Advice needed (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-06-11 00:06:40 by LikeWhereThisIsGoin

How do I tell my husband that I want to get fucked by my dog? He knows that I am attracted to dogs and horses, but I don't think he know just how much I love our boy. Lol. Advice welcome, no judgment, please

NateDawg24 1 point on 2017-06-11 00:47:18

Get a fucking hold of yourself

LikeWhereThisIsGoin 1 point on 2017-06-11 00:55:18

Care to explain?

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-15 20:45:39

''Don't be an idiot and get your dog euthanized because of laws.''

LikeWhereThisIsGoin 1 point on 2017-06-15 23:53:05

Got it. Thanks.

throwaway11001122 5 points on 2017-06-11 01:00:54

There's probably a nicer way to say it, but you nail it. The best pay off for telling someone you're a hardcore zoo is maybe easier sleeping at night, or a closer bond with someone. Unfortunately the amount of ways that it can and will go badly out weigh the good. If you do come out to him fully and he doesn't accept it your entire life will be ruined. How you are seen by everyone that you do and will know will be tainted. You will lose your job and any possibility of getting another. Your pet Will be taken away and the ability to ever get another will be removed. Honestly it isn't worth the risk.

Lateoss Wuz gud 4 points on 2017-06-11 01:15:10

In all honesty, ask yourself what you are really looking for here. Is it simply a sex outlet? An actual relationship with your dog? Something between maybe? Could you please elaborate here, I'm tryna help you out. Cause honestly if you just want to "get fucked by your dog", I think you should look elsewhere for advice.

Your user history shows that you have spent quite some time in the bestiality sub... Most individuals here don't look so highly on people who do things like that...

LikeWhereThisIsGoin 2 points on 2017-06-11 02:39:51

Well, I'm already close with my dog. Like, in a "not normal" way. If he was a person, we would be dating. Lol. I don't think that I'd want an exclusive relationship with him, but I wouldn't use him for just sex

Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-06-11 03:40:12

Well ill be honest here with you, and my response will probably sound similar to the responses of others here. You have already committed yourself to your husband, be careful of your actions, you cannot undo what you say.

Think about the repercussions of telling your husband this. I dont know your husband, ultimately you are the one who knows him best and how open he will be to this. If you pursue a relationship with both your dog and your husband, there are a lot of ways it can go wrong, and many less ways it can go right. Think about not only how your husband will react immediately upon telling him, but also how will this affect you two in the long run.

Try looking at it from the viewpoint of your husband and think like he thinks. Now how would your husband react when you told him that you have a love interest in your dog?

Ultimately the choice is yours, I hope you found this helpful. A friendly reminder to no overstep your boundaries and keep the dogs best interests in mind.

LikeWhereThisIsGoin 1 point on 2017-06-11 11:49:25

So I know he likes bestiality. But I have no idea how he would feel about me participating in real life and how he would react to me basically telling him that I'm in love with the dog lol

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-06-11 01:50:14

Your user history shows that you have spent quite some time in the bestiality sub... Most individuals here don't look so highly on people who do things like that...


Advice welcome, no judgment, please

well, so much for that...

i will say that i agree with /u/throwaway11001122 's comment to a large extent. it paints a worst-case scenario, but it is true that it's more likely to go poorly than well. sadly, honesty is rarely the best policy for a zoophile. the general public is just not ready for it.

as far as having sex with your dog, there's sadly a stigma on both sides -- non-zoos and zoos alike. it really shouldn't be such a huge deal to want to have sex with your dog. i DO hope that he is well taken care of, and that if he isn't interested in sex that it won't change how you treat him. you also need to explore how you feel about what is basically having an affair, and please keep your husband's feelings strongly in mind. if you love him, you may want to dial back your desire to have sex with your dog and maybe try getting a dog-shaped sex toy instead. that's something your husband might be far more ok with .. or possibly even a dog-shaped penis sheath, which, if you don't know, is something that a human can wear .. so you could experience the sensation (or at least one aspect of it) of being fucked by a dog while remaining faithful to your husband.

if there is more to this than simply wanting to get fucked by your dog... if in fact you have strong emotional feelings for him and want to extend your bond to something that includes sex.. well, i really don't know what to say there aside from what i said initially ... that it really is a potentially bad idea to reveal the truth to non-zoophiles, even those you feel would be accepting of the idea. it really is difficult to know for sure how someone will react to such information.

whatever you decide.. best of luck and i hope you find happiness.

LikeWhereThisIsGoin 1 point on 2017-06-11 02:48:07

He is VERY well taken care of. Spoiled, even. Haha. And if he wanted no part of sexual activities, i would never force him and he will still be my best friend. But what I got from what you've said is to basically just push the feelings down, that my husband wouldn't understand my feelings? I may have read too far into it, I apologize lol. But I think I could handle that, I just would also have to tone down my affection a bit so I don't bring up any suspicion lol. Stuff like when I hold his paw while watching TV, which my husband hasn't seem to notice

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-06-11 03:11:42

sigh ... i hate giving that kind of advice because it is a sad existence to leave desires unfulfilled, especially ones that (if handled well) cause no harm to anyone.. though obviously in this case, as i said, it COULD depending on how your husband would feel about this.

