At This Point Why Even Bother? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-03-23 00:12:06 by Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover

We're never going to gain our rights, no one will ever take us seriously and our community is being taken over by the very people who make Zoophiles look like shit. When rational discussions are brushed aside as insincere and self righteous there's not much hope for us. We're doomed, might as well just accept that now. I don't even know why I came here, it's like everywhere else on the Internet. Few logical Zoophiles and horny beastialists with egos bigger than the Spanish Armadas of old. Once again I'm ashamed to be a Zoophile, not because I think I'm a freak but because I might one day lose my girls because someone wants an excuse for for their behavior. Fucking the family dog or a familiar pet early on before you know what you are is one thing but continuing to go after pets that aren't yours is just willingly being an asshole. There's no excuse for that. But like I said I'm starting to wonder why I came here, why I thought this place would be a real community. It just feels like things have only gotten worse.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 3 points on 2017-03-23 00:33:53

Zoophilia will never be accepted.
There's toxic people in every community. Except usually the majority of people in these 'toxic' communities aren't toxic themselves.
It's because people only see the toxic people in the community.
The toxic people always stand out.
A lot of people claim to be zoophiles and you can't prove them wrong. Aluzky? Zoophile. That one horny bestialist who wanks off to dogs shagging female humans? Zoophile. That one animal rapist? Zoophile.
We also have a pretty bad reputation to begin with.
We all don't even agree on the same things here.
Every zoo. Every zoo that exists doesn't agree with the exact same things.
We cannot work together because of this.
And we have nothing to support us but ourselves. But the things we can say are limited because of toxic people and because people won't believe us.

So how many zoos have addictions again? How many of us have mental problems? How many of us actually do dangerous things (other than bestiality)? How many of us are real zoophiles (not just horny bestialists)? How many of us have depression and/or suicide thoughts? How many of us are real big assholes?
I'm willing to bet that every zoo has at least one of these things.
It doesn't really make us a bad person but it's not positive at all and the more the more toxic.
We aren't positive humans at all.
Yeah, including me.

It takes one bad person in a group of 10 people to ruin it for the good people.
And how many good people does it take to help a group of 10 bad people?

But it's not just us, really. We're just a small problem ourselves.
Just by how the antis are treating us, I already know that we will never be truly accepted.

We could improve, but I have no idea how to do this myself.

EDIT: I changed my comment so it makes more sense and looked less angry.

Swibblestein 5 points on 2017-03-23 03:21:32

I am both an optimist and a zoo.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-23 14:25:01

I always found you to be the closest to the non-zoo optimist we have here.
Not really surprising, then.

Good to know you're enjoying it at least.
I'm not even going to change your mind on anything.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2017-03-23 15:42:23

I'm not saying we're in a good or enjoyable position, I just have hope that things might improve. Big difference.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-23 03:24:38


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-03-23 10:25:34

I will say this: I'll get more insistent the more pessimistic the community seems to get.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 2 points on 2017-03-23 14:27:27

And I wonder what effect it will have.
That perfectly represents the community though.
''Stubborn and gets more serious after not getting what it wants.''
Enjoy whatever you're doing I guess?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-03-23 15:09:20

Well eventually it will devolve into me giving everyone compliments and telling them to have a wonderful day at random. So maybe not more serious. Heh heh.

Sheppsoldier -1 points on 2017-03-24 01:57:43

"Concern Troll"

""A concern troll is a false flag pseudonym created by a user whose actual point if view is opposed to the one that the troll claims to hold. The concern troll posts in Web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to sway the group's actions or opinions while claiming to share their goals, but with professed "concerns". The goal is to sow fear, uncertainty and doubt within the group. This is a particular case of sockpuppeting.

An example of this occurred in 2006 when Tad Furtado, a staffer for then-Congressman Charles-Bass (R-NH), was caught posing as a "concerned" supporter of Bass' opponent, Democrat Paul Hodes, on several liberal New Hampshire blogs, using the pseudonyms "IndieNH" or "IndyNH". "IndyNH" expressed concern that Democrats might just be wasting their time or money on Hodes, because Bass was unbeatable. Hodes eventually won the election.""...


""The author defines "concern trolling" as "offering a poisoned apple in the form of advice to political opponents that, if taken, would harm the recipient.""

Just plagiarizing some information for you people. This place is carpeted with astroturfers.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 3 points on 2017-03-24 07:04:13

You haven't replied to me for a while.
Thanks for the laugh!

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-24 11:17:11

Smart people know, when you're laughing at information you're concealing it.

Thanks for the validation..

Have you ever tried "not responding," troll?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-24 11:23:51

Wow wow wow, watch out there your imagination isn't reality. Remember?
Or does Uncle Frank have to remind you with his fists, like usual?

Now stop fuckin' around Shepp, some people think you're serious sometimes.
No point in embarrassing us anymore, right?

Have you ever tried "not responding," troll?

Ironic, no?

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-24 11:39:52

Of course it's ironic.

If the Anti-Zoo (against zoo) motivation is to disorganize and split zoos... Then the motivation of the Anti-Troll (against troll)is to disorganize the Trolls. I know an Anti-Zoo when I see one. I know a sock puppet when I see one. I know a troll when I see one.

See, irony, but not in your best interest. Yours is special.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-24 11:42:27

Damn, those are some well thought-about arguments.
They're so damn true!

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-24 12:55:31

Don't admit to the truth if you don't know what I'm about to say.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-24 12:56:55

And who believes you again?

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-24 13:27:47

You do. You denied my claims, nervously laughed about it, and didn't provide an explanation.

Why would an Anti-Troll mistake me for a troll when I'm writing in favor of zoos, unless the Anti-Troll is also an Anti-Zoo pretending to be otherwise?

You're unmistakably trying to censor zoos who speak out against the splitting of zoophilia. Since zoophilia is both love and sex, suppressing one side in favor of the other is considered splitting. Splitting is not zoo, it is Anti-Zoo. Disemboweling zoophilia, like cutting the legs off of a horse. Defining "Severance."

Zoophilia is not Love or Sex attraction to animals. It is Love and Sex attraction to animals. Any zoo who does not support the actual act of sex with animals or the actual act of loving animals simultaneously is not truly a zoo. A zoo would not chop off the functionality of their being. A zoo would not work so hard to sever support of the whole zoophilia.

Snicker about that. I know you can't withold that nervous tick.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-24 13:37:22

You do.

Anyways, literally no one believes what you say.
Like... no one.
Look at the replies to your comments.
Nobody knows what you are talking about and why.

If you have been really serious every time you post...
I'm supposed to feel bad for you then, but I don't.
Actually, that doesn't matter, if you were a troll yourself you'd be really wasting your time too.

I'm not going to reply to your comments anymore.
Why? There is simply no point and you're just another big weight to the community, only making everything heavier but not really adding anything.
You are a bigger drop of poison than anyone here.
I already ignored most of your comments in the past and now I will take it further.
Besides, a moderator told me to take it easy on you and this seems to be the only option.

If you're going to think up some excuse like ''You're just running away because you know I'm right!'' then remember that's exactly what Aluzky said, and it's always an excuse just to get your attention.
It really used to be fun making of you, but that was then.

Might some day, some where, somebody ever agree with you.
So farewell, Shepp.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-03-24 16:33:49

You're still here?

