[NS] Getting seriously caught. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-07-05 00:19:07 by thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank

this is gonna be a long one, instant coffee and hard dollar store biscuits are in the back, next to the rat nest.

So, ignoring the not getting caught part, what happens when someone gets caught? What can you do in a bestiality (dictionary definition) case, and not have your animals fucked over or even killed in the process?

And what about minors, who are sometimes forced through years of therapy designed to make themselves hate who they are?

I dont think ive ever seen anything relating to this, so im going to try to change that. Post your own plans/criticisms in the comments.

A. pregame

  1. Data


wiping your devices isnt good enough. You need to make it seem like you havent wiped it. Try using separate profiles on android, keeping one as a "clean" accounts, and the other as a "dirty" account. if shit hits the fan, wipe the dirty account. Im not sure about other operating systems (some have guest, or kid modes though). on android, set up the clean account as the main account, and the dirty as the secondary.

storage devices

pretty simple.

put all the really important, non zoophilic stuff on a completely sfw drives. keep all the naughty stuff on other drives, and be prepared to completely destroy them. dont get a titanium flash drive. For hard drives, the best way is to probably melt them. get or make magnesium shavings, like these and keep them in a covered, large metal container. Get something like a cement block you can put on top of it to keep a fire contained. magnesium shavings are flammable and generate their own oxygen. If you light them, give up on putting the fire out. Just keep it somewhere safe, and ready for you to use them.


learn how to use encryption software. its pretty easy actually, even i can figure it out. I use veracyrpt, and as far as i can tell, nothings gone horribly wrong. I dont know too much about encryption.

get this. it'll wipe a drive pretty well, and if nothing else, you can use it if you ever need to sell a computer or storage device. it works best on hard drives. Burn it to a usb drive using rufus, and, here comes the tricky part, google how to enter the BIOS menu of your particular computer. it varies, but usually it involves pressing one of the f-something keys right as your computer boots up. Find the boot order setting, and put usb at the top of the boot order. This might mean you have to keep certain usb things unplugged when you start up your computer though. keep the usb you burned the program to somewhere where you can get it in a hurry. Make a few if you have to.

  1. animals

trusted friends

Make sure you have someone you can TRUST to take care of your animals when your gone. i can say much on this subject, but i dont think its difficult.

  1. Unusual animals:

By unusual animals, i mean everything you couldnt buy at a pet store.

Sit down, and think. If you wanted to legally take those animals away from someone more than anything in the world, how would you do it? and then make those ways impossible. Get all the permits you need, make sure you have insurance, it had all its shots, you have the proper cage, etc. If they cant nail you for bestiality, they'll likely try (and possibly will) take your animals through some other means.

4.you and your animals

one of the best things you can do, but also one of the hardest, is set yourself up as a dog breeder. Itll give you a convenient excuse for nearly anything zoo related. But it requires work. You can just say you're one and expect them to believe it. Try looking up forums, do research, really commit to it. Know the part you have to play and know it well, and actually breed/sell at least one litter.

  1. physical stuff

Keep no physical records that could even hint you are a zoophile. Most are too hard to destroy as the police are banging on your door. buy a scanner, scan them, and keep them on digital storage. Burn photos, diaries, stories, etc. Trust me, if they get a warrant to search your house, they WILL find anything physical.

"clean" your pets after and before you bump nasties, and keep in mind that they WILL have a THOROUGH vet checkup if you get caught. Use only water and mild soap, since they will be able to tell if an animal has been cleaned with chemicals.

Dont save urine/cum/whatever unless you can pass yourself off as something like a breeder.

B.Don't panic

There are a few ways youll know youve been caught. The difference between them all is the amount of time you have. Ill be going for the classic, 3 police cars just pulled up and your gut is definitely feeling something.

  1. The title of this section was kind of misleading. Panic, but in a controlled way. Go for electronics first. Sort out the storage types in your mind. Hard, or soft. Hard, is things like disks, hard drives, and reel to reel betamax porn. Soft is usb drives, ssds (chromebooks have them), and memory cards.

first, remember that magnesium shavings? bury your hard storage in them, and any large storage, put them outside away from any other flammable materials, light the shavings on fire, and cover with something heavy and nonflammable.

for the smaller soft storage, like sd cards, Put on a pair of gloves for the pointy bits, and snap as many as you can in half, then stomp on them. You want to make a silicon smoothie. then sweep them away if you can.

Lock any non caged pets in a spare room, becuase police may be able to legally kill your pets on sight and if not legally, they likely will anyways.

  1. Get any paperwork ready (whatever that may be), let the police in, and cooperate. There's not much more you can do.

    Tell the police about any pets in the house/yard and where they are. If not, you risk someone getting an itchy trigger finger.

Answer basic questions, but ask for a lawyer for anything else. Be respectful. There's a strong chance they'll search your house pretty thoroughly. Crying and begging will do you no good. Just hope you really left no evidence.

C.Deny Deny Deny (legal stuff)

  1. If you actually done the dog breeder thing, USE IT. It can make for a great alibi, and can excuse what evidence a vet may find, any "fluids" you might have had lying around, etc. Get people who youve sold to to vouch for your legitmacy. Go on about genetics and hybrids and such. Force them to believe you are a breeder.
  1. Listen to your lawyer. They know what they're doing. If you can, avoid court appointed lawyers at all costs. they're overworked and underappreciated and likely really dont have the time to put the necessary effort into your case.

Anything past this varies greatly, or i dont know much about it.

If you lose, you'll be fined, probably put in jail, your animals could be killed, and it will be very hard for you to get any new animals.

If you win, its likely your secret will be out, you might show up in some background tests if your trying to get animals.

If you own any possibly illegal animals, they'll almost certainly be taken from you at best.

