of having an intimate relationship where the feeling of affection is mutual. I don't seek sex, I seek the shared love. That for me is what zoophilia/zoosexuality is; the mutual love between a human and a non-human, no different than a typical human-human relationship. I am not turned on by humans and have no interest in being married or having children and I do not believe I will ever change in that respect in the foreseeable future. Besides, other animals are far more interesting, both in terms of their interactions with others and their - if you'll excuse such vulgarity - internal workings. In the past, yes, I was a people person, but after I discovered this side of the spectrum, I began leaning more and more towards being zoo-exclusive. And that is what I've become: zoo-exclusive.

Yes, it was a choice for me, but I do not have any intention of letting myself slip. I've dug my feet in and no amount of negativity will shift my view.

And, so I think, just because I find dinosaurs attractive doesn't make me any less of a zoo. Of course I'll never know how the behaved, but they're still animals, they just don't exist anymore. I'm pretty sure many zoos fantasise about animals they do not have access to.

And if I come across as hostile or aggressive, I apologise. That was not my intention. I also feel maybe I was too bold. For that I apologise too.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-06-28 23:48:13

What happened to your friend's mare?

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-06-29 15:55:46

Then, I received the very last email from him, he stated that he was only living through a phase and wasn´t a zoophile anymore. He told me that his interest in zoophilia has ceased and he doesn´t want me to contact him again because he wanted to avoid being reminded of his "animal fucker" phase. So, please be aware that your interest in zoophilia could be only a short phase in your life.

So you never got to know whether it really was "only a phase" or whether something happened that made him hate his zoophilia so he tried to convince himself of it? From what we know of numerous "ex-gay" people, the latter one is not a healthy thing to do...

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 0 points on 2015-06-28 23:32:22

Welcome. Glad to have some Aussies on this subreddit.

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-06-28 23:42:20

You another Aussie?

Thankyou for the welcome. It's a pity most users are elsewhere in the world which means I can't hear from most anyone from 7-12 hours later.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-06-28 23:48:17

No I'm not from Australia. I just thought there were not very many represented on this subreddit and that it was great to finally have some.

Kashito91 2 points on 2015-06-29 11:36:21

Aussie here. Hello :)

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-06-28 23:36:40

Please, if I haven't made anything clear in any reply or a the text above, let me know. I'll happily answer your questions.

jrbobdobbs90 1 point on 2015-06-28 23:47:13

I'm attracted to [...] smaller theropod dinosaurs in both a sexual and romantic manner

How can you be romantically attracted to something that no longer exists? What you actually feel sounds more like raw sexual attraction complemented by fantasies of what you'd want their behavior to be.

Baaxten The new guy 2 points on 2015-06-28 23:56:27

Okay, probably not romantically. I'll shift it about.

EDIT: Done it. Better?

jrbobdobbs90 1 point on 2015-06-29 00:07:50

I guess.

But honestly, OP, from your description, you sound like yet another zoophile who does nothing but fantasize about animals. You don't even mention having or knowing an animal - you only talk about fantasies involving them.

You should find a dog or something and discover if you really feel what you think you feel. You're only 17, don't overthink this.

Baaxten The new guy 3 points on 2015-06-29 01:34:45

I have a dog, and I've now included that in the description. Better?

Or maybe you'll think I'm making this up as I go along so that I may be accepted by everyone...

jrbobdobbs90 1 point on 2015-06-29 02:26:58

Or maybe you'll think I'm making this up

I'm not saying you're making this up. I'm just not sure you totally understand the way you feel.

For instance, in your edit, you say you love your Boston Terrier "like a brother." That implies you don't feel sexually attracted to him, as you do towards your fantasy dogs (huskies and GSDs, I guess).

What I'm saying is that you should determine if you're attracted to the whole, real animal, not just your ideal fantasy animal, and, ultimately, whether you could go through with having sex with them. Because otherwise, when you have only fantasies to judge by, telling everyone that you're sexually attracted to animals is just dishonest.

Baaxten The new guy 5 points on 2015-06-29 03:12:24

I understand how I feel. My Border Terrier - a breed from the border of Scotland and England originally used for hunting - is a brother to me, one who depends on the family to take care of him.

How "sure" must I be? I am sure that I am aroused by other animals, is that not enough? But more important to me is the personality of the animal - their character - how they interact with others. Not until I know an animal well enough would I ever consider having sex with one.

