Coming to terms with my (F25) zoosexuality and ending my marriage (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-01-23 11:19:18 by jennif990

I posted this about a year ago and lots of people have asked me for updates. I was reluctant to post an answer for a long time because I am just now figuring things out. Now I feel the need to fess up to the universe.

Here goes. I'm just going to spill everything out straight from my heart and memory before I change my mind. I may need to edit this later.

Short background: last year, I had sex with a dog for the first time, behind my husband's (M30) back, and felt torn about what to do. The following is what happened.

You will think I'm a terrible person for many of my decisions, and I cannot disagree, but at the same time, I feel like it all needed to happen.

I couldn't bring myself to tell my husband that I cheated on him and I arranged subsequent encounters with the same dog. This went on for months. Yes, I felt guilty for the cheating and lying, but shamefully, any feeling of guilt was overshadowed by the elation of the new, strange, intoxicating relationship I was experiencing. One day, I had an epiphany: it's not guilt or shame that keeps me from coming clean to my husband, but that I don't want him to stop me from continuing!

I know. I am a wretched human being.

My job has always allowed me the option of working from home a substantial amount of time. Before all this, I would go into the office everyday anyway (more productive, more social, good to get out of the house, face time, etc.). But then I realized if I stayed home during the day, I'd be able to be with Max (not his real name) more often. So, I stopped going into work and lied to my husband that my group was all doing the same thing.

I brought Max over virtually everyday. Sex remained incredible (understatement) and, in my mind, he and I were becoming more and more a pair. In short, things were wildly intense.

One day my husband called around noon. I guess out of habit or because he never changed the speed-dial, he would always call my work number, which would forward to my cell at home. But the phones at work must have reset that day or something, because the call did not forward to me and my coworker at the office picked up. Husband realized I'd lied to him.

Next thing I know he is back at the apartment pounding on our bedroom door (which I always locked out of habit), demanding I let him in. Max and I had just finished--I and everything around me were a mess. I could not let him see me like that.

I refused to open the door. He starts pounding on it even louder, Max starts barking. It got really crazy. Must have went on a while because one of our doormen came up to see what was going on and suggested my husband step out for some fresh air to calm down. They left together.

I get a text on my phone a few minutes later: "You are messing around with Max aren't you?"

By text, I told him yes and I was sorry. He called and seemed really understanding all of a sudden. Mainly he was concerned that I felt so embarrassed that I had to hide it from him. He seemed to infer that it was just Max licking me, which was actually never what I was into, but--again, shamefully--I didn't really correct him. He wanted to come back and talk to me. I told him no, I needed time to collect myself after being screamed at and frightened, etc.

What I really needed to do was wash the sheets and get myself cleaned up. He came back a few hours later and everything seemed like it might be okay.

Later that night, he suggested we talk about what I was doing with Max and maybe role play in bed a little bit. The thought of sex with him right then could not have been less appealing. And the thought of pretending he was Max disgusted me in some deep, unsettling way. I told him I wasn't feeling well. Maybe tomorrow.

We go to sleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night and realize he's not in bed. I walk out to the living room. He's on my computer. There's a picture of a dog's penis on the screen. He had found my folder with all the pictures I'd saved down over the years (male dogs and dog penises).

He turned around to look at me. He'd obviously been crying. He asked if this is what I was really into and finally got to it: "You did more with Max, didn't you?"

I was silent.

He starting putting the pieces together: "That's why the sheets are always clean."

He accused me of letting a dog fuck me in our bed and demanded an answer. I gave in and said yes. He asked how many times? I said many. He asked why the dog pictures on the hard drive. I said because they turn me on and look at them when I touch myself. He asked why I'd do that if I was doing things with Max. I was getting angry at his obliviousness, which was forcing me to spell everything out. I totally lost it: "Because I wish all of them could fuck me!"

"Seriously, dog dicks, Jenny???"

I blurted out again: "Yes! Don't you get it yet? That's who I am! I dream about dog cock. I think about them all the fucking time."

He got really quiet. What about Max's, he asked. I played dumb. He followed up very calmly: "Have you ever sucked Max's dick?"

He looked broken. I couldn't lie. As softly and kindly as I could, whispered: "Yes."

He asked if it was just one or twice out of curiosity. I didn't answer but I sort of tried to tell him with my eyes, because I knew words would sting too much.