God speed

reddit formatting is gross

AutoModerator 1 point on 2017-07-05 00:19:07

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AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-07-05 00:59:04

I think an important thing, too, is, know your rights, and know what's legal and what isn't, for you, and the police. Have the indexes for them too, because knowing they're there sometimes isn't enough.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-05 01:14:28

Spend some time with this guy. He's primarily about drugs but has worlds of useful info for any encounter with police. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyAjLkBCWKI

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 02:40:21

I'm not well known for my word putting together skills. sorry if this comes out awkward or confusing.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-07-05 02:48:53

word putting together skills

Articulation works here, it basically means that you spoke clearly. IE "Beth was always able to articulate her points during any debate" "Anthony is quite articulate, able to explain things in a way that anyone understands." "The emotional articulation of the plight of animals is half the battle for organizations like the ASPCA and PETA."

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-07-05 04:24:36

The biggest thing should be the standard advice of "don't talk to the police" beyond asking if you are being detained, if you can see a warrant (and be aware that they may need new warrants for any new area or device), and to explain that you won't talk without a lawyer present. There's plenty of good explanations out there about why and this goes over some of them http://www.learnliberty.org/blog/advice-from-cops-dont-talk-to-cops/

Don't lie. If it's proven to be a lie or if it isn't bought, it's going to do more harm than good. Don't make assumptions about what kinds of evidence they have and don't confess to things you haven't been accused of. Like if you say "I have samples because I'm a breeder" without said samples being mentioned, you've just shot yourself in the foot. Similarly, until you are told that the investigation is about bestiality, don't talk about bestiality.

I'd be wary of wiping and destroying drives because this can easily backfire. The biggest way is in getting a charge for destroying evidence, regardless of if you get prosecuted or not. Many devices also store 'backups' of deleted files. And then just because it's destroyed doesn't mean it can't be used against you, that you went out of your way to destroy it might be used as evidence in and of itself. You're damned if you do, damned if you don't, and if nothing you have is evidence of you yourself personally doing anything, it's really not going to be worth the trouble of additional criminal charges.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-05 06:56:40

Many devices also store 'backups' of deleted files.

To be more specific, files and applications are basically just removed from an 'index' of block addresses that designate where each part of a file starts and ends on the hard drive or storage hardware when deleted, so they remain unaltered until they're overwritten. If you 'delete' all of the files in a partition, those files are 100% intact and haven't gone anywhere until you overwrite at least part of each block. Even when you corrupt a file by partially overwriting it(which happens organically when you download other files), portions of it are liable to be recovered.

If you're concerned about what may be on your hard disk drives or ssds, you'll probably want to run a drive scrubber. Just know that it can take hours or days since it's basically resetting each bit on your storage to 0, individually. The best thing to do, if you really need this content, is to put it on high capacity microSD cards or something similar. Having a hard drive that you can quickly and easily use a drive scrubber on helps too. The great thing about portable storage is that it won't be cached in your system memory (and even if it is, it won't be complete or readable), and it's tiny enough for you to place it pretty much anywhere.

If they're coming in with a warrant, you're contending with people specifically trained and equipped to find this kind of stuff... so try to be creative with hiding places. The safest solution is not to have the stuff in the first place, and to not muddle the browser history of your main pc with it... but if you need it, at least don't leave your storage sitting on your desk/in your pc/in your phone.

I don't actually worry about my data security this much, myself, but I'm in a different boat, understandably.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 10:22:37

you'll probably want to run a drive scrubber.

i included a part on that. They're slow and obvious, but they do work.

the absolute best solution would be to just encrypt everything, but... https://xkcd.com/538/

physical destruction, if you do it right, will leave very little evidence.

magnesium burns at around 3,100 Celsius. aluminum's melting temp is about 660 C.

xkcd_transcriber 1 point on 2017-07-05 10:22:55



Title: Security

Title-text: Actual actual reality\: nobody cares about his secrets\. \(Also, I would be hard\-pressed to find that wrench for $5\.\)

Comic Explanation

Stats: This comic has been referenced 1503 times, representing 0.9267% of referenced xkcds.

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AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-05 10:37:30

There is a noticeable ammonia smell if you used water as the catalyst with your magnesium. If they have a warrant, they'd probably get in quickly enough that it's noticeable. In case I caused some confusion, I was saying that a drive scrubber should be used before there is an immediate encounter, and that anything elicit should go directly to compact and concealable storage. You can drop a microsd card down a sink drain, or flush it down the toilet if you need to, leaving no evidence unless someone picks it out of raw sewage. Having anything sensitive on hard drives just complicates things for you.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-05 06:56:41


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-05 13:15:05

This whole thread makes me paranoid asf.
As soon as I hear that shit on my door I just get the fuck out. Face it, if you had sexual contact or if they were there in the first place you know you're done for. That shit won't leave.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-07-05 18:13:51

Do NOT escape. Cops also make mistakes, but if you run away, they will find you and things will get really serious, even if their first guess was incorrect, you have tried to escape and will have to explain why. Statistically very bad move. The only exception I can think of is when you have pre planned tactic. I mean new identity, documents, cash, place to hide already prepared and ready to use. Very expensive and hard to do. And dangerous, owning a false id... It can do more harm than good.

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-07-05 18:55:59

What do you mean mistakes? Yeah their real mistake would be getting my innocent girl and innocent me killed.
Unless you're talking about knocking at the wrong door, my ass. If they are at our door because we broke a big law such as bestiality, they're not just gently ringing the bell. They're fucking knocking on our door to ''GET THE FUCK OUT! WE KNOW YOU'RE THERE!''