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-24 17:25:41

Of course. I'm given so many reasons to be here, but none of those reasons are related to money.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-03-25 01:09:38

It starts by having the self-awareness to get out of the public light if you don't belong there.

Also as we've discussed before, nobody can prove ANYTHING about what a "zoophile" is or isn't, because it's a word which lacks much solid definition other than the psychological one.

For what it's worth, I don't have addictions or mental problems (other than liking to spend time reading internet forums), don't have depression or do dangerous things. So, I think your analysis is already a bit pessimistic.

Baaxten Canines, equines, cetaceans 4 points on 2017-03-23 01:06:36

Just because we've had a few... odd threads pop up within a few days, does not mean this sub is turning into a hellhole for learned debate. Have you considered how many times this has happened in the sub's history and yet, miraculously, we're still here? More so, have you counted how many threads have been upvoted to 80% or higher?

Every community has its rough patches here and there. It's only fair that ours should be no different, and why shouldn't we expect it to?

Don't be ashamed of yourself just because there's some jerk going about with the same label asking how to do X or meet with Y. You know who you are, and you are not like that.

Take pride in that.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-24 02:33:46


OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 6 points on 2017-03-23 01:10:18

Things will get worse as long as people are apathetic/do nothing.

If anything, the community has only gotten worse in this way. Your post only shows it moreso, IMO.

This has harmed us more than horny bestialists ever could, and has had me give up hope in my own respect, honestly.

That, and some other local strangeness here, but that's nothing unusual online. What's unique to us is our apathy to actually do anything.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 6 points on 2017-03-23 05:51:59

Piggybacking off of your comment since it's up here... Everyone here should remember that hopelessness brings out the worst in ourselves and attracts the worst people. We open ourselves up to being destabilized from within and becoming myopic, as a community, when the prevailing attitude becomes negative. This is the kind of environment and attitude that encourages people to slip up and say and do some really terrible things that only serve to worsen public perception. Thinking that there's nothing to be done all too often leads to thinking that you have nothing more to lose, but we do. Not just zoophiles, everyone that supports the cause.

Believe it or not, things will get better. It will be slow burning, but it will happen. You gotta let it happen though, and in alot of cases people end up actively working against that progress from within.

Yearningmice Zoophile 5 points on 2017-03-23 19:02:55

Piggybacking off your post, I'm optimistic and DOING something about it too. Fuck, we have a non-zoo mod here and she's doing a good goddamn job and personally I recently introduced another non-zoo to my marefriend. She described us as loving and wonderful together even knowing in detail what we do.

The negative people have always brought their self-fulfilling prophesy to the community and proved, to themselves mostly, just how shitty everything is.

I wish I had more time to post this week....

Edited to add: The worst thing about this shitty negativity is that I know dozens of zoos who don't bother with the community but have great lives, many friends, some of whom know the secret, and often they are doing animal sports or welfare on the side. These are the folks I know on FB or through other non-anonymous means. There is such a juxtoposition between this on-line public app forum and what I know is the average zoo.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-03-24 06:11:32

"...I ...introduced another non zoo to my marefriend. She described us as loving..."

Exactly. That´s the way for "campaigning". No words can replace it when they see it with their own eyes, right in front of them.

I also back up your next paragraph as I am also in contact to my group of friends who avoid forums on purpose because all the blackpainting and whining about the "oh so unjust" world fatigued them, bored them and made them aware of the alternate realities often created in such forums. They wanted the real life instead of virtual display of depressions and whining/complaining. From my about 15 friends, only my cow-loving friend has an account in here and posted only once or twice before he returned doing what zoophilia is really about, taking care of his bovine girl.

It is exactly as Yearningmice says, there IS a huge juxtaposition between online and reality. It´s extremely funny that the one fellow zoo I know who´s from Switzerland, the land with the most rigid jurisdiction against interspecies sexual contact in Europe that outlawed it as a part of state animal welfare, is actually the least complaining one about the situation . He lives with his mare near Bern, in a rural area and only shakes his head about the "depression amplifiers" , as he calls these online zoo forums.

I´m not optimistic. But I´m not pessimistic about our chances in society either. I´m a realist. The first thing this community needs to do is opening eyes for the actual situation.Only then, things can and eventually will improve over time.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-25 02:20:55

Believe it or not, things will get better.

What about the current 5 bills in NV, WV, KY, VT and TX? How will it be possible for zoos in the U.S. to recover after all 50 states have banned it? And what about the growing number of anti-zoo laws in Europe?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-25 02:38:45

Things will get worse before they get better. And again, they're bestiality bills.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-03-23 01:28:44

Let's get a few things straight.

You fuck animals.

That's it. Society as a whole will never take you seriously. Because you fuck animals. It doesn't need to be more complex than that.

You can have all the best intentions in the world. You can distance yourself from all the evil horny bestialists all you want; create a homogeneous community filled with nothing but people who fit your moral ideal perfectly. You can debate people, try to win friends, try to get people on our side, try your best to paint a positive image of zoophilia. You can condemn abuse, you can condemn animal porn, you can condemn fencehooping. You can be a vegan, you can donate half your paycheck to animal welfare charities. In the end, it will be all for nothing. Why?

Because you fuck animals.

This is what Hittite law (one of the oldest law in human history) had to say about bestiality:

If anyone has sexual relations with a pig or a dog, he shall die. He shall bring him to the palace gate (i.e., the royal court). The king may have them (I.e., the human and the animal) killed or he may spare them, but the human shall not approach the king. If an ox leaps on a man (in sexual excitement), the ox shall die; the man shall not die. They shalll substitute one sheep for the man and put it to death. If a pig leaps on a man (in sexual excitement). it is not an offense.

If a man has sexual relations with either a horse or a mule. it is not an offense, but he shall not approach the king, nor shall he become a priest.

Arbitrary. Nonsense. Fucking dogs means you die. And sometimes the dog too. Sometimes not. If an ox tries to fuck you, the ox dies. But not you. But a sheep is alright, I guess. But don't you dare fuck a sheep, because uh... what happens in that case? Fucking mares is totally fine tho. What happens if a platypus tries to fuck you?..

Nobody knows exactly what about this makes it right or wrong. Nobody cares. Nobody cares about animal fuckers. Why? Because they fuck animals.

This is how it has been for thousands of years and this is how it will be for thousands more. It's ingrained in human psyche. It will never change.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-03-23 02:09:35

This is how it has been for thousands of years and this is how it will be for thousands more. It's ingrained in human psyche. It will never change.

Just like how human sexuality has never changed / relaxed taboos in the past century /s

[deleted] 0 points on 2017-03-23 06:21:36

The attitude towards human sexuality is now as lax as it has ever been in human history.

Do you know what still gets outlawed on a daily basis? I'll give you a hint. It starts with "fucking" and ends with "animals".

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-23 07:01:54

Depends on the locality of the history, and not really. Nonwestern societies have been more indifferent to it in general. Native americans, too. Prehistory has many examples of it in art, and there's some evidence that Egyptian or Greek civilizations were somewhat lax about it as well. Historical trends arent necessarily useful in predicting future events, in this case, though.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-23 18:46:18

The attitude towards human sexuality is now as lax as it has ever been in human history.



