Hot dogs, huh? (
submitted 2017-09-18 09:08:53 by Cephaliarch Frostfedora
SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-18 11:04:25

police department

So... sting operations for zoos?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 4 points on 2017-09-18 12:08:44

The police is allowed to have a sense of humor, too.

SCP_2547 -1 points on 2017-09-18 15:44:14

What a waste of money and time.
First they're busy punishing innocent humans and now they're not even doing anything at all. Aren't there ''crimes'' to be solved?
Oh no, I guess not. Let's waste time on social media instead.
If you want to please your society, don't be a cop but be a clown.
Because you know, cops are apparently there for the safety, apparently.
Actually, I'm not even kidding. They shouldn't have free time, there's constant crimes everywhere.
Even if there isn't, there's a high chance they're in their working hours and should at least try to find a thing to do during their work.
How unprofessional of them, too.

ThrowwwayGurl 6 points on 2017-09-19 00:31:40

Are you okay?

the_egoldstein 3 points on 2017-09-19 02:46:41

It's his usual, I'd not pay it much mind. He's only here to troll by his own admission, so I wouldn't put much stock into anything he says.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2017-09-19 04:09:08

Ah, so he's just a troll now? Wow. I was holding out hope that he might not become what he once fought.

SCP_2547 0 points on 2017-09-19 05:09:42

I say don't be a sheep and believe everything others say.
Did you really believe a random lie? I keep thinking lower of all of you every time.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-09-19 08:33:36

You pretty much said something vaguely similar to me once so yeah it wasn't hard to buy.

Are you denying it?

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 08:43:49

What did I say then?
And denying what? That I'm a troll? Because I'm not.
I can't share my goddamn fucking opinion on this post without any of you spreading rumors about me.
Do you know idiotic you look if you take Aluzky seriously and call me a troll?
My behavior is serious, I'm just constantly pissed, bitter and depressed. That is not being a troll.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2017-09-20 18:01:31

I think you are quite unaware of how idiotic most of the community considers your behavior.

I held out hope for you, much like I once held out hope for Aluzky. I don't honestly see either of you coming around now though, frankly.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-20 18:10:27

I think you are quite unaware of how idiotic most of the community considers your behavior.

I know, but it's just that I don't need to hear the troll excuse that a lot of humans seem to abuse.

I held out hope for you, much like I once held out hope for Aluzky.

Consider my behavior to be never fixed until the impossible happens.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2017-09-20 18:14:23

Ok, then.

I'm sorry for whatever happened to you, but my vote now is a firm "ban him."

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-20 18:16:49

You're acting as if you don't know what ''happened'', or rather didn't happen.

But it's okay that you want me banned, we all want things yet we never get them.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-09-20 18:20:55

I don't know what happened, honestly. Something something aluzky is about all I got.

I don't want you banned per say, but I think it's in both this place and your best interest.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-20 18:29:24

If you think I act like this because of Aluzky, then you're far, far off.
Mmm... I do wonder though, how did you actually miss this?
Let's just say I'm a very extreme ""incel"" even though I have a fully willing partner, which has made me bitter, sad and super depressed in a lot of ways that it would take a few wall of texts to explain.
Let's just say I don't want either of us to die without experiencing sex and that I'm extremely envious of other zoos because of it.
In fact, even human couples make me envious even though I'm exclusive.
I was 100% sure it would happen, yet the dissapointment was so big that it hit me really hard. I've been depressed for 9 months or something, even though it feels like 4 years. It's worse than you think it is, because it really changed me into a very bitter person and I'd do anything for us to have sex...
Oh, and the many other things of course. Like it affecting my mind in others ways, such as being forgetful, getting headaches, being way more tired and feeling nothing but shit and don't feel any happiness.
Even though this is a simple explanation, there's much more to it than what I just said.
One last thing though, I feel like this community does a lot of dumb things and that they have also hurt me emotionally in many ways, so I can't really get myself to respect most of the users here anymore either. With my depression on top of that, yeah that's not really going to work.

your best interest

It actually kind of was something I wanted, as I asked someone to ban me because I really keep coming back here for no good reason, I think.
But honestly, I'm not sure where I'd end up after that...

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-09-21 04:13:12

Mmm... I do wonder though, how did you actually miss this?

Time, mostly. Life is busy lately. (I've mentioned why a few times in past posts if your curios as to the details). I assure you it's nothing personal, but I don't keep tabs on you, or this place in general anymore.

