What limits do you set for yourself? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-02-05 05:04:41 by horseballsthrowaway

I suppose this may be kind of an odd question... maybe not.

The only animal I'm attracted to are horses. Both mares and stallions and also somewhat geldings.

I'm not just some animal rapist who's like YEAH GUYS LEGALIZE IT. I don't feel the need to elaborate on this much. I love horses, really all animals but especially horses. I treat them with probably far more respect than I treat 99.999% of humans.

Anyway: what limits do you set for yourself? Are you willing to form a bond with and copulate with/touch a horse/dog/etc that doesn't "belong" to you? Is there an age limit? Any other limits like that?

Personally I refuse to do anything with any animal that's not "mine". I still form loving relationships with horses that I work with sometimes, but I refuse to do any intimate activity of any kind. It feels wrong and I entirely respect that it's someone else's property legally and they'd probably feel pretty strongly about it. Now I'd consider it if I talked to someone who WANTED me to have a relationship with their horse for some reason, but that hasn't come up and I don't believe it ever will.

I will also not do anything with very young horses. I'd say they need to be 2-3 at least. IMO it's the same as a "normal" person fucking a 10 year old if you get with young animals.

Interested in hearing where the rest of you draw the line.

Sheppsoldier 2 points on 2017-02-05 05:18:22

To be completely honest, I don't believe animal rapists care much about the legal status of sex with animals. That's why they are called "rapists." They will do it without consent from the law, or anybody for that matter. The law never mattered to them before, being where they do not belong, why would it matter to them now? A real zoophile would be outraged about the illegal status. A fake zoophile has other options, excuses, and friends in high places. Real zoophile's care about zoophilia.

Where do I draw the line? I draw the line at being fake. I'm as real as it gets. I don't hide behind a "professional" 80 year expert resume with hundreds of awards and all these people who love and caress me for my love and friendship and rainbows and unicorns. I've never met the king of Eqypt or traveled the world. I don't crutch on "exclusive" club memberships or organizational ties.

I'm just a regular zoo with the common sense to know when things and people and their claims are too good to be true. I don't tolerate fakes or frilly fraudulent fart sniffers.

Where do I draw the line? I dont dick around with kids or underage animals. I don't view myself as an animal, or view animals as humans. I don't mess around with humans pretending to be animals. I don't dress up for sex, I dress down. I don't go to peoples homes where I'm not invited or welcome.

Zoophilia is my home, my sexuality and my lifestyle. If it's full of fakes, control freaks, and self important monsters that use animals for gold status, you better bet I'm going to flip out. That's where I draw the line.

Balto613 1 point on 2017-02-13 01:16:06

While I somewhat agree, your first paragraph is a bit akin to saying "There are laws in place against the collection of rainwater. If you collect rainwater regardless, you're not a real survivalist or environmentalist. You'd wait until it was legal, or go somewhere it's legal."

By that logic every zoophile with honest feelings for their lovers would be in New Zealand or openly admitting their feelings and calling for change. Reality hits differently. The proof lies in the stories of people who have spoken out. Even zoophiles themselves are condemning them.

I loved my boy and I still do. There's coming the day I'll eat a 2¾" 12G to be with him and get away from this damned place. Until then, because I overlook the fact that somebody lobbied (Payed politicians double the cost of your house) for these laws and that they are in place, I guess I'm ashamed to be just a confounded rapist to all, indiscriminately.

That said if things could be different, you're fucking right I'd push for that change.

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2017-02-05 10:11:59

I have a very simple approach to this: leave other people´s animals alone. Doing it behind someone else´s back with his beloved animal is just stupid. You risk everything for a "relationship" that doesn´t truly qualify for that word...and all of that for maybe 10 or 15 minutes of "fun".