Okay, mate.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-24 04:20:37

Prehistory is still human history. Prehistory preempts recorded history is all.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 3 points on 2017-03-23 08:17:53

You could say the same thing for any point in history, you realize.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-23 18:45:29

No not really. The attitude towards sexuality hasn't followed a straight line throughout history.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-03-23 21:14:45

It doesn't have to. You can always say that where it is is the "end" and it won't go farther though. It's never a valid claim, when you do this. It can and does go farther at times. Or doesn't. Hard to say really. It depends on several factors well beyond how simple you make it out to be.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-24 05:47:17

It depends on several factors well beyond how simple you make it out to be.

Everything would be so much better here if people recognized this.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-03-23 11:19:36

Yeah, the attitude towards HUMAN sexuality is now as lax as never before (well, another quite debatable and easily debunkable opinion presented as fact, see my comment above with all the tribal cultures...and what about the polynesians, a tribal culture that never developed and idea of "sexual perversity" and thus was called the sexually healthiest culture ever...quite funny that it´s their word for sexual and cultural "no nos" we use when referring to them: taboo).

But since zoophilia also includes the ANIMAL`S sexuality, your statement is only 50 % applicable in our case. Never was the inconvenience, the repulsion towards animal sexuality as high as today, with all the life increasingly concentrating in big cities and rural areas that get more and more abandoned. This naturally disconnects humans from their quarduped brothers and sisters.

What was quite normal to see for every farmer and villager, mating of animals, now has become embarrassing to see and, as a direct consequence of that, even a friggin´ kink for some, like watching a gore/splatter movie. That´s why the most bestiality videos are shared , swapped and shown today. "Look, I found an old hag getting fucked by a horse" - "Eeeeewww,´re our sick vid king, man! "

Mating of animals embarrasses people mainly because it reminds them how quickly the "civilised human" mask is torn off when sexuality comes into play. It´s like watching the monkeys in a zoo: kawaii when the monkeys do "almost like a human" stuff, but quickly changing into an "eeeww" face when they start flinging their feces to mark territory or when, like the internet vid you may know,. one monkey sits on a branch, peeing and another below him, drinking his piss.

The more civilised, the more distant humans become from what nourishes them and makes life on this planet possible for them. Who knows how to milk a cow? Not in theory, in real life? Who knows how to grow wheat or rye? All comes with a cost, so this does too...civilisation has to be paid with slowly losing connection to Gaia and all that represents her on this spinning rock in space.

Don´t forget, never forget that zoophilia is NOT solely about humans. That´s also why just transferring tactics from the LGBT movement won´t succeed and why zoophilia isn´t at all comparable to the struggle of the LGBT with society. Riding a bike isn´t like flying an airplane...both are forms of transportation, but that are all similarities there are.

The human relationship to animals in this era maybe is the most schizophrenic we have ever experienced. While we cuddle our cats and dogs, we never brutally slaughtered so many pigs and cows. We industrialised everything to feed the "hungry" masses ..on the expenses of nature , dehumanising mankind. We invented mass meat "production"...and yet we cuddle our cats and dogs. We anthropomorphise animals, dogs usually were kept outside, in a more or less large kennel some decades ago. Today, we keep them in houses and apartments, we sleep with them in our beds, we often see them as a family member. And it´s not like we keep contact with nature through dogs, it´s more like we slowly transformed dogs into more humanish creatures.

Makind´s perspective towards animals has become off balance, unhealthy and illusionary/delusionary. That´s where the usual "how can you do this to a poor, innocent animal" comes´s true animals don´t feel guilt like humans do, but every dog owner surely know his/her dog´s behavior when the owner comes home and doggie has left a "gift" on the carpet. They know EXACTLY they have done something wrong, don´t anybody tell me otherwise. Animals aren´t innocent, because inncence is a category only applicable to humans, it is of human origin and transports solely the human perspective. Unaware Anthropocentrism. That´s why animals today are either idealised...or marginalised like the roughly one hundered thousand pig and cows who had to die while you were reading this. And I don´t even mention the chickens...

We all suffer from a filter bubble, the huge one all humans are in; the "urbanised, civilised human" filter bubble. And our view on animals is the price for living in a convenient, technicised, urban postmodern bubble. And zoophilia is the little dog raising its leg onto the feet of that civilised , urbanised bubble inhabitant...that´s why the tensions rose since the nineties. The internet also contributes a lot, the so common "out and proud" culture, but that´s another issue not relevant now.

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2017-03-23 04:25:16

I absolutely didn´t want to contribute anything here anymore, but this practically forces me to react.

Look, you just had a minor epiphany from your conversation with an outsider from a sub that usually isn´t the most openminded towards zoophilia. Say, could it be that you´re mistaking your pessimistic perceptions for reality again? From my experience with several outsiders I can say that our situation is not as desperate as you think. Yes, we "fuck" animals...but that alone isn´t the gamebreaking part, there´s always another perspective. I was tolerated by many and even accepted by some even though they knew or suspected I have intercourse with my mare.

Let me aks you, has our community even tried yet? Or are you categorically dismissing something just because it doesn´t suit you and your beliefs? Where has the worldwide zoo community made such an experiment of trying to form the most favorable picture of our orientation and failed? As far as I am concerned, and to my best knowledge my moral views on fencehopping, animal porn and "sharing" animals actually played a huge role in the tolerance that was given to me by many.

Though I admit there never will be broad tolerance towards bestiality/sex with animals, not in thousand years, I object your notion of the uselessness of showing some kind of a moral compass. This isn´t just a small detail, this is the key for trust.

Do you think I would have been left uninterfered with my mare among 80 other horsewowners for two decades if there wasn´t a possibility to gain their trust? Don´t you think that zoophilia is less offensive for some when they don´t have to worry about their horses getting penetrated the moment they turn their backs? Well, don´t misunderstand me, all I proposed in here is not , I repeat, NOT a guarantee for sudden tolernace, but it sure as hell is increasing chances for such. "Lottery is shit, I´ve never won anything!" - "So, how often have you bought a lot?" - "What? Never! I don´t waste my money on lottery! You don´t win!"

Also, we´re not hetites. Or when was the last stoning of an adulterer in your local area? When was the last execution because someone ate pork? Things change, mate. Reality is a fluxus, or, as the ancient Greeks said "panta rhei" , everything flows. Reality isn´t duroplastic, it´s thermoplastic and shapable with the right tools and a decent amount of effort put in. And besides that, your "not in a thousand years" statement is also false and narrowing down on Western civilisations...the tribal cultures of American Indians, Aborigines of Australia, some tribes in Africa or ,for example, the rural cultures in South America and North Africa where fucking donkeys is everyday business and seen as an unproblematic outlet for young males prove you wrong.And it wasn´t that long ago when you were able to go to Amsterdam and buy animal porn from the dutch sex shops or got handed over a flyer inviting you to a "special animal experience"...and all of that without the authorities caring about it.

Yes, the recent negative developments with all these laws worry me too, but they are only partially explainable with religious fanaticism , bigotry and hate. Our community´s efforts to make "the new gay" out of zoophilia was what also fueled the recent backlash. The way our community represents itself, the way controversial topics are dealt with within the community, the blind eye so many turned towards issues that effect the public. There are always two sides of a problem and pointing fingers is equally detrimental as outright pessimism/fatalism, yelling "Nothing matters ´cause they will never accept zoophilia".