Let's just say I'm a very extreme ""incel"" even though I have a fully willing partner, which has made me bitter, sad and super depressed in a lot of ways that it would take a few wall of texts to explain.

I'm not sure what Incel means, but dude, you think the reality that I must remain a virgin for life because of my former life choices doesn't weigh on me?

I didn't just miss out on sex. My lover is DEAD. What you are doing is unhealthy here. If I can see it, I assure you it's gone way beyond that as well. All I can say is it's a shame for several reasons you have not been banned as this place has clearly become a reciprocal negative outlet for you. If I had any power here, I'd bring the issue up, but I don't so here we are.

All I can tell you is there is more to life than sex. No one should think sex is the crux of their existence. I wish you luck in figuring that out.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-21 07:44:04

Time, mostly. Life is busy lately.

I just thought it was weird because you replied to my comment. In that case I'd think it'd be fair to assume that you also read my other comments. Especially because last time I seem to mention it more often...

I'm not sure what Incel means

It's someone who is forced into celibacy, so no "marriage" or sex.
Thing is, though, is that these individuals don't have partners. They often see female humans as just sex objects. I'm not like that as I have a "partner" and I don't see her as a sex object, that's why I put it as ""incel"".

you think the reality that I must remain a virgin for life because of my former life choices doesn't weigh on me?

I really hate repeating this as it's self-explanatory and really obvious, but: We're all different.
Some take things more heavily, some don't.
Some think certain things are important, some don't. It's not hard to understand at all. You haven't even been in the same situation as me, so you wouldn't think sex is as important as I do.

I didn't just miss out on sex. My lover is DEAD.

That's what I'm trying to prevent.
Thinking we both will die a virgin is the scariest thing I can imagine.

What you are doing is unhealthy here.

Even junkies would agree, yet they would still kill for drugs though, just like I'd kill for us two to fuck.

All I can tell you is there is more to life than sex.

For me there isn't. This is my only wish: For us two to have sex.
That is all I want.

I wish you luck in figuring that out.

I don't need luck, as that's what exactly fucked up my life.
Even then, I do not want to change. I want ys to have sex and that is final.
You could give me a pill for it that would make me normal again, then I wouldn't take it. I'd rather destroy so I wouldn't change under any circumstance.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-09-21 11:00:28

I just thought it was weird because you replied to my comment.

I replied because I do... or rather did, hold out hope for you.

I'm not sure after what I just read I still do however. I am very sorry but I think you are beyond help. Good luck (and yes, you need luck, good luck in particular).

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-21 19:23:52

I replied because I do... or rather did, hold out hope for you.

I meant that for that reason I'd think you'd read other comments too.
Just saying. Not always true ofc.

I am very sorry but I think you are beyond help.

Indeed I am.
There's only way for me to be ever happy again.

Good luck (and yes, you need luck, good luck in particular).

No I won't as I'm hopeless.
Maybe a few ways for us to fuck. Won't want anything else.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-09-22 05:54:21

Dude, I don't have the time to read your comments. I don't have the time to do much of anything here frankly. I have my own issues and I can't be expected to keep up with everyone.

As of the last few days, you've taken up the vast majority of my posts on reddit though. You should be able to infer some amount of concern and effort from that. That ends today, as this isn't going anywhere.

the_egoldstein 4 points on 2017-09-20 02:31:09

Have you actually been reading his posts?

I'll skip the posts AmoreBestia posted (thank you /u/AmoreBestia)

I'm not suggesting he's making it all up, but he derails discussions with all kinds of stupid shit, apparently just so he can argue some unrelated point. In one thread he'll be supporting one view and in another thread the exact opposite.

Quotes like: "What an assumption, because I actually give zoophiles a bad name on purpose."

Claims he's a severe germophobe then follows up with comment about licking his dog's paws.

(edit for bonus find)

"But honestly, I actually like furries more than zoophiles, but that's just because I absolutely despise zoophiles and have been online friends with some furries....If I saw a zoophile in real life, I'd get them arrested ASAP. Yes, I hate them that much, even though I'm one myself."

And that all in just the past 2 weeks. He's claimed several times that the only reason he's in this sub is to stir shit and fight, if that's not trolling I don't know WTF is.

After looking through his post history to find just these few quotes, I saw so much other shit that wasn't directly relevant that has me seriously questioning, why the fuck hasn't he been banned yet?

