How to understand zoophilia? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-08-09 21:37:38 by daJacket

So I am a straight, heterosexual male who recently learned about zoophilia, and it caught my attention. I've never personally felt sexual attraction to animals(but I think puppies and teacup dogs are friggin adorable), but I feel that it shouldn't be a crime to have sex with animals.

I'll admit that the thought of having sex with an animal is really funny in a kinda perverted way and cracks me up sometimes, but I also feel sympathy for your plight. As a person who is on the autistic spectrum, I know whats it like to be different and not be accepted by society, having to hide your true self so that you can fit into society.

What I want to understand is, how do I understand your culture, your community, and your sexual behavior?

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2016-08-09 22:45:43

Everything you need to know about zoophilia can be found in these two threads of mine:

and this one including some non pornographic pictures of her and me:

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 10 points on 2016-08-09 23:16:24

I would say that an ideal(but also realistic in my experience) representation of zoophiles/zoosexuals is to take your average "dog person" and add acknowledgement/assistance toward an animal's sexual desire, and perhaps slightly more acute understanding of one's pet's language. When I say dog person, I am referring to the kind of people in general who don't shut up about their dogs lol. (This can apply to horse lovers and any other lovers as well to a degree but I can't vouch for them specifically lol) That's a pretty broad spectrum of people even still but so is the spectrum of personalities of zoos. But it is someone who is engaged with the happiness and well-being of their animal as almost a way of life.

Not everyone who feels sexual attraction to animals is this way however, realistically. There are a lot of people, overwhelmingly so, that just think animals are sexy. Or even shallower still, people that like being dominated or being humiliated by being taken by a "dirty animal." That doesn't really have any inherent moral harm, it does project the idea of much less care for a given animal then is typically provided. In some cases that level of care falls so low that some sad and horrible things happen to animals.

It is hard to really generalize our culture and community in general because we are so disjointed. Reddit is much different from Beastforum which is much much different from, tumblr, etc., for example. Not to mention the likely staggering numbers of people who do not have an online presence in the zoo community. One thing that I guess I could describe is our general "open-mindedness" toward casual speak of sexual content. When you meet people based on the sole fact that you share a sexual interest that is forbidden, it makes breaking down walls toward a closer or more open friendship easier in my experience, especially in the case of being open about sexual behavior or habits. Talking about something like that in the average setting of people tends to be very out of the ordinary. But it does make sense for us given the reasoning we came to meet each other.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by understanding sexual behavior. I do sexual stuff that doesn't need to be described that my dogs and I both enjoy. My dogs are both sexual beings and they are not at all afraid to let me know if they are feeling up for some "fun." That may sound unrealistic to you but since my dogs know that the option is there, they know that getting my attention in certain ways will get them what they want. It's as simple as a dog telling you he wants to go outside.

daJacket 1 point on 2016-08-10 15:20:57

This is definitely something I can wrap my head around, but its hard to truly understand. I find the concept of human-animal sex, admittedly, really amusing and mysterious, but its something thats also piqued my interest as a result. Ofc, I feel that society should accept people like you, or do their best to tolerate your lifestyle. Because at the end of the day, we're all human beings.

What Id like to know is this, is zoophilia usually the primary sexual orientation(you are predominately attracted to animals) or is it a side thing(you are also attracted to other humans)?

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2016-08-10 15:23:05

I am primarily attracted to animals. I am not attracted to men or women conventionally, but I do see myself as demisexual because there have been one or two people I've fallen for on an emotional level in the past.

tundrovvy-volk I'm back. 1 point on 2016-08-15 01:39:10

In my experience, it's something that's as individual as you've learnt humans can be, and can also change over time.

Personally, I'm a zoo who used to be exclusive (as we term it) but fell in love with a human, and have gradually come to find humans in general attractive. My attractions to animals, of course, remain. I know of other zoos who have had their human attractions fade over time, with only their animal ones remaining.

We have a tendency to think of sexuality as rigid and predetermined, though because of my experiences I don't believe that to be the case, zoo or otherwise.

Swibblestein 3 points on 2016-08-10 08:20:46

My response to "how to understand zoophiles and zoophilia" would ideally be "research the subject". And I'm not talking, look it up online, I mean have a college degree in a field related to sexology (sociology, psychology, biology, etc.), conduct a study, and publish it in a respected peer reviewed journal.

HOWEVER, I have a hunch that's probably a bit out of your range for what you're willing or able to do.

Unfortunately, because so few people have done anything of that nature, it's difficult to get any sort of an objective picture of zoophilia and zoophiles.

One thing worth mentioning is that for many, at least, if not most, it appears to be a sexual orientation. So one thing you can do is port a lot of your understanding of homosexuality over to zoophilia as well, because the two are at least somewhat similar... Though perhaps you'd be better off imagining homosexuality as it was treated 50 years ago, for the social aspect.

daJacket 1 point on 2016-08-10 15:21:21

Yeah def. Ive talked with a few friends before(open-minded ones), and the response was rather mixed.

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2016-08-11 18:19:19

Zoophiles can be of any age or gender, really. When we talk about zoophilia in the community (especially at this subreddit), we do not mean just anyone who has sex with animals. We talk about people who are sexually and romantically attracted to animals.

I can understand that it seems strange to you. Bestiality is often played off as a joke. It's considered something desperate guys in the country side could do when there aren't enough women around, it's never considered that someone could actually fall in love with an individual of another species. But zoophiles do exactly that. I've seen love poetry written about cows, for instance. So cute!

Zoophiles in general care a lot about animals. Many I've spoke to have been vegetarians, or donate to conservation efforts or to animal sanctuaries. Personally, I'm a biologist. I have no pets, but hopefully that will change in the future.

I like male canines and female and male humans. I've experimented with a dog once, but even before that I was sure I was attracted to dogs. You know, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you see an attractive individual... But I'm quite succesful in getting human partners, so my interest in dogs have nothing to do with desperation. Rather, my life would probably be easier if I was not a zoo. Personally, I view my attraction towards dogs as 'just another category' that I like, in the same way that I like men and women. I don't like all dogs, but now and again I meet an individual who I find handsome and interesting. Not that I can really do anything with that. You can't just ask a dog owner if you can date their dog... -_-

Mnemosynyx 1 point on 2016-08-28 16:21:24

One way I like to explain it is: when I see a male dog that I find attractive, it feels the same as when I see a human male that I find attractive.