Adjust your perspective. Please. Not for me or my alleged feelings of moral superiority, but for making compromises with society possible.In order to get something, you´ll always have to give something...and if that is a bold statement against any form of fencehopping without including any flip-flopping and "grey areas that should be reconsidered", then so shall it be. It´s not the time for being picky and cocky about an omnisexual approach. Our "love" for other´s animals is irrelevant if we´re caught in flagranti. It is also irrelevant whether your dick or your finger penetrates an animal not least not for the owner. Or have you ever heard any owner whose horses have been fencehopped on saying "Well, that trepasser only inserted his arm into my mares´ vaginas, that´s a grey zone and not sexual assault"?

If you like to believe it or not, but from society´s perspective, it actually makes a this zoo someone who can be trusted or do we have to expect him to go down on our animals sooner or later? If that doesn´t matter for you, it sure as hell matters for them.

Frnakly brushing off any attempt to find compromises with society....well, the "You don´t win lottery" analogy gives a good impression of it...if you don´t play, you surely cannot lose...but you cannot win as well.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-23 21:25:29

Say, could it be that you´re mistaking your pessimistic perceptions for reality again?

And could it be that you are mistaking your rose tinted perceptions for reality? You want reality? This is reality. You think that just because you've never been prosecuted in your life that means that you've been accepted? I'd call that luck, nothing else.

Let me aks you, has our community even tried yet?

Tried what exactly? Protesting in the streets? Writing heartfelt letters to legislators to let them know how much screwing quadrupeds is important to us? Watch this. Watch how fast somebody "trying" hits a wall.

This isn´t just a small detail, this is the key for trust.

People who express sexual desires for animals will never be trusted. Your moral compass accounts for nothing. These dos and don'ts you are applying to yourself only count for own self. Society as a whole does not care. Society does not care whether you fuck your horse or break in a stable to fuck somebody else's horse. You care about that. Society does not care if you watched animal porn or not. You do. Society does not care if you met somebody on a forum to fuck his horse or rather made sure to have enough money to accommodate a horse of your own. You do. You fucked a horse. And that is the ONLY thing that matters. Every other little nuance exist in your mind and your mind alone.

If you like to believe it or not, but from society´s perspective, it actually makes a difference

Let's compare that to pedophilia, just for fun. Keep in mind society makes very little difference between us and them. Imagine a bunch of pedos talking to each other on the internet, coming up with a series of rules such such as "you can fuck children, but only YOUR own children!"... Wow, I mean. It's the road to acceptance, right?

"is this pedo someone who can be trusted or do we have to expect him to go down on our children sooner or later?"

"Don´t you think that pedophilia is less offensive for some when they don´t have to worry about their kids getting penetrated the moment they turn their backs?"

Do you see how utterly ridiculous this is? Do you seriously expect to convince people that you are a trustworthy individual with that kind of rhetoric? Holy goddamn Mary, mother of Jesus open your eyes to how much this makes NO sense!

B-but we are not pedos

Doesn't matter! What matters is that society considers you at the same level! We have to compromise with society, right? Well, this is what compromising with society entails.

Also, we´re not hetites.

The point wasn't to take what the Hettites wrote verbatim. It's to understand the logic (or rather lack of thereof) behind what led to the creation of laws like these and to realize that all laws against bestiality suffer from the same problem. It makes no sense. It isn't rational. But every excuse is good to put an animal fucker to the sword and no sane individual will ever protest against that. Like I said over PM, bestiality is the ultimate anti-social act, it goes against everything it means to be human. A bestialist is no longer human. He is a menace to the very nature of humanity. He is subhuman. And the rest of the tribe of apes will do everything in their power to rid themselves of it.

Adjust your perspective

If I need glasses, you need 1000 Watt laser surgery.

Our "love" for other´s animals is irrelevant if we´re caught in flagranti.

You've got something almost right there. Our love for animals is irrelevant. WE are irrelevant. Do you have to be thrown in jail to see that?

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-03-24 02:46:00


*Astroturfing is when a single person creates multiple identities online to give the appearance of grassroots support. Sockpuppets may post positive reviews about a product, attack participants that criticize the organization, or post negative reviews and comments about competitors, under fake identities. Astroturfing businesses may pay staff based on the number of posts they make that are not flagged by moderators. Persona management software may be used so that each paid poster can manage five to seventy convincing online personas without getting them confused.""

Some people here already became confused between their sockpuppet personas, because their software is faulty, they don't have the software, or they weren't careful enough to provide variation in their work.

According to my Reddit Karma and flagged statuses, I'm not paid to be here and therefore I'm not under the influence of money, zoo or anti-zoo.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-03-24 03:02:24

First of all, as the non practicing, non experienced person you are, you are so sure about the "under constant fire" illusion, it´s almost unhealthy. Live it , make your own experiences instead of pulling out examples of caught bestialists like you did with your first link. And your second link you provided only shows what I am preaching since my arrival in here: DON´T try and make zoophilia into "the new gay", with moronicly unprepared calls to talk radio shows. Oliver Burdinski once made the same mistake when he was calling our German talk radio host, Jürgen Domian. He got brushed off. But let´s take a second look: a few years ago, another bloke called Domian, stating that he´s in love with his goat. Domian´s response wasn´t at all rejective that time. So, why the two different outcomes of two practically similar calls of people who are in a sexual relationship with an animal? I can tell you: the former call of the goat lover never turned into a clandestine advocacy for bestiality. Domian, a bisexual himself, was especially pissed off when Burdinski pulled off the "but gays once were seen as unnatural also" routine. Burdinski also made the mistake to go on his trademark "pro zoophilia" rap, a large mass of prefabricated arguments.

Your pov also totally neglects the traumatising factor confessions about bestiality/zoophilia have. YOU simply don´t ANNOY the public with this. Keep it safe, behind closed doors and to yourself...society isn´t ready for that orientation yet. Why is that so hard to accept for many? It´s not the right time now. I´d be nice if we could overcome this "everyone NEEDS to know about and discuss zoophilia" acting impulsively on this urge to make zoophilia a thing for everyone, we damaged more than we created benefits. Just accept that it´s not the time for campaigning...and accept that the urge to make zoophilia into a thing for everyone also is a very egocentric action. I already have the impression that for many, this isn´t about being able to live your life relatively comfy and safe as a zoophile anymore, it´s more about being able to talk about/annoy/shock public with confessing something entirely far out . Why is the legal status so important when all you need to do is STFU, act rational and take precautions? Keep out of enemy´s sightline instead of running into it on open field and clear sight!

And why is it so important to be relevant? As the teeny tiny minority we are, have we even a democratic right to consider ourselves relevant? Democracy = the majority makes the rules. And the majority doesn´t want zoophilia in their everyday lives. In the nineties, without the global stage for all kinds of freaks and weirdos the internet has become now, all of that what is an issue for the zoo community today, wasn´t an issue for the nineties´ zoos. Can you guess what was different in the ´90s? There wasn´t this theatrical meta-level , this strange feeling of snowflakeism that´s so common today. Can´t you all just understand and accept that the vast majority of normal people prefers not to be confronted with interspecies sexual intercourse? Do you really wonder why trying to forcefeed the public with this inevitably increases the gag reflex? It´s not our time now. And until it is someday, we have to focus on our safety. How to avoid the worst case instead of demanding dismantlement from a public that never was so rejective as today, with easily executable anti-campaigning, with the desolate picture our community fires into the digital ether for the world to see, with a tsunami of new law enforcement. Do you really think going heads-to-heads on an enemy that outnumbers and outguns you by 1 to a million is the best thing to do? SO, what does every tactical compendium teaches us in such a situation? Right, Guerrilla tactics. Stay under radar. Hit and run. Be one with your environment. Play safe, but be effective when taking risks. Separate enemies. Befriend with the locals and make them engage in the fight with grassroot campaigning. But I digress...