Again, how "sure" must I be? Or does this have to do with my age and supposed sexual immaturity?

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-07-04 20:36:34

Not until I know an animal well enough would I ever consider having sex with one.

I like your attitude. :)

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2015-06-29 03:36:02

Just because he lives with a dog doesn't mean he has to be attracted to that particular dog. I also know plenty of zoos who probably wouldn't be attracted to that breed of dog physically, pretty much everybody has their "type." I'm not attracted romantically or sexually to my own dog, but that doesn't make my attraction to other dogs who are my "type" and have personalities I like any less valid.

It seems like you think the only way he'll know for sure about his attraction is to get a dog of his "type," which, sure you can have your opinion and advice, but also that's not a decision to rush or pressure somebody into. A dog is a big commitment, and somebody's primary reason to get one shouldn't be to explore their sexuality.

I've seen a few horse zoos around here and other places who haven't had many chances to interact with horses face to face, which makes sense. It's harder to get that opportunity for the average person than to, say, go to the dog park. But they know they're attracted to horses. Would you also suggest those people get their own horse just to be sure? What about zoos who are attracted to big cats?

I get where you're coming from and I agree somewhat, zoo attraction isn't something to take lightly and everyone should think carefully about it to make sure that's what they're feeling, and they should try to interact with the species they like as much as they can. But I also think someone can know they're zoo without living or interacting on a regular basis with the species they're attracted to.

zoozooz 3 points on 2015-06-29 05:05:08

So.. you're one of those people that think people only get into the "true zoo" club when they've had sex with an animal?

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2015-06-29 07:04:19

I don't know if he's saying have sex with an animal, I think he's saying more to interact with the animal to make sure you're attracted to the actual animal and not a fantasy idea of what you think the animal will be like? I can get behind that idea, but I don't think it's absolutely 100% always necessary. Especially since it's not possible for everyone. I'm attracted to plenty of species that I've never met, but I've done enough research about them to know that I'm attracted to the real animals and how they act, not just fantasies about them. It seems like lots of horse zoos I've heard from knew they were attracted to horses before they ever even got to meet one in person.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-06-29 14:54:31

With the info that has been given to us, some doubts seem justified. It´s not solely dependent on having real sex with an animal to join the "true zoo" club , but it is an important part. Romantic love for animals isn´t criminalized, sex with animals is. The legal situation is probably one of the biggest issues for zoophiles, how could you know what it is to be a zoo if you never experience the guilt and paranoia induced by society? That´s like saying "I´m a dopehead" without actually smoking dope...you don´t know how it feels to be stoned and you don´t know the mindset of a stoner walking around in public, with all of the paranoia involved. The age is another factor: given his young age, it is not justified to question his recent feelings, but it is questionable if these feelings will still be there when he reaches the age of 25 or 30. Young people make bad decisions all the time out of full and honest convictions, just walk into your local tattoo parlor to prove this.;) Honestly, at this young age, you usually are very convinced of what you are, but you simply can´t foresee what the next years will bring and lead you to. I´ve already said it´s possible to experience only a temporary phase of interest in animal sex and zoophilia, the two years he told us he is interested aren´t long enough IMHO to extrapolate a statement valid for the rest of the entire life. Things can change, you know.

I am NOT trying to talk Baaxten out of it. In fact, I´d be glad to talk to another one of my kind and would be the last to scare him away. But I like to know what he´s about, want to make clear that there are some differences between a romantic zoo and a full blown exclusive, practicing zoophile like me. I have to agree to the criticism of jrbobdobbs (Hello, Mr Wilson...;) ) and like to add that criticism should not be seen as hostility, but as an interest in the person. Nobody needs post walls with oneliners like "Welcome!"... Baaxten, don´t feel denigraded because we ask things. For us, it is vital info, we just recently had an attempt to lure people onto facebook from someone who´s obviously an anti; for us, it´s essential to know whom we´re talking to, for the safety of our animal companions and ourselves. Nobody should evaluate criticism and further questions as negative, asking questions to determine genuinity is necessary in a time we zoos always have to watch out forpretenders ,impostors and other people with bad intentions.

Baaxten The new guy 2 points on 2015-06-29 15:28:00

Hey, I know about the "guilt and paranoia induced by society", it just doesn't scare me anymore.