He got up, put his jacket on and walked to the door. He turned to me and said: "Me or Max, Jenny. Pick."

I was unable to give him the answer I knew he needed. I didn't say anything.

"Fuck you, Jenny." I deserved it.

"You think this is okay? That this is normal? Just wait until everything comes down around you. Go to hell."

He stormed off.

His last few words scared me. What was he going to do? I started panicking and texted him: "Please please please don't tell Max's owners."

That was a real turning point. I saw the words I had texted, which were now memorialized. When the chips were down and my marriage was on the line, it turned out my biggest concern was that Max might be taken from me.

My husband texted back: "Seriously?"

That was the last real conversation we ever had. He moved out and the divorce papers started going back and forth.

We have been divorced for about six months. I moved to a much smaller apartment (a studio) in the same building as I couldn't afford our old one on my own. I still "dog-sit" Max everyday. His owners have asked me over and over again why I don't just spend time in their apartment during the day, where there's much more room. They've even commented that they have no idea how I'm able to entertain such a large dog in such a small space.

Life became much simpler now and I had to make do with less money and far fewer luxuries, but I was truly happy for the first time. The problem was that I had trouble thinking about my future. All this happiness was bound to end. I could not marry another man, obviously, but without a family, what would I do with my life? Even if I wanted to think about Max or any other dog as a life partner, I knew that practicality, logistics, life spans, etc., would always be crippling limitations. I wondered from time to time if I had made a big mistake.

A couple of months ago, a potential solution presented itself. Other people in the building know that I help take care of Max and I've gotten multiple requests to watch/walk their dogs. Most of the dogs are of no interest (lots of small dogs in this city). But one was a male and a big breed that I like.

Well, the second dog was almost as big an emotional roller coaster as the first. I felt dirty for "cheating" on Max, who is now more of a "husband" in my heart than my ex ever was. But I did it anyway and it was amazing and exhilarating. I felt things for him that I had first felt for Max. I was in love with both at the same time somehow, which I didn't think was possible. I was confused for a few days until I was with Max again. I wondered if he could smell the other dog on me and I told him I was sorry, as if he could understand. I imagined he was upset or angry at me. Who can say. But we made love again, and it was mind-blowing. Maybe all in my head, but it was as if he was trying to out-fuck the competition.

For the first time my mind opened up to the possibility: what if I had multiple partners? I was realizing it might be something I can make happen and sustain.

I have not been with another dog yet. I am being extra cautious about how to set things up, as I realize things might come out if I just sleep around with all the male dogs in the building. It's a big city, I figure.

Reading all this and coming back to earth, maybe it won't work after all. It all sounds crazy. But for the first time I am happy about the life I'm envisioning for myself.

So, that's where I am. I hope that answers people's legitimate concerns about me. Maybe more importantly, I now have some answers for myself.

Many of you will condemn me for the cruel, dishonest treatment of my ex-husband. I fully deserve it. But I also feel that what happened needed to happen, though I could and should have handled it better.

Well, universe--for better or worse, here I am.

EDITED: Someone noticed I switched to using Max's real name and I fixed it.

myles5457 1 point on 2016-01-23 12:30:58

As long as you are happy. Do you think you can ever be with a man again?

jennif990 0 points on 2016-01-23 12:32:20

No. Zero attraction. It would get in the way of the life I want, too.

loveroffilth 0 points on 2016-01-24 08:22:34

Or share life with a partner who enjoys how you enjoy life. Who's to say if that's guy or girl, str8 or queer.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-01-24 08:52:00

yeah but theyre called friends.

jennif990 0 points on 2016-01-24 21:46:04

I know a lot of zoosexuals want to partner with other zoosexuals, but I don't think that's me.

In my ideal vision of life, I'd have at least one canine partner at any given time (in private), while socially maintaining my relationships with friends and families who would be none the wiser.

Ibo-acid 3 points on 2016-01-23 13:25:36

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to say to something like this. I'm not even sure to what extend I can bring myself to believing this story (I don't know why, but I think it might be made up to some extend). But for the sake of argument, let's say it's a true story.

From my perspective you were kinda selfish by sleeping with Max (or whatever his real name may be) behind your husbands back. You clearly cheated on him and knew that he wouldn't be ok with it; but you continued to do it anyway. The dogs didn't even belong to the both of you and you yourself explained that their owners know absolutely nothing about what you're doing with them, which I don't think is a good thing and can probably lead you into some legal hot water (I don't know where you live, but I assume that it's not ok there).