Anyway, I won´t get thrown into jail for zoophilia in Germany, pal. At least not when I get caught for the first time . Maybe that´s why I differ from you.

I also wonder why you´re so infuriated about humans acting like humans. You all insist on the "humans are animals too", but you demand from this particular animal species it should immediately get rid of exactly that what gave this species advantages in the evolutionary process that made the species survive and develop into today´s humans. Prejudices are not per se bad, from an evolutionary perspective, prejudices were lifesavers. You don´t try to start an argument with a sabretooth, you know...On first sight, your prejudices tell you to run and GTFH out of here ASAP. Would you judge and condemn an animal for its instincts? No? Then why do you do that with this one , particular species you are never tired to call "just another animal species"?

Guys, please become aware of what is real. Quit the theatrical stuff. Get real. Declaring full frontal war on society is like Liechtenstein declaring war to the USA and the Russians simultaneously. Get smart. If you want to fight, you gotta learn how to effectively fight first. Running around like a headless buch of chickens won´t help at all. We´re not organised, cannot even agree in entirety on what zoophilia is and don´t manage to influence public with "brain warfare" (books, art, etc.)...what exactly are we complaining about again? Freedom doesn´t come for free, guys. You have to organise and fight for it, even with some dirty guerrilla tactics. You have to take risks and put efforts in it, or cut out on this complaining, this depressive attitude when your only contributions are whining and complaining, not even throwing in a possible solution as an idea worthy of testing.

It´s interesting seeing you instrumentalise the same faux pedo argument. Aren´t we all convinced that zoophilia differs largely from pedophilia because the animals have developed sexuality, unlike kids? Haven´t you learned yet , the best we can do at this very moment in time is to stay under radar. We have to avoid giving others reasons to compare "us" to pedos because they don´t know there´s a "us". And while we keep out of sight, we should organise if we really want "legal zoophilia"...what I definitely don´t want for all the reasons I have written in other threads way too often now. What you really seem to want is effortless gain. So, to inform everybody: zoophilia can be lived out in a relatively safe environment. But it takes efforts, go to work, earn money for a house or farm of your own, move there, close doors and curtains and you´ll be off just fine. Don´t expect things coming raining from the sky, change yourself instead demanding society to change. Stop the ego tripping and start simply living it, all by and for yourself. If you desperately need to "come out of the closet" to anybody, make sure he/she is a trustworthy person you can rely on their silence even decades ahead. Play it safe, folks...and, start to live it first before making judgements about how it is to live it.Especially you, zetacola.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-24 03:39:50

You are entertaining some bizarre dissonance in your worldview.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-24 05:52:17

Well, if you see it that way, I guess you´ll be better off without my posts. Do what you want, but take heed, it´s not me , with my "bizarre dissonance" who´s suicidal... I am mentally stable and also have an own stable...for me, everything´s fine. I don´t have to do this in here, I´m not dependent on this to ease my nonexistent depressions. You chose your path, so be it. Hope you can live with your choice, mate.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-24 21:08:34

Do what you want, but take heed, it´s not me , with my "bizarre dissonance" who´s suicidal... I am mentally stable and also have an own stable

And there you go. Utilizing absolutely everything you can to bring me down and hoist yourself up, including the fact that I'm ready to give up on life.

You are one fucking asshole.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-25 00:03:15

Pointing out the truth is being an asshole? Kay. Whatever floats your boat, man...

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-24 11:28:48


peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 2 points on 2017-03-24 16:36:17

Yes and the Klingons killed JFK. Tinfoil hat much?

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-24 17:42:01

If you love tinfoil so much why aren't you wearing it? How much are you going to pay me to wear something I don't want?

We will treat this like 90% of the fake zoos writing here. They're not zoos, not interested in being a zoo, but they're getting paid to wear the label while stigmatizing the crucial aspects of being zoo.

You might just be a sock puppet for somebody else. Therefore, you are the Klingon (imaginary person)


Rule 7?

You mean "No offending the shills pride?"

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 2 points on 2017-03-24 20:02:29

I know you're joking right now and probably didn't really get bothered by his nonsense this time, but I thought I'd just say it.

I keep telling you to ignore people like him.
I'm not mad, I'm just saying that I've been doing it and you know that.
But why? 30-30 and AmoreBestia told me the same thing over and over again. And yeah, it worked after a while.

Listen, Shepp is not worth our time. He has barely made any sense since he arrived here. I'm pretty sure less and less people take him seriously every time.
I know you're quite a stressful person and have been trough some stuff recently and in the past. Correct?
It only adds more and more.
There is no point in wasting your time on him as he won't get anyone on his side and he does not make sense.
Read this:
And do the same.

Maybe he'll try to fool you and say that I'm an undercover anti or something, but you know very well that's not true.
The urge is big to reply to his nonsense, but that's exactly what he wants.
He's just another chained up dog that doesn't shut up and never runs out of energy. Bark bark bark bark!

I mean look...

They're not zoos, not interested in being a zoo, but they're getting paid to wear the label while stigmatizing the crucial aspects of being zoo.

I'll let you decide if that is someone who's got a cooked brain or not.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-27 10:17:29


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-30 18:25:46

Making a critical observation of a user is fine, but it must be something you can provide evidence for. Warcanine not doing research isn't something you can back up very well, though. He has demonstrated on a number of occasions that he uses and is willing to consider trustworthy and academic sources.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-31 12:53:30

If he's not researching then he doesn't have trustworthy or academic sources. Where are his sources?

That's my critical observation of your untrustworthy and unacademic statement. Where is your research and where are your sources. Where are these occasions?

Did the dog eat your homework?

Have you ever heard the phrase "Taking advantage of ones trust?" Trustworthy, licensed professions are known to take advantage of patients and clients trust no matter how trustworthy you were deceived into thinking they were. In other words "Doctor WarCanine" might have charged you for a non-existing condition because his certification distracted you.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-31 13:11:23

If he's not researching then he doesn't have trustworthy or academic sources. Where are his sources?

A recent example would be his use of 2 years as a minimum age for safe sex with dogs; it's based on developmental data on dogs, wherein large dogs tend to mature by two years of age.

Have you ever heard the phrase "Taking advantage of ones trust?" Trustworthy, licensed professions are known to take advantage of patients and clients trust no matter how trustworthy you were deceived into thinking they were. In other words "Doctor WarCanine" might have charged you for a non-existing condition because his certification distracted you.

Trustworthy sources aren't simply trustworthy because of who said them, it's also because the information they obtain is consistent and replicable.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-05-25 10:07:33

I'm surprised this lunatic is still here

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-30 18:24:38

Derogating another user as a shill is against rule 7 unless you have actual evidence.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-03-25 01:28:40

Although I agree with much of what you said, I think it's because you did a 180 from many past posts, for example:

Yes, the recent negative developments with all these laws worry me too

Weren't you saying a couple months ago that you didn't mind it at all, as part of your overall indifference about pursuing illegal activities in your life?

they are only partially explainable with religious fanaticism, bigotry and hate.

Weren't you previously saying (with some vehemence) that bigotry was not a factor at all?