That being said, I won't be going about Australia shouting "I AM A ZOOPHILE" at the top of my lungs because of the legal and social fallout that would cause. It doesn't scare me, I just wouldn't like having to go through the process - it would bore and tire me. However, should the need arise, for example if I was found out by the wider community, I would gladly and calmly present my side of the argument and hope the opposite end is at least decent enough to listen to it. And SO WHAT if I'm 17 now? Shouldn't I only be concerned with now and the immediate future? In which case I can predict my liking of animals to either remain as is or grow. But if my feeling change when I'm 20, so be it, and I will let others know. Why are you being so...

Sorry, I only just now finished the end of your post. Okay, I understand the need of suspicion, but I am spilling my guts here for you guys and/or girls. I could even tell you my real name, the names of my friends, my family, my city, address, phone number, email account - in fact I would feel happy to - the only reason I don't is because I know it could end up with spam or a virus or whatever else these anti-zoo hackers I've heard of do. I am not, repeat, not faking this. But I am feeling denigrated to an extent: I feel this is an unnecessary amount of probing over something this subreddit has in past threads, where other new users have introduced themselves, taken aboard welcomingly and enthusiastically.

zoozooz 5 points on 2015-06-29 15:47:36

I feel this is an unnecessary amount of probing

It is. I hope this doesn't become the norm here. I don't think it's done with bad intentions, but it just doesn't feel very welcoming.

Baaxten The new guy 2 points on 2015-06-29 15:50:26

What do you think it is? My Guy Fawkes mask?

I bet it's my Guy Fawkes mask.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 5 points on 2015-06-29 17:41:59

I don't know about anyone else, but this intense probing would've probably driven me away from this community if it was the reception I got when I first arrived. We already have to try so hard to justify our sexuality to non-zoos, do we have to do it to each other now too? I understand having doubts, but yeah this is a little much. He just got here.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2015-06-29 17:56:13

Romantic love for animals isn´t criminalized, sex with animals is. The legal situation is probably one of the biggest issues for zoophiles, how could you know what it is to be a zoo if you never experience the guilt and paranoia induced by society?

I posted this in another thread, maybe it's relevant here too:

Honestly, if the average person found out I was zoosexual, with all the negative stereotypes and beliefs society has about us, do you think someone against zoophilia would believe me if I said I'm not in a sexual relationship? Society views us as sex-crazed deviants who'll have sex with any animal that moves. No one would believe me, so it doesn't matter. I honestly think antis would still find a reason to take my partner away, they're very willing to go to extreme lengths to persecute zoos, even if we haven't explicitly done anything.

Most people can't understand the romantic attraction to animals, and would think you're having sex with animals anyway, even if you're like me and you don't currently. So while I'm not in a sexual relationship yet, I do still experience paranoia and fear, because I think it still applies to me. If someone finds out I'm a zoo and doesn't agree with that, they're not going to believe me or even care if I say I don't have sex with my partner. It makes no difference to most people. I don't have any doubts that someone would still try to ruin my life over it, and I've never even touched an animal sexually. Zoos aren't given the benefit of the doubt in society. So while it might not be the exact same kind of paranoia active zoophiles have, I think in a lot of cases the end result would be the same, so I do get paranoid and worry.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-07-04 20:36:21

Because otherwise, when you have only fantasies to judge by, telling everyone that you're sexually attracted to animals is just dishonest.

I really don't think that's fair. I know what gives me boners and what doesn't. A guy can be gay before they suck their first cock, or straight despite sucking one. /u/Baaxten doesn't need to have sex to know their sexuality.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 2 points on 2015-06-29 01:08:59

Welcome to the subreddit, I hope you enjoy it here! For what it's worth, I figured out I was zoo before I was 17, so while it might not be the norm and definitely be cautious and do everything you can to make sure you're sure of how you feel, it can happen. I don't see any big issues or "red flags" some folks might with your post, I think it sounds okay. Not everyone has had a chance to interact much with animals they're attracted to, and can still know they're zoo. I agree that you should try interacting with animals you're attracted to (not in a sexual way) and see how you feel about it. Animals in fantasy and in practice are usually pretty different, especially with dogs: there's slobber and sometimes they don't smell very good! I wasn't 100% sure I was zoo until I got a crush on a friend's dog, then I knew I could have romantic feelings for animals. Do be careful and think things through, but it seems like you've thought a lot about this.