But here's the thing, if you had sexual contact then it's already over. That's enough evidence they'll find.
Just the fact that they show up at your door is already enough. They know.
No lawyer will save my girl from getting killed or me going to jail. If it happens, I'll kill myself.
But if I run away I at least have the chance to get out of it.
I swear I'm not putting up with them. Everytime I see a police car or a cop my heart feels like it sinks and it hurts as fuck.
Even if someone hurt my girl or myself, I wouldn't call the police. They're useless and complicated.
I despise them so much, thinking they have more rights than me and that they're more important.
I'm not someone who sympathizes random humans, but I feel pretty shit about all the innocent humans and especially animals who have been killed or hurt because of these wrongdoers.
If I'll be treated like a criminal, then I will act like one.

But hey, this community seems to encourage taking risky acts by support coming out, so this isn't much of a difference either.
Why judge me at all?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-05 21:09:08

If they're at your door, they might have probable cause. They cannot reasonably(or successfully) prosecute you unless they have actual evidence or eyewitness testimony, though so long as any family members stay quiet your lawyer would be able to contend with outside testimony. Of course, I'm not entirely familiar with the dutch justice system, but the justice systems of different countries is rarely too much different from the others.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-05 21:50:40

I don't know about the system and laws here either. I avoid many things related to society such as politics and laws. I just can't stand it one bit.
But I think that if they're at my door they already know. I've admitted to participating in bestiality and they will find a way to get me in trouble.
I mean, isn't my online activity enough evidence? There's no other way they'd show up at my doorstep for some reason.
All they need is a lie detector or use my dog as evidence. And if they showed up at the door, I bet my ass my mother would get me into trouble too, considering she's such a horrible anti-zoo. And my brother might do it too since he's the one who snitched that I talked in this sub.
And come on, I am obvious as fuck. I remember when my mother or that one girl had a suspicion about this and I started shaking. I'm so bad at faking stuff and keeping everything straight. I can't imagine what I'd be like if I was confronted with them.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-07-05 22:50:23

Polygraph tests aren't accurate and aren't permitted in court as evidence because the results are garbage. They're used as an interrogation technique to spook suspects into talking and not much else.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-05 23:05:19

I don't know about the system and laws here either. I avoid many things related to society such as politics and laws. I just can't stand it one bit.

Well, politics and law are there to serve the people, yourself included. Knowing them well, especially your rights, gives you security, peace of mind, and a leg up when contending with your legal system. It can also help you get certain government services that you're eligible for, when you know what's what.

But I think that if they're at my door they already know. I've admitted to participating in bestiality and they will find a way to get me in trouble.

Nah. Most first world justice systems are largely similar, and after a brief review of the dutch legal system, they seem to have a bit more red tape for law enforcement and a very progressive penal system.

I mean, isn't my online activity enough evidence? There's no other way they'd show up at my doorstep for some reason.

They can only track the activity of your external IP address. So long as you dont have any evidence in hard drives and such, you're fine. It could even be the neighbor bumming off your wifi. They simply don't know.

All they need is a lie detector or use my dog as evidence.

Lie detectors don't work, and your dog is only evidence if she has immediate evidence of sexual contact... which there probably isn't.

And if they showed up at the door, I bet my ass my mother would get me into trouble too, considering she's such a horrible anti-zoo. And my brother might do it too since he's the one who snitched that I talked in this sub.

You'd be surprised about just how different people act when family is at stake. Morals, preferences, and personal safety can just as well go out the window most of the time when it comes to protecting family.

And come on, I am obvious as fuck. I remember when my mother or that one girl had a suspicion about this and I started shaking. I'm so bad at faking stuff and keeping everything straight. I can't imagine what I'd be like if I was confronted with them.

That's even more reason to know your rights and enhance your digital security. It'll give you a large measure of security and peace of mind. Knowing that you're well secured and able to defend yourself makes the law stop being a boogieman, and will give you the confidence to handle those situations better.

Also, I suggest watching this. Not all police officers are good guys, to be certain, but it's a job where you end up making alot of sacrifices more often than not, and there are many, many police officers that are compassionate and gentle to a fault.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-06 13:42:29

Well, politics and law are there to serve the people, yourself included. Knowing them well, especially your rights, gives you security, peace of mind, and a leg up when contending with your legal system. It can also help you get certain government services that you're eligible for, when you know what's what.

Makes sense, but for some reason I'm really not interested and don't want to learn about it.
It's the same like math. Don't know shit, don't want to learn it and I won't learn it.

Nah. Most first world justice systems are largely similar, and after a brief review of the dutch legal system, they seem to have a bit more red tape for law enforcement and a very progressive penal system.

Still not convinced.
They're at my door, got no chance.

your dog is only evidence if she has immediate evidence of sexual contact... which there probably isn't.

Ever heard of ''rape kits''? Well, vets use them too and it'll be easy to find evidence.
My own DNA is enough. And also the fact that her vagina is stretched out because, well you know why.

You'd be surprised about just how different people act when family is at stake. Morals, preferences, and personal safety can just as well go out the window most of the time when it comes to protecting family.

Can never be too sure.

Also, I suggest watching this. Not all police officers are good guys, to be certain, but it's a job where you end up making alot of sacrifices more often than not, and there are many, many police officers that are compassionate and gentle to a fault.

''The uploader has not made this video available in your country.''

I get your point and already know what the video is about. Apparently the cops are taking risks to save others or something.
Still doesn't change anything for me, though. You know exactly how I view humans.
They may do good things too, but I doubt that any of those ''good cops'' won't enjoy arresting an ''offending'' zoophile.
Still, it's a part of their job to do such things as catching zoophiles, or rather the law breakers. And since I don't agree with many laws I hate them for doing so, because in fact they still hurt innocents.
And I'm pretty sure they can just straight up shoot animals because ''they're dangerous and unpredictable.'' (Funny enough, humans are way more unpredictable than animals.) I just won't respect them just like how I don't like hunters. Your job involves hurting innocents, I despise you.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-07 00:11:05

Makes sense, but for some reason I'm really not interested and don't want to learn about it.