Regarding the proper age, I have to tell you that you´re completely mistaken when you believe that horses that are 2 or 3 years old are mature. Next time you molest an animal kid, think about the fact that you´re practically doing it with a 10 - 14 year old.Horses fully mature sexually at the age of 4 - 5 years and that is the earliest age you should consider appropriate for sexual contact.

Regarding your constructed scenario (" an owner who wants you to have a sexual relationship with his animal"), I can only say this is wishful thinking at best. I´ve heard such attempts to justify fencehopping more than I can count...and still, not a single imaginary scenario convinces me of any positive effect involved. You make yourself incredibly vulnerable , you are literally dependent on that owner and his ability to shut up. And what if malicious intent comes into play? I´ve heard of some cases in which an owner "offered" his animal to a "zoophile"...and soon started to blackmail the "zoo": " Pay me X bucks or else, I´ll tell everyone what you do with my animal! I even have pictures and vids to prove it!" All the risks involved in doing it with another one´s animal, even if the owner consents to it, aren´t worth it. And if you´re really in love with that particular animal, you won´t be satisfied with any "fuck agreement" you made with the owner. When you love, you want your love right at your side, not sitting at your "zoo friend´s " house, waiting for the next "fuck appointment".

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-02-05 12:11:03

Malicious intent is a problem? Oh, but you won't defend people against the laws that make the malicious intentions, blackmail and extortion possible? Very suspicious belief system you have.

Sending mixed signals much? They say you shouldn't send mixed signals when training animals, otherwise the animals won't trust you. Since you claim to be a professional animal trainer I would expect better from you. You should know better.

I know you dislike these people who don't live up to your overbearing love standards, but you don't have to stroke your pride by making their lives dangerous. "Giving them what they deserve." It's rather sadistic, no? Gonna be a Munchausen Hero and slay them "bestialists" huh?

Here, the authorities know better than to go after somebody for "fence hopping" when they were obviously invited. I don't know where you come from, but here we don't take very kindly to entrapment, blackmail or the people who enable the environment for it.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-02-05 12:35:15

Why don´t you just join BF? You´ll definitely find more allies there than here...I also don´t understand why I should support fencehoppers or bestialists degrading animals to a sex toy. If you can´t understand why I am thinking that way, you don´t understand zoophilia at all. You also can quit your bullshit accusations you obviously pull out of your ass. Go advertise your stupidity elsewhere. Meet up with your friend Aluzky, he surely will suck up every single word from your lips as if it was the biblical Mana....

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-02-05 17:34:30

They banned me from beastforum at least 15 times because I was arguing with hypocrite frauds. Sounds like you have more in common with "Bestialists" (fabricated words of fabricated ideals) and Beastforum than I do.

Learn the difference between fence hopping and being invited, otherwise you're just another antizoo scripture kiddie witch hunter like Joe Arpaio. Old, demented, and obviously afraid of going to hell sometime very soon.

Oh I understand fully the reason why you think the way you do. Fear, hormonal disorder. I'd like to meet the person that guilted you fairies into castrating yourselves. Must have had a way with words but taught you nothing of the concept. Not to be discriminatory but I'll say it could have happened naturally. Are you even men?

This is like trying to talk to cartoon characters and children's TV show characters. They don't understand the concept of adult or reality. I guess it's easier following the script because then they don't actually have to learn anything.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-02-05 22:35:20

You´ve been thrown out of BF 15 times? What idiot doesn´t get the clue after, let´s say, his fifth ban?

Let´s check your vocabulary: hypocrite frauds, antizoo skript kiddie witch hunter like Joe Arpaio (because Joe Arpaio surely is a "skript kiddie"), old, dememted, fear, hormonal disorder , you fairies, are you even men...

Let´s talk about your idea of what a man is, will we? `Cause I see some serious issues with that in you, your sadistic nature shines through your disguise. A "real" man fucks whatever, whenever and however he wants, amirite?

"This is like trying to talk to cartoon characters".....why you do it then? Who´s the moron here, mate? The ones accused of being "cartoon characters" or the one, lone full blown retard trying to talk with ´em although he knows it´s useless?