Our community´s efforts to make "the new gay" out of zoophilia was what also fueled the recent backlash.

Would you agree that the Enumclaw case was probably the largest factor in the recent backlash? Certainly it was the keystone in the US. I hope you will agree this had completely nothing to do with any "community effort to make the new gay out of zoophilia." Same with people arrested due to posting porn.

Anyway, not sure if it's my biases or your tone is just more "decaffeinated" but I enjoyed reading the perspective.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-25 12:50:13

I´m not doing a 180 degree turn, I just see it from several perspectives.

On a private level, I give a fuck about the laws. Living alone with my mares, with 2 kilometers between me and the next neigbor, with lots of trees and bushes covering any possibility to spy on me even when I´m sleeping with my lady out in the open, I really don´t care that much. The only outisde persons coming near my mares and me are the farrier and my vet. Both are friendly, do not know I´m a zoo and I don´t see a reason to let ´em know. So, why worry about the laws?

On another level, I fear that this wave of laws is only just the beginning. Punishment will become gradually more draconian, it´s the natural consequence on all these fencehopping and animal porn cases that pop up every week or so. That is what worries me. I still believe that sex with animals shouldn´t be "free for everybody", though. Contrary to other sexual actions/orientations, zoophilia/bestiality demands in depth knowledge of the species you have intercourse with and without that knowledge, harm is not only possible, but the rule. We need some deterrence, to keep off those who see zoophilia as a kick or a fetish, to keep the animals safe from abuse. Our community has proven its not capable of self control, so authorities have to take´s really as simple as that.

On bigotry: I differentiate. In Germany, religion doesn´t play a huge role, the German antis very seldom instrumentalise religion for their purposes and I cannot remember having read "But the bible says..." even once in anti zoo comments. But I know that´s not accurate to describe the situation in the US. So, it depends on where you live.

The Enumclaw case surely was some kind of trigger for what followed, the laws, the headlines etc...but I wouldn´t say it was the only reason for the wave of new laws. Enumclawe drew a lot of attention towards a scene that mainly survived because it was used to stay undercover at all costs. I repeat " stay undercover at all costs"...and exactly that is what I accuse our community of when I say "trying to turn zoo into the new gay". Many have, probably initiated by the example of LGBT right campaigning, the illusion you just have to copy the steps the LGBT took and , abracadabra, you can walk with your horse through your town, kissing and even fucking her in the public and get applause for it. Okay, exaggerated, but I hope you can see certain traits in those campaigners for "zoo rights" that transport my point.

What these campaigners don´t know (or don´t want to know): the LGBT movement only had little to do with gaining acceptance of homosexuality. Being a kid of the 70s, I know the AIDS/HIV epidemy of the 80s and the media coverage of suffering homosexual men in the terminal stage of their sickness has contributed exponentially more than any discussion, any pamphlet of the LGBT movement. These campaigners also don´t seem to see the huge difference between homosexuality and zoophilia...the animals.

"Making the new gay out of zoophilia" is what I accuse all of who live in the illusion we just have to copy the LGBT movement to get what we want. The theatrical "zoophiles", often not even experienced ones, complaining about laws that don´t even apply to them in any way, the ones exaggerating the power of these new laws Thoes who are really endangered by the laws are usually more calm and less theatrical about it...´cause they know from first hand experience you have to fuck up massively to draw the attention towards you. The louder they scream "zoo rights", the less experienced living a zoo life they usually are. Sometimes I even wonder if it is plain envy for the LGBT that drives those campaigners. Sometimes I even wonder whether talking about zoophilia has become more important than practicing zoophilia within our all has become so artificial, so theatrical...

And: My tone isn´t any different from my other posts, but it may very well be the contrast that a certain user spamming many threads with utter nonsensical conspiracy theories and other batshit crazy BS provides...;) I guess I have to thank him for his good services to make me look a lot less crazy compared to him and his contributions...;)

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-03-28 02:45:20

Enumclawe drew a lot of attention towards a scene that mainly survived because it was used to stay undercover at all costs

But isn't "staying undercover at all costs" exactly the solution you always endorse?

On bigotry: I differentiate. In Germany, religion doesn´t play a huge role

Maybe there's a translation caveat here but "bigotry" does not necessarily have anything to do with religion.

they know from first hand experience you have to fuck up massively to draw the attention towards you

See my prior response. Even to the extent this is true (which I feel is not very much, but let's say I agree), such laws, as you point out above, pave the way for more witch-hunting.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-28 05:40:11

I wasn´t referring to Enumclaw, but to the entire animal sex scene. Staying undercover worked for us just fine and Enumclaw, combined with the visibility of our scene the internet has made possible, only was some kind of a trigger for the "witch hunt" that followed because "we" became sloppy in protecting our privacy.

Regarding bigotry: I´m aware of the variety of bigotry; the religious form of it being only one, but it surely is the most prominent form of it.

So, laws pave the way for witch hunts, is that what you say? How it comes there´s no witch hunts for parking in a no parking zone? How it comes there´s no witch hunts paved by other laws? The witch hunts have NOTHING to do with the legal status of zoophilia, there were "witch hunts" against "zoophiles" when Germany had no law prohibiting interspecies sex. Sure , laws will make the self righteousness of "anti zoos" (who, btw only emerged because of the blatant visibility our community has embraced with all the porn and "zoo" sites out there) go up a notch, but witch hunts aren´t a direct consequence of the law. A law against zoophilia encourages the haters, sure. But the hate doesn´t originate in this law, it was present in this person you´re trying to connect two things that are objectively only loosely interlinked. Not to mention that keeping your mouth shut will protect you against any "witch hunt", no matter how severe it is. If people don´t know you fuck animals, nobody will "hunt" you.

Fun Fact: The introduction of the "anti zoo" laws in Germany has destroyed the so called "anti" scene in a way no zoophile could have achieved alone. Since the laws were issued, more and more "anti zoo" white knights have abandoned this issue and readjusted their "activism" to other things. Carsten thierfelder, Germany´s most hilarious "anti zoo", doesn´t seem to care about the "zoo mafia" he was seeing behind everyone who wasn´t agreeing with him anymore and has shifted his attention towards the "muslim immigrant crisis", reposting right wing vids and stuff instead. The best way to soothe those "anti zoo crusaders" was the introduction of those laws. The entire anti scene fell apart because of the laws.

I really think that our priorities have been corrupted. It´s not living a zoophile´s life that´s our top priority anymore, it´s pushing "zoophilia" into the public at all costs. Would you please take notice of the fact that everything we did to make zoophilia a thing only made our situation worse and worse? We need to get our priorities straight again: nobody cares about what you insert your dick into as long as you don´t smear it into the public´s face and wonder why Joe Average goes batshit crazy about that. Society isn´t ready for it, just learn this for once , will you? And while society regenerates from the shock the "first wave of zoophile activists" gave to it, we have to learn from all the mistakes that have been made and do it better the next time we get the chance. Meanwhile, we as a community should focus on giving decent advice to live a relatively pleasant life with an orientation that is frowned upon by the overwhelming majority of humans out there. Stay undercover, protect your privacy, don´t get involved in anything that increases the risk of being exposed....if you´re lost in the desert, you don´t demand your own Octoberfest, you demand water....and that´s what we should do, too...adjusting our demands to the REAL situation out there.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-03-30 01:35:07

nobody cares about what you insert your dick into as long as you don´t smear it into the public´s face

More than "nobody" cares, as evidenced by the fact that the issue was raised, and laws made against it.