I don't think what you said about the character in your book is too unusual, either. Lots of folks, zoo or not, get crushes on fictional characters, especially as kids and teens. I had a crush on Nala from The Lion King, and I know other zoos have had crushes on fictional animal characters too. This character was just your own creation instead of, say, Disney's. And maybe you'd prefer something other than the word "crush," I just wasn't sure what to use. I think it's neat that your experience writing your book motivated you to understand zoophilia/zoosexuality.

And I think dinosaurs are attractive too. Of course we don't know what they actually looked like, but I find our depictions of them sexually attractive. I wish we knew more about how they behaved and what they were like socially! I like theropods too, Dromaeosaurus is one of my favorites. I don't think it makes you any less zoo to be attracted to depictions of prehistoric/extinct animals, as long as you realize and acknowledge that the depictions might not be accurate and we don't know the animals' personalities or behavior for sure. Come on, don't tell me no big cat zoos haven't thought about saber-toothed cats before! ;P

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-06-29 01:31:22

My family has a dog, a Border Terrier, and I love him like a brother. I take his collar off whenever we are not going out for walks, I do whatever he wants me to, we hug and sit next to each other. I know not all dogs are the same, and the same goes for every animal, but I know how to take care of one and how to treat one properly - with just as much kindness if not more so than what they give you.

I should probably add that to the thread description too, as per u/jrbobdobbs's concerns.

And yes, I do acknowledge that modern depictions of dinosaurs are subject to change. I just like theropods - the raptor physique coupled with the coat of feathers (though that coat, I know, may not have been on all theropods). We may never know what they may have behaved like, but I like their look.

zoozooz 3 points on 2015-06-29 04:50:49

I wouldn't recommend getting so specific with the dog's age, breed and name unless you want anyone who you may have told about that dog to be able to find out who you are.

Just saying...

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-06-29 09:44:36

I see your point. Editing now.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-06-29 04:07:34

we hug and sit next to each other and I rub and scratch all of his sweet spots.

all of them? hehehe ;)

sorry, dirty zoo toilet-humor out the way...

good to have you here, interesting seeing peoples definitions of zoos but im not going to say someone isnt a zoo becasue they also like something else. thats why we have the term zoo exclusive (of which I am. Although I can appreciate a nice ass though in a weird non sexual way).

Question. how long did you accepting yourself take?

Im rather jelly you are where you are at 17. when I was that age I'm pretty sure I had never heard of a zoophile, but I realised I liked my grandparents dogs a lot more than I should. kinda weird thinking back how I was effectively the same person I am now. It explains a lot

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-06-29 07:22:30

Took me less than a half a year to accept that I no longer found women attractive, less than a whole year to completely rid myself of any doubt that it was okay. Now I feel confident enough to talk to anyone willing for as long as they wish.

The only thing keeping me from revealing my attraction to anyone else is not so much others' opinions, but the possibility of my parents or my friends' parents or anyone for that matter saying I should be taken to a psychiatrist or something like that - the aftermath, not the knee-jerk reactions.

But I won't be doing that.

KhakiShepherd 2 points on 2015-06-29 13:08:25

Another aussie? cool! It's good to see some new members, I'm relatively new here myself.

As someone who's still coming to terms with being a zoo, could I ask how you became certain that you had this attraction? and is it sexual or non-sexual?

Baaxten The new guy 2 points on 2015-06-29 15:10:56

It is both a sexual and non-sexual attraction, in the sense that while I may be aroused by the animal's body it is really the personality that I fall for.

As for how I became certain? I wish I had a definite answer. I suppose it started when I decided to give up on searching for a girlfriend (this was before I discovered my zoosexuality) because no one had ever shown interest in me nor did I know how to initiate anything with anyone else. The next, I guess, was when I started having that "crush", as u/Battlecrops describes, on my novel's protagonist. Naturally this led me to wonder about myself and...

Look, I can't remember everything exactly. All I really remember was finding myself growing on the idea that animals could be treated as equals in more ways than society has us believe. If you catch my meaning, heh heh. But seriously, the new "material" I began to find - furry, real life, whichever - were starting to arouse me more than humans, and eventually became so dominant that I don't consider humans sexually attractive anymore. This bothered me slightly, so I desensitised myself to the sexual jargon and bunkered down and read into it - specifically Wikipedia and here in r/zoophilia and the articles you all have posted links to - and by doing that I found more arguments for allowing zoophilia than against. And eventually the doubt went away: I was a zoo and zoo-exclusive.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 0 points on 2015-06-29 15:39:07

I suppose it started when I decided to give up on searching for a girlfriend (this was before I discovered my zoosexuality) because no one had ever shown interest in me nor did I know how to initiate anything with anyone else.