Well, I´ll leave you typing some more rubbish while I visit my mare and sleep with her, the sudden warmth we had the last two days made her very , errmh, "wanting" today. I´ll think about all of your buzzwords and accusations when I´m doing it with my lovely, nearly all-white (only her ears are black and two small black spots on either side of her belly) Tinker mare with a butt that obviously fell down from heaven....;) Then, I´ll laugh about you for a minute. and then , I´ll do it with her again. Have a nice day...and maybe you´ll find the time to ask yourself what type of persons usually are thrown out of BF and what types of persons keep coming back more than 15 times...I guess, the picture of you you spread out in here is pretty complete now and all my fellow zoos know exactly who´s the personified cancer and toxic like a whole nuclear waste dump.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-02-06 00:16:51

I must be doing something right to get thrown out of a place run by the "Bestialists" that you dislike so much. Did you change your mind again?

Kind of screwy aren't you? First you're against them, now you're praising them? My gosh, you have some major multiple personality disorder going on. Makes sense though that a robot minded human being would short circuit when things aren't working out according to plan. Must be a programming (genetic) problem.

Error...Error... Reversing polarity to compensate! Is it a bipolar, a multiple personality, or both?

There's nothing wrong with going back. I'm just trying to add more realistic versatile information to places where information doesn't vary much, but the moderators and some members there like to keep everybody down, subordinate and naive.

See? You have something in common with them after all. It's a match! Aren't you thrilled? You belong!

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-02-05 15:08:55

Again I find myself in complete agreement with you.

thrownawayandunloved 1 point on 2017-02-06 07:46:11

You sound like the zoo equivalent of an SJW.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-02-06 21:18:35

Yeah, speaking out against fencehopping, "zoopedophilia" and mentioning the huge risk involved when you introduce another one into your deviancy is totally SJW stuff...say, could it be you´re a prototype ASWJ, an "Anti Social Justice Warrior"?

thrownawayandunloved 1 point on 2017-02-06 21:38:40

You don't have to be so outspoken about your beliefs. Some zoos fencehop, some don't. You can't even compare human children to young animals because they aren't the same species.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-02-06 22:01:08

"You don´t have to be so outspoken about your beliefs"...nice way to hide the obvious "shut up, you dick"...oh, I get it, free speech only for those you agree with... "Some zoos fencehop"...wrong. If you fencehop, you´re not a zoo. Fencehopping is not about love for a specific animal, it´s about getting your rocks off with any random animal that lets you do it. The very most fencehoppers don´t even know the name of their objects of desire.

Humans aren´t the same species as other animals. Wow, no shit Sherlock...only a true mastermind can figure that out. Still, it´s massively detrimental for the infant animal when its "used" for sex before it matures. It´s also a huge moral issue, ´cause we´re not talking about two equally developed sexualities here. But anyway, you´ll stay convinced that your definition of "zoo" is right....now if you just get a reality check done where your and those of your peer group´s attitudes have led us, that´ll be fine. Rather big influx of bestialists lately, with stupid concepts long proven as ineffective for any progress. I´d consider listening to your sermon if you could show me one single piece of evidence that your "tolerant" /indifferent and anthropocentric concepts has done us zoophiles any good. People like you are the ones that have influenced society´s perception of zoophilia by far more than people like me...the mess we´re all have to live in is YOURS, mate.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-07 08:42:22

Yeah, and some zoos rape animals, some don't.
Like... what?

Young animals have something in common with human children, though.
They are not sexually mature, so having sex with them is always animal abuse and rape.

No surprise we aren't called sick fucks by most people.
If zoos can't even realize what's wrong with fencehopping and having sex with underage animals, then we can wave our freedom and respect goodbye.
I hope that these zoos might ever be healed and that no animal ever has to be a victim of fencehopping or rape at a young age.