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2017-09-20 18:07:19

I read his posts way back when he was WarCanine. He seemed a little less unhinged then. Lately, too much stuff has been going on in my own life to properly "keep up" here, so no, I haven't been... I do remember him claiming to only be here to stir shit though yeah, which is the very definition of trolling.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 05:14:16

Yeah, no buddy you can't just spread lies about me or you don't know shit about me if that's serious.
Hey /u/AmoreBestia, am I really the one who starts "throwing stones first" like you say? How about this thing I was just called? Isn't that similar to being called a non-zoo? Because it's also not true and makes one feel like they don't belong here.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-09-19 05:54:42

"Remember: Nobody here deserves anything, especially sex. That's their words, by the way. So in that case, they don't deserve any respect from anyone nor the ability to enjoy their time here."

"I realized that I basically hate the majority of zoophiles, especially everyone here. That's why I don't even give a shit what really happens here any more. I'd actually prefer it if ''our'' progress was stopped. Nobody here deserves a single bit of respect, freedom or anything they have. Everyone here is disgusting, selfish and blind. So that's why I ask you to stay forever, until someone on a sub like /r/drama notices this and brings drama here again, hopefully letting this place burn to the ground. I'd see you as my enemy at first, but you aren't if you can actually harm my real enemies. Whether it's on purpose or on accident, I don't really care. "

"I am starting to hate humans so much I almost want to revolve my life around emotionally hurting them. I want to bully someone to the point they kill themselves."

"I seek for fucking revenge now. I will taunt others of what I have from now on. I will hurt them as best as I can."

I can see where they'd interpret those things as an admission of intent.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 08:41:06

But how is that relevant now?
All I did was share my opinion on what happens in this post. It had nothing to do with what I said there.
It's just like the other argument we've recently had, calling someone not as someone genuine because of assumptions.
I haven't even done anything to zoos because of the quotes you quoted yet. They're all above me, because they're the ones that can abuse me only.
If it's anyone I'd target, it'd be zoos like darkspirit5.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 08:42:56

If it's anyone I'd target, it'd be zoos like darkspirit5.

So you'd hurt someone that worked to overcome their problems?

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 08:50:18

Overcome? Oh, I thought he killed himself or just stopped crying.
But yes, I would. if it means destroying their progress they made...
But I was mainly talking about targeting weak ones. Especially if I can abuse them like non-virgin zoos can abuse me.
It's not any more wrong than such zoos abusing my depression, because I'd be doing the same to them.
"Look, I have what you'd kill for!"
"Stop crying, it's not a big deal!"
"Well, gotta go now, I have a dog to spend time with!"
I will never be able to get over this and need my revenge in some way. Thank your community, not me.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 10:16:24

That gives everyone even less incentive to try helping you.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 10:43:19

...Assuming anyone here wanted to help me at all. Because that's not true. Everyone here who I trusted betrayed me in the end. I don't want help from anyone here because they made my life worse by a big chunk.
Ooor... all their advice was really fucking useless that I stopped asking for advice from them. But also because they don't give me the advice I want to be given, like you.
Then again, I'm a lost cause in a way. There's only one path to happiness that is impossible to reach. I want us to fuck a few times and that's final.
And since magic doesn't exist, some lives are ruined because of it. But it's all a game anyways, I'll just laugh it off when I finally die.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 11:07:26

...Assuming anyone here wanted to help me at all. Because that's not true. Everyone here who I trusted betrayed me in the end. I don't want help from anyone here because they made my life worse by a big chunk.

Well, it may seem like betrayal in some regards, but I don't have any doubt that it's more them running out of patience or getting frustrated.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 13:27:56

it may seem like betrayal in some regards

What happened a few times IS betrayal.
I depended on some, and as an example one kept taunting me with my problem.
He became my enemy since he attacked me first. He could've just stopped, but he didn't.
He's the perfect example of why I absolutely despise humans and why I don't trust them.
Suddenly, they turn on you. They'll make you so mad that you could kill them.

I don't have any doubt that it's more them running out of patience or getting frustrated

Then they could've just stopped. They weren't qualified to help me in the first place, then.

They told me they're their to heal my scar, yet when I was alone again it was left as an even bigger scar.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 13:31:02

He's the perfect example of why I absolutely despise humans and why I don't trust them. Suddenly, they turn on you. They'll make you so mad that you could kill them.