It's the same like math. Don't know shit, don't want to learn it and I won't learn it.

It's all about discipline. Back in college, getting my gen ed, I absolutely hated that I had to take art, humanities, and history classes. I still aced all of them, put my all into them and have relative mastery of the topics still. I even gained quite the appreciation for some of them and the skills they gave me, later on.

Still not convinced. They're at my door, got no chance.

Police are allowed to lie about what they know if it will help an investigation. The "we already know x" shtick doesn't mean all that much in the long run.

Ever heard of ''rape kits''? Well, vets use them too and it'll be easy to find evidence. My own DNA is enough. And also the fact that her vagina is stretched out because, well you know why.

Don't worry about DNA. They'll struggle to prove anything if there aren't sexual fluids from you on her, and they can't prove that her vagina didn't simply develop that way.

Can never be too sure.

It's been proven reliable enough for me and my family.

''The uploader has not made this video available in your country.''

rip. It was a 50 minute documentary on police officers in Philadelphia, one of the deadliest cities for a police officer to work in. Pretty much talked about how every job, you don't know if you'll survive, but most of them say something along the lines of 'it's worth it because we're helping to make the city a safer place for others'. If they're anything like the rest of US cops, then they're probably sorely underpaid too.

Still, it's a part of their job to do such things as catching zoophiles, or rather the law breakers. And since I don't agree with many laws I hate them for doing so, because in fact they still hurt innocents.

If they do, it is done so unintentionally, mind.

And I'm pretty sure they can just straight up shoot animals because ''they're dangerous and unpredictable.'' (Funny enough, humans are way more unpredictable than animals.) I just won't respect them just like how I don't like hunters. Your job involves hurting innocents, I despise you.

They can, but if it's proven to be unjustified they can have legal action taken against them, and their jobs taken away. There are lots of officers that do a stellar job of handling aggressive nonhuman animals, too. I understand that animal handling is becoming standard training in some precincts, too. Recall, though, that police officers also arrest people that mutilate nonhuman animals for fun, or sexually violate them, or burn forests and houses. There's a good side to this whole thing that may just make the comparatively small amount of bad worth it.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-07 00:24:57

It's all about discipline. Back in college, getting my gen ed, I absolutely hated that I had to take art, humanities, and history classes. I still aced all of them, put my all into them and have relative mastery of the topics still. I even gained quite the appreciation for some of them and the skills they gave me, later on.

Discipline, huh? I remember how I wanted to learn and be stronger. I had quite the discipline because I used to be stronger. Stronger as in, well... anything. Stronger in my mental health, stronger in my dedication, stronger in everything.
Ah, good days when I felt happy and actually expected good things to happen. And they never happened.
Yeah, optimism used to blind me back in the day. Greaaaaat.

Police are allowed to lie about what they know if it will help an investigation. The "we already know x" shtick doesn't mean all that much in the long run.


Don't worry about DNA. They'll struggle to prove anything if there aren't sexual fluids from you on her

I do worry about the DNA. As far as I know, human saliva doesn't belong in animal vaginas.
And still my dick has touched a part of the inside of her vagina, also have I let my cum slide a little into her vagina a few times.

and they can't prove that her vagina didn't simply develop that way.

They'll certainly know if it's been a little widened.

It's been proven reliable enough for me and my family.

ur family not mine

If they do, it is done so unintentionally, mind.

I really don't care.
You do bad shit, I hate.

They can, but if it's proven to be unjustified they can have legal action taken against them, and their jobs taken away. There are lots of officers that do a stellar job of handling aggressive nonhuman animals, too. I understand that animal handling is becoming standard training in some precincts, too. Recall, though, that police officers also arrest people that mutilate nonhuman animals for fun, or sexually violate them, or burn forests and houses. There's a good side to this whole thing that may just make the comparatively small amount of bad worth it.

and still a bad one

woo great

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-07-07 00:34:53

Discipline, huh? I remember how I wanted to learn and be stronger. I had quite the discipline because I used to be stronger. Stronger as in, well... anything. Stronger in my mental health, stronger in my dedication, stronger in everything. Ah, good days when I felt happy and actually expected good things to happen. And they never happened. Yeah, optimism used to blind me back in the day. Greaaaaat.

Funnily enough, I expect good things to happen and they happen. When bad things do happen, I make the best of it. Part of it was that I did push myself with certain things to reach the best outcome, but I've succeeded with my own goals thus far, and part of it is because of discipline and maintaining my health.

I do worry about the DNA. As far as I know, human saliva doesn't belong in animal vaginas. And still my dick has touched a part of the inside of her vagina, also have I let my cum slide a little into her vagina a few times.

Don't worry. The vagina is acidic and has enzymes to destroy the proteins and DNA that they'll be looking for. That's why you have to kit within a day or two.

They'll certainly know if it's been a little widened.

They won't. Some vaginas really are wider by default.

ur family not mine

It's a biological phenomena, so it's fairly consistent between families.

I really don't care. You do bad shit, I hate.

So should I be concerned that you hate me because I stepped on my cat's tail on accident yesterday?

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-07-05 23:06:01

Yep, this. He-said-she-said cases about non-specific crimes aren't going to go far because they're impossible to disprove, hard to prove they happened in the correct jurisdiction and that the statute of limitations isn't up on it, and they're difficult to collect valid evidence on. Just as there's a difference between "they stole something at some point" and "they stole this specific item" there's a difference between "they fucked a dog at some point" and "they fucked this specific dog".