MDCCCLXIIII 1 point on 2017-02-07 21:46:56

Forget about morality, forget about ethics, forget about property rights, forget about self control, forget about taking responsibility for one’s actions, all that matters is satisfying one’s selfish sexual desires regardless of ethical or legal concerns – this is the core message of your comment, which identifies you as an archetypical bestialist. Let me ask you a question: Have you ever experienced a feeling of love for a nonhuman animal? Provided you have, how can you be so indifferent about fencehopping? Isn’t the mere idea that a stranger might have sex with your beloved one when you’re not with him/her enough to keep you awake at night? Talking about sexual maturity, I recommend you readjust your perspective and get your facts straight. Eventually, you might realize that the difference between human children and young non-human animals „is certainly one of degree and not of kind“, to cite Charles Darwin.

To draw a conclusion, I am bewildered at how you advocate what I would call a „laissez-faire mindset“, the notion that acting out one’s sexuality is something like a human right. In fact, I’m quite familiar with this kind of discussion due to my activities on other forums, so the only notable insight I gain is that the beasties’ arguments are pretty much the same across nations and cultures. At least, there are several users here who dare take a stance and speak up against such tendencies.

thrownawayandunloved 1 point on 2017-02-08 02:50:06

Have you ever experienced a feeling of love for a nonhuman animal?

No, I have not. But this whole "lol you aren't zoo enough" stance that you people seem to have is not going to help your cause.

MDCCCLXIIII 1 point on 2017-02-08 05:55:20

Obviously, you don't seem understand my point of view. I do not judge you by your sexuality, nor do I require a minimum standard of emotional affection to animals to grant a person "zoo status". Rather, I am concerned about people promoting inherently illegal activities such as fencehopping on a public forum like this one. I set a red line where a) laws are violated, b) people engage in behaviors which may harm a non-human animal either on a physical or on a psychological level and finally c) where self-proclaimed zoophiles neglect the obligation to take responsibility for their actions.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2017-02-05 12:34:41

Limits? Well, I'm only attracted to canids so that's already one.
And of course there's an age limit, I'm not going to rape a puppy.
I keep it at the age of 2. But I will wait for her next heat. And for males I would also keep it at the age of 2 but wait a little while.
I won't touch other's animals either, that's something I hate myself and absolutely wouldn't want it to happen to me.
And another limit is that I won't ever cheat, and wouldn't let anyone do stuff to my partner either.
Breeds are also limited.
For example I like shih tzu's, but not in a zoo way.
I mostly am attracted to wolf/fox-looking breeds.
And I don't really have a limit for gender, there's times I had stronger feelings for males and the other way around.
And since I can't live without her (my girl), I refuse to let her alone most of the time.
I don't really enjoy things when I'm not with her and also worry my ass off.
Like restaurants and vacations...
If I have a chance to say no, then I will.

MDCCCLXIIII 1 point on 2017-02-05 13:10:17

With regards to the minimum age, I´d say that a mare of 2 years is by no means sexually mature. For the last few years, I’ve been observing several young horses in their process of growing up, and I always got the impression that it takes about 3 to 4 years depending on personality until a mare reaches what I’d refer to as mental maturity. Considering that there were two younger individuals who have been engaging in some type of courtship display towards me, it appears to me that their behavior was instinct-driven, meaning that they couldn’t consciously control their actions or even express consent to what my reaction might have been.

Anyways, I would never dare to engage in any kind of sexual activity with a mare which is not my own, especially not if I know that the owner has personal relationship with her. I am glad that at least on this forum, there’s a broad consensus that fencehopping is an intolerable, unethical and, after all, criminal activity. A few years ago, I’ve been an active member of a German zoo forum for a few months, where this fundamental ethical norm was questioned by a notable fraction of the user base. I recall an extremist who refused to accept the concept of private property, while others argued that animals should be entitled to chose their sexual partner regardless of their owners’ concerns. I finally left after a heated discussion on pedophilia, where several users were constantly trying to legitimize sexual interactions with children. Looking back on this disastrous experience with the zoo community, I really appreciate the quality of the discussions on this forum. It appeals to me how zoophilia is discussed on a meta level in most threads rather than with a limited focus on sexuality.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-02-05 21:32:11

I agree that fence-hopping is unethical and intolerable. Unfortunately, the laws (as they are written) forbid ALL sexual contact between humans and non-human animals, regardless of whether it occurred during fence-hopping or in the privacy of one's home; that fact is troubling.