I can't say I've ever had this happen to me, honestly.

Then they could've just stopped. They weren't qualified to help me in the first place, then.

They told me they're their to heal my scar, yet when I was alone again it was left as an even bigger scar.

Fair point, but frustration lends itself to aggression.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 13:38:19

I can't say I've ever had this happen to me, honestly.

We all feel different about such things. It's like how someone doesn't get offended by certain things but the other does.
Still, you only need to see it happen. I mean, I think we all know this can just happen, right?
This is a random and weird example, but let me remind you humans like scammers exist.
Or just spies, hitmen, anything? You should know about it.

...Unless you were talking about not hating someone so much you could kill them.
Yeah well you aren't like that, obviously. Originally that didn't count for me either, but that increases when my misanthropy increases.
That increased by KMs when that one guy came along...

frustration lends itself to aggression.

Tell me about it.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 14:02:12

We all feel different about such things. It's like how someone doesn't get offended by certain things but the other does.

I also considered the issue on your level, mind. As best as I could, anyhow.

Still, you only need to see it happen. I mean, I think we all know this can just happen, right? This is a random and weird example, but let me remind you humans like scammers exist. Or just spies, hitmen, anything? You should know about it.

Spies and hitmen are too rare to be of concern(Neither you nor I are important enough to have thousands of dollars dumped into an assassination or surveillance), and I've got a good eye for scams.

It could happen, of course, but I can give people the benefit of the doubt without lowering my guard, too. It helps that the friends I do keep are some of the best you can find... but maybe I have a bit of a bias there, lol.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 14:13:28

Spies and hitmen are too rare to be of concern(Neither you nor I are important enough to have thousands of dollars dumped into an assassination or surveillance), and I've got a good eye for scams.

Yeah, but you know what I mean.
We know they exist, and they're just examples. There's many humans that you just can't trust.

It helps that the friends I do keep are some of the best you can find...

There's reasons that I keep a small friend group.
One of them is this, actually. I remember back when I was 10-12ish I had a friend who would steal from me constantly and didn't realize until later.
I still can't really trust my friends, along with every other human.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 14:53:18

I still can't really trust my friends, along with every other human.

If you can't trust them, then I really would consider getting new friends. Though... it seems that you're the one that people trust the least where you are. Doesn't help attract the sort of company you'd want, to be certain.

There's many humans that you just can't trust.

And many more that you can trust to pull complete strangers out of a burning building even when a firetruck is en route, or to ferry strangers out of their flooded neighborhoods after a storm from another state, or to chase down a thief that stole a woman's purse, or even do something as simple as giving you the wallet you unknowingly let slip out of your pocket. At least one of these things was done for me, by the by.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 15:05:41

If you can't trust them, then I really would consider getting new friends.

As I said, I can't trust anyone.
But what I said may be a little confusing and vague, because what do we mean by trust?
Can we trust them with my secrets? Me saying I'm a zoophile? What? I wouldn't honestly know.

Though... it seems that you're the one that people trust the least where you are.

In some certain cases.
Really depends on the person and how they've seen me.

And many more that you can trust to pull complete strangers out of a burning building even when a firetruck is en route, or to ferry strangers out of their flooded neighborhoods after a storm from another state, or to chase down a thief that stole a woman's purse, or even do something as simple as giving you the wallet you unknowingly let slip out of your pocket. At least one of these things was done for me, by the by.

And there's no way of knowing these things are true.
In such cases, you should always think the worst.
Why? Bad does more bad, than good does good.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 15:22:49

But what I said may be a little confusing and vague, because what do we mean by trust?

Trusting them to pull through when you're in need is a good one.

And there's no way of knowing these things are true. In such cases, you should always think the worst. Why? Bad does more bad, than good does good.

I plan for the worst and expect the best. It doesn't do me any good to make everything a sullen prospect, but car insurance on safe roads and a buddy during a short hike are very nice things to have. Of course, you're free to expect every time you walk your dog to be the one time someone veers off the road, or every night going to sleep expecting SADS to hit... but it's much less likely than the pleasant walk or death free sleep. Especially in life or death situations, though, I'd say the good and bad outcomes are fairly evenly balanced.

Again though, I know these things from experience. There are heroes out there, and they're consistent. You might not be able to expect one to come every time disaster strikes, but you can trust them to help when they can.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 15:33:02

Trusting them to pull through when you're in need is a good one.