That's not to say that grave injustices don't happen, though. There's also the issue of intent to commit a crime. I'm not too certain about how much and what kind of evidence is required to prosecute those cases. Except for 'Catch a Predator' type stings, it would seem a lot of what might be used for 'intent' would have a lot of plausible deniability- owning pets is normal, sexually active people will own sex paraphernalia, etc. Even participating in zoo forums is iffy evidence of intent.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 21:11:16

the person above may be right, but god, do i really feel your pain... My partner, a white tailed deer would be in trouble even without zoophilia getting into the mix. A cop can knock on my door selling cookies and he'll (the deer) still probably be fucked. Id like to say ill stockpile ammo and fight the police to save him, id like to say we'll run away together to a safe place where we can live and love in peace, but that's just not how things work. even if i died for him they'll just gun him down a moment later for whatever reason gives them an excuse to satisfy their bloodlust. Fuck this world. I'd kill myself if i didnt have other lives relying on me.

SCP_2547 3 points on 2017-07-05 21:40:21

I agree with everything you've said.
This is why I want a car and a gun. I'd get the fuck out of this country and if I had to use a gun against them, I would.
And that's right, the cops can just do about anything, like harming any animal or human. It's so goddamn sad. One of the reasons why I absolutely despise humans, especially the cops.
I remember when they were at the door, my girl wanted to say hello but she was ignored and pushed with a knee. And of course the police was always useless as shit to us.
I can't stand their personalities either. So pushy, so annoying, so consistent.
Everytime I hear a knock or the doorbell, I feel a wave of shock and pain trough my body. Thinking they found out...

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-07-06 13:01:25

No lawyer will save my girl from getting killed. If it happens, I'll kill myself.

Wow, is there someone who have a different than kamikaze or suicide plan on this situation? It's not me.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-06 13:14:20

Call me crazy, but if she gets taken away from me and killed I just don't want to live any more.
I doubt I could even handle her natural death, but if she gets killed this way then I would go completely insane.
If I didn't kill myself in that situation, I would be so bitter and hateful that if I had the chance, I would kill every human I see. I'd revolve my life around it.
Nobody wants an animal that was ''raped'' so she'd be left to die. I'd be thrown in jail and when I'm released my education I'm working on would be useless since it's related to animals. I'd never have a job in my life.
My girl is not only taken away from me and killed so I'm left with an endless depression: But I won't be allowed near animals ever again.
Everyone around me would never support me again. And everyone who knew about this? They think they saved an animal and that I'm the worst human to exist. They think they did a good deed.
I'd feel like it's my fault because I let all this happen, even though it's theirs because they are punishing the innocent. They'd make me feel bad for doing nothing wrong.
Just like my dog, I'd be left to rot out there with no choice.
And you know what? All this would only happen because humans are delusional and think bestiality is unethical.
I'm convinced that if the police is at my door, I have no chance to get out of it. This is why I get the fuck out. Look at how crazy these humans are and what they'll do to you. If you look closely, I'm not the crazy one here, they are.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-07-06 14:45:08

I would never call you crazy because of that. My whole life is now targeted to give some good care, home, food and safety to one animal. Without her... I would be left with rage and no other target, so I would probably kill everyone responsible for her death. Me included. That's theory and hopefully I will never have to check if practice is the same.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-07-05 22:06:51

"This whole thread makes me paranoid as fuck"...and I cannot see how someone who is paying an extra amount of attention to his privacy should ever face a "cops kicking in your door" situation. Even if you keep several terabyte of animal porn, this is the only thing you´ll be held responsible for. Unless there are videos within your wank support flix archive that clearly and identifiably show YOUR face in it (or your animal has a distinctive unique fur pattern, remember that it´s also proof when the animal can be identified), there is no evidence that supports actions like kicking in a door. So, don´t get too paranoid about this, it´s very unlikely that this will ever happen to you. Well, IF you live your life with extra caution and aren´t dumb enough to put evidence out there yourself.

One reminder: There´s one thing I learned as a homegrower. You want to avoid attention at all costs. Pay your bills on time, don´t do other stuff that gets you the attention of the authorities. Keep an extra low profile, be a "harmless normal guy" in public. For example, don´t shoplift or drink ´n drive, keep out of all possible trouble. Try to avoid anything that could make "them" picking up your scent. All cases of authority interference with "zoophiles" I know of have one similarity: the caught ones always were responsible for handing out usable hints or evidence themselves. Don´t do that = no " bambambam OPEN THE DOOR! IT´S THE POLICE!" scenario for you...

You know, even when you came out to a friend about your zoophilia, you always can say "I was drunk" or "I just talked shit to him for the giggles"...without any hard piece of evidence in the form of pictures and videos , without being caught in the act as it occasionally happens with fencehoppers, for example, chances are actually pretty low you´ll ever have to face the cops because of "your disturbingly close relationship to your animal". Once again,this whole issue is being vastly exaggerated.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-05 22:21:21

I want to believe you, but I can't. I kind of do, but I'm still extremely afraid of them anyways.
Three things: 1. Fear stops logic. 2. I don't know SHIT about computers. 3. Anything can happen.
I've always thought that at least half of us will be caught some day anyways. You can't outrun everything forever.
I'll keep wearing this tinfoil hat no matter what. It's stuck on there no matter how hard I try to get it off.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-07-06 08:59:50

You´re like a teenager with half a gram of weed on him..."Ermergerrrd! They KNOW!! THEY`RE EVERYWHERE!!!!" ;)

Look, man, police force is limited, not unlimited. So it´s only logical to focus on actual crimes rather than wasting manpower on some rumors. Unless you´re not handing out evidence yourself, hard evidence like pictures and videos that is, you´re not gonna see the cops banging on your front door. Though staying sharp and on guard never is wrong and in our special cases highly recommended,you shouldn´t overdo it with your worries. Respect the perils involved in zoophilia, but don´t let your paranoia rule you. Your online activities don´t suffice to geta after you because you always can say that it all was just playing a character or fantasizing, so even your entire post archive in here won´t serve as hard evidence. The one thing you really should be worried is those closest to you. As you have told us, your brother already snitched on you, your mother also knows a bit about you; if I were in your position, I would seriously consider moving out of your family´s house as quick as possible.