At this point I would have to ask why you didn't/don't get a dog of your own, instead of 'looking after' your neighbor's dogs.

jennif990 0 points on 2016-01-23 13:29:40

You don't have to remind me I mistreated my husband and handled my marriage poorly. I will be forever sorry for it, even if I cannot make it right for him.

I can't get a dog of my own yet because my apartment is too small to keep one. Have been thinking about new options, actually.

the_egoldstein 7 points on 2016-01-24 00:19:23

The size of the apartment shouldn't really matter much, it's not like the dog is intended to live their entire life within the apartment; there's the whole big room known as outside, take advantage of it. I lived in a sub-300 sqft studio with a Great Dane, we spent a lot of time outdoors and it was good for both of us. A tired dog takes up little space.

I think it is unethical to do what is described with someone else's dog. I'm not saying it makes one a bad person for it, just that I don't think it is a proper action to take and it shouldn't continue. Take responsibility and either get your own dog or at least stop taking advantage of the neighbors. Have you consindered that your actions might encourage behavior that the owners may not desire and in the end it may well be the dog who pays for it?

Nowix 9 points on 2016-01-23 13:45:35

First thing that springs to my mind is: Get your own dog. And if you currently can't, work towards it. Short term yeah, it may be great to have dogs around you but they aren't yours. It's hard have something stable with them. What if you completely fall in love with one dog, and some day the owners decide they don't need a dog sitter again? Or even worse, what if it wasn't your ex-husband but the owner of dog who found it out?

Go for the future and find something stable. That can be with just dogs if you want, but please make them your dogs.

(On another note, I noticed you used two different names for the same dog. You may want to change that if one of them happens to be his real name)

jennif990 0 points on 2016-01-24 21:29:35

Thanks for the head's up on the name slip-up. Unfortunately, the other reddit forum figure it out first and the real name is all over the place. My stupid fault.

I would very much like to have my own dog when I'm able, but I think I'd still want more than one partner regardless.

Nowix 1 point on 2016-01-24 21:57:45

Nobody's saying it's impossible to have more than one dog. But I'll repeat what I said earlier, make sure they are your dogs and not someone else's.

Seriously, this is coming from some who made the same mistake in the past. I fell in love with two dogs who weren't mine. And although while I was there it was amazing, I realise now I was living life right on the edge. If somebody found out my life would've pretty much been ruined at that point. I had to give up both dogs due to decisions beyond my control and that was honestly one of the worst things I've ever had to "just accept". Especially since I had no saying in this and I couldn't even tell anyone how I really felt about it.

I'm never going to walk down that path again. I have since got my own partner and plan on getting a few more dogs in the future. I realise now I had to do this way sooner. But I'm glad I finally did.

Please don't become reckless like I did.

Kynophile Dog lover 7 points on 2016-01-23 15:56:24

To be frank, I'm unsure this story is true, if only because it is so well written with enough drama for any good telenovela. Add to this the setup for a possible later series ("Knots in the City"?), and it becomes very difficult to believe. I complement you for you skill in writing it, in any case, as the narrative here flows very nicely in any case.

But if it is true, then you're setting yourself up for disaster. It'll be a wild ride for a while, assuming it works, but eventually you'll be caught again, and this time by someone who feel at all loyal to you. Be extremely careful so you aren't hunted down like a witch in Salem.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2016-01-23 16:08:01

I too feel this reads a bit too much like a drama fantasy with dog sex in it.

But if it's not, my advice to you is simple:

Do what makes you happy.

That being said, don't burn bridges you don't have to. It never helps.

jennif990 1 point on 2016-01-23 16:58:51

When you say don't burn bridges, are you referring to my marriage/husband?

I wish things hadn't come out so hard for him like they did, but I think that bridge was going to burn one way or another.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-01-24 23:47:01

it's more general advice from my life, not a particular reference to any one thing. Take from it what you will. Good luck.

jennif990 2 points on 2016-01-23 16:57:55

I poured it our from memory. It was very vivid and emotionally taxing to me as I wrote it and I try to be a decent writer, so I guess I should be glad it came across as well-written and dramatic? I mean, it was pretty damned dramatic in real life.

I am being very careful about next steps.

loveroffilth -1 points on 2016-01-24 08:20:14


Be true to you and continue being as caring and compassionate to those who spend time with you.

