Escambia County man acquitted of bestiality fights to get his dog back (
submitted 2017-09-17 23:46:06 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2017-09-17 23:51:43

After and the saga continues.

The county's amended petition for a custody hearing was filed Friday. It claims when animal control arrived at Hubbard's home in December to investigate Parsons' complaint, both Hubbard and Parsons accused each other of bestiality.

Makes me think that maybe neither is responsible for the condition of the dog and both believed the other one was. The only thing we know for sure is that there was not enough evidence to convict this guy, so maybe he still did it. Some people here seemed really sure of that.

Whether the guy is fit to care for animals or whether something happened out of his control, I can not say.

If you click on "other discussions" you can find a redditor commenting

My mom volunteers at the shelter where the dog has been and she says it has lost its mind, like a lot of dogs tend to do when being kept there for a long time. The dog will probably have to be put down, sadly.

Of course this may not be true, but it could become one of the often told sad stories of animals being killed at shelters after someone had sex with them, with the twist that in this case nobody was convicted of bestiality and it's the prolonged stay in the shelter that's the cause. Or maybe she did have a traumatic experience, after all reportedly she was injured. But I'm sure stuffing her into a shelter did not help.

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2017-09-21 10:44:00

"The injury occurred under the watch of one or all three of the owners ... . one of these three is responsible for that," Ellis-Wiggins said.

Hubbard and his father both took the stand during the hearing to speak on their own behalf, but Parsons wasn't present in court, citing a medical emergency in her family.

Hubbard told the court he would never hurt Baby Girl, and said she was treated like a "Queen."

He said Baby Girl got out from the home several times and that he had suspicions Parsons had abused the animal, but he said he never physically saw the animal get hurt.

"I feel like I let my dog down," he said.

Donald Hubbard, Bradley's father, said he noticed blood and a swollen genital area on the dog around that time of the accusation in December, but assumed Baby Girl was going into heat. Hillman said there was no evidence the dog was in heat at that time.

Brodersen said aside from the severe injuries to the dog's vaginal area, she had heard no testimony about Hubbard failing to provide proper care for the dog. Despite Donald Hubbard's testimony that he noticed blood and swollen genital areas on Baby Girl, Brodersen cited Hillman's testimony that the injuries couldn't be seen from the outside.

"How can I say either one or Ms. Parsons shows a lack of reasonable care when they didn't know (she was injured)?" Brodersen said.

Brodersen ruled in favor of Hubbard, and ordered the county to return Baby Girl into his custody within seven days.

Glad to hear that reddit comment was not true.

It is still not clear what really happened. It's safe to say she suffered quite a bit from an injury and prolonged stay in the shelter.

HBOTB2 Horse and Hoof 1 point on 2017-09-18 02:28:05

I hope he gets his dog back.