[edit -- adding this side comment that i meant to make but forgot] .. (can) cause no harm and also can bring so much joy. that's a problem i have as well -- feeling that it is such a beautiful thing and such a large part of who i am .. and not being able to share that joy with other humans that i care about.

... but the fact of the matter is, it may be the best way to handle this because of the possible repercussions. if your husband doesn't handle the news well, it could get pretty horrible pretty fast .. or even slow. the slim chance that it could go well is not likely worth it because the odds seem to be very much against it going well. :/

Swibblestein 1 point on 2017-06-11 02:58:22

Something that hasn't been asked yet: How do you expect your husband will feel about this? Because, sleeping with your dog could easily (and rightfully) be considered cheating on him if you do it without his agreement.

In general, what are his thoughts on polyamory, if you happen to know? Does he tend to be the jealous sort?

I've known people who have human relationships and animal relationships at the same time, but it's not the sort of thing I'd tend to recommend.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-06-11 03:08:59

raises hand i did, actually.... it's in there somewhere...

Swibblestein 1 point on 2017-06-11 03:39:55

Oops. Sorry! I must have missed it somehow?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-06-11 04:45:15

no worries.

LikeWhereThisIsGoin 1 point on 2017-06-11 11:53:12

I replied with this to a different reply: So I know he likes bestiality. But I have no idea how he would feel about me participating in real life and how he would react to me basically telling him that I'm in love with the dog lol

We did have an open relationship that lasted for a bit. We mutually ended it because we decided we'd had our fun. I don't think he's into being poly. I've asked him if I could have an outside Dominant, and he wasn't having that. Lmao

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2017-06-11 05:00:27

Three years ago, OP was into incest and posted a very similar request...nearly the same wording, only with incest instead of bestiality. Chances are high that we´re being played on, no reply from me as I consider it wasted time.

LikeWhereThisIsGoin 3 points on 2017-06-11 11:47:19

Because one could not simply be into animals AND incest. And go to subreddits dedicated to those with people familiar with the subject and how to approach others about it. That's ridiculous and frankly, impossible. Right? Thanks for the help.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 3 points on 2017-06-12 20:54:37

He's just the local cynical ass. dont be put off by him

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2017-06-12 23:17:44

Too bad the local cynical ass oftentimes is also the local cynical ass that gets things right directly from the start. cough cough Aluzky cough cough

PS: You know of the origins of the word "cynical"? Hint: the greek word "kynos" = dog has something to do with it...;)

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-15 20:44:08

Horse plunger makes sense here.
We constantly get fetishists here who are just ''into it.''
And since you already have a human partner and on top of that you're into incest it's not very surprising. Are you sure you don't like it because it's taboo? Be honest with yourself now.
And you know what's so suspicious too? People like you are always so different from the usual zoophile.
You seem so careless and talk so differently.

LikeWhereThisIsGoin 1 point on 2017-06-16 00:02:35

OK. I'm a fan of incest. I find reading stories hot. However. It's more than just sex with animals for me. I really do love my boy and had I adopted him and met him before I met my husband, I doubt he'd be my husband, tbh. And I'm interested in how you can tell that I'm careless over text?

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2017-06-11 05:28:58

You have a responsibility to consider how your husband will feel about this. Not only should you consider how he will understand your feelings, but how you will understand his.

How will he feel when he finds out that you don't desire to have sex with him exclusively, but also with a dog? When he and you married each other, I assume that was part of the unsaid agreement.

Will he feel as though he's not satisfying your needs and that a dog is what you need be pleasured? Because he's not a zoophile or attracted to dogs, this would probably be very difficult for him. Most people see animals as inferior beings to humans. And when he finds out that what you really want is not only his physical love, but also an animal's, he might feel degraded.

He might think "What can a dog give to my wife that I can't? Am I not enough? Is he better than me?" This could cause him to resent the dog and possibly you. Especially if you were to enjoy the dog more than him, and/or have sex with the dog more than you have sex with him.

It's just a very touchy subject, and I don't think you should even bring it up before you really think about it and decide whether it's worth risking your marriage over. Because even though he knows you're attracted to dogs right now, he still knows he's your number one. Even saying that you'd like like to have sex with someone else -that someone else being your dog- and not actually committing to the act, would challenge that belief, and could potentially ruin your marriage.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-06-11 21:29:56

Whether we're getting played or not it's a question that comes up somewhat frequently, and the answer is usually: You probably know better than a bunch of strangers on the internet. There is no easy formula that always works.

Just a couple weeks ago there was a lengthy post about coming out in general, so maybe look at some of the info there. I definitely recommend using self-restraint until you close out the topic one way or the other.

LikeWhereThisIsGoin 1 point on 2017-06-12 00:04:49

I well search for it. Thank you for the response!

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-06-12 23:26:58 is the recent one, but I encourage you to search anyway because it's a very common topic for the group here, and some threads involve different people, give different ideas, etc.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-12 20:53:23


EarthBender717 1 point on 2017-06-26 19:05:37

If he's anything like me he will be happy, just tell him or plan it out so he catches you

Snowyapples 1 point on 2017-08-07 20:24:38

Have you ever dont it ? And if so how did you get them to start doing it

LikeWhereThisIsGoin 1 point on 2017-08-10 19:42:23

I've only been eaten out.