I honestly wouldn't know, then.
Nobody has ever really understood my feelings. Yes call me an angsty teenager all you want but from my perspective nobody ever did.
When I say something and they ever mention it, it comes out very different. This counts for everbody here too.
And my ''friends'', I don't know. Probably too ''dry'' or whatever you would call that in English.

There are heroes out there, and they're consistent. You might not be able to expect one to come every time disaster strikes, but you can trust them to help when they can.

Yet I've never met one.
Say, heroes aren't really heroes if they're not there when bad shit happens.
Or at least, in my opinion.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 16:15:30

And my ''friends'', I don't know. Probably too ''dry'' or whatever you would call that in English.

That dry bit was definitely lost in translation.

Yet I've never met one.

The beauty of it is, they don't seek fame or glory. You don't see them lauding their good deeds because the good deeds themselves were enough.

Say, heroes aren't really heroes if they're not there when bad shit happens.

I'd say in alot of ways the greatest heroes are the ones there to help you recover after the fact. Sometimes returning to a normal life is the most trying part of a tragedy or disaster. Still, the ones willing to go headlong into danger for others are great people to have at your side.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 16:33:45

That dry bit was definitely lost in translation.

I don't really know the true meaning in my language either, but it's hard to explain.
Let's just say they wouldn't know how really help somebody and if they would cry they'd just stand there.
Saying that they're awkward in a way. What I mean is, I just don't see them really helping someone in such a way. Not in a very caring way is what I mean.
Honestly, I don't really see that myself either.

I'd say in alot of ways the greatest heroes are the ones there to help you recover after the fact. Sometimes returning to a normal life is the most trying part of a tragedy or disaster.

Oh, looks like I won't ever meet or need a hero then.

Still, the ones willing to go headlong into danger for others are great people to have at your side.

That's why she and I must be equal.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 16:46:55

Saying that they're awkward in a way. What I mean is, I just don't see them really helping someone in such a way. Not in a very caring way is what I mean. Honestly, I don't really see that myself either.

Sounds like the perfect translation is insensitive. It's defined as a lack of concern for others' feelings, in particular, negative emotions like bereavement or any other negative emotion outside of anger.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 16:54:32

No it really it's not that, except maybe for one.
I just can't explain it. Let's just keep it at ''I can't see them act too supportive''.
I just really don't know how to say it. It's not manly?
Yeah well fuck, whatever.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 17:15:08

I just really don't know how to say it. It's not manly?

Well shit, I guess chivalry really is dead in some places. I remember that a small chunk of Europe is like that, now that I think about it. I suppose I take the overt compassion there is in the states for granted sometimes.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 17:27:11

Oh, you made me think of what I meant a little bit. The word ''passion''.
Yes, it's like this: They wouldn't really show much passion in such things.
Remember Ben? Well with dry I meant as someone who's not too passionate and enthusiastic about such things.
That's what I meant.
I guess we should stop wasting time over this thing now.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 17:37:16

I see. Perhaps stoic is a good word for it.

I guess we should stop wasting time over this thing now.

Didn't feel like a waste to me, for what it's worth. Small accomplishments are still accomplishments, and the great thing is that they don't take much effort to build up.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 17:45:04

I know I said we should stop, but this accomplishment isn't really an accomplishment...
I mean, what's so good? Talk about effort, for some reason me tabbing out of a game and then waiting for a shit computer to respond while replying to my mom asking ten different questions while also taking control of my dog and worrying about the future feels like effort to me. That's both sad and funny.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 17:50:01

I know I said we should stop, but this accomplishment isn't really an accomplishment...

It's the little things. We worked together and ironed out something that was lost in translation. We get the satisfaction of having a perfect understanding of eachothers' statements now, and other readers will know what you meant better too. That's a win in my book.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-09-19 12:07:27

You have an unhealthy obsession with "getting sex" and I don't think anyone here is qualified to help you with that. The armchair psychologist in me says that you need to get to a place where you're okay with the idea of never having sex and then you can start to become a much nicer person.

Are you seeing a psychologist/therapist?

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 13:21:48

The armchair psychologist in me says that you need to get to a place where you're okay with the idea of never having sex and then you can start to become a much nicer person.