And about the "...at least half off us will be caught...", I just have to say that this isn´t very likely to happen if you put efforts in NOT drawing attention towards you. I even doubt that 50% comes anywhere near actual figures of caught "zoophiles". Let´s do some math, shall we? World population is about 7,5 billion people, let´s be generous and say there is 0,5% of them somehow interested in bestiality/zoophilia...that would be a whopping 37,5 million "animal fuckers" worldwide. Now compare it to the cases in the news...how many cases of caught ones are there? One in a week? Two? let´s say police catches 5 "zoos" per week. Multiply it with 52 and you get 260 cases a year. Now, 37,5 million versus 260 cases of caught "zoos"...just grab your calculator and see for yourself how slim the chances are to get into trouble...and this example is only calculating the mathematical probabilities without including all the other stuff like the "handing out evidence yourself" factor.

You remember this Arpaio guy in Arizona? He was the one to perform sting operations in online "zoo" forums. If I remember it right , one of the most valid criticisms of his "zoo hunter" activities from the "normies" was that he was wasting taxpayer money on an issue that no one else except him was considering as justified. Let´s be honest, although the internet animal sex cult indeed is something worthy to keep an eye on, it surely isn´t on top of the list of issues; the world has bigger problems.

If you keep an open eye for possible problems and your mouth shut, no one will ever interfere. Or, as the Romans have put it: silentium aurum est....silence is golden. All the ones that got caught have contributed their fair share to it. Fencehopping should already be a big no-no in the era of affordable night vision cameras, publishing porn also plays a huge role in being caught, joining a "zoo group" like it happened in Enumclaw also plays a certain role in getting caught etc...

Again, there´s an analogy in growing weed: if you do it all for yourself, with about 6 plants that cover your consumption, without becoming a dealer, with your mouth shut and with the "playing the obedient citizen" stuff, there practically is no way for the police to even notice you. Same goes for zoophilia...risk minimisation, that´s basically all. Maybe your age has something to do with your risk analysis skills, as a young guy, you naturally perceive things differently than adults. But you can take my word on this: if you don´t do stupid things, it´s very unlikely that you´ll ever have to face the police.Keep a low profile, then everything will be alright.

PS: The simple fact of all ZETA members not in jail should give a slight hint of how inappropriate total paranoia is. ZETA frankly says what they´re about, still their meetings haven´t seen a police raid.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-09 21:36:11

Should I be concerned if in my region there's not at outright ban on it?... I heard they say that only animal abuse is illegal, not the sex act itself, in fact it seems they have to prove the animal is injured. I honestly have been very careless, and many of my friends know. However I'm still far from being sexually active, I don't store zoo videos as I have no interest in those but neither they are illegal.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-07-05 18:43:48

first, remember that magnesium shavings? bury your hard storage in them, and any large storage, light the shavings on fire, and cover with something heavy and nonflammable.

This is absolutely the worst advice; now the charges include arson, at minimum. Likely additional charges related to terrorism, bomb making(aka weapons of mass destruction), and whatnot will be added. This is how a bad situation gets a whole lot worse. Do not do this, do not encourage others to do this. It is absolute foolishness.

Rule #1, shut the fuck up and only talk to your lawyer.

Rule #2, make sure that lawyer is good.

Drive encryption, which everyone should be using these days will hold the cops off. Turn off what you can, there's nothing suspicious about encryption, it keeps you bank data safe as well as your secrets.

As for incriminating videos, pictures, etc; easiest is don't have them, second easiest is keep them encrypted.

If you are worried about the contents of the domicile, your best bet is to step outside and lock the door. If they've showed up to arrest you they can't enter without a warrant. If they have a warrant, you won't have time to do anything about it anyhow. They do this for a living, they know better than to give you time to secure or destroy evidence.

If you're arrested, rule #1 + #2. Prepare for a shitshow, but your lawyer should always speak for you. Never, ever admit to anything. The police can lie to you to get you to make their job easier; don't do their job for them no matter what they say.

If you suspect a problem is coming, get your beloved companions off to another home yourself. I have helped keep dogs out of the system (non-zoo) to keep them safe before while things get sorted out, key there is if the system doesn't know where they are, the sytem can't take them. The biggest risk is them getting rehomed and you never being able to find them again. Chances are, you won't know and won't be able to make arrangements.

So the easiest path is this, take precautions to ensure your private life stays private (lock doors, close windows, take those extra steps to ensure some random trespasser can't discover what's going on) and keep quiet about it.

Your friends and neighbors don't want to know, so don't clue them in by telling them.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 19:14:50

This is absolutely the worst advice; now the charges include arson, at minimum. Likely additional charges related to terrorism, bomb making(aka weapons of mass destruction), and whatnot will be added. This is how a bad situation gets a whole lot worse. Do not do this, do not encourage others to do this. It is absolute foolishness.

What? magnesium shavings are supposed to be used for burning. its completely legal and is used in camping a lot. Arson is burning property that doesn't belong to you, or burning your own property to commit fraud. Melting down your own property in a safe and contained environment using perfectly legal materials isn't arson, at least in the majority of the u.s. .

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-07-05 19:30:38

Doing so when the cops are outside in an attempt to destroy evidence is not camping, nor is it typically considered camping to do so within one's house. It may not be arson, assuming you own the place (and not the bank, or rent, etc) but that isn't going to stop you from being charged with making a bomb, or from being charged with attempting to use said bomb to kill police. Just because that's not your intent doesn't mean you won't be charged with it.

To light off enough magnesium to destroy some drives, inside a home, is very likely to start a fire. A little coffee can isn't going to contain such a device and I assure you, if you are found lighting off enough magnesium to destroy drives while the cops are kicking in your door they certainly aren't going to dismiss it as "camping".