Yes, people cared before such laws, but to your point, the passing of unnecessary, targeted laws provides a tangible (sometimes extremely severe) penalty to people who are doing nothing wrong, and provides momentum to an unjust cause. Maybe the anti scene is "destroyed" in Germany, but clearly it is not the case in the US, where new laws come up all the time.

if you´re lost in the desert, you don´t demand your own Octoberfest, you demand water....and that´s what we should do, too

This analogy is only accurate if alcohol has no negative effect on people, and if there are specific, severe penalties against drinking in the desert.

I'm not sure what you think "we" are demanding, all I'm saying is there should not be unjust, disproportionate laws.

substallion לשלוט בי, הסוס שלי 2 points on 2017-03-23 07:35:16

Chillax, mang.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-03-23 12:31:01

Have you ever considered, maybe narrow mindedness is the cause?

If some zoophiles are turning zoophilia into an "exclusive club" which excludes certain people from having rights because those people do not or cannot fit the strict expectations from it's members, those excluded people will eventually overwhelm and exclude those zoophiles rights.

I've been trying to give you people the answers, but upon excluding me and my contributions, you people are narrowing or "concentrating" your support. It doesn't matter if you worked for your rights or not, because using any reason to exclude anyone will cause the excluded majority to grow elsewhere and come back to haunt you.

Yes, why bother including your rights when you'll just use those rights to exclude others? This is a basic sociological concept of balance. If you must be "this and this and this" excluding "this and this and this" you might find that you're all alone and surrounded.

I've come to the conclusion that maybe people like yourself are not actually zoos. Perhaps you are frauds, subverting zoophilia to appear exclusive for the purpose of harming everyone's rights.

I could be wrong, maybe you truly do not understand the concept of exclusion, justice and balance. Please read and understand the definition of "wholly."

One way or the other, zoophilia and sex with animals is "everyone's right", not exclusively yours, as long as the rights don't intrude on anyone's individual rights.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-23 13:41:15

Just another glimpse of insanity and delusion, as usual. It´s NOBODY´s right to have sex with animals and what we´re debating here are strategies how to gain TOLERANCE. Could you please sod off into your ego wanking nest and tell your destructive conspiracy theories elsewher? Nobody´s listening to you, btw. But you surely state that we "elitists" are to blame for legal persecution of interspecies sex, right? And what "we" are YOU talking about? They threw you out from Beastforum, several times....not even there, your neurotic, egocentric psychosis was welcome.Troll elsewhere.Or get treatment. Or both.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-03-23 14:02:38

It IS everyone's right.

Maybe you should learn what tolerance means before using it as your excuse to be intolerant of my statements and intolerant of people's rights.

You're basically trampling on and revoking everyone's rights just because nobody will consider you or zoophilia to be special. It's nothing special and you're not special, I don't care what your mommy and daddy told you.

Yet you're going to accuse me of being delusional and egocentric, even though I'm trying to "give" rights back to the people after you stole them?
All you're doing is taking things away, like that kindergarten kid with boundary issues who steals and hides other children's building blocks even though he already has his own . You're not contributing anything. You're de-contributing. Backwards. Like Я.

They threw me out of beastforum because I was speaking up against few members who had the same backwards, demoralizing, degenerate, rights revoking, non-supportive views as yourself.

Its very obvious. The same few people are defrauding zoophilia at multiple websites, forums and social media for the purpose of demoralizing and degenerating the rights of everyone else.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-23 14:10:42


Sheppsoldier 2 points on 2017-03-23 14:17:43

Ok, ive removed both those statements.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-03-23 14:21:47

Alright. I restored the post.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-23 15:58:57

Oooh, little Sheppy soldier can´t deal with rejection. He cries and gets mad because the cool kids deny him entry to the party. And all of this incoherent rants and ramblings are solely about little Sheppy not being able to accept he´s not of any relevance and nobody listens to him, not even the beasties from Beastforum. Yeah, that must be hard, to be metaphorically homeless and rejected even from your "own kind"....but I´m pretty sure you will learn how to deal with your egocentrism, your narcicism when you consult a professional therapist. And little Sheppy doesn´t even realise that he´s the only one displaying destructive behaviour....yeah, we get it, everyone is to blame but our hyperintelligent, superduper experienced number one "zoophile" Sheppsoldier. All in here are deluded and crazy, all except Sheppsoldier. Yeah, little kid, go check your neurons. Or get them checked from a pro...and while you´re already in therapeutic treatment, learn how to deal with the cool kids who don´t want you on their party without heinous conspiracy theories and permarants. Nobody buys your snake oil, man. And while you´re at it, go google "right on sex"...and you´ll find really astounding facts...actually, no one, not even heteros, has the right to have sex. Besides from disabled persons who get their monthly visit in brothels paid by health care in Germany (Sorry, US citizens....but I had to rub it into your faces some day hurrhurr), of course. And, Shepp, since when do the ones standing outside decide who´s invited to a party? he fact that you threatened to "come and destroy and steal" only shows the antisocial nature of your character. "If I, Shepp The Excellent, can´t have it, I´ll destroy it for anybody else. Earth to Shepp: You´re not alone on this planet and not alone in this....and if a group of people decides to give a new approach that hasn´t been tested yet a try to possibly change public perception of zoophilia with an attitude that increases the chances of tolerance and you appear, saying "I´ll destroy it" out of simple lack of capability to deal with not being included, it shows what you are really all about. You. Just you, yourself and nothing else. But guess what, we cool kids can and will do fine without you. You can go on wasting your time hacking text into your keyboard, but I don´t snitch too much when I say. nobody ain´t got time for your shit. This sub is not a sandbox for nagging little brats...please go watch some cartoons suited for your mental age and let the adults do the talking.

PS: Knowing Southflorida and his own viewpoints, I can assure everybody that your claim you have been thrown out of Beastforum because you opposed people like me you accuse of taking away "zoophilia" from others is a blatant lie. Beastforum and almost everyone with an account there sings YOUR tune, not mine. The fact that even BF had it with you only hints at your massive psychological problems and behaviour issues. BF´s bar is pretty damn high when it comes to kick out potential porn customers and you must´ve done massive insulting (as you frequently display here), spewing incoherent theories not even the most gullible newbie believes (as in here) and other inappropriate crap. Condensing your mindless gibberish into a somewhat stringent pov , I´d say you and Southflorida are basically two cheeks of the same ass, so similar are your attitudes and he´d never ever kick out someone who practically does HIS work for him, attacking those who aren´t content with the beasty dominance anymore. So, everything you offer in here.

[deleted] -1 points on 2017-03-23 16:43:04


30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-03-23 17:04:46

Oooh, now little Sheppy is crying sad. Don´t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya...and on your way out, you can look up how much "right" you have on sex...none, like anyone else...and don´t you dare speaking about the animals which you never ever included in your weird , egocentric perspective.

[deleted] -1 points on 2017-03-23 17:12:00


30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-23 17:59:40

"What kind of monster creates a situation where people don´t have the right to ask for sex with animals...?" - It´s called reality, Shepp. Not that you know much about that....but keep guessing, Shepp, it´s kinda entertaining witnessing someone destroying the little rest of reputation they might possibly have . Keep insulting me to show off your antisocial traits. Keep complaining about your "right to have sex with animals" , unveiling that you see animals as mere sex puppets that have to obey your carnal desires. You´re the cancer in here.Rejoice in your illusion of grandezza. And just confess that you´re Aluzky, with the sole intent to come in here and get your "revenge" ´cause we evol cool kids don´t want you to play with us...Triggered?