BurnedRowan big ol' pupper 3 points on 2017-02-05 14:28:54

There is never an excuse for fencehopping. Your utmost priority should be the safety of your partner and yourself. Don't risk both of those things for a 'quickie.'

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2017-02-05 19:13:26

No one's going to post a different opinion here, because they know you'd all jump down their throat.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-02-05 19:25:34

You got that right. See what happened when I posted outside the boundaries of their scripture?

A handful of these zoophiles are like robots in a factory and every zoo coming off the production line must be programmed according to their plan. Like, major OCD.

I really hope they enjoy getting trashed for lacking the correct limitations and functional versatility. More "real" human beings should speak up against this robotic-like rigidity.

It's perfectly fine to set limitations for yourself, no problem. However, when your limitations or lack thereof are to set boundaries for others, that's really crossing the line. Basically the same as fence hopping on the "social" level. Also called Domination, which basically negates or disregards consent.

It's very ironic and I'm so glad you noticed.

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2017-02-06 02:33:08

Speaking of irony, look at this shit.

I literally said nothing about the topic at hand and was still reprimanded by the resident self-appointed zoophilia authority. It's sad, frankly. The way some users here think they should treat others.

Sheppsoldier -1 points on 2017-02-06 03:51:19

I'm telling you, they're just using zoophilia as a status symbol for Dominance over people they thought would be convenient and easy to control. Imaginative self-importance. It's like... No! You do things our way! You say what we want you to say! You belong to MY zoophilia! Zoophilia is MINE MINE MINE! You are MINE!

If they can't make it as a Jim Jones or a Koresh, they try to be king of the animal fuckers. Lord help us if they try to persuade us to mass suicide with plastic bags over our heads.

I would never follow such strict doctrines, because common sense knows there's something freaky and wrong with the situation.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-02-07 13:31:42

Telling everyone to be gay is not okay

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-02-05 23:47:35

Yeah, sure...if you´re so convinced of the general harmlessness of fencehopping, you should be man/woman enough to deal with the expectable repercussions. And where does your animal live? If fencehopping isn´t a problem, why don´t you hand out your address so any "poor" fencehopper can come and get what he wants? Oh, I see, it´s only harmless when animals of others are involved...

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2017-02-06 02:21:02

Quit putting words in my mouth. You're not a mind reader, and I don't support fencehopping. It's just great when people think they're being smart and get shot the fuck down, isn't it 30-30?

What's wonderfully ironic is that this is exactly the type of shit I was talking about. I didn't even voice an opinion on the subject, and some asshole still tried to jump down my throat.

The assumptions you're willing to jump to and your toxic attitude are a problem.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-02-06 02:45:18

Then just answer one simple question: what "different opinion" about what was asked by OP ( fencehopping, animals of others, age restrictions) you feel you cannot post in here?

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2017-02-06 02:55:07

This isn't even about me. I don't have a different opinion, but thanks for proving my point on what would happen if someone did. The majority lashes out against the minority because they assume that morality is 100% cut and dry.

It mirrors the relationship between non-zoos and zoos. I find that interesting.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-02-06 03:21:52

I still fail to see your problem here. Are you really complaining about the fact no one can advocate fencehopping and having sex with animal kids uncontradicted? Are you really implying that contradiction and arguments equal "lashing out against a minority"? Af far as I know, no one was banned from this subreddit for speaking in favour of fencehopping. And we had some discussions about that in the past.