Except I will never accept it. Do you know for how long I've been going on with this?
It feels like 4 years to me, even though it hasn't been that long.
Trough my whole depression I tried getting over it many times as best as I could, but I could never get even a little close.
I'm envious, pissed, depressed, etc. and I can't take it. I can't take that it of course has to be us two who can't do it.
Before I went all ''not nice'' towards other zoos I was already insulted and such. I will never forgive them.
If you're a non-virgin zoo, then you don't know how fucking good you got it. Clearly, because you tell me to get over it.
No, no I won't accept it. I don't even want to ''get over it'', I just don't want us both to die as virgins.
We both deserve that moment together just once and preferably a few times in our lives. An easier fix would actually being able to have sex, rather than wasting time trying to accept my one and only wish that I spent so much time and energy on. It won't go to waste.
There must be still an answer out there. There's options I haven't tried and that I ''know'' of, and the only one isn't a surgery.
But of course that's the hardest one to do out there because of many reasons like not having a single fuck how to do it. This is just an example, because there must be more answers and I'm willing to sacrifice anything for it.
Limbs, all my money, years of my lifespan, anything as long as it does not hurt her.

Are you seeing a psychologist/therapist?

I used to, but I stopped.
Because as I said, it's not my goal to ''get over it'', but it's us two having sex.
Just so we both had that experience every couple deserves and does, just so we could have a fun, small moment, so we can also feel like we're an actual couple for once.
Then again, what is the point? I can NOT tell them my problem.
This is illegal and they will never help me out with this. Even if they somehow can, I still don't want to.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-09-19 14:40:38

If you're a non-virgin zoo

Not really. But as I said elsewhere, the world doesn't owe you shit, the least of it sex. It's not something you "deserve" to get, it's something you get when two beings are physically and mentally compatible and give it to each other. I'm sorry you're not physically compatible but the thing is, your obsession is unhealthy. I'm not saying you should stop pursuing ways to have sex, I'm saying you should stop obsess over it.

Hey I'm definitely not the guy to ask how to be happy. I'm not. If I think about the prospect of never having a partner who wants to have sex or is physically compatible, I'm surely even less happy about it, but I'm at peace with it and could live with it. You on the other hand turn bitter and toxic. I'm not saying that to insult you, it's just how you will be perceived by most people.

Because as I said, it's not my goal to ''get over it'', but it's us two having sex.

Try another, different one. Your goal should be a healthy acceptance of your situation. You can always continue the pursuit to better sexual experiences for you both, but you need to stop playing it up as the most important life goal. I'm sure you're hugely overhyping it anyway and will be disappointed if it'll happen one day.

Taking a stab in the dark, but look at how your dog views it. Sometimes you sound like she "needs" to have this just as much as you do, but does she? Is she severely unhappy because you can't or is she also happy with whatever intimacy you two can have?

I'm really replying because I worry about your dog a little. Not that you'd want to hurt her, but you never know where you end up when you stay on this path. You have a responsibility to stay mentally stable for her, so get some help if you feel you can't handle it anymore.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 15:27:37

Not really.

Yeah I don't know what that means.

But as I said elsewhere, the world doesn't owe you shit, the least of it sex. It's not something you "deserve" to get, it's something you get when two beings are physically and mentally compatible and give it to each other.

I still don't understand, why can't anyone deserve sex? As long as you have a willing partner, you both deserve it.
It's just simple. It's not owed to us but we definitely deserve to do it together.

your obsession is unhealthy

I know.

I'm not saying you should stop pursuing ways to have sex, I'm saying you should stop obsess over it.

Yet I can't and won't.
My goal is for us to have sex together.

If I think about the prospect of never having a partner who wants to have sex or is physically compatible, I'm surely even less happy about it, but I'm at peace with it and could live with it.

Minus the whole ''my partner doesn't want sex'' it sounds absolutely horrible to me.
This is really fucking rare, and that also bothers me. Who can't fuck their partner even though they're fully willing?
This is why I think we ''deserve'' sex. Why? Why must luck always fuck my life up?

You can always continue the pursuit to better sexual experiences for you both, but you need to stop playing it up as the most important life goal.

Yeah that won't happen.
Wasn't it clear that in my previous post? I tried, I failed, I gave up forever.
There's not a single bit in me that wants to get over this. Not a single, small piece of interest that wishes that.
This is my most important life goal and always will be. Neither of us must die a virgin.