Sheppsoldier -1 points on 2017-03-23 18:14:19

Lol! Carnal desires? That's your reality.

In actual reality, if you're not having sex then you're doing drugs and stuffing your face with food for pleasure like a pig. FYI, hungry hungry pigs will eat anything... People's children and even their own feces.

This subreddit is about "Zoophilia," the sexual attraction to animals. Vorephiles like yourself do not belong here trashing sex or sex with animals. Sexual attraction to animals does not include your sexual attraction to eating them. Likewise, there is already a subreddit for food and drugs. Please go bash sex with animals over there.

Admit it... You're Armin Meiwes. To you, eating guys and animals is morally superior and socially acceptable in contrast to having sex with them. That could be considered an "Eating Disorder."

PS... In response to your PS below - Zoophiles who are overly emotionally attracted to animals minus the sexual attraction are can be dangerous. Thats because they have "emotional dysregulation." Emotional dysregulation causes the inability to be flexible over how a particular thing (Sex) should be done. Technically, they are inflexible in their claim that it should not be done at all. These crazy, unmedicated, extreme emotions towards animals trigger those types of people into Anti-Zoo, Anti-Sex motions such as sexual discrimination and hate crime homicide against people who would like to have sex with animals or do have sex with animals. Also similar... "Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder" which is: Strict preference for laws, rules, and regulations. Adherence to ethical and moral codes.

Discrimination against people who have sex with animals is the symptom of a dangerous underlying disorder, which has the potential to become violent directly "physically", or indirectly "legally" by force of law.

Since zoophilia is "emotional AND sexual", you cannot actually be a zoophile if you're only an emotional fraud.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-23 18:26:59

Hmmm, what does this "conversation" remind me of??? Ohh, eureka!

PS: This sub is about zoophilia, the EMOTIONAL AND sexual attraction to animals. Just sayin´

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-23 18:34:25

Admit it... You're Jeffrey Dahmer. To you, eating black kids was morally superior to having sex with them.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-03-23 21:12:15

He's Aluzky as much as you, an obvious German-native writer, are Doug Spink.

Can we just call it quits at those two wild claims?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-23 23:47:42


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-24 05:34:33

Removed as part of the program you opted into. Calling someone a nazi, direct or indirect, is not condoned by rule 7.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-03-24 16:40:03

To be fair he kinda whines like Aluzky. Just saying. Not here to stir the pot.

Sheppsoldier -1 points on 2017-03-24 18:26:56

Everybody knows you're just trying to associate everything to Aluzky, because you're trying so hard to have him and other people murdered.

Probably that same Anti-Zoo psycho who created websites to enable harm to him. Went around telling people to kill him. The violent obsession you people have for Aluzky is notoriously well known.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-03-27 06:06:20


peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-05-25 10:04:31

Now what are you crying about?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-24 05:38:05

"Thats big talk in defense of animals, coming from someone who includes mice into his butthole with paper towel tubes." is an insult.

"Why can't you Frankensteins just stop stealing, mutilating and eating people's body parts, property, and personal rights? Are you eating people's children and aborted fetuses too?" is also an insult.

I'll be speaking to 30-30 as well, mind.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-24 05:40:30

Telling someone to fuck themselves is a personal attack.

"Your parents should have beat you with a wooden spoon when you were a child. Keep your filthy lying, stealing, no good hands..." is also not acceptable. Things like this don't lend your posts credibility either.

Removed as part of the program you opted into.

MDCCCLXIIII 4 points on 2017-03-23 20:05:50

Would you two be so kind as to stop this immature catfight? Why can´t you see that perpetuating this pointless discussion doesn't lead you anywhere. May I remind you of AmoreBestia's statement from about one week ago, in which he condemned the undiplomatic, offensive and unobjective style of discussion which prevails among this community? Don't you realize that it is exactly this kind of unnecessary and immature outrage that prevents any kind of reasonable debate, that makes this place a "playground for manchilds, fantasisers and plain retards"? Is this the image of our community that we want to convey to the outside world? An image of disrespect, contempt and harassment? Has anyone of you taken the time to meticulously read and reflect on AmoreBestia's or my comment from last week in order to understand why r/science could be a role model for this community? Have you considered how this subreddit would benefit from adhering to a rational style of discussion instead of spamming it with plain insults and childish name-calling? Of course, you haven't. You were so immersed in your stupid little conflict that you just couldn't consider the "vital and essential aspects of zoophilia" instead. If you're determined to take your discussions to this infantile, irrational level, feel free to do so via PM, but please, don't confront us who prefer to keep our writing reasonable and polite with this bullshit. Thanks!

Sheppsoldier -1 points on 2017-03-23 20:39:50

I'm only trying to provide psychological and scientific answers, explanations to claims which would have no explaination otherwise when somebody else claims it.

Here I must be the only one explaining "Why." The whole point of science is answering the "Why", because without "Why" nobody would have a valid reason. They just follow rules and orders blindly like machines.

FYI Machines are extremely dangerous when they're being commanded to harm people who have sex with animals, or commanded to arrest and lock people up for having sex with animals. Telling people to ban and prosecute the "sexual zoophiles" who have sex with animals is no different than a crazed psychopath driving a vehicle though a crowd of people to kill them, when all those people were doing was having fun and being sociable. Actively persecuting people for having sex with animals is no different than somebody going into a church and shooting up the patrons for practicing their faith.

Yearningmice Zoophile 1 point on 2017-03-23 22:43:12

I'd like to second this. Please stop behaving like childish brats, the both of you.

Sheppsoldier -1 points on 2017-03-24 00:06:41

Not until things change.

People created this problem by persecuting people who have sex with animals. Are they stupid enough to create a bigger problem to take care of the problem they caused in the first place?
Sure, im adventurous. Let's find out.

People will never stop having sex with animals. I've never done anything bad to anybody. If people don't buzz the f-k off, real karma (not reddit karma) will inevitably take everything from them.

Not my rules.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-24 05:26:05

dammit shepp

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-03-24 16:37:56

Could you seriously just get a life already?

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-03-24 18:14:28

Zoophilia is my life. Is it not yours?

Why do you Anti-Zoo people constantly insist on defacing and taking away important aspects of other people's lives?

You take people's animals away. You take those animals genitals and lives away. You take people's freedoms away. You take their homes away. You take their voting rights. You take people's ability to function normally without drugs. You take everything away.

The list can go on forever. All because you want to watch zoophiles have a fairytale prince/princess happy ending with the same species. Nothing but storybook psychopaths forcing everyone to bring Beauty and the Beast and Shrek to life. I didn't consent to change my life for invasive OCD children that never grew up from cartoon morals.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-05-25 10:01:01

I'm Zoo-Exclusive you vapid jackass and for fuck's sake speak English!

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-05-25 10:02:20

And who exactly are you talking about?

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-25 02:10:36

When you say "gotten worse", are you referring to the current onslaught of anti-zoo bills in Nevada, West Virginia, Vermont, Kentucky and Texas? Because there's never been so many anti-zoo bills at one time. It's difficult to be optimistic when there's so much bad news about new laws being made everywhere.