You still haven´t answered my question. What opinion is it you feel underrepresented here? I won´t count your "I don´t have a different opinion" as a legit answer, so please, tell us what different opinion you had in mind when complaining?

Sheppsoldier -1 points on 2017-02-06 04:15:28

I think he was just pointing something out without actually expressing an opinion on anything related to the topic. Then you jumped all over him with that antisocial behavior, foaming at the mouth about fence hopping and animal children nonsense.

However, now that you mention it...

There is a big difference between "fence hopping" and interacting with other people's animals by consent or invitation. If you truly believe that nobody should be allowed to interact with any other persons animals ever, then I suspect the obvious misuse of the term "fence hopping" comes from some personal dysfunction with "socialization."

We all can't be isolationists living in a bubble amongst ourselves, you know? It's not very realistic to impose limitations to isolate genuinely social people and their animals just because you prefer to isolate your own animals to yourself.

If it's fence hopping for you, it might not be fence hopping for somebody else.

Balto613 1 point on 2017-02-10 12:12:07

Man, this is not contributional in anyway to the thread, but why in the hell would you go off on him like that? Reminds me of the movie Thanks For Smoking; Somebody has a point of concern, You try to turn it into an opportunity to divert attention to the opinions and ethics of your opponent, hoping that the voting majority forgets about your own short-comings.

Long story short; You got real pissy when he pointed out nothing in particular to nobody in particular... Why?

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2017-02-06 16:18:46

They should definitely by mature, and not puppies. To err on the side of caution, any dog I would get sexually involved with should be over 2 years old.

I don't think getting involved with other people's animals is wrong, because in the end, it's the animal's decision. But it's always best to have agreed on it with the animal's owner, and you should take time to get to know the animal. I always understood fence-hopping more literally than most people here - it's when you enter someone's else's property and have sex with an animal you don't know. And well, you shouldn't do that. It's trespassing, the animal doesn't know you, easy to get caught, and so on.

I wouldn't count it as fence-hopping if it's a dog you dog-sit regularly, for instance. There could be other moral issues with it, but it's not exactly fencehopping.

[deleted] 0 points on 2017-02-08 13:25:15


WillFerrellLovesISIS 2 points on 2017-02-09 09:53:41

You flithy whore, you disgust me that you classify your self as an extinct animal how dare you!!! who do you think you are!!!

I personally perfer to keep my sexual contact between me and animals that I can actually have sex with. If I were able to have the opputunity I'd love to go full zoo and get fucked by a fully grown silverback, and if it were possible even though it's just a dream to have him cum all over me!!!

The thought of running full zoo though the zoo excites me, if i were to be freed in there at night where I have the ability stick a snake up my ass and have chioce of blowing on a seal or even a Kangaroo.

But I believe that I you idenify as extict or wanting to have sex with extincts then you are going to far there is a line, just a thought.....

proudfemale12 1 point on 2017-02-09 10:10:53

Typical you limit your self only to a gorilla's, kangaroo, seal or snake. I have bathed in the glistening jizzum of many animals, otters, sea hawks, wild turkeys, wild buffalo and even the rare blue ringed octopus that almost killed me fucking that ringy was extreme Im a psycho Ill rape your pets!

WillFerrellLovesISIS 1 point on 2017-02-09 10:20:50

you benign fool... you don't understand me and my way, I was raised this way, my first pet was who taught me the ways. imagine the year is 1982 and my parents bring home a gerbil that would be the catalyst for my new found fetish since 8, at 16 I was fence-hopping and managed to get my first horse penis inside me. I not only laugh at you and what you've achieve cause I've been fetishily raped by more animals than you could count mainly horses I've grabbed the penis of and stuck in me, believe me I am true zoo

proudfemale12 1 point on 2017-02-10 13:44:23

Listen here amateur I been fucking animals since 1973 I basicaly have a Phd in complex species rooting, you little have not pounded like I have I am basically on top of the foodchain when it comes to this shit I once fucked a Alpaca for 16 hour without drugs constant fucking, I am not insane I do have a bit of a crazy side but I am a passionate animal fucker I dedicate my life and time in studying and practising the art of Species sexuality.