I'm sure you're hugely overhyping it anyway and will be disappointed if it'll happen one day.

I've thought about that a lot.
In my thoughts, sex is the most godly thing ever. However, I have thought about that it won't go as I think it would be.
I think about that from time to time and I'm really fucking ready for the ''dissapointment.'' But you know that's it not just for me, right?
I know she will love it if it happens. I'm willing to sacrifice the feeling in my dick if we could have sex for it.
I just want us both to experience it the first time, together. That is all.
That is all I want. So fucking simple.
A fucking act that lasts a minute or two. That is all.
And in the end? It will still be enjoyable because she will and that's just how sex is. It can't be unenjoyable.
Even if, even if that was true I would not care because we would be free of our curse. I know that when that happens, I will be happy.
I would feel like we're a real couple who just could finally experience it.

Sometimes you sound like she "needs" to have this just as much as you do, but does she?

She's a really sexual dog and she will love this moment. I'm not saying she cares as much as me, because she doesn't.
Does she ''need'' it? Obviously not as nobody really ''needs'' sex, depending on the context...
Except for me, as I won't be happy without it. But I know that it makes her very happy and affectionate.

Is she severely unhappy because you can't or is she also happy with whatever intimacy you two can have?

No, but the concept of virginity is such a scary fucking thing to me that dying a virgin is probably the worst death to die. As I just said, I know she will love sex.
Everyone needs to be able to experience this at least once. If she dies a virgin, I need to do so too as it's only fair.
It's fucked up, because we could just have had so many chances if my dick was just smaller... We could've had so much fun, but no...

I'm really replying because I worry about your dog a little.

Good, because you should. I do too, as dying a virgin is really horrible.
But know there's only one way out...

you never know where you end up when you stay on this path.

Hopefully? With me on top of her.
Realistically? With a gun to my head.
Extremely unrealistic? Actually accepting this.

get some help if you feel you can't handle it anymore.

I gave up on that.
The only help will be if someone helps us fuck for once.
Like I also said, I can't. When I went to get help, they told me they needed a reason for my depression or else they couldn't help me.
Don't even bother giving me tips for that because I won't talk about it ever again. It's completely over.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 10:17:41

But how is that relevant now?

That's the reason why you were seen as a troll in this post.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 10:28:34

Then they're all more irrational and dumber than I thought.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 10:51:30

I meant those quotes were why, and your general demeanor.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 12:09:27

Yeah, that's what I meant.
How dumb are you if you think I'm a troll because of that?
Those are serious things, not to mention it has nothing to do with this post. I simply shared my opinion on the cops.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 12:37:15

How dumb are you if you think I'm a troll because of that? Those are serious things, not to mention it has nothing to do with this post. I simply shared my opinion on the cops.

I think it's fairly reasonable to think someone who has a history of saying "It's a good thing to make this community suffer" is more inclined to troll and do things that make the community at large look bad rather than being candid.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 13:29:37

That's not even what trolling means.
I thought it was pretty obvious that I'm just someone who is pissed and can't really be nice anymore because of it.
I guess everyone who does bad things because they're pissed are technically trolls now. Humanity, calm down for a bit, you're not making much sense.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 13:47:06

That's not even what trolling means.

You sure?

I thought it was pretty obvious that I'm just someone who is pissed and can't really be nice anymore because of it.

I guess everyone who does bad things because they're pissed are technically trolls now. Humanity, calm down for a bit, you're not making much sense.

And it's not uncommon for people that are depressed or insecure to bully others, and sometimes be exceedingly cruel. Regardless of the reasons behind it though, malintent is malintent, and you've given people plenty of reason to believe what they believe now. There are lots of burned bridges I'm seeing here, and negative and angry people tend to be the torchbearers. It may be somewhat out of your control, but that's not reason enough for alot of people to abide some of your less graceful moments.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 14:05:38

You sure?