I've got to say, this sounds an awful lot like someone trying to 'choose' to be a zoosexual.

Baaxten The new guy 2 points on 2015-06-29 15:45:45

It wasn't a choice; I discovered this thing and it grew on me. I just lost interest in girls because girls never showed interest in me - figured no use trying.

But even if it was a choice, I like who I am now. Is that wrong?

And I am not trying to convince myself that this is who I am by denying an attraction to girls. I genuinely don't find human females sexually appealing anymore.

*Sighs and puts palm on forehead

Okay, maybe I'm not wording this right, but I can't think of how else to say it. I don't think I'm doing a good job on my defence. I said yes it was a choice in a post lower down, here I'm saying no it wasn't. Trust me when I say I'm not confused, I just feel I'm doing a terrible job of explaining myself.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-06-29 16:34:20

I see what youre saying. fair enough.

Although saying that...

But even if it was a choice, I like who I am now. Is that wrong?

I think yes, it is wrong. Its like deciding youre going to be a homosexual for whatever reason. You can choose to embrace your zoophilia, but you cant choose to be a zoo. you either are or you arent.

This might be me not getting the correct meaning, but I hope youre not implying that being a zoo is a choice.

myloverhasfur Canidae 2 points on 2015-06-29 18:30:32

I'm not convinced it's so clear cut. Personally, I'm pretty sure that choices I made when I was younger played a part in my ending up zoo exclusive. On the other hand, I don't deny that my personality and social situation growing up also influenced it. I also know that at this point I can't just "choose" to stop being zoo. I'm not saying that sexuality is just something you choose, but I think it's more malleable than you make out.

Baaxten The new guy 2 points on 2015-06-29 22:24:35

Once again, how "sure" must I be?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-06-30 06:55:23

As sure as you are comfortable with.

Even if being a zoosexual WAS a choice in your case, what would be wrong with that?

I don't see anything.

Baaxten The new guy 2 points on 2015-06-30 08:45:03


Does it bother others that I didn't discover myself in the same way they did? I feel at peace with myself over my current status - if a little shaky now that several people have continually asked whether I'm "sure" I'm a zoo, like I have to have sex with a human and/or animal in order to prove to myself and others I'm a zoo - and I don't understand why others can't take my word for it. Most of the community here have said they're zoo and not once have they had doubt shown by others. And trust me when I say that; I've been watching this subreddit for a long time.

An example: https://www.reddit.com/r/zoophilia/comments/33i797/birds/

myloverhasfur Canidae 1 point on 2015-06-30 15:51:53

Does it bother others that I didn't discover myself in the same way they did?

It doesn't "bother" me as such. I know it probably didn't come across this way, but I think that at least some of this questioning has been from people that are genuinely concerned for your wellbeing. Life can be hard as a zoo--especially as a zoo exclusive--and if you weren't sure about your feelings, I would encourage you, if had any influence in the matter, to try to sway your attractions back towards people (or at least to include people). However, since you seem sure and accepting of your attractions, I'll accept that.

Baaxten The new guy 2 points on 2015-06-30 16:12:28

Yet you do not sound convinced?

myloverhasfur Canidae 1 point on 2015-06-30 17:03:17

I'm convinced, though I cannot speak for others.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-07-04 20:29:20

I don't understand why others can't take my word for it.

I think it's your age. Nobody wants to be accused of corrupting minors, and it's easy to demonstrate that if we're all "are you sure?" about someone who says they're 17. I had something similar happen back when I was your age and poking around a much earlier zoo community.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 2 points on 2015-06-29 22:36:22

Good to hear you have those who will accept who you are around you. This community is one of the better communities I know of and i am sure you will like it here. This is the place I cam to get much of my information about zoophilia when I was trying to figure out what makes zoophiles tick. I still come here and post a few questions as I come up with them.

Baaxten The new guy 2 points on 2015-06-29 22:48:53

Thanks for the welcome.

I'm not sure what more I can say without rousing more questions from others.