The exact details of the charges might vary, but the point remains that by doing so you escalate from one charge, which might not have enough evidence to convict, into several charges which will be far more likely to stick. Plus the absurdity of presuming you'll have enough time to start it. The police do not politely wait for you to answer the door, especially not if they suspect you may have an improvised incendiary device. Good luck not getting shot or sentenced to life without parole.

Best case scenario is you don't get to it and they don't find your IED.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 19:52:24

to do so within one's house.

i didnt mean that, and i should have specified it.

but that isn't going to stop you from being charged with making a bomb,

you cant make a bomb with magnesium shavings. you can only make a hot fire.

A little coffee can isn't going to contain such a device

yeah, i should know better. a ceramic or bone char pot would be better, but not many people have either of those.

You could argue you were melting down the metal to recycle it, and since you cant easily stop magnesium from burning (water and suffocating it wont do much if anything), theyll have no evidence that they were even hard drives. they'd just fine pools of molten metal, which could have come from anywhere.

they don't find your IED.

magnesium? IED? You arent being serious, are you? Magnesium isnt even close to explosive.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-07-05 20:03:28

You could argue you were melting down the metal to recycle it, and since you cant easily stop magnesium from burning (water and suffocating it wont do much if anything), theyll have no evidence that they were even hard drives. they'd just fine pools of molten metal, which could have come from anywhere.

Good luck with that. I recommend testing your idea first on some junk drives, make sure you breathe deeply in that enclosed space.

magnesium? IED? You arent being serious, are you? Magnesium isnt even close to explosive.

What happens when something as simple as water gets rapidly heated? A "bomb" includes incendiary devices. I'm sure explaining to the judge that you managed to asphyxyate 2 police officers and burn down the building (let's hope it's not an aprtment!) while trying to melt down some metal will go far. So where's the rest of your home foundry?

Enjoy your foolishnes. Anyone with half a brain can readily see what I'm pointing out. It would seem you either cannot or refuse to do so.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 20:35:05

You know, i used [NS] for a reason. Constructive criticism is ok, aggressively nitpicking a single thing is not.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-07-05 20:37:46

Criticising when someone is advising people to do something which would likely get them killed or put in prison isn't nitpicking.

If you don't want people calling you out for foolish things, don't make foolish statements then attempt to defend those foolish statements.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 20:46:38

making 3 posts about a subject even after ive acknowledged i gave bad advice and should fix it, is nitpicking. If my advice really is

absolutely the worst advice

and you know so much about this stuff, why dont you make your own post?

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-07-05 20:54:23

after ive acknowledged i gave bad advice

This is the first acknowledgement I've seen about it.

and you know so much about this stuff, why dont you make your own post?

I have, many times.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 21:03:44

This is the first acknowledgement I've seen about it.

then you havent been reading my replies

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-07-05 21:13:59

You mean the ones where you keep asserting that it's A-OK to burn magnesium indoors, to try and destroy evidence? Where you appear to have maintained this idea in this very chain of comments?

I've read every reply in this thread, perhpas you can provide me a link to the ones where you're acknowledging this idea as wrong so that I can see it, as I have been unable to spot another one thus far. I will freely apologize if I have, as being a jerk is not my intent.

I'm not trying to be an asshole and I'm not trying to hassle you, but you gave some very bad advice and instead of just accepting that it was probably not the most reasoned advice, you have continued to defend it. We all make mistakes sometimes, it's not a personal failing to make an error as everyone makes mistakes, nobody is perfect.

Additionally, I readily admit that I can be wrong in any given exchange. I only ask that if I am wrong, and I do not appear to recognize it, that it be pointed out to me so that I can see my error and correct it. How else can anyone know the nature of the error?

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 23:07:34

burn magnesium indoors,

i didnt say that was ok, in fact i edited my post when i realized what i said could be interpreted that way. I want to help people.

Additionally, I readily admit that I can be wrong in any given exchange. I only ask that if I am wrong, and I do not appear to recognize it, that it be pointed out to me so that I can see my error and correct it. How else can anyone know the nature of the error?

so do i, i even said it in my original post. You however decided to go the aggressive and insulting route with your first reply. I tried to ignore that attitude but you persisted.

I've read every reply in this thread, perhpas you can provide me a link to the ones where you're acknowledging this idea as wrong so that I can see it, as I have been unable to spot another one thus far. I will freely apologize if I have, as being a jerk is not my intent.

right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/zoophilia/comments/6laq7k/ns_getting_seriously_caught/djtmg73/

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-07-05 23:25:31

right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/zoophilia/comments/6laq7k/ns_getting_seriously_caught/djtmg73/

Ok, if that's what you call acknowledging an error. I've re-read it and I still don't see it, but whatever.

You however decided to go the aggressive and insulting route with your first reply. I tried to ignore that attitude but you persisted.

I don't know what you considered insulting, I certainly haven't made any posts with that as the intent.

As for aggressive, if you think my responses have been aggresive, you're probably way too delicate to be posting on the internet.

At this point I see no reason to continue this. I did not intend to harass or insult you, if you took it as such I apologize as it was not my intent to do anything other than point out that the idea that one should plan to destroy drives via burning them when the police arrive to be foolish, dangerously so.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 23:39:44

whatever you say

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-05 23:14:50

Magnesium oxide and aluminum vapors won't be enough to cause death in a semi-ventilated area. Inhalation can cause flu-like symptoms, but it's nearly impossible to kill someone with them on accident.

This comment thread did get a report for rule 7, and I technically should strike it, but there was some respectable course correction down the line.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-07-05 23:41:58

Magnesium oxide and aluminum vapors

Aren't the only parts of a drive, even a fully ROHS compliant drive. Let me be 100% clear on this, creating a magnesium fire capable of incinerating drives in a residential environment is an absolutely horrible idea. Suggesting that this is anything other than a very bad idea is irresponsible.

but it's nearly impossible to kill someone with them on accident.