Trolling isn't an official definition, but I always thought it was more making others pissed because you think it's funny, but in an ironic way. So, not serious.
As an example, I'd say acting dumb on purpose and pissing someone else off because of it while you laugh your ass off is trolling. I'm definitely not enjoying myself when I make messages here, because I'm usually pissed rather than having fun. I also am serious in these cases, and when I'm not serious it's more obvious.
From what I've seen, trolling has always been portrayed like that.

you've given people plenty of reason to believe what they believe now

No, not really.
It's an excuse used by a fuckton of humans. It's to give one a bad name and that they can't be taken seriously anymore by others, resulting in them feeling bad. Giving someone a bad name on purpose is already common on it's own.
This is actually another reason why I actually despise humans so much as it happened to me many times. It has hurt me so much in the past as I've been punished or suspected of things I have never done.
I see this shit VERY often as someone who has many unpopular opinions myself.
If it's an unironic assumption... They do this because they think I'm joking or acting stupid on purpose.
That's a very dumb and delusional thought by the way. Especially when you think so because someone else told you as that's really sheepy.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 15:03:42

Trolling isn't an official definition, but I always thought it was more making others pissed because you think it's funny, but in an ironic way. So, not serious. As an example, I'd say acting dumb on purpose and pissing someone else off because of it while you laugh your ass off is trolling. I'm definitely not enjoying myself when I make messages here, because I'm usually pissed rather than having fun. I also am serious in these cases, and when I'm not serious it's more obvious. From what I've seen, trolling has always been portrayed like that.

Let's say for an instance that you really are a troll. You'd have succeeded for the most part at trolling, and even when getting called out on it you're able to inspire uncertainty. Some would say that playing the long con is the greatest form of trolling.

It's an excuse used by a fuckton of humans. It's to give one a bad name and that they can't be taken seriously anymore by others, resulting in them feeling bad. Giving someone a bad name on purpose is already common on it's own.

It isn't about giving someone a bad name. Trolling is lauded in the right circles and when done in certain ways it's seen fairly positively(For instance, lots of youtube entertainers focus on trolling in games), and many people wear their trolling like a badge of honor. That said, "Troll" ultimately describes an archetype of behavior regarding participants in a community; it's the behavior that's more important than the behaver, because trolls don't exist so much as things as they do participants of a certain sort(ie you can't call a nonparticipant a troll because you need to know their behavior there). The purpose of identifying a troll is to encourage people to reduce that participant's negative impact on the community, moreso than it is to defame them(no harm, no foul, as they say). Trolls, by nature, cause drama and engage in inflammatory conduct which can include feigned outrage and exaggeration when necessary. That's not to say that I personally think you're a troll given what I've seen, but that line of reasoning isn't unfounded, that's all. The only real solution to this issue if you even seek one, is change on your part.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-09-19 03:11:31

You can review this article to see some of the many merits of having a police presence in social media.

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2017-09-19 11:20:00

Seek professional help.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 13:22:34

And then land in jail?

oh k

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2017-09-19 14:18:28

Jail's better than a psych ward.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 14:23:32

Yeah fuck you too.
You're not going to last forever with your name, voice and face out there so of course you'd say jail wouldn't be so bad.

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2017-09-19 15:31:55

At least I'm happy. :D

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-09-19 17:42:16

Well kynophile is right, tbh. Psychiatric treatment centers are getting better, but you can probably guess how well putting unstable people together with unstable people goes.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 17:48:23

I say read my other comment chain with the other individual. Wait, wait you don't even need to read that to know I will never do anything like that.
You know that my dream is final, no matter what. Have you forgotten about all our PMs?
But seriously, AB? He told me jail was better than a psych ward.
He was so careless. ''Well fuck, I don't care either way as long as you leave.''
So I guess I should just confess to them that I did and want to do more illegal things and land in jail?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-09-19 17:55:15

I don't think he meant it like that. More in the sense that it's better if worse comes to worse that you end up in prison instead of a psych ward. Kynophile wouldn't wish either outcome on you.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-19 17:56:13

Yeah no, that's something very weird to say...
I actually don't even agree. Both situations seem just as horrible to me, but I guess that's because I technically belong in both (and would end up in one) and since they're kind of the same.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-09-19 18:06:45

Well, let me elaborate further.

In prison, you have plenty of cutthroats, but they're relatively predictable. It's scary, but you have a certain level of freedom and are still treated more or less like a person.

In a mental hospital, after a mandatory referral... you don't have that predictability. You might not even be able to refuse medication that they try giving you. What little choices you have are marred by close monitoring, control, and... well, mental hospitals hold the record in the medical field for having the most human rights violations(This is really, really bad by the way).

You said to expect the worst, right? Well, the psych ward is an example of one thing to expect and avoid like the plague.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-09-20 18:33:10

Well, okay then.
Still, if I landed in either of them I'd feel the same:
I want to die or get out now.