WillFerrellLovesISIS 1 point on 2017-02-10 13:55:05

Wait you fucked an animal for 16 hours hahaha. I Walter whited the absolute fuck out of a young orangutan and wildly stroked it's willy strong and hard till it methed out and grew a fully chubbed 2in dick I asked it to stop so to play the part and let it buckle may colon till it prolapsed. That only took that sexy young tang 44 min and it was the best zoo'ing I've done and it was as I volunteered on a reserve to keep them safe from poachers of course when no one was awake or peeking.

Balto613 2 points on 2017-02-10 12:47:32

Well, I'll just go out and say this, I see canines in the same light as I see humans, in that there is some eye candy, but I wouldn't try banging just anyone on the street. We develop feelings for people we meet, whether it's affection or loathing or fear. I'd have to really like them in order to give them more than a back rub, 'nd I'm a horrible judge of character.

I'm not sure what fence-hopping is considered entirely, but I refuse to do anything behind anyone's back. I have 4, maybe 5 friends in truth. Last time I see somebody is usually the first time I see them talking about someone else's confided secrets or feelings to a room full of people.

It may be flawed thinking, but for the age argument, I like to compare the lifespan of humans alongside canines. A human lives for approximately 100 years, 70 of which in good health. A canine lives for approximately 10 years, 78 of which in good health. Humans go through puberty beginning 10 and ending 19, following this reckoning I'd figured they'd "come into their own" at the age of 1.9 - 2.2 Years.

I've lurked here long enough to know I'm gonna be a popular sensation; I have no qualms having a relationship with an animal somebody else owns, barring 3 regulations; 1, They understand and accept exactly what's going on. (Not the kinda thing you want to be a surprise...) 2, They seriously don't mind me being a regular occurrence because I'm gonna be over a-lot more often. (It's strange calling it a relationship if you only come by for a booty call.) 3, The canine is not in a relationship with another canine or a human. (I'm a dog lover, not a home wrecker.)

Considering neither of the last two conditions are likely, let alone the first, planets would have to be aligned for all 3 to clear, I've had very few situations like such. Exactly one.

Last thing I'm going to say; You ever been with a group of friends, one says something like "Oh man the things I'd do to Selina Gomez," or "Fuck she's got a nice ass."? Everyone laughs and is like 'Yea'. Just imagine if one of us came out with something like "Oh the things I'd do to Buddy." or "Oh, boy that one's got a plump sheath". Even other zoophiles would be like 'What The Fuck???'

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-10 13:33:59

It may be flawed thinking, but for the age argument, I like to compare the lifespan of humans alongside canines. A human lives for approximately 100 years, 70 of which in good health. A canine lives for approximately 10 years, 78 of which in good health. Humans go through puberty beginning 10 and ending 19, following this reckoning I'd figured they'd "come into their own" at the age of 1.9 - 2.2 Years.

Except you can't compare it that way.
Although you're almost right, any dog above 2 is sexually mature.

Last thing I'm going to say; You ever been with a group of friends, one says something like "Oh man the things I'd do to Selina Gomez," or "Fuck she's got a nice ass."? Everyone laughs and is like 'Yea'. Just imagine if one of us came out with something like "Oh the things I'd do to Buddy." or "Oh, boy that one's got a plump sheath". Even other zoophiles would be like 'What The Fuck???'

I think talking about women like that is just as weird.
I would only be surprised that I would actually be meeting an irl zoo.
You should see the reactions of these kiddies when I tell them I'm not interested in stuff like that.
It's extremely annoying.
YES! Not everybody wants to fuck the same thing.