There are others who are zoo positive and to be accepted is a blessing. Though I'm not sure which is harder - having an experience or a partner who accepts it. :/

I believe the way I have treated those who love(d) me in my recent past is worse than what I read. More hugs

For your k9 lovers, don't anthromorphize the dogs. From my knowledge, I believe the two male dogs do not mind sharing you. You're being a good submissive to them. And you're great with other dogs because you surely dominate them (because they're not attractive to you).

I'd say try to find like minded people on fetlife or zoo forums. ... ?

And: hugs

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2016-01-24 09:01:45

eh, sounds real to me.

what a situation though, christ... You've been pretty lucky your ex hasn't mentioned anything to anyone. Interesting follow up for sure and congrats on figuring out what makes you happiest and being true to yourself. Many people never manage this.

Honestly I had a bit of a chuckle when he thought being a zoo meant we could just pretend a human was an animal. Sorry buddy, doesnt work like that :P

jennif990 0 points on 2016-01-24 21:30:39

Thank you. My ex would never say anything.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-01-24 16:54:17

You should try to get your own dog. Much safer that way.

sierrakinski 1 point on 2016-01-25 16:07:16

It sucks what happened with your husband, but this sounds just as complicated as a sexual awakening can be. The older you are when you wake up to a part of yourself, the more likely it is that things will get messy and people will get hurt. It's a shame but you may actually be beating yourself up more than you deserve. Here's where I'm seeing a spot where I might be able to give some advice:

Recognize the difference between human culture and other species.

Some species partner for life, but most don't. Seems like you're attuned to that. Dogs are like humans in their full range of emotion and that they can be territorial, but sharing partners isn't much of a factor. You have a heart for dogs, so let it be run by dog rules. "Cheating" and "husband" doesn't factor into it. Those are all human concepts. Maybe that's why it was so easy for you to keep on with Max in spite of your husband: because polyamory makes sense to you. The hardest part about polyamory is that most humans just can't handle it. Jealousy can be as instinctual as desire. You followed your heart and he got hurt in the process. But you need to be very careful because now your heart is putting you in a situation where you're more likely to get caught.

There's not a thing wrong with you and the dogs. Not by dog rules, but by human rules you're taking a massive risk. This is a point where I disagree with many other zoos: ownership. That's a human concept. It's one that everyone should be very aware of but ultimately doesn't apply to other species. The fact that other people "own" Max doesn't mean a thing, you and Max are friends and what you're doing is consensual, but they are his primary caregivers, and they do likely feel that they own him and the law agrees. You can imagine if you borrowed a sentimental family heirloom from someone, pleasured yourself with it, and gave it back to them. That's not what you're doing, but that's the kind of reaction most "normal" people would have. The more sexual partners you have, even the more dogs you sit, the more likely you are to have the happy life you've made for yourself fall apart. "Ownership" is a human concept but one you need to really aware of.

My advice would be to plan an exit strategy. As painful as it is, you need to part ways with Max and every other dog you're seeing right now. You need to move somewhere else. And, as weird as it is to buy or adopt someone you know is likely going to become your lover, the only remotely safe way for you to have a dog in your life is to "own" a dog. It's wonderful that you're happy now, but it sounds like you're taking some serious chances. Hope this helps.

systemic_fault 6 points on 2016-01-26 08:35:28

If a teacher could bone two thirteen year old students without getting caught, and they both liked the sex, would it be right? Does the parent matter at all? Does the fact that they're not as experienced as say an adult matter?

The point isn't what the dog even wants at this point. It's that you recklessly go around fucking other peoples lives up and their dogs too, behind their back, and consider it all a-okay, because you find dogs sexually attractive. What happens to "Max" if his owners move? What happens to "Max" if this is found out? Oh, it's a big city. More dogs to fuck.

I would turn anyone into the police and the other dog owners if I met anyone nearly as selfish and noncaring for the people who put trust in you. And what about the animals who have to deal with the drama you are adding to their lives without any concern whatsoever? What about their future? Do you think it's fair to the dog to form these bonds where you get to leave whenever? You have no control over their future, and you don't care so long as you can borrow their cock. See that's what it really comes down to, isn't it?

You can bring all the dogs to the yard, but is that it or do you actually love the dogs and care about their future? I imagine that if you do get your own dog, Max will be a complication that can no longer be around. So think of Max, when you fuck him, and whether that's fucking him over or not.