Starting a magnesium fire large enough to destroy drives inside of a home is very likely to kill someone or at least cause major damage to property. How you cannot see this I do not understand.

This comment thread did get a report for rule 7, and I technically should strike it, but there was some respectable course correction down the line.

If my comments have been in violation of rule 7, please say so quite clearly. I have taken care to be respectful while still attempting to get across the point that this idea of attempting to destroy evidence with and incendiary device kept and ignited within the home is not only foolish, but dangerous.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-06 00:51:55

Aren't the only parts of a drive, even a fully ROHS compliant drive. Let me be 100% clear on this, creating a magnesium fire capable of incinerating drives in a residential environment is an absolutely horrible idea. Suggesting that this is anything other than a very bad idea is irresponsible.

It's not a good idea, there's no objection from me there, but if you're using proper, thermally stable containment devices in a well ventilated but yes preferably outdoor setting, it can be navigated quite safely.

Starting a magnesium fire large enough to destroy drives inside of a home is very likely to kill someone or at least cause major damage to property. How you cannot see this I do not understand.

When I say it can be done safely, I'm sometimes entering with the bias of my background in the sciences... ie, as someone that knows how to do it safely because I performed some pretty deadly exothermic reactions while learning general chemistry. Even when considering the other metals present like neodymium, nickel, molybdenum, silicon and beryllium, the real threat is more the polymers in parts of the casing and the CO, formaldehyde, dioxins, and furans that you may be producing, depending on the plastic. That said, while it would be noxious, it still stands that the emissions are not going to be released in sufficient quantities to cause death, barring extended exposure and no open windows

If my comments have been in violation of rule 7, please say so quite clearly. I have taken care to be respectful while still attempting to get across the point that this idea of attempting to destroy evidence with and incendiary device kept and ignited within the home is not only foolish, but dangerous.

Basically, we do cumulative striking. We'll usually forgive saying certain things like "you're a fool/idiot/dumbass/etc" or "make sure you breathe deeply in that enclosed space" if it is only said once or twice throughout an exchange. It really does depend on how the exchange is handled, though. If someone posts with an aggressive tone for instance, that affects how we evaluate things. Likewise if there are a few quips here and there but the poster is otherwise being very respectful. The bulk of the toxicity that rule 7 is meant to address is from repeated attacks, so we're trying to crack down on quantity as well as severe ones. We're more strict in NS posts understandably, so the threshold in threads like this is a bit lower.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 19:56:56


this is two whole shopping bags full of magnesium shavings, and its still not enough to cause anything bigger than a large campfire (except for the part where the idiots throw in a bucket of them, causing them to burn up in the air) . It creates hot fire. thats it.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-05 21:17:15

Magnesium is actually often used as a primary component in thermite charges. If you burn it in your home, they can assume that the magnesium was going to be used for elicit purposes, and that you were trying to destroy evidence of the magnesium being there.

... Magnesium is also popular in ignition mixtures for explosives like C4.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-05 23:21:17

But magnesium also has many other uses. Sure they can assume, but with no other evidence than burning magnesium, they cant do anything with that assumption. magnesium is only a possible igniter for thermite, if they cant find the other ingredients in your home, then they cant say your making bombs.

Mentioned_Videos 1 point on 2017-07-05 23:08:13

Videos in this thread: Watch Playlist ▶

VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Barry Cooper 's Never get Busted Again Full version|+1 - Spend some time with this guy. He's primarily about drugs but has worlds of useful info for any encounter with police. Risk Takers - 105 - Police Force|+1 - I don't know about the system and laws here either. I avoid many things related to society such as politics and laws. I just can't stand it one bit. Well, politics and law are there to serve the people, yourself included. Knowing them well, especia... Magnesium & aluminium shavings burning brightly|+1 - this is two whole shopping bags full of magnesium shavings, and its still not enough to cause anything bigger than a large campfire (except for the part where the idiots throw in a bucket of them, causing them to burn up in the air) . It creates hot ... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.

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caikgoch 2 points on 2017-07-06 03:11:26

If you want to keep all of your data safe, look into one of the newer Linux "Spins". Linux Mint is the closest to Windows and easiest for newcomers. Fedora is the most powerful and adaptable. The neat part is that all are free for the download and have substantial online user support.

What makes them good for us is LVM (Logical Volume Management). It handles your entire file system no matter how many physical devices or where they are located and can apply milspec encryption to all of them. If I can interrupt power to my system however briefly, all you can get is a couple hundred mb of boot sector. It takes a strange pass phrase even to boot.

SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux) is VERY difficult to hack or implant anything into. I run an Anti-Virus about twice a year and have cleaned out tens of thousands of little worms. None of them has ever been able to install itself.

If your paranoia is extreme, run WhoNix. It runs on a virtual machine inside of your desktop and has TOR integrated. When you close it, it saves nothing and leaves almost no trace.

A number of reliable self installing VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) can be had for the cost of a cup of fancy coffee per month. They will separate your ID from your IP. Nothing is infallible but it will take time and much legal maneuvering to reconnect them.

File all of these under "an ounce of prevention is worth a lifetime of suffering".

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-07 13:32:50


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-07 13:43:05


Edog91 1 point on 2017-07-07 21:25:46

The best thing for us it to not hold on to evidence that can be daming. There is really no reason to keep things that can hurt u later on.

Question-asker-1 1 point on 2017-07-18 21:21:31

Question about #3.physical stuff Could I use a condom with my dog so I don't have to worry about my fluids going in her to help with clean up

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 2 points on 2017-07-19 00:20:22

yes, but you should still clean the dog after. Lube will be noticed by a veterinarian. Though its easier to